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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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I definitely think they should have done it as an option, instead of forced.


One thing I'm semi-worried about is what's going to happen to the rewards that they used to drop. The flashpoints, heroics, and operations each had their own unique pieces that they would drop. What's happening to those? Are they still going to be rewarded, are they available through other means? I know that a majority of their money is made off of the cartel market, but they shouldn't be removing previously available styles.

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We could have Dailies on every planet, a reason to go back to these dead worlds. It could make places like Taris scary and challenging again and not like it is now where 95% of the galaxy is just worthless to max capped players.


I don't WANT low content to be challening and scary. Not everyone wants that. OPTIONAL is the word here. OPTIONAL!


Hopefully credits and loot drops are Level sync too.


Already confirmed that no it's not. Only the weekly heroic rewards are your original level. So enjoy your forced, challenging, scary content that gives you hardly any reward whatsoever, unless you do exactly what Bioware wants you to, like a good little prisoner and grind those heroics. Follow the rest of the sheep. I want my freedom, thank you very much.

Edited by Tahra
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You'll be more OP than a player who isn't your original level on said planet. Try to keep up.


People keep saying that we'll keep "all of our abilities", and then saying that we're going to be downscaled.


Mutually exclusive.


So, again, I ask, will level, HP, damage, healing, etc, be lowered? Yes or no? Because if they are, then people need to stop making the bull**** claim that we're "keeping everything".

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Do any of you know if the level sync applies to flashpoints and what not? Or is it just planets?


I would be rather sad if I can no longer solo old flashpoints :(


EDIT: Also it was mentioned that they could be solo'd by competent players, does that mean that the old heroics that had mechanics that prevented a single player from doing them are fixed? Like the Heroic 4 in Section X, for example.


From what I have been told, FPs will work similarly to Drive Yards.

Edited by RoraHell
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Overly dramatic much? I can't remember the last time I went to a low level planet. It'll hardly matter.


You'll still be almost over leveled for the place and way, way over geared as you'll be in end game gear. I almost one shot bad guys at low level anyway.. so I'll still one shot them now. In the end, what's it matter?

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I don't mind the level syncing in the heroic areas but I don't want to see it everywhere else. Honestly my only reason for that is disliking the idea that every mob will aggro to me the same as it does when your at level. On the rare occasions I revisit those planets I want to do so hassle free. Level syncing ensures I'll have to fight my way through trash mobs. There is enough of that **** in this game under normal circumstances.


So I'll avoid going to lower level planets as much as possible. I don't do it a lot now but I'm really going to avoid it in the future.


this. optional mentoring option would have solved the whole "helping low level friends" deal. enforced scaling just turns all content into a hassle of fighting through trash.


oh well. I was planning on greately reducing my MMO playing anyways. this will just make it that much easier to accomplish

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the friggin salt mine


of not being able to faceroll super easy casual content.


God forbid they actually know what the abilities do. But hey they leveled to 60 so they could go back and do the hard stuff.

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I really don't see what the problem is... So people are crying because they can't oneshot mobs anymore if they visit older planets? I mean, you're still 2 levels above it.


Think about it now, it is RARE to see some high level doing quests on a lower planet, because there is NO point in doing so. Now we can do heroic missions on any planet that actually give usable rewards.


If you don't like it, just avoid lower level planets just like you do now. It's simple.


Actually, right now, I occasionally go back to those planets for things like Bounty Week, HK parts, etc.


After the change, on the off chance I'm still playing at all with all the BS in 4.0, then I will NEVER for ANY REASON go back to the those planets.

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I can't say I'm happy about this. Sure, they can show a character doing an H2 on Dromund Kaas. I say, go do one on a higher level planet like Voss or Oricon and show us how easy it is.


From what they stated doing a heroic on Oricon won't be any different than today. As you scale not to the max of the planet but the max level to the mission and still allow XP. So on Oricon you should still be a lvl 60 or a 58 or so which means nothing should change from today really so invalid excuse. Make Sense!

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If you're going to be so OP can you solo kill world boss on your own for achievement ?

Oh you can't ? but wait you're level 65 ? oh, you're not.

And if you try to find a group for a world boss on dromund kaas there are not enought people for it ? oh well you'll have to wait few days to get a group together, if you get a group together...


The whole point of this change is so more players will want to go back and run these so you can hopefully find more groups. How are people overlooking this whole point.

Well now even less players will go back there's nothing there, world boss will still drop level 10-14 gear and that's it.

While you will need whole 16 people group to kill WB, that means no one will go back to old planets.

