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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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That is an unhelpful reply that adds nothing to the discussion. The poster makes a valid point that this change neuters the point of levelling and gearing your character. And lots of people care about that.


How does it negate leveling and gearing?

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Thankyou for your reply DalrisThane and your contribution to the discussion. Just wanted to acknowledge I appreciated being able to read it.


No problem ZavienUK. Weirdest thing is, KOTFE is very bittersweet for me. It gives me something I love, and something I hate.


I love the story aspect that's coming. It's why I play games. (See my sig.) Chapters every month? Great. Heck, even if they are City of Heroes short (vets will know how short they were in the final days), it's worth it FOR ME.


However, gameplay wise, I'm a "bad". Being over-levelled by a crazy amount allows me to solo content I'd just skip (yeah, solo, because I'm a bad and don't want to inflict myself on others.). And, well, those kill 5,000+ achievements will just come more slowly.


So, with the above provisos, KOTFE, FOR ME, won't be great. It won't be terrible. It'll be... "s'alright, I guess".


Could be worse...

Edited by DalrisThane
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This slowed progression time combats customer churn and buys the devs more time to content create. Do I like a non-optional level sync? Hell no! I worked hard to get where I am and I want to do things that, while they may be easy, are still enjoyable to me. My time is precious and I hate the fact that they have essentially made everything I do now a lot more time consuming.


Hear, hear. And qft.


My main question is still: Why did they put time, money and effort on something which no player (I cannot recall a thread about someone wanting level sync ever on this board) ever requested and then they just force it on everyone? I just don't get it. They could have made so many other interesting things instead.


My main fear is: How many new errors / bugs / glitches etc. will this new system (which does not sound too easy to be coded into the game - compared to leaving the code as it is) put into the game? On top of all the many still unfixed bugs?


And all the while, the datacron in the heroic cave in the South Eastern bonus series area on Alderaan pops to my mind. You will need a group for that and even then it might not work out, because even 4 32s won't be able to blast a way through the masses of 40+s Killiks in there.


I would not be surprised if they forgot about the bonus series areas, events. while building their new system. Otherwise they could have easily send a yellow reply already: "Don't worry, it won't be a problem."


In any case, as Holocron wrote: It is not an incentive for me to need longer and feel more tediousness for doing the same content. The opposite would be the case.


My conclusion: KotFE is a new game. They replace Swtor with it. And they want to get rid of the Swtor veterans, because they are the only ones who will be able to tell the difference. As soon as they are gone, all new players will play KotFE and no one will complain about these changes ever again. Yes, that's what I'm seriously thinking. Sad, isn't it? Could have been easily avoided by proper communication WITH the community.

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That is an unhelpful reply that adds nothing to the discussion. The poster makes a valid point that this change neuters the point of levelling and gearing your character. And lots of people care about that.


It doesn't though. Higher level content is still gated with levels and gear and that's the point of progression. People going to low level planets whacking stuff with uber gear and levels is just a side effect as far as I'm concerned. But it certainly doesn't negate the point of leveling and gearing...you will need that to go forward still.

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That is an unhelpful reply that adds nothing to the discussion. The poster makes a valid point that this change neuters the point of levelling and gearing your character. And lots of people care about that.

Leveling will happen by playing the game. So it's actually a rather silly point/question/issue.

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Overwhelming majority. Just put a toggle on this and be done with it. Imposing something like this on everyone is just a bad idea in general.


At this point might as well. Either way forced or optional I hope they put this in the game.

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People wanted to disable SGRs?


Oh yeah. They petitioned for months on the social forum for a toggle to make the same gender romance flags impossible to activate without setting the option to allow it. Apparently Anders & co having the potential to go both ways offended some very insecure & vocal zealots. It's why inquisition has set orientations now. :rolleyes:

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Oh yeah. They petitioned for months on the social forum for a toggle to make the same gender romance flags impossible to activate without setting the option to allow it. Apparently Anders & co having the potential to go both ways offended some very insecure & vocal zealots. It's why inquisition has set orientations now. :rolleyes:

I'm going to guess no one was forced to have their character go SGR.

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Hear, hear. And qft.


My main question is still: Why did they put time, money and effort on something which no player (I cannot recall a thread about someone wanting level sync ever on this board) ever requested and then they just force it on everyone? I just don't get it. They could have made so many other interesting things instead.


My main fear is: How many new errors / bugs / glitches etc. will this new system (which does not sound too easy to be coded into the game - compared to leaving the code as it is) put into the game? On top of all the many still unfixed bugs?


And all the while, the datacron in the heroic cave in the South Eastern bonus series area on Alderaan pops to my mind. You will need a group for that and even then it might not work out, because even 4 32s won't be able to blast a way through the masses of 40+s Killiks in there.


I would not be surprised if they forgot about the bonus series areas, events. while building their new system. Otherwise they could have easily send a yellow reply already: "Don't worry, it won't be a problem."


In any case, as Holocron wrote: It is not an incentive for me to need longer and feel more tediousness for doing the same content. The opposite would be the case.


My conclusion: KotFE is a new game. They replace Swtor with it. And they want to get rid of the Swtor veterans, because they are the only ones who will be able to tell the difference. As soon as they are gone, all new players will play KotFE and no one will complain about these changes ever again. Yes, that's what I'm seriously thinking. Sad, isn't it? Could have been easily avoided by proper communication WITH the community.


As it was said earlier. The forums are not an accurate representation of the entirety of the game's population. And as it was also said earlier note that it's the same number of posters actually discussing it. A handful of players does not equate to the majority of the entire playerbase.

