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Level synch = Revival of SWTOR


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...Not sure why people are taking the points so serious. The fact that they wanted to call people bad for wanting level sync was enough of a point to dismiss most of they said. Now, people are all hardcore at making points.


What I want from the system is three things.


1) Higher levels go down to a level where they are still strong enough to solo stuff, but not powerful enough to ruin if they ever add content for that planet.


2) Once we get this out. I would like the mob tagging system to be done with. With level syncing we don't need for people to take mobs away from each other.


3) For mobs to still behave the same as your main level. (as in not aggro you on mounts.) Even if you are scaled down.


It's possible I overreacted with number 2, so what did you mean here? And with number 1, how do you mean ruin it?


I'm with you for number 3, totally; but I think aggro is based on stats as well as level, that's been my experience anyway.

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It's possible I overreacted with number 2, so what did you mean here? And with number 1, how do you mean ruin it?


I'm with you for number 3, totally; but I think aggro is based on stats as well as level, that's been my experience anyway.


It is all what if stuff I was meaning. My points are pretty much what they could do with the system.


Let us say that they wanted to add content to older worlds correct? Like changing some things up, to show the effects of this new empire. Be it by events or whatever else. Now in the example the world is a level 26 max level world that it happens. Low level players around 26 and high level players head that way to see the changes and to fight whatever is going on. Be it boss mob, or not. If you have a 65 one shotting all the stuff, it takes away from the event and the planet. If you make it a high level place. People who want to enjoy it while leveling up won't get a chance plus with the limited room of planets, players who go to that area to level up or do quests won't be able to do it.


This is all just examples of how this new system could give Bioware freedom to design content.

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Just trying to see the positive here. :)


Upon hearing about it I was immediately reminded of SWG CU. Don't get me wrong, I realize its not nearly that drastic. Nonetheless it still feels to me like a major change that was never requested in order to improve grouping that's highly likely to backfire.


Just today I joined a black talon HM thinking it was like pubside where I needed another player to access a boss I was missing achievement wise. One level 60 had no idea how to utilize a map, and prior too had held up the group for several minutes with complete disregard for the others trying to patiently wait. But have to emphasize, even with 12x class xp, if you haven't learned to utilize the map, you're going to cause many unpleasant experiences for others as you're bound to be deficient in other basic areas.


While I can see quite an appeal in focusing on story, level sync can feel like it invalidated all that leveling. If the idea is to appeal to a more casual market or even simply a broader general one. Something giving you trouble or you can't find a group during your usual active time? Just outlevel it and solo. One of my favorite things about running lvl 50 ops is that my characters actually feel like jedi or "heroic".


I was expecting to see a lot of folks trying to make credits with all the current sales in cartel market. If the lack of supply is any indication....


Suffice it to say I think synch will do more harm than good.

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How can they do it? Story that goes to that planet? I mean you can do a lot of things with it. They could stop a side quest add new ones. Change mobs for events..they have more room to work with.

Which ignores the things I pointed out in my post. Sure they can add new stuff to the planets, but it has to be done within the realm of the story they have laid out. They said they are not changing the current worlds to reflect the update to the story - which makes perfect sense. All planets are "time-locked" to a certain point in the overall story so they really can't be changed without affecting the vanilla leveling game, which they are not prepared to do. So any additional content to those planets would have to be:

1) either new stuff for the low level characters playing through the story, and thus level sync is unneeded (obviously this is not going to happen - they are focusing on the continuation of future story content)

2) High level stuff that will have to be cordoned off in its own instance to avoid story and lore conflicts in addition to avoiding conflicts with lower level characters running through the vanilla storyline. Again, this makes level syncing unnecessary entirely, let alone needing an option for it.


I gave just one example of why this new system should not be optional. That one thing is enough for me. Also like I said, I don't like the thought of using a system and high level people just farming mobs easier just because they don't like it. If a system is in, I want all to use it. Not one side have a edge for not using it.


I doubt you can change my mind about that.


And what you want is really antithesis to what RPGs are and how they are designed to be played. The misconception people have is that the playing field can be "leveled" when in reality, it cannot in an RPG. There are far too many variables to make a truly level playing field. Heck, take any sport played in the world - none are played in a truly "level" environment. You have all sorts of variables that give some kind of advantage to someone at some point.


Well, tons of level sync threads, I am not here to argue, just to state that I am for full and mandatory level sync.


Optional would destroy half of advantages level sync has - e.g. worldbosses might be alive somewhere when cannot be soloed, chance at least to fight in pvp areasagainst higher level players.


