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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Let's not make this an attempt to argue by popularity either way.


Whether 75% or 25% are against mandatory level syncing, is really entirely beside the point. Given whatever percentage of the players don't want anything to do with level sync, the option to not use it.


Simple as that.


I agree with this generally. The problem with giving people the option is I think Bioware is tying the level sync into KotFE, and it will be necessary for the various rep grinds etc. So depending on other changes a toggle may be impossible, we just don't know it yet.

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Do the people threatening to unsub if this change goes through actually think it will make one lick of difference? Don't post a threat, just unsub. Making a threat is mere sensationalism at its best and most likely will fall on deaf ears.


Want to post an opinion, fine, leave out the part about unsubbing if such and such change happens. It is equivalent to a 2 year old holding their breath if they don't get their way.


Well I already pulled my sub and I'm subbing to eso instead sooo.....

If a change can invoke that feeling in players... You suck at your job.

I may resub if they make the level sync optional... Other than that I will be ftp and once I'm done the solo story I will

Be on my way to eso full time

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Because it may affect their future plans that you are not privy to?


It's definitely a question better answered by Devs than anyone else. The main issue here IMO is that people assume making it optional is feasible when it might not be.

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Do the people threatening to unsub if this change goes through actually think it will make one lick of difference? Don't post a threat, just unsub. Making a threat is mere sensationalism at its best and most likely will fall on deaf ears.


Want to post an opinion, fine, leave out the part about unsubbing if such and such change happens. It is equivalent to a 2 year old holding their breath if they don't get their way.


I'm not going to unsub but I had someone say this exact line to me in Matrix Online. 6 months later came the announcement. SWTOR won't die from this. I'm fully aware of that but I still laugh when people really act like subs leaving doesn't matter. It's the main reason why the devs waited this long to reveal it. It's no conspiracy theory they really are hoping that people will try it out and "realize" they're overreacting. They don't want people to leave. No company does.

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1. No new group content

2. Mandatory level scaling

3. Losing even more edges of the cookie cutter to make it only a circle

4. **** up pop even more and have no idea of implication for mobility skills.


KOTFE- this deal is getting worse every day now


You gonna post the same thing every 15 mins now or what's the plan?

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Oh FFS. "There are REASONS. I won't speak of them." That reasons are the *********** copy-paste of the answer YOU tried to give me. Now, when told those reasons essencially fall under 'one-shot' category, you say "Oh, there are EVEN MORE REASONS I will not speak of". Would you kindly provide full list of those reasons, or you simply can't becouse there are non? Thanks.


I have kindly provided that full list on many many many many many occasions in this thread. Other posters have also added their reasons on many many many many many occasions in this thread.


I'm not going to apologise for getting very bored of repeating myself. If you wanted to look back through the thread, or my posting history you could do. But you know what I don't care any more. Yep the only reason I'm against this is because I won't be able to one shot grey mobs. I am entirely single minded, and that is the only thing I get from the game, and the only reason I am against this.


There is no point me trying to respond with a sensible reply. I can't possibly summarise a topic that was discussed extensively between multiple posters over dozens of pages. Any attempt to do so would be half hearted, which would then enable you to pull it apart easily. If you can't be bothered to go back to the earlier parts of this thread where this was discussed extensively, then neither can.


You go ahead and think the one reason I am against this is because I want to one shot grey mobs, because it doesn't matter to me what you think. No doubt you will reply telling me haha I can't justify myself and that proves any argument against this is shallow and invalid. But this topic has been discussed extensively, previously I was motivated to get into in depth discussion, but after repetition after repetition in response to yet another poster who comes here thinking this is all about one shotting grey mobs, I just can't be bothered any more.

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Where is your proof it isn't the majority? Right now you're just making baseless guesses. And just because you aren't the one saying one is the majority or minority, you are saying that one is not, therefore you must have evidence of the other. But because you don't, you are just the pot calling the kettle black.... /thread


Did you just /thread your own thread?


Speaking of which, I'd also point out that the person you're quoting didn't make a topic claiming an opinion to be shared by the "obvious community majority." If it's so obvious, you should be able to explain why. Because it's so obvious.


I have no clue if it's the majority or not and neither do you. You brought up Harbinger and Shadowlands earlier, but did you even hear the opinion of 1% of either server's population? I'd be legitimately shocked if you did. Even standing on fleet for 2 hours wouldn't get you that due to timezones (especially on Harbinger) and people playing on different days. There have been times, recently, where Harbinger had 3 instances of the Republic Fleet with 2 having 150+ players. So that's well over 300 players on the Republic Fleet alone.