Edited by -Spc
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A game dies because a company gives up on it. In Fact, I can turn it around NGE still had a strong base, but the problems that came from it. (one being the engine.) The second was the developers who pretty much told off its player base at how stupid they are being. Games like UO are still going strong and have a smaller player base.


If one feature is enough for people to not accept even if they have fun and enjoy other parts of the game that is on them. I still think it is being closed minded and selfish. The only way I would not pay if the game overall is not fun anymore. I don't like many things about this game. The crafting, The skill bloat, the lack of macros. Yet, I still find it enjoyable enough that I will keep paying for.


Would I love to have my way all the time? Sure, but I also understand MMO is not center around me. And at the end of the day accepting a change is about if the game is worth it to you or not.


If you stop paying just because you don't like a feature, but still enjoy the game overall. That is pretty sad, and closed minded of players.


NGE didn't have a strong base. It dropped down to 20,000 players. That amount of players does not provide enough money for the devs to fix the game. The only reason it lasted that long is because Sony has so many mmos it can stay afloat on them. So it just kept the game in limbo for years using the barest skeleton crew in order to make more profit than they were losing keeping it up.


As for your latter bit that's just it, isn't it? You can think it's closed minded but society has changed from what it used to be. We're taught that we can vote with our wallet. While you might think it's closed minded it's also a viable tactic. Don't like a change? Don't pay. It doesn't matter if you like the rest of the game because you can still play it given it's free to play. If enough people think like you do and do the same thing it'll force two things to happen. The game crashes because the devs are too stubborn to admit the mistake (Case in point with the CU and NGE.) or the devs cave and then reverse the feature.


Once more you can call it petty all you like and you can call the people who do it close minded but if the tactic works then it works and if there's enough people doing it then clearly the feature shouldn't have been made in the first place because obviously there were more people who felt strongly against it than for it (or at least enough to hurt Bioware's pockets.) If you're right then it isn't a concern. Enough people will keep paying that it won't matter. If you're wrong then the choice was a bad one and bioware will have to change it or suffer the consequences. No amount of insulting will change these facts.

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Again it's being forced it's not a choice, I am not given a choice if I want it to happen or not. I don't like my time and effort to get my character maxed are being stripped away from me.


Make it optional or I can see people leaving over this


Being stripped away from you? They aren't taking away your abilities or the things you gained when you leveled up when you go to a low level area. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the percentage numbers remained the same but it's the actual numbers that go down like your total hp, damage, armor, etc. so you don't kill things in one hit and they could potentially kill as well if you are playing sloppy.


To me it sounds like you are just whining because you don't get a choice in the matter than anything else.


Levelsync sounds like a great idea when you're below MAX LEVEL. at 55 or 60 -64


But once you top off at 65 and no longer receive experience, the sync'ing doesn't benefit you anymore.

And it's not meant to. It's meant to allow you to help your lower level friends and not kill the xp they would get otherwise. It can also add a bit of a challenge for you as well since you won't just one-shot everything.

Edited by Philmors
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Actually, right now, I occasionally go back to those planets for things like Bounty Week, HK parts, etc.


After the change, on the off chance I'm still playing at all with all the BS in 4.0, then I will NEVER for ANY REASON go back to the those planets.


But why exactly? Do you avoid Yavin 4 dailies also? I mean, they seem to be even more challenging than the heroics will be with this level sync

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From what they stated doing a heroic on Oricon won't be any different than today. As you scale not to the max of the planet but the max level to the mission and still allow XP.

I don't believe the highlighted statement is correct. The livestream notes say "The level will be highest level you can do the content at". There's no mention of XP.


Also, the downlevel in the stream was on Dromund Kaas (down to level 18). I'm certain you can still gain XP at level 19 or 20 while on DK.

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People keep saying that we'll keep "all of our abilities", and then saying that we're going to be downscaled.


Mutually exclusive.


So, again, I ask, will level, HP, damage, healing, etc, be lowered? Yes or no? Because if they are, then people need to stop making the bull**** claim that we're "keeping everything".


Abilities and Stats are two different things. Get your facts correct before responding again.

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You do realize that HP, Crit, Power, and the like are stats not abilities right?

Also why would i buy a level 10 crystal +41 power from cartel market if that will be scaled down to +2 power ?!

What's the point ?

You can use it at level 10 ? but get only +2 instead of +41 power ?


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God forbid they actually know what the abilities do. But hey they leveled to 60 so they could go back and do the hard stuff.


God help losers like you, if you guys even knew what an ability is, as were stripped of their power to Nothingness.


OOooooh Ooooooh OOOOhh I'm a lvl 65, and i just took down a lvl 20 Gold. Yay me I'm Special.:mad:

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