For me sync is great opportunity to get back to old heroic for conquests/ achievements / fun with guildies and get something useful out of it. All the changes announced (except removing achievements) is for me godd step forward.


Actually, it will not solve the PvP griefing if what we saw on the livestream is any indication. It may help with the WB issue, but in the end there are easier and more effective ways at solving those two issues more completely than a forced level sync system can.

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It is all what if stuff I was meaning. My points are pretty much what they could do with the system.


Let us say that they wanted to add content to older worlds correct? Like changing some things up, to show the effects of this new empire. Be it by events or whatever else. Now in the example the world is a level 26 max level world that it happens. Low level players around 26 and high level players head that way to see the changes and to fight whatever is going on. Be it boss mob, or not. If you have a 65 one shotting all the stuff, it takes away from the event and the planet. If you make it a high level place. People who want to enjoy it while leveling up won't get a chance plus with the limited room of planets, players who go to that area to level up or do quests won't be able to do it.


This is all just examples of how this new system could give Bioware freedom to design content.


No no, I wanted you to elaborate on what 1 and 2 would mean, so we can see what it is you had in mind.


I see, well, new players going from 1-50 would be out of continuity if they saw visible changes to the planets, thanks to the events of our later stories, due to their progressing through older stories.


My idea wouldn't take away from an event, even if some people would be a bit over-levelled to do it (4-6 lvls above). That's always been one of my reservations about the gree event, for instance. But, since customised level ranges actually seem to make things trickier, now that I think about it more, it seems that it'd be far better to sync someone some levels above the max, rather than at the max. Especially on the higher level planets, like Oricon, Rishi etc.

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Which ignores the things I pointed out in my post. Sure they can add new stuff to the planets, but it has to be done within the realm of the story they have laid out. They said they are not changing the current worlds to reflect the update to the story - which makes perfect sense. All planets are "time-locked" to a certain point in the overall story so they really can't be changed without affecting the vanilla leveling game, which they are not prepared to do. So any additional content to those planets would have to be:

1) either new stuff for the low level characters playing through the story, and thus level sync is unneeded (obviously this is not going to happen - they are focusing on the continuation of future story content)

2) High level stuff that will have to be cordoned off in its own instance to avoid story and lore conflicts in addition to avoiding conflicts with lower level characters running through the vanilla storyline. Again, this makes level syncing unnecessary entirely, let alone needing an option for it.

It can be done, or tweaks but it is not that hard. Also using instances is still limiting, oh wow I go into a instance and it is about the new empire stuff, yet the world still looks the same. Also it does not add the option of making it group friendly, or having the faction as a whole work with each other. (mob tagging would have to go away.) or big boss battles. So level sync adds more creative freedom to the developers than instances.


And what you want is really antithesis to what RPGs are and how they are designed to be played. The misconception people have is that the playing field can be "leveled" when in reality, it cannot in an RPG. There are far too many variables to make a truly level playing field. Heck, take any sport played in the world - none are played in a truly "level" environment. You have all sorts of variables that give some kind of advantage to someone at some point.


Wrong on this point also. RPG are just that, No right way or wrong way to play them. Even the most powerful Jedi has felt death in ways he never thought could happen. Even in the books this has happen. So I can use that logic and turn it around on you. Having things be still a risk to you brings it closer to rpg roots. We are powerful, but not gods.

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I am excited about having level sync. From what I have seen and read it will still be near laughably easy to roll through content and personally I find more enjoyment out of questing when I know that the reward at the end wont be "greyed out" 6 points of xp.


Other issues people have mentioned mostly seem to worry about improper implementation such as syncing locking you down to level 10 for your final class story fight on Korriban for example. Which just is beyond silly to me. At some point it goes from healthy worrying and concern to just panicking over some kind of comedically large oversight gaffe. GW2 does it very well and its still as easy to roll through low level without paying attention there.


That said, 4.0 changes to companions and the "Stat crunch" stuff is frustrating to me as a good portion of my time is spent tinkering with numbers to try and squeeze some extra juice out of my companions.


I can understand that maybe there are some players out there that maybe enjoy one shotting their way through quests and content in order to feel like a true unmatched jedi and for those people this does suck. Sorry. But I think you will still find it very easy to move through content.

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And that's why one might as well not offer any rewards for using it?


Seriously. That's why some people have issues with accepting the idea of an optional level synch. If it is optional then you should get a reward for using it so there is actually a chance people can use it effectively. Otherwise we're back to the scenario we described: 20% aren't using it and don't have a disadvantage. Ruining the feature for most other people by outfarming materials and quests to get gear. Good job. You destroyed a feature!