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The number of people that read and post on the forums of any gaming community are actually small compared to the total "overall" community. I would not take just what is being written here on our forums as any indication of what the overall community wants, or doesn't want.
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That is an unhelpful reply that adds nothing to the discussion. The poster makes a valid point that this change neuters the point of levelling and gearing your character. And lots of people care about that.


No it doesn't. Leveling is still the key to accessing higher level content along with new passive and active abilities.

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How does it negate leveling and gearing?


I didn't say it negated it, I said it neuters it. If you are not engaged in an end game activity you will not get your full level or power nor the full effect of your gear. If you are not running the highest level content there is little point in improving your gear.

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I'm going to guess no one was forced to have their character go SGR.


That's the funny part, you had to click the heart icon on the wheel to initiate the romance flags to begin with. So everyone requesting that toggle had to have been willingly starting those romances themselves. In retrospect, it seems they wanted a toggle against the temptation of entering a same gender liaison. :D

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here's a Straw Poll from reddit that shows what people think about syncing




Take what you want from it


Well considering that the poll has no option regarding having optional level syncing, I would say it's pretty useless. Just based on the anecdotal evidence presented by these forums, a great many of the players have no issue with level syncing - they just have an issue with it being a forced system and not one that can be toggled off.

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Being able to farm group content for solo rewards is a LOUSY reason to dislike level sync. At teh point at which you can complete the mission without having a chance of being datamged, you're not playing a game, you're pushing a "gimme stuff" button. That goes for credit farming, deco farming, or any other gear farming; where your toon is not in danger. All reward, no risk.
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No problem ZavienUK. Weirdest thing is, KOTFE is very bittersweet for me. It gives me something I love, and something I hate.


I love the story aspect that's coming. It's why I play games. (See my sig.) Chapters every month? Great. Heck, even if they are City of Heroes short (vets will know how short they were in the final days), it's worth it FOR ME.


However, gameplay wise, I'm a "bad". Being over-levelled by a crazy amount allows me to solo content I'd just skip (yeah, solo, because I'm a bad and don't want to inflict myself on others.). And, well, those kill 5,000+ achievements will just come more slowly.


So, with the above provisos, KOTFE, FOR ME, won't be great. It won't be terrible. It'll be... "s'alright, I guess".


Could be worse...


Yeah I've said it a couple of times, It's sad the mandatory nature of this system has overshadowed the system itself and the expansion as a whole for me. I know this isn't true for everybody, but I was really enjoying the stream and was very impressed with what I saw, such a shame the end soured it for me.

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The number of people that read and post on the forums of any gaming community are actually small compared to the total "overall" community. I would not take just what is being written here on our forums as any indication of what the overall community wants, or doesn't want.


Agree that the actual number of ppl that post is a small group compared to the overall picture. However, that is not the point as many people can't seem to wrap their small brains around of this thread. It is the fact that Bioware has stated NUMEROUS times that they are listening to the community. Well, for this game, they listen by chat ingame, forums and maybe even offsites like reddit. But the fact is this type of gameplay has never been mentioned or even posed to the community as a whole, maybe a very small group, smaller than the forums group of people. And actually, if you were to just put the topic in your guild/s,fleet, and other various chats, it is seeming that more ppl are against this than for it. Not to say that there aren't ppl for it, i clearly just stated there are ppl for it, quite a bit of people. However, more seem to be against it. And it is something bioware never has made hints at or even polled or even had a large number of people interested in, because the community and player base is so small in comparison that news travels fast (think of the amount of bugs that happen at a patch day that are flooded through the interwebs at such a fast pace).


Point being, if you say you are listening to somebody but that somebody hasn't ever said anything about the thing you are saying you're hearing, then you are just ignoring the group of people you choose to that actually speak and putting words into the mouth of those that don't speak. Its an easy logical conclusion. Don't get why people can't comprehend that simplicity.... It is not a matter of how i feel about this change, i careless. Im for it in ways and against it in ways, but idc either way in the end. It is a matter of observation and investigating these claims of bioware listening to their player base as Musco says they are. Well, maybe on some things they are, but its quite clear they aren't with other things.

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I can't wait till low level content is relevant again. At no point should convenience be used as an excuse to be overpowered for the zone.


The only way it could be better is if levels were removed entirely.


Remove levels and then what? Please tell me successful mmos that operate on a no-levels system....

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Thread should fix it's title to: The Obvious Community Minority.


Less than 400 votes, and only a 9vote split as of this post between hate it and love it. and the ppl that don't care are equal with the love it votes. But again, the sample size of less than 400 votes is laughable since we got one guy on this thread thinking there are hundreds of thousands of subs in this game. So you're inability to comprehend and deduce data in a logical manner shows just how pathetic it can get when ppl see things in their favor but forget there is a bigger picture still.

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It doesn't though. Higher level content is still gated with levels and gear and that's the point of progression. People going to low level planets whacking stuff with uber gear and levels is just a side effect as far as I'm concerned. But it certainly doesn't negate the point of leveling and gearing...you will need that to go forward still.


I didn't say negate or neutralise. I was careful with my choice of the word neuter. And that is point of progression for you. For other people the point of progression is to become stronger and more powerful so they can go back push the boundaries of what they can solo (heroics/flashpoints and the like). So yes we still have progression in one direction (i.e. you need to level/gear to do higher level content) but we are losing it in the other (the ability to go back when you have gained those levels and gear).

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