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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Um... so, yeah, care to point out where I've said something like "You just want it to be mandatory because you think it will force other players to group with you, and make you feel like you have friends, just like when your mom forced those kids to play with you as a child"?


That would be the equivalent.


Sorry, you won't find that post, at least not from me.


Do I need to requote his entire post of belittlement and dismissal? I was replying in kind. Many of your posts have had the same veiled belittlement in them. You have an agenda with your choice of words. You're just more subtle than others.

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Do I need to requote his entire post of belittlement and dismissal? I was replying in kind. Many of your posts have had the same veiled belittlement in them. You have an agenda with your choice of words. You're just more subtle than others.


Stop mistaking your own inferences for what other people are actually saying.

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I declare his claim bull but do not make a claim of my own except an example of how ridiculous it is to make such a claim.


Now you are trying to squirm out of your dishonest quoting with more dishonest strawmen. You are only digging yourself a bigger hole.

The fact that you're proclaiming it bull is enough really. You could have just said' there is no way of knowing this' and be done with it.

You claim that something is bull, as in, not correct, that's how I interpret it anyway. And later on you state there is no way of knowing if it's bull.

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Well said.


And even if you did go back and catalog all the reasons given, in another 15 or 20 minutes, another drive-by poster would drop in, make the same tired, worn-out, sad, false accusations against anyone who dare speaketh against great Bioware's plan, and we'd be right back here.


Well thanks, I actually thought it was a bit of a rant.


But that's exactly the point, doesn't matter how many times we do it, somebody will expect us to explain it all over again, because they can't be bothered reading for themselves.

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I can't see any possible legitimate reason why it wouldn't be. We know the engine is capable of doing it, we know it's possible to turn off mission rewards for people with a particular variable set, I genuinely cannot imagine a situation which would make it infeasible.


How would you know if the engine is capable?

My guess is that current MaxLvl stuff like Outpost guards and Conquest Commanders will be reduced to the Sync Max Level (e.g. 32 on Alderaan) to adapt to the Level sync changes. With Level sync being optional in this guess, surely they'd need some way of these MaxLvl toons to adapt level depending on who attacks it?


Mission rewards can possibly be turned off but what about mission+loot rewards for others? Say a lowlevel hits the mob and the 65 finishes the mob off. How would this be handled? Can this be handled?


It would need a very good explanation from a dev to prove it was infeasible rather than just an excuse. But actually if it were genuinely (and I mean genuinely rather than don't want to) impossible to make it optional I actually would accept it being mandatory because it offers so many advantages for people to play with friends/guildies etc, is good for the game as whole, and no doubt ties into future plans (or will open up options for future plans).


Not really. If the Devs say it's not feasible that's really it. They don't owe anyone explanations beyond that - though an explanation would be nice. It's the same in this case as it is with cross server or similar features.

Edited by MFollin
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So they never intended for gamers to go to old areas once they out leveled them at do anything. Well **** if we had only known leveling games were not actually suppose to make you be really powerful the more levels you actually gained so that things would be easier we could have just saved ourselves the time level right?


i should've used the word progression. RPGs (single or multi) have always been about progressing your character. Greyed out content doesn't accomplish that.

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The fact that you're proclaiming it bull is enough really. You could have just said' there is no way of knowing this' and be done with it.

You claim that something is bull, as in, not correct, that's how I interpret it anyway. And later on you state there is no way of knowing if it's bull.


But it IS BULL. It's incorrect to claim to know what the community or even the majority of the community even remotely think about something. You're defending idiocy with an attempt at logic, but you're just coming off as an idiot digging for something that isn't there.


You're talking yourself in circles as

You are only digging yourself a bigger hole.
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Here, let me try.


From what I've seen here and what I've read in the threads preceding this one plus my own personal discussions with my friends, loved ones, and my dog, I can absolutely quantifiably say that level sync is a welcome change and that the obvious majority of players have no problem with it.


My proof? My eyes and ears and my own biases. Empirical data is not needed. I can easily tell you my opinions as fact and demand action!


There we go. How is that OP? Knock that down and you knock down your own argument. Lol.

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Sadly, we don't know the other variables in play.


So lets not pretend there are any till BW says there actually is.

What we do know is if it can be turned on, it can be turned off.


IF they can design a bolster for boost toons in nearly every way possible from instances to planet areas and then remove it. A down scaling is not that far from the same design when being asked to make it optional.

Edited by Quraswren
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But it IS BULL. It's incorrect to claim to know what the community or even the majority of the community even remotely think about something. You're defending idiocy with an attempt at logic, but you're just coming off as an idiot digging for something that isn't there.


You're talking yourself in circles as

You're not really getting it are you? Saying something is bull and later on saying there's no way of knowing if it is bull.

Do you get that?

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That you know of.

You don't know that.


There are no other variables.


Nothing they could be doing, no grand plan they have yet to reveal, no other possible change in the game, would require or justify making levelsync mandatory.


KotFE rep grinding? So what. Just turn off the rep gains while the character has levelsync deactivated.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Here, let me try.


From what I've seen here and what I've read in the threads preceding this one plus my own personal discussions with my friends, loved ones, and my dog, I can absolutely quantifiably say that level sync is a welcome change and that the obvious majority of players have no problem with it.


My proof? My eyes and ears and my own biases. Empirical data is not needed. I can easily tell you my opinions as fact and demand action!


There we go. How is that OP? Knock that down and you knock down your own argument. Lol.


The most important evidence is underlined and in bold. :D

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There are no other variables.


Nothing they could be doing, no grand plan they have yet to reveal, no other possible change in the game, would require or justify making levelsync mandatory.


That you know of. I can do this all night, but I won't.

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That you know of. I can do this all night, but I won't.


See above.


Unless you know of some other "variable" that no one has mentioned, that you haven't mentioned, that you think makes mandatory levelsync necessary, you're just summoning spirits from the vasty deep.


And even if there is some great secret you're hiding -- it wouldn't make mandatory levelsync necessary.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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So lets not pretend there are any till BW says there actually is.

What we do know is if it can be turned on, it can be turned off.


IF they can design a bolster for boost toons in nearly every way possible from instances to planet areas. A down scaling is not that far from the same design when being asked to make it optional.


What do you want?


I already said I'm fine with an on/off switch if it makes sense.


I cannot know if it makes sense however, because I cannot know all the variables and I haven't seen the full scope of the expansion yet as it is.


So really, it's all just hypothetical ******** until then and you're just interested in that to keep a thread going that already reached its futility status pages and pages ago.


So the discussion no longer matters, just continuing ad infinitum for your personal vendetta.


Hmmm, maybe I'll stop enabling you lot. I used to feel for some of your plight but you guys are just being so annoying with this that I'm losing my sympathy for your side.

Edited by Tsillah
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I go back to the lower level planets for mats, kill mobs for achievements, etc. Why would I bring my lvl 60-65 character back to say imp taris and want to be the same lvl as the mobs there. Level sync is should be optional just like the x12 xp, get a stupid buff, remove buff if you want to help a lower lvl guildie on said planet, get buff again and do your business.


You won't be the same level as the mobs on that planet, at least not all of them. You're going to be a few levels above (max level for the planet is what you're scaled down to).

Edited by pegasussgc
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You might want to check that, chief. The bigger picture means its tied into KotFE alliance system - going back to old planets to gain rep - you can't gain rep if everything is greyed out.. Something any of you whiners haven't noticed yet.... because... narrow minded, selfish, entitled, insert buzzword here.


So your now insulting the intelligence of everybody here, you don't think people have actually considered this.


Once again, for your benefit, the request is for this to be optional, not for it to not exist.


Being optional would have no effect on the what you mention, because, guess what, you could turn it on when you want/need to.


Saying I don't want this system to exist at all would be selfish, entitled and narrowminded.

How on earth is people asking for options to suit everybody selfish or narrowmidned.


You seem to be making the assumption we are against this system completely. I'm not, I think it's wonderful, it brings many benefits that have been discussed at great length including making all content relevant and being able to play with friends. We just don't want it mandatory, all of the time.