Mind you, I agree that the scaling shouldn't be mandatory. It poses a lot of problems in my opinion that they're going to have to address if they don't want to add a toggle (which would be the best solution in my eyes). But using this kind of argument is silly. You don't even know if that opinion is held by the majority of the forum community let alone the game community as a whole. There's a legitimate case to be made here but not with hyperbole and guesses.

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....Okay I'll admit I haven't read through all 101 pages of this absolute hissy fit but has anyone pointed out the obvious reason for this mechanic? Do you people honestly never ever have any reason to want to play with people who aren't the same level as you? Have you never introduced a friend to the game and wanted to level with them or help them navigate the beginning of the game?


This is so that people aren't forced to just suck it up and try to play catch up to their friends with higher level characters. For people with higher level characters not to have to make someone new to play with their new friends. It's a gosh darn social benefit. I've had this problem with this game since day 1. I don't always level as fast as my other friends but I want to play with them. I have friends who are new to the game and I want to help introduce them to everything. I've stopped playing games before because it sucked all the joy out of a game specifically built to be played with other people if you have to focus so hard on leveling fast just to catch up to them and what are they supposed to do in the meantime? Not level while they wait for you?


If you're seriously going to unsub because they enacted what's basically a decent mentoring system which is something they should have had from day 1 and is something plenty of other MMOs have anyway, then ok bye? Go cry somewhere else, I guess. But I'm just laughing how you think something that makes the game more accessible to more people is a "nail in the coffin" and "the death of SWTOR."


I don't blame you, but ignore the hyperbolic title (a sad consequence of thread mergers) because actually somewhere in the middle of this thread there was a lot of great discussion, it was only a hissy fit at the start, and has now maybe returned to that.


Unfortunately what has also been lost in the later parts of this thread, which is possibly why you've not seen it, is that nobody is asking for this system to not exist. The benefits you mention have been discussed multiple times, and are completely acknowledged. What the people against this are asking for is for this to be optional so we can still have the benefits you mentioned (and otheres) without it being forced on everybody, all of the time.

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Did you just /thread your own thread?


Speaking of which, I'd also point out that the person you're quoting didn't make a topic claiming an opinion to be shared by the "obvious community majority." If it's so obvious, you should be able to explain why. Because it's so obvious.


I have no clue if it's the majority or not and neither do you. You brought up Harbinger and Shadowlands earlier, but did you even hear the opinion of 1% of either server's population? I'd be legitimately shocked if you did. Even standing on fleet for 2 hours wouldn't get you that due to timezones (especially on Harbinger) and people playing on different days. There have been times, recently, where Harbinger had 3 instances of the Republic Fleet with 2 having 150+ players. So that's well over 300 players on the Republic Fleet alone.


Mind you, I agree that the scaling shouldn't be mandatory. It poses a lot of problems in my opinion that they're going to have to address if they don't want to add a toggle (which would be the best solution in my eyes). But using this kind of argument is silly. You don't even know if that opinion is held by the majority of the forum community let alone the game community as a whole. There's a legitimate case to be made here but not with hyperbole and guesses.


I've explained why its obvious numerous times. A lack of ability to read and comprehend the post in this thread does not require me to reiterate all of it. Have fun reading :)

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I've explained why its obvious numerous times. A lack of ability to read and comprehend the post in this thread does not require me to reiterate all of it. Have fun reading :)

And actively ignored everyone giving insight on why it isn't the majority many many times over. Have fun reading.

Edited by Kiesu
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I've explained why its obvious numerous times. A lack of ability to read and comprehend the post in this thread does not require me to reiterate all of it. Have fun reading :)


That's ok, there's nothing you said that's worth reiterating, so he can save himself the trouble.

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This will take them out of their comfort zone. Change is bad mkay. Nevermind the big picture.


Yet another single narrow minded post, that I have seen worded virtually the same, several time. Gee the 'scared of change' argument, we've not seen that one before (not).


It is you who is failing to see the big picture. There has been extensive discussion around the positive and negative impact of this change with many reasons provided on both side of the argument. It is insulting that you think it is as simple as a fear of change.


I wish you single minded posters would make your mind up. One minute the single reason we don't want this is because we want to one shot grey mobs. Next minute the single reason we don't want this is because we are scared of change.


Or perhaps actually consider it is actually far more complex than that, with legitimate arguments on both sides of the discussion, go back and read them. You might learn something.

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Where is your proof it isn't the majority? Right now you're just making baseless guesses. And just because you aren't the one saying one is the majority or minority, you are saying that one is not, therefore you must have evidence of the other. But because you don't, you are just the pot calling the kettle black.... /thread


LOL! So... basically OP. You just invalidated and closed your own thread because you have no proof that there is an obvious community majority. You should have evidence, "but because you don't you are just the pot calling the kettle black... /thread"


Don't think I've ever seen that before. Nice work OP.

Edited by Rafaman
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I have kindly provided that full list on many many many many many occasions in this thread. Other posters have also added their reasons on many many many many many occasions in this thread.


I'm not going to apologise for getting very bored of repeating myself. If you wanted to look back through the thread, or my posting history you could do. But you know what I don't care any more. Yep the only reason I'm against this is because I won't be able to one shot grey mobs. I am entirely single minded, and that is the only thing I get from the game, and the only reason I am against this.


There is no point me trying to respond with a sensible reply. I can't possibly summarise a topic that was discussed extensively between multiple posters over dozens of pages. Any attempt to do so would be half hearted, which would then enable you to pull it apart easily. If you can't be bothered to go back to the earlier parts of this thread where this was discussed extensively, then neither can.


You go ahead and think the one reason I am against this is because I want to one shot grey mobs, because it doesn't matter to me what you think. No doubt you will reply telling me haha I can't justify myself and that proves any argument against this is shallow and invalid. But this topic has been discussed extensively, previously I was motivated to get into in depth discussion, but after repetition after repetition in response to yet another poster who comes here thinking this is all about one shotting grey mobs, I just can't be bothered any more.


Well said.


And even if you did go back and catalog all the reasons given, in another 15 or 20 minutes, another drive-by poster would drop in, make the same tired, worn-out, sad, false accusations against anyone who dare speaketh against great Bioware's plan, and we'd be right back here.

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If it's made optional, the only people who "lose" are those obsessed with how other people play and enjoy the game, who fret about "badwrongfun" and post insults over it in forums.


May I print this off and frame it so I can keep looking at it in an attempt to maintain my sanity? It is a good reminder than actually all the reasons for and against don't matter, make it optional and people can just play how they like to play.

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I think it is clear as the difference of night and day that level sync is not well received by the community...


I'm pretty sure its clear that its the same 3 people whining about it with the most insignificant reasoning on why they dislike it.

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I'm pretty sure its clear that its the same 3 people whining about it with the most insignificant reasoning on why they dislike it.

Hehe, we indeed need some statistics on how many posts a thread were made by the same person.

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Yet another single narrow minded post, that I have seen worded virtually the same, several time. Gee the 'scared of change' argument, we've not seen that one before (not).


It is you who is failing to see the big picture.


You might want to check that, chief. The bigger picture means its tied into KotFE alliance system - going back to old planets to gain rep - you can't gain rep if everything is greyed out.. Something any of you whiners haven't noticed yet.... because... narrow minded, selfish, entitled, insert buzzword here.

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Thank you for your well thought out post.


Considering that the most heated discussions feature at most dozens of people, both sides included - and there are hundreds of thousands of players, it's a safe bet that it's not a majority of players that are posting here.


Therefore we have **** all idea what the majority of players think. BW will have a better idea when it goes live I'm sure.

This is something we'll never know, only Bioware does. When the game was doing badly 2 years ago I don't remember there being any more upset posts about it than there are now.

Long story short, most people that are upset or don't like something won't bother to post about it. And the same goes for people that do like something.

Having said that, this is a change with a lot of impact. The game will go from being a traditional levelling game to more of a GW type of game. That on itself isn't the issue, it's the fact that it never was that type of game in the first place and it's mandatory.


I did not like GW2 because of the level synching but I knew beforehand that it would be that way. Swtor changed one of its core gameplay aspects 4 years in, that's like changing a product fundamentally. I'm personally not ok with it. If Swtor had been a level sync game from the get go, I would have been long gone.

Edited by Geeorgedk
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I think it is clear as the difference of night and day that level sync is not well received by the community...


Oh bull. Those threads don't even have a majority of negative in them, and forums represent a very small portion of the player base. And the threads haven't come close to the response that real hot issues in the past have.


You look at the announcement page, and vast majority love the changes. So by your own argument that must mean more people support it.


It is absolutely ridiculous any forum poster to claim they know what the majority of the community feels.

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You might want to check that, chief. The bigger picture means its tied into KotFE alliance system - going back to old planets to gain rep - you can't gain rep if everything is greyed out.. Something any of you whiners haven't noticed yet.... because... narrow minded, selfish, entitled, insert buzzword here.


Funny how he keeps failing to mention that.

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