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Social Gear biased towards Light Armour users (take 3)


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It's light armor so everyone can wear it, it's RP gear..
In other words it's pointless?


Let's suppose you're right, that it is purely for cosmetics (which is wrong btw even if Bioware wished that were the case, in practice, the gear is of greater use to Consulars than other classes), do you think it's worth the hours upon hours of gaining social points just to get some armour you can't even wear in the field? Why would players group up, knowing that the social armour is completely useless?


The fact is, it's not cosmetic gear, it's combat-viable gear. That's actually a good thing. It gives you the ability to customise your character how you want. The problem is... it's only combat-viable for one quarter of the classes in this game. That needs to change.


Either all gear needs to be combat-viable for all classes (which isn't the case currently and needs fixing). Or none of the gear should be (which would make the whole social system utterly pointless and thus discourage people from grouping up). As it stands, there is no incentive for non-Consulars to group up because there is no Armour worth buying from the social vendors.


Also, there are pieces, like the Sand People Armour (Medium Armour), that can't even be equipped by Consulars. That needs to change also, and it doesn't really support your theory about all gear being Light so all classes can equip.


I don't even know how anyone could even think this is a bad idea. It benefits everyone, and impacts no-one negatively. It promotes grouping and gives greater customisation with absolutely nil drawbacks.

Edited by Ashyel
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