Why don't you actually explain to us how you feel about this system being optional, and justify your reasons. The previous consensus was that even amongst the people who were all for the system, there were few objections to it being optional.

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There are no other variables.


Nothing they could be doing, no grand plan they have yet to reveal, no other possible change in the game, would require or justify making levelsync mandatory.


KotFE rep grinding? So what. Just turn off the rep gains while the character has levelsync deactivated.


hahaha, whatever. good luck with this. You'll never understand the concept of an eco system I guess.

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See above.


Unless you know of some other "variable" that no one has mentioned, that you haven't mentioned, that you think makes mandatory levelsync necessary, you're just summoning spirits from the vasty deep.


And even if there is some great secret you're hiding -- it wouldn't make mandatory levelsync necessary.


You can do this all night too, but let's say we don't. K?

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What do you want?


I already said I'm fine with an on/off switch if it makes sense.


I cannot know if it makes sense however, because I cannot know all the variables and I haven't seen the full scope of the expansion yet as it is.


So really, it's all just hypothetical ******** until then and you're just interested in that to keep a thread going that already reached its futility status pages and pages ago.


So the discussion no longer matters, just continuing ad infinitum for your personal vendetta.


Hmmm, maybe I'll stop enabling you lot. I used feel for some of your plight but you guys are just being so annoying with this that I'm losing my sympathy for your side.



Wait, you're the one positing the existence of some unknown fundamental change in the game that makes mandatory levelsync "necessary", but we're the ones guilty of "hypothetical *********"?



hahaha, whatever. good luck with this. You'll never understand the concept of an eco system I guess.


It's a game, not a rain forest.



You can do this all night too, but let's say we don't. K?


Fine, stop conjuring up the hypothetical specters of "unknown changes" that make mandatory levelsync "necessary" as if that were an argument against it being optional.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I think it is clear as the difference of night and day that level sync is not well received by the community... Copious amount of threads showing the distaste of it. So much so that the threads all had to be compiled into one thread. The one thread that is in support of the level sync, " level sync = revival of swtor" has 5-6 times less replies and support for it.


The question is why not implement this in a way to get feedback before actually putting it in game? A poll, pts, etc... Would have done the job, but it is interesting to see that bioware claims they are giving the community what we want, but it clearly isn't the majority they are listening to, or even their own community. Though this may be something they wanted to test and see how ppl react and if it is not well received they may get rid of it, it is quite obvious, the reaction is not positive.


Many questions still are uncertain about level sync such as:

GSI quest

Story missions requiring to go back to lower level planets

Bounty contracts

Events (Gree/Rak)

Etc.... The list goes on


How will level sync work with these in detail? All we were told is what it does in general, " you are scaled to the max level for that planet...", as stated in stream many many many times. But no details that actually needed to be addressed were addressed for whatever reason. The dodge method.


I think it is basically probably a self serving statement to say that the majority of the community is against it based on the idea that a lot of *****y little whiners are posting 10-15 times in the against threads in response to being called *****y little whiners. Fact is that people that are happy or moderately don't care about a change as less likely to spend time arguing to fighting to prevent a change.


You list several points for game play that we don't know how will be handled yes, but your listing them in such a way as to make it seem like these are all things that will be adversely affected by the change rather then that BW has predicted these issues and has a resolution to them even though they have not gone into exacting details. You do realize that different areas of a planet have different names and maps in the server. So simply could be that the level sync could be more based on the planet AND map area you are in rather then just the planet.


But I don't consider the issue to be a problem and many people don't. The ones that do are the ones that currently exploit the running game mechanic that allows for them to return to a planet that have grossly out leveled and still run the missions and fight the world bosses and earn the rewards with no real threat or challenge to earn the reward. So really even if more responses are negative if its on the basis of that people are upset that they are losing their exploit why should BW or any of us that don't exploit it really give a flying ****.


Also if they had to combine all the threads into one, then why would you start yet another thread to express your negative feelings on the manner?

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