Having it optional and not at least offer a reward for doing it is not an option. That much should be clear. It shouldn't even be discussed.


There is a reward for using it. You get better rewards for completing the content. Most reasonable people wanting the option to use it or not have no issue with those that do getting more and better rewards, but that seems to be continually "overlooked" by those demanding the mandatory system.


yeah I only WISH. But unfortunately one of the driving forces of open world MMO games would be: "You absolutely have to compete with a bunch of greedy bastards in order to hope to complete your mission on time." Instances would fix that, so they will never be considered. To be frank I am bloody SURPRISED that we even have story instances in this game.


I have always loved full instance games. The original Guild Wards was the perfect MMO when it was around - you interacted with players in the city, but once you went out into the world - you had your own instance. And the performance was OUTSTANDING! I miss that game. But alas it died when GW2 came out with "no one has a role - let's just play to play - oh and let's make open world shared maps."


Okay I am rambling now. Time for sleep.


Well that's the kicker isn't it? ArenaNet attempted to solve many of the common complaints about MMOs at that point in time with Guild Wars. They did pretty good, but the one main complaint that people had about GW was with the instanced areas taking away that MMO feeling. I loved Guild Wars, and it still remains my favorite game to date. I was highly disappointed with the direction they went with in GW2.


That being said, however, I still enjoy playing the "traditional" MMOs. Some of those things that people dislike about them are what playing an MMO is all about. In the end, even level syncing will not resolve or even lessen some of those problems.


And limit the devs even more so? Sorry, not buying it. Instances are nice, but it still is not good enough. Maybe they want every one in the planet to feel part of it? Maybe they want people to see the effects on the world? Or better yet people group up to fight a new boss threat? Adding world elements that get people to work with each other? Level sync helps with all that. If they could easily beat it by over leveling. The content design loses all meaning.



So many nice things that can be done with this system. The few negatives people talk about is such a small thing compare to what we could gain.


Except, as has been mentioned several times already, BW said they are not, nor do they want, to change the core planets to reflect the new events occurring in the story. So anything they do will by necessity need to be done in a separate instance, thus negating the need for level syncing at all.


All irrelevant, however. This is a decision bioware has made with the best interest of the game and its repeatability in mind. Until we've actually seen the system in action, no one should be jumping to any conclusions.


Just like launching the Cartel Slot Machine in the original condition was in the best interest of the game?

Like letting game-breaking exploits go unfixed and unmentioned and unpunished for weeks/months was in the best interest of the game?


Sorry, but I operate with the understanding that game developers are human too, and are apt to make mistakes on a regular basis, just like anyone else.


I think they can afford to bring down the respawn time for the WBs, once 4.0 comes live.

Personally speaking, I have always found timer mechanics like this to be completely asinine and should be removed altogether. WBs should be respawnable on demand with a quest active - like some of the multi-stage bonus missions do for the final boss fight.

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There is a reward for using it. You get better rewards for completing the content. Most reasonable people wanting the option to use it or not have no issue with those that do getting more and better rewards, but that seems to be continually "overlooked" by those demanding the mandatory system.




Well that's the kicker isn't it? ArenaNet attempted to solve many of the common complaints about MMOs at that point in time with Guild Wars. They did pretty good, but the one main complaint that people had about GW was with the instanced areas taking away that MMO feeling. I loved Guild Wars, and it still remains my favorite game to date. I was highly disappointed with the direction they went with in GW2.


That being said, however, I still enjoy playing the "traditional" MMOs. Some of those things that people dislike about them are what playing an MMO is all about. In the end, even level syncing will not resolve or even lessen some of those problems.




Except, as has been mentioned several times already, BW said they are not, nor do they want, to change the core planets to reflect the new events occurring in the story. So anything they do will by necessity need to be done in a separate instance, thus negating the need for level syncing at all.


And Bioware also said at one point that they don't want a group finder. Things can and will always change. What they won't do now does not mean they might not do later.

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Following this thread, I have to wonder again why level synch was instituted. It seems to serve none of the points that people in favour generally bring forward.


Most pro level synch people usually point out that the content on low level planets will still be easy for level 65. But then I wonder why is usually their next argument that it creates a level playing field where the level 65 don't have an advantage and old content will be a "challenge" again. I don't get that. How can something be easy and supposedly challenging at the same time?

Also the argument that it might enable bioware to institute new content on old planets. But Bioware has also stated that the old planets don't change (with exeception to H4 becoming H2) and therefore be "frozen" in time essentially. So again how can they institute new content on basically unchanged planets? If they really plan new content that will have to be behind some "door". And for that they don't need level synch.


But alas, all speculation is in vain on both sides as we neither know what Bioware really intends with level synch nor if they have really thought it through. The gave the information and despite many angry, defensive or simply inquisitive threads have not graced us with any answer what so ever... Sad really.

Edited by AntiochosTheos
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Following this thread, I have to wonder again why level synch was instituted. It seems to serve none of the points that people in favour generally bring forward.


Most pro level synch people usually point out that the content on low level planets will still be easy for level 65. But then I wonder why is usually their next argument that it creates a level playing field where the level 65 don't have an advantage and old content will be a "challenge" again. I don't get that. How can something be easy and supposedly challenging at the same time?

Also the argument that it might enable bioware to institute new content on old planets. But Bioware has also stated that the old planets don't change (with exeception to H4 becoming H2) and therefore be "frozen" in time essentially. So again how can they institute new content on basically unchanged planets? If they really plan new content that will have to be behind some "door". And for that they don't need level synch.


But alas, all speculation is in vain on both sides as we neither know what Bioware really intends with level synch nor if they have really thought it through. The gave the information and despite many angry, defensive or simply inquisitive threads have not graced us with any answer what so ever... Sad really.


Read my post with the spoiler like two pages back. My perception on the changes. As for your take on easy and challenge. Remember degrees.


Easy, easier, hard, harder.


Being level 65 in level sync on a level 25 will still be easy but not as easy as without it. This is clearly known as beyond 10 levels of content NOTHING will even hit you per game design. Level sync removes that. This makes it more challenging before, which for a level 65, is still easy but not as easy. So the words pro-change people are using in regards to your post have been correct.


Interesting: imagine a level 50 going back to level 25 level sync. That will be a different degree due to skills.

Easier than a actual level 25 but harder than a level 65 under level sync. Make sense?


As for some of the other points brought up in the thread, not you specifically,such as class quests and belsavis. Belsavis is a interesting point but class stories are phased, section is a phased portion of belsavis. The way phasing works in the game leads me to believe those parts will be following their own rules and level sync won't be a issue. Do wonder about non-section x belsavis as that is the same shared phase as core belsavis. Obviously like you said we don't know much of anything right now but amazing how so many people drew so many possible conclusions from the same information.

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The change happen for a reason. because pre 4.0 the game is not doing so hot for them. So they are changing things gasp.


And yet, here you have been paying for the game.


You want facts - since the move to Freemium, the game has been more popular and more profitable than it was as a sub-based only game. Each year since the switch the game has been in the top 10 for annual profits. The subscriber base has remained strong and steady from all indications. It is one of the core games making money for EA.


The game has been doing very well - it has been "white" hot for both BW and EA. Whether you liked it up to this point or not is immaterial. You have been paying them for it.


Why play a game you don't enjoy? Continuing to do something you don't enjoy it the epitome of stupidity.


Because it's Star Wars? That's the most asinine reason I have ever heard to play a game.

"Hey, here's a brick wall! I think I'll bang my head against it!"


"Because it has a picture of Darth Vader painted on it!"

*sigh* "Go ahead, then, knock yourself out - literally."

Sheer idiocy.


And Bioware also said at one point that they don't want a group finder. Things can and will always change. What they won't do now does not mean they might not do later.

I don't know about GF - I think that was always on the table, just no ready. I know they said that about player housing, so true regardless in the end. However, that does not resolve the issue of the story and lore based focus in the end. So even if they changed their minds on some things, doesn't mean they will ever change their minds on other things.

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And yet, here you have been paying for the game.


You want facts - since the move to Freemium, the game has been more popular and more profitable than it was as a sub-based only game. Each year since the switch the game has been in the top 10 for annual profits. The subscriber base has remained strong and steady from all indications. It is one of the core games making money for EA.


The game has been doing very well - it has been "white" hot for both BW and EA. Whether you liked it up to this point or not is immaterial. You have been paying them for it.


Why play a game you don't enjoy? Continuing to do something you don't enjoy it the epitome of stupidity.


Because it's Star Wars? That's the most asinine reason I have ever heard to play a game.

"Hey, here's a brick wall! I think I'll bang my head against it!"


"Because it has a picture of Darth Vader painted on it!"

*sigh* "Go ahead, then, knock yourself out - literally."

Sheer idiocy.


You are wrong yet again.

This month I have come back to the game. 4 months after release, Myself and many others drop this game because we saw no future in it. Now I am coming back to the game because they are at last making changes that make sense to me. I am giving them a second chance.


So you see, As much as I do like Star Wars. I did not support this company when they took this game to a place I did not like. Now that they are doing what I wanted them to do. I am coming back. It is that simple.

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1) If I'm still overpowered, then what is the point of level-sync in terms of making a low planet more challenging?

2) 100% agreed except for the difficulty in finding a group on planet to take on the World Boss. I've been spamming off and on on Alderaan to take on Seigebreaker with no takers yet.

3) How valuable is that to someone at max level already?


1) To make it possible to group up with people on said planet without completely breaking the game for them.


2) Because you are spamming the request now, during time of 12XP, where nobody bothers doing Heroics, much less World Bosses. With the revamp to Heroics, giving them always useful rewards (and possibly having them useful for building up you Alliance), you will suddenly have a new group of takers. Also, with the reduction in travel times to those heroics, it is again way more accessible. If I use myself as an example, I am tempted to help people who LFG for Heroics, but then I consider I would have to slog across the entire planet for a crappy reward...


3) It is not. Level sync is not aimed at max level players, but on people still leveling, and who might feel like the planet is pushing them away with its gray quests and no rewards.

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1) To make it possible to group up with people on said planet without completely breaking the game for them.


2) Because you are spamming the request now, during time of 12XP, where nobody bothers doing Heroics, much less World Bosses. With the revamp to Heroics, giving them always useful rewards (and possibly having them useful for building up you Alliance), you will suddenly have a new group of takers. Also, with the reduction in travel times to those heroics, it is again way more accessible. If I use myself as an example, I am tempted to help people who LFG for Heroics, but then I consider I would have to slog across the entire planet for a crappy reward...


3) It is not. Level sync is not aimed at max level players, but on people still leveling, and who might feel like the planet is pushing them away with its gray quests and no rewards.


In reply to your post.

1.) Granted but it only applies to people who at high level play with other people at lower level or with anybody for that matter. An MMO is not about groups, it's about many people playing the same game online at the same time. Not necessarily together.

2.) Same thought as with number one, it forces me to group with people even if that is not my playstyle.

3.) So in your words Bioware is not aiming at its customer base now (most of them should have multiple toons on max level) but rather on newcomers who might or might not be drawn to the game. Furthermore, if level synch is not aimed at max level players, why should they care suddenly about Heroics that grant loot that definetly will not be max level purple gear? Maybe for the credits, maybe not !


At last all of your arguments could be achieved with an optional system where the incentives should be enough for people to really want to do it.

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You are wrong yet again.

This month I have come back to the game. 4 months after release, Myself and many others drop this game because we saw no future in it. Now I am coming back to the game because they are at last making changes that make sense to me. I am giving them a second chance.


So you see, As much as I do like Star Wars. I did not support this company when they took this game to a place I did not like. Now that they are doing what I wanted them to do. I am coming back. It is that simple.


Fair enough. Very good and welcome back.


Wrong on this point also. RPG are just that, No right way or wrong way to play them. Even the most powerful Jedi has felt death in ways he never thought could happen. Even in the books this has happen. So I can use that logic and turn it around on you. Having things be still a risk to you brings it closer to rpg roots. We are powerful, but not gods.


Not wrong. I am talking more design and mechanics on how RPGs have been played for decades - the power creep. Lore really has nothing to do with this point, however, I believe there have been instances in the lore where the characters have gone through stuff like Gods. So just like you said, there is no right nor wrong way to play them - which includes playing them in "Godmode" so to speak.


2) Because you are spamming the request now, during time of 12XP, where nobody bothers doing Heroics, much less World Bosses. With the revamp to Heroics, giving them always useful rewards (and possibly having them useful for building up you Alliance), you will suddenly have a new group of takers. Also, with the reduction in travel times to those heroics, it is again way more accessible. If I use myself as an example, I am tempted to help people who LFG for Heroics, but then I consider I would have to slog across the entire planet for a crappy reward...

Been that way since before 12x. I've spent hours LFGing for WBs that were up with very little interest. Heck if I had a couple of max level characters to rely on, the group of 5-6 people I was able to gather a couple of times would actually have been able to participate in the content. As it turned out. I still have not had the opportunity to group to kill those WBs.


