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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Why. Why would you do old content if you got zero reward from it. To look cool in lowbies eyes?


When I roll a noobie and I see a level 40+ roaming around Tython for example, I presume they're there to grab a missed holocron. I do that, I level hard, then go back for the holocrons later.


One thing I fear is now that environmental nodes are tied to skill level in how much mats you get I expect to see level 60+'s hanging out on low level planets to farm low end mats. Fortunately by doing so it will drive the price down on the GTN, so much so it will keep the value of farming them low. It will balance out, but cheap people, like myself, will still rather gather their own mats rather than buy, for the most part.

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If you want to get r*ped on 60 lvl by level 15 mobs - that's your problem. Not mine.

I want to be level 60 character. Thats why i leveled and geared. I gathered power.

If someone forcing me to become weak - it's bs.


Get it now?


Have a problem with level synching? That's your problem, not mine.

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When I roll a noobie and I see a level 40+ roaming around Tython for example, I presume they're there to grab a missed holocron. I do that, I level hard, then go back for the holocrons later.


One thing I fear is now that environmental nodes are tied to skill level in how much mats you get I expect to see level 60+'s hanging out on low level planets to farm low end mats. Fortunately by doing so it will drive the price down on the GTN, so much so it will keep the value of farming them low. It will balance out, but cheap people, like myself, will still rather gather their own mats rather than buy, for the most part.

Excuse me, i dont see how this was related to my question.

Edited by Kiesu
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If you want to get r*ped on 60 lvl by level 15 mobs - that's your problem. Not mine.

I want to be level 60 character. Thats why i leveled and geared. I gathered power.

If someone forcing me to become weak - it's bs.


Get it now?


Like really, you still get all of your level 60 abilities, the only way you could die to a level 15 mob even with the downbolster is if you AFK.

But then again only way you can die to a level 15 mob while you are at level 15 is if you AFK......



The people in this thread are going to be in for a rude awaking. Numerical character progression is a dying design. It's fundamentally flawed from a design standpoint and the only reason it existed in the first place was as a easy way to control player movement (force players to consume content in a specific order by setting content at different levels)


Within the decade we will begin the see the first major title MMORPGs that completely abandon numerical leveling in favor of alternative forms of character progression.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I still don't quite understand what the fuss is about. Personally, when I go back to planents, I dislike one shotting and facerolling through everything. Its not fun whatsoever.


Also, the "OWPVP won't work now" is kind of absurd because you can still gank people; you can still have pvp wars. It just won't be the roflstomp people seem to enjoy so much, which I personally think is a good thing.

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Yeah. Everyone is definitely going to read over 100 pages of posts before replying. Not.

Thats like saying "you cant criticize a game if you didnt play it 100h and do all content". Which is exactly what you're doing, with the exception of you not even touching this expansion you criticize.



Actually read what I said. I said go and read some of the thread. I never suggested you had to read it all (once you've read a few pages you get the gist)


But you gave the impression you'd not bothered to look into any of the complaints and read nothing because it has never been about what you said. To use your anology it's like criticising a game you have never played.




Some people didnt see any point in lvling with current system either. Just a normal grind to get to the endgame.

And honestly, whats so bad about the insta 60 if you just want to do endgame anyway, and dont care for planet stuff?

You like lvling, go do lvl. You like endgame, go do endgame. You like oneshotting grey mobs all day long, now you'll have to three shot them. You'd like to do lowbie WBs again without facerolling on your main, now you can.

How about stop shaming people on what or how people like doing their content, because they can still do all they could previously, except solo WBs for useless trash or oneshot lowbies on tatooine.


But some people do like levelling, and this game has always been about the traditional vertical levelling. You knew that when you got invested in the game, just as I did. Maybe in your case you tolerated it rather than enjoyed it, but that doesn't mean it's the same for everybody. Some people like vertical levelling. They are fundamentally changing and neutralising the point of levels in the game. If you always hated them, good for you. If you loved them, your going to be upset.


I don't like oneshotting grey mobs all day long, at no point have I said that, your attempting to put words in my mouth (still). Once again I invite you to have a scan through a few pages of this thread so you can understand just some of the reasons some people are against this change. I have never solo'd a world boss, I can count on one hand how many word bosses I have killed, and that has always been in a group. My opposition to this is not about that either. I also play on a PvE server, so this is nothing to do with PvP either. I am not shaming on anybody, rather the opposite, I asking for a system which can please both parties.


So all in all, a swing and a miss. Go back through this thread and find the actual reasons myself and some others are against this.

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You all know that if they made this optional it would mean you would get ZERO rewards right?.


You mean that blue crap equip you will get there?

If you have gear from comms or OPs/FPs youi don´t care about that stuff.


You mean credits?

There are other ways i can gain credits.


So, sound these "rewards" interesting for you?

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You all know that if they made this optional it would mean you would get ZERO rewards right? The entire point is to keep level 65's from one shotting and farming old content for the easy crystals/gear box that rewards items for your level. Heaven forbid you have to put a little time in to get rewards over "loloneshot" low level mobs. There is literally nothing to complain about here.


Depends what you mean by ZERO rewards. Nobody was expecting to get the reward items for their level with level sync turned off, that would be absurd. It makes sense you would have to level sync to get those rewards.


Some people still wanted to be able to go back and run lowel level dailies or heroics easier, and there is no reason with sync of they shouldn't be able to do this as they always did.


This was never about cheesing high level gear or not wanting to put 'effort' into it. This was about retaining options, because people like different things, and people play the game differently.


Saying there is nothing to complain about here suggests you have either failed to read any of the complaints or lack basic empathy to comprehend things that don't bother you but is an issue for other people.

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You mean that blue crap equip you will get there?

If you have gear from comms or OPs/FPs youi don´t care about that stuff.


You mean credits?

There are other ways i can gain credits.


So, sound these "rewards" interesting for you?


Then why waste your time doing them? There is literally nothing to complain about short of being whiny about it. There are way bigger issues to deal with in this game that a feature that is completely harmless and makes old content relevant in a good way.

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Saying there is nothing to complain about here suggests you have either failed to read any of the complaints or lack basic empathy to comprehend things that don't bother you but is an issue for other people.


Oh I've read them. I just find them laughable and completely absurd.

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Why. Why would you do old content if you got zero reward from it. To look cool in lowbies eyes?


Look back in the thread if you want to see the many reasons why. Hint: it's not to look 'cool' that's the first time I've seen anybody suggest that is the reason in all 100+ pages! So you don't see the point of doing anything if your not directly rewarded from it, that's ok, not everybody plays the same way. Not everybody needs the skinner box rewards as a reason to do something.

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No man, I get it. I was hoping when I saw this initially leaked that it would not be a planet-wide level sync. I actually do like fighting gray mobs. I can just stand there and deflect all the blaster shots with my lightsaber. It's cool. It's iconic! It's Star Wars! Makes you feel like an actual Jedi/Sith. But it still doesn't matter. This change is still just a change. It's not taking things away, it's just making it different. I would even go further and say it's actually adding things. Giving you more than you had before. :p


And 137 pages? Please brother, you breakin' my balls.


Except a toggle would still do that and more. You'd still get the stuff it adds to the game without taking anything away. (even if that is up for debate - at that point it wood be moot)

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No, wait.

. We ha... ah, I don't even care. :o


Except a toggle would still do that and more. You'd still get the stuff it adds to the game without taking anything away. (even if that is up for debate - at that point it wood be moot)


If they add a toggle, then what's the whole point of even adding the whole thing in? Might as well not just have bothered.

Edited by Chelan
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Actually read what I said. I said go and read some of the thread. I never suggested you had to read it all (once you've read a few pages you get the gist)

Yeah. Do go back and read what you said. I made a snarky comment, you told me to go back and read some comments because you replies to similar comment. So either you expected I'd by some miracle would have stumbled across said comment by just looking at "some" posts. Uhuh. I'm flattered you think my luck dice rolled that high, it didnt.

Oh, and btw, this thread is now merged with multiple other, and the posts are not even in order by thread. So you go back and try to make some sense of it if you were following just few threads and suddenly they all merged by time posted. See yellow BW post.


But some people do like levelling, and this game has always been about the traditional vertical levelling. You knew that when you got invested in the game, just as I did. Maybe in your case you tolerated it rather than enjoyed it, but that doesn't mean it's the same for everybody. Some people like vertical levelling. They are fundamentally changing and neutralising the point of levels in the game. If you always hated them, good for you. If you loved them, your going to be upset.


I don't like oneshotting grey mobs all day long, at no point have I said that, your attempting to put words in my mouth (still). Once again I invite you to have a scan through a few pages of this thread so you can understand just some of the reasons some people are against this change. I have never solo'd a world boss, I can count on one hand how many word bosses I have killed, and that has always been in a group. My opposition to this is not about that either. I also play on a PvE server, so this is nothing to do with PvP either. I am not shaming on anybody, rather the opposite, I asking for a system which can please both parties.


So all in all, a swing and a miss. Go back through this thread and find the actual reasons myself and some others are against this.

You are assuming I dont enjoy lvling. You assume I said you like oneshotting greys. I dont think you read my comment. I said "You like lvling, go do lvl. You like endgame, go do endgame. You like oneshotting grey mobs all day long, now you'll have to three shot them. You'd like to do lowbie WBs again without facerolling on your main, now you can." You= anyone. Not you personally, not me, anyone. Why you used word "you" was to adress this anyone who might be liking said thing, as saying "someone likes lvling, someone go lvl" would have sounded dumb like hell.

If I wouldnt like lvling I wouldnt have lvled 25+ characters to max on multiple servers. Dont assume. Read. I'm talking in general. You are taking this personal. Quit it.


I like lvling too, and i get to do all lowbie content just like before. Nothing will change when i go make another character to lvl from 1 to 60 for me. My point was, if you're not into that, whats wrong with the insta-60 option? You were saying, theres no point in lvling with insta 60, i dont see your logic in that. If you dont like the 60, dont take the 60? If you dont like lvl, take the 60. I dont see a problem here.

Edited by Kiesu
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Change is scary for some folk.


This isn't about change being scary. Do you see a 100 page thread with people up in arms because they are rolling main stats into a single stat? No because a majority of people can see it's change that makes life easier, it brings a benefit.


This change brings a lot to the game, but also has downsides. It could be introduced as a toggle so as still to provide those benefits without the drawbacks. This isn't about fear over a change, it's about not wanting a change that has downsides, especially when those downsides can be entirely avoided by making it optional.

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Why. Why would you do old content if you got zero reward from it. To look cool in lowbies eyes?


Look back in the thread if you want to see the many reasons why. Hint: it's not to look 'cool' that's the first time I've seen anybody suggest that is the reason in all 100+ pages! So you don't see the point of doing anything if your not directly rewarded from it, that's ok, not everybody plays the same way. Not everybody needs the skinner box rewards as a reason to do something.

No, I dont actually. People wanted to keep the system as it was. That is not the same thing as "rather have ZERO REWARD AT ALL". Meaning, no creds, no crystals, no boxes, no conquest, no achieves. zero

Edited by Kiesu
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Totally Disagree with this post! , this will be the making of the game that will provide more challenge and fun to group with friends and get better rewards.


So why not make it optional so both the agreers and disagreers are happy. You can have it turned on, more challenge, group with friends, better rewards, and others can turn it off and not get those benefits. Everybody wins, doesn't get any better than that.

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Why? Makes absolutely no sense. What purpose do you have to go around killing mobs in one shot?



Oh wait, I forgot RPers are weird as hell.


It isn't just about being able to go around killing mobs in one shot, that is a massive over simplification. But even if it was, it doesn't need to make sense to you, nobody is forcing you to do the same.


People enjoy doing different things for a million different reasons, and all this change does it remove options from people. Making this a toggle retains those options, and doesn't affect you.

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So this is actually something you people enjoy doing often? You take the buss to Korriban or Voss or whatever and run around, one hitting grey mobs feeling all Johnny Awesome for it? Is this some popular or loved past time?

No, but there is the Rep grind for Voss and Section X involving weekly's requiring 2 and 4 people that currently can be run by high level characters that will now become a choir again for starters.


Then there is the 2 and 4 man's on low level areas that drop a piece of gear with a look you like for another.

Edited by Pernvandamme
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Oh I've read them. I just find them laughable and completely absurd.


So it is a lack of empathy then. No amount of debating with you is going to provide you with empathy if you lack it, so there is no point debating it further with you.

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