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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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So with level syncing, does your stat gain from gear drop as well?


It probably does, and if it does, the repair costs should be down-scaled as well (and if they do, remember to repair before leaving the planet! Or perhaps move to an even lower level planet and run your repair there...). I can't imagine anyone wanting to run a level 20 heroic to help a friend or new players and end up with a repair bill as if they'd just done a level 65 ops.

Edited by KyaniteD
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Not everyone will agree but I like level syncing for a few reasons:

  • I have non-sub friends who play and I like the freedom to play any of my characters with them.
  • I actually prefer to play content that doesn't involve me 1 shotting anything - ever. I like more of a challenge than less of one. Not that the footage of Musco on DK doing the heroic looked hard but it was directionally harder than had he been 60.
  • I think you can reasonably reward completion for a "level 18 (60 synced)" doing a level 18 heroic rather than handing out rewards for 60's doing level 10 content. We can argue about whether the rewards are worth it but that's something different.
  • I'm not saying this is new content - but for ME it will be more revitalized content because I now have the option to do it in a more enjoyable way - for me, on the character of my choosing.
  • I believe it streamlines some of the other aspects of the game they are changing as well, such as gathering and crafting. There are now other reasons to be on lower level planets besides your run through on the story.


Those are some of MY reasons for enjoying it. Feel free to disagree all you want, as I don't expect everyone to share my opinions.


I'll think you'll find that very few people actually disagree with you. Each of those points is a very good reason to have a mentoring/scaling system in a game. You can also add the OPvP and WB arguments in with that.


The thing with the PvP and WB is though that the scaling system as implemented does not necessarily eliminate any of the complaints about the PvP ganking that people have mentioned, and those who want to gank will easily find ways around the ganking. People who have played OPvP for a long time (I don't mean just in SWTOR) understand that it is the very nature of OPvP that makes it wild and exciting and ganking is a part of that.


I always have had issues with World Bosses other than people soloing them (and I really don't care if people can or will solo them or not), not the least of which is the idiotic and artificial respawn timer on them. Scaling is not going to make them any relevant than the were before. There's a problem when, for the last couple of years really, attempting to find a PuG for a particular WB fails after hours of attempts - and it's not because a max level character can solo them - which, of course only affects a handful of WBs anyway.


What mandatory scaling (along with the accelerated leveling pace) does do though, is affect one's ability to level and play at their own pace and in the manner that they most enjoy. Believe it or not, ROFLstomping NPCs is a valid method of playing an RPG, and has been for decades. While I do enjoy the occasional ROFL stomp now and again, my own preferred method of leveling is to be a couple of levels above the content I am doing, and if I run into something I quite can't handle - level up some more and come back to it. It's how I have the most fun playing games, and scaling completely eliminates that - hence why any game that has implemented a forced scaling system is one that I quickly discard.


No one is asking to receive the same rewards for over-leveling content as those who would play it scaled. However, people do want the option to be able to play over-leveled content for whatever reason, and if that is how someone enjoys playing a game, then those reasons are just as valid as any other.

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What about the ones that have been requesting an option to level together in the new expansion without having to do it twice, where is our option ?


What is fair for one group should be fair to the others.


I don't think anybody would be against this, gives options to those who want to level as a group, doesn't affect those who want to solo, but this isn't the thread for that discussion.

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Why MANDATORY syncing is bad:


1. I don't want to play with low level newbies. Sorry, but I had to learn with trial and error and researching, your newbie butt can do the same. Hell, I don't want to play with any low levels, new or vets. I did that when I was new/low level.


2. Have they TRULY taken conquest, class missions, phased areas, GSI, etc into consideration when they decided on these changes?


3. I already fought my way through low level content when I was low level. If I want to do it again, I have 52 characters across many pve and rp servers.


4. It should be MY choice if I want to roflstomp low level npcs or not. I've never griefed other players. If I DID need to go to say Tython to finish achievements for killing x number of npcs, I made sure I was in a small area where not many lowbies were playing and did my killing there so as not to intrude on the low levels.


5. If I WANT to solo a world boss, that's my right unless Bioware actually changes the World Boss itself. I look around, make sure no other people are waiting in a group to down a WB. If there is, I come back later or switch instances, if there isn't, I kill the boss.


I'm all for the level syncing ITSELF. But I want CHOICE. Not someone ruining game play in general for me or others because they decided to make it mandatory. All we're asking for is an option to turn it on or off. You did it for 12xp, ffs do it for this.

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It's fiiine. So much overreaction to a non-issue. SMH. I would bet most folk stick to their level range of content. Remember people, gray quests are gross. I hope Bioware doesn't capitulate to all these whining. I specifically remember a time they did... well, Sage is a terrible name for a Jedi Wizard. Stick to your guns this time and have some pride in your work, BW.


What I'm wondering is, why are more people not concerned with the changes to the Cartel Market? :confused: #thingsthatactuallymatter

Edited by Chelan
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Why MANDATORY syncing is bad:


1. I don't want to play with low level newbies. Sorry, but I had to learn with trial and error and researching, your newbie butt can do the same. Hell, I don't want to play with any low levels, new or vets. I did that when I was new/low level.


2. Have they TRULY taken conquest, class missions, phased areas, GSI, etc into consideration when they decided on these changes?


3. I already fought my way through low level content when I was low level. If I want to do it again, I have 52 characters across many pve and rp servers.


4. It should be MY choice if I want to roflstomp low level npcs or not. I've never griefed other players. If I DID need to go to say Tython to finish achievements for killing x number of npcs, I made sure I was in a small area where not many lowbies were playing and did my killing there so as not to intrude on the low levels.


5. If I WANT to solo a world boss, that's my right unless Bioware actually changes the World Boss itself. I look around, make sure no other people are waiting in a group to down a WB. If there is, I come back later or switch instances, if there isn't, I kill the boss.


I'm all for the level syncing ITSELF. But I want CHOICE. Not someone ruining game play in general for me or others because they decided to make it mandatory. All we're asking for is an option to turn it on or off. You did it for 12xp, ffs do it for this.


Yes. YES!!!!! A thousand times YES!!!

But... /sigh

Too bad that people are not actually understand what they up for.


They forgot one tiny little thingy...


Money farm.



Now you can forget all those good times when you was able to farm money by running daily areas like BH, Oricon, Section X...

No, sir. Now you will have to struggle. AWSOME ISN'T it??????

Now you will have to spend 1,5 hours instead af 15-30 minutes doing dailys :D


This is SO inspires :D


P.S. Most weird part of this, that some people support this BS becouse "they lack of challenge".

But they continie to ignore me, when i suggest them to run DP or DF completely naked... Don't know why :(

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It's fiiine. So much overreaction to a non-issue. SMH. I would bet most folk stick to their level range of content. Remember people, gray quests are gross. I hope Bioware doesn't capitulate to all these whining. I specifically remember a time they did... well, Sage is a terrible name for a Jedi Wizard. Stick to your guns this time and have some pride in your work, BW.


What I'm wondering is, why are more people not concerned with the changes to the Cartel Market? :confused: #thingsthatactuallymatter


You only see it as an overreaction because your not bothered by it. Not every plays the same way. If you take the time to read the thread there have been many reasons posted that will be negatively affected by this change. It's not whining, it's legitimate complains about the implications of this system.

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Because of progression both in story and character. This is that hard for you to grasp?


Story or character progression doesn't need to be tied to an arbitrary level. I'm playing devil's advocate here, because I don't want this, but think about it.


For a normal character, their abilities could be provided as they progress through the class story. For instant 60's they already have a system in place to gradually introduce the abilities. There is absolutely no need for levels at this point.


Is that hard for you to grasp?

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Unless you honestly think that all the complaints are from one person with a bunch of alt subscriber accounts, or that everyone who supposedly disagrees with the idea is only posting objections for the sake of trolling. :rolleyes:


No I don't honestly think that. That is just your strawman because you have no real argument.


Not even everyone in the threads are against it and they still aren't even close to as hot as real hot issues were in the past. You have not one shred of support for any claim of any number.


Forums don't even represent the majority of the player base. They are usually a small minority, with most never or rarely posting.


So the idea that any of these threads that aren't even big in history of complaining on SWTOR, actually representing anything is a farce.


And then the obvious, someone disagrees with you so they must be a troll response. Sorry nope, not here for a reaction, just don't like false claims some are making and I think a little truth doesn't hurt.


Not pro or against, but disgusted by some of the behavior actually on both sides of the topic.

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Conquest. Let´s say you make the H2/4 Qs on Nar Shaddaa. At lvl60 you need about 30-45mins, on level it would take about 1,5h. So, if you want to do these Qs with 4 chars you need 6h instead of about 2h.

Since they said that the crafting will be changed to once per account the H2/4 missions are the only chance for non-PVP/GSF-players to get their points for the personal reward.



Considering how utterly neglected Warzones and GSF are by Bioware, any and all moves that somehow, indirectly or otherwise, help cultures around these activities to get promoted/survive/prosper/ grow is by default a good thing for the game and people enjoying PvP.


Also, I'm not sure how you are able to pull such estimates of time on content not released or tested. Surely you are not approaching this with idea and desire to solo them?


I'm not sure if it serves best interest of Conquest to have goals there that mostly result n level 60 people facerolling grey mobs on newbie zones.

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Actually go and read some of this thread before posting your offensive simplification. Do you really think there would so many pages if that was all this was about.

Yeah. Everyone is definitely going to read over 100 pages of posts before replying. Not.

Thats like saying "you cant criticize a game if you didnt play it 100h and do all content". Which is exactly what you're doing, with the exception of you not even touching this expansion you criticize.


For a normal character, their abilities could be provided as they progress through the class story. For instant 60's they already have a system in place to gradually introduce the abilities. There is absolutely no need for levels at this point.

Some people didnt see any point in lvling with current system either. Just a normal grind to get to the endgame.

And honestly, whats so bad about the insta 60 if you just want to do endgame anyway, and dont care for planet stuff?

You like lvling, go do lvl. You like endgame, go do endgame. You like oneshotting grey mobs all day long, now you'll have to three shot them. You'd like to do lowbie WBs again without facerolling on your main, now you can.

How about stop shaming people on what or how people like doing their content, because they can still do all they could previously, except solo WBs for useless trash or oneshot lowbies on tatooine.

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Why MANDATORY syncing is bad:



I'm all for the level syncing ITSELF. But I want CHOICE. Not someone ruining game play in general for me or others because they decided to make it mandatory. All we're asking for is an option to turn it on or off. You did it for 12xp, ffs do it for this.


" Hey, do you want to nerf yourself utterly, or would you rather do this stuff for reals?!"


It'd be every bit as visible, loved,meaningful and relevant feature as ability to turn 12xXP off. Most all people wouldn't bother. Would a small fraction of people opt in, like they do with 12xXP? Sure. But we both know it would not manifest in gameplay of people as collective in any real way. It'd be just another exotic Non-feature that does, changes or means nothing.


Inability to one hit gray mobs-> GAMEPLAY RUINED FOR ME AND OTHERS! lol.


I care way too much for my sanity to read more than 10 or so pages of this drivel. But at least for good couple of pages, it was really entertaining to watch people listing reasons why they don't want this.

"I don't wanna play with newbs!"

" I wanna solo world bosses!!"

" I wanna one hit stuff!"


I really don't get why you people even play video games. You are doing it wrong. ;p

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" Hey, do you want to nerf yourself utterly, or would you rather do this stuff for reals?!"


It'd be every bit as visible, loved,meaningful and relevant feature as ability to turn 12xXP off. Most all people wouldn't bother. It would not manifest in gameplay of people as collective in any real way. It'd be just another exotic Non-feature that does, changes or means nothing.


Inability to one hit gray mobs-> GAMEPLAY RUINED FOR ME AND OTHERS! lol.


I care way too much for my sanity to read more than 10 or so pages of this drivel. But at least for good couple of pages, it was really entertaining to watch people listing reasons why they don't want this.

"I don't wanna play with newbs!"

" I wanna solo world bosses!!"

" I wanna one hit stuff!"


I really don't get why you people even play video games. Youa re doing it wrong. ;p


If you want to get r*ped on 60 lvl by level 15 mobs - that's your problem. Not mine.

I want to be level 60 character. Thats why i leveled and geared. I gathered power.

If someone forcing me to become weak - it's bs.


Get it now?

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You all know that if they made this optional it would mean you would get ZERO rewards right? The entire point is to keep level 65's from one shotting and farming old content for the easy crystals/gear box that rewards items for your level. Heaven forbid you have to put a little time in to get rewards over "loloneshot" low level mobs. There is literally nothing to complain about here.
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If you want to get r*ped on 60 lvl by level 15 mobs - that's your problem. Not mine.

I want to be level 60 character. Thats why i leveled and geared. I gathered power.

If someone forcing me to become weak - it's bs.



So this is actually something you people enjoy doing often? You take the buss to Korriban or Voss or whatever and run around, one hitting grey mobs feeling all Johnny Awesome for it? Is this some popular or loved past time?

Do you hate not being able to do it, or do you hate the idea of not being able to do it if you'd want to? Even if answer to first couple of these questions is YES!!!, I still wonder how you can be so attached to your Johnny Awesome one hitting, that you are on barricades when BW tries to turn their entire game world bit more relevant and bit less obsolete for everybody. See, I end up feeling Johny Awesome when tackling quest and content that'd feel even remotely relevant. If " Ooh, I'm so gonna get [nasty word here] by these lvl 15 mobs!" is the first thought you always get, then I'd suggest you try to do bit harder content bit more often. Might lessen the severity.


Your reply comes with some sort of a hint of RP justification behind this all as well; how your character gathers power and grows stronger. Everybody should remember lvls are pretty arbitrary Gameplay mechanic, not some accurate underlining of how powerful your character is. You kill level 16 darth on Dromund Kas. Meanwhile, Stupidest, smelliest smuggler on Hoth is 45. Said smuggler is then dozen times stronger than this darth? Besides being a game mechanic, level and xp and such has never made sense anyway. It has always brought certain irrationality to any and all game worlds.

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You all know that if they made this optional it would mean you would get ZERO rewards right? The entire point is to keep level 65's from one shotting and farming old content for the easy crystals/gear box that rewards items for your level. Heaven forbid you have to put a little time in to get rewards over "loloneshot" low level mobs. There is literally nothing to complain about here.



I would rather have ZERO reward and not have my level sync then

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You only see it as an overreaction because your not bothered by it. Not every plays the same way. If you take the time to read the thread there have been many reasons posted that will be negatively affected by this change. It's not whining, it's legitimate complains about the implications of this system.


No man, I get it. I was hoping when I saw this initially leaked that it would not be a planet-wide level sync. I actually do like fighting gray mobs. I can just stand there and deflect all the blaster shots with my lightsaber. It's cool. It's iconic! It's Star Wars! Makes you feel like an actual Jedi/Sith. But it still doesn't matter. This change is still just a change. It's not taking things away, it's just making it different. I would even go further and say it's actually adding things. Giving you more than you had before. :p


And 137 pages? Please brother, you breakin' my balls.

Edited by Chelan
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Fun times in SWTOR!!! :D:D

I was wondering if they will scale back the level of the dread seed mobs in the open world with this level-sync system?Cause if we are going to be brought to planet level.... then they have to change the mobs level i would think...(thinking hurts) to planets level..? Maybe there is already an answer to this and i have not found it . If there is then sorry for posting this question...

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I'm not doing any more missions and will be unsubscribing when it runs out. Not just the deleveling, but companions losing all the gear I grind for and spent millions of credits on. Total ********.
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