3) It is not. Level sync is not aimed at max level players, but on people still leveling, and who might feel like the planet is pushing them away with its gray quests and no rewards.

And that is wholly the result of the increased leveling pace which is antithesis to the best part of SWTOR - the leveling game. If the pace was optional, then the syncing for this reason can and should also be optional.

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Fair enough. Very good and welcome back.




Not wrong. I am talking more design and mechanics on how RPGs have been played for decades - the power creep. Lore really has nothing to do with this point, however, I believe there have been instances in the lore where the characters have gone through stuff like Gods. So just like you said, there is no right nor wrong way to play them - which includes playing them in "Godmode" so to speak.


I guess, but I never really tried to label rpgs in that way. I just look rpg as a form of freedom, that is not bound by one set of rules or how things are done. I guess I can't really argue with your points as they do not line up with mine.

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I guess, but I never really tried to label rpgs in that way. I just look rpg as a form of freedom, that is not bound by one set of rules or how things are done. I guess I can't really argue with your points as they do not line up with mine.


And yet, forced level syncing takes away that freedom.

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Being level 65 in level sync on a level 25 will still be easy but not as easy as without it. This is clearly known as beyond 10 levels of content NOTHING will even hit you per game design. Level sync removes that. This makes it more challenging before, which for a level 65, is still easy but not as easy. So the words pro-change people are using in regards to your post have been correct.


Obviously like you said we don't know much of anything right now but amazing how so many people drew so many possible conclusions from the same information.


To adress these points.

Granted it will be here a question of degrees. But I wonder if it really matters to Bioware to create a level playing field for whatever reasons, they should have done the full circle. Meaning level 65 on level 20 planet= level 20. No passives, no better gear, no better weapons. You are level 20 again. Only so could they really create a level playing field. In this way it's a half-baked story where it seems they had an idea but had not the courage to go through fully.


And secondly, I am myself surprised what people (myself included) read into those few bits of info. :o

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And yet, forced level syncing takes away that freedom.


Not really the freedom I was talking about is from the devs themselves to set up how they want the world and the rules they want us to play by.



Even Elder Scrolls has a form of scaling to it as well. It happens often in rpgs.

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To adress these points.

Granted it will be here a question of degrees. But I wonder if it really matters to Bioware to create a level playing field for whatever reasons, they should have done the full circle. Meaning level 65 on level 20 planet= level 20. No passives, no better gear, no better weapons. You are level 20 again. Only so could they really create a level playing field. In this way it's a half-baked story where it seems they had an idea but had not the courage to go through fully.


And secondly, I am myself surprised what people (myself included) read into those few bits of info. :o


Coming from a pvp server I like the more level playing field it will create but still giving advantage to the higher player.


Current game: In this scenario you are a level 25 player with 3 other level 25 friends leveling on tattooine. Level 65 player comes through for whatever reason. Because of the level difference you literally stand no chance to fight them. You cannot hit them. Level 65 sees you and godmodes you. Or you hide, try and call level 65s to help which on a pvp server doesn't happen. You simply have to either log or wait for them to leave.


New system: Same scenario. Now that level 65 has to really think about whether he/she wishes to engage you because now you and your group can actually hit him. May he still win? Sure he is a level 65 after all but against 4 of you with level sync that seems like a hell of a fight. Also if the 4 of you aren't enough, you are on a planet with many others leveling and have a nice pool of people to call from to push that level 65 back. Remember, current game this isn't possible because beyond 10 levels there could be 100 of you lower levels and that 65 won't take a scratch.


If you play the above scenario but with a level 25 vs a level 65 with no help nothing changes really. Level 65 will still demolish the level 25 player due to skill disparity from level. If not, then that level 65 is pretty terrible. Remember, low levels aren't being bolstered at all, higher levels are being brought down via stats only.


High level characters on low level planets become like live event world bosses on pvp servers! That is exciting to me from both sides, the low leveling grouping up or the high level going against a group.

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Coming from a pvp server I like the more level playing field it will create but still giving advantage to the higher player.


Ok, now I see why this appeals so much to you. And I accept that it will make life more interessting on PVP servers. But I am not convinced it'll do any good on PVE servers....


But for that we will have to wait and see.

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another one of my great concern is aggro management in a group with a regular tank and either a lvl syncing lvl 60 healer or dmg dealer.


will lvl synced healer or dmg dealer pull in unusual more aggro than regular one?


note - i have seen this problem in another game with forced lvl syncing. it was based on gear quality. i do not know what aggro is based on in swtor.

Edited by DarkJediMage
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