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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Can anyone think of one actual good reason why this shouldn't be a toggle?


When I say 'good reason', I don't mean any of that 'because peeveepee!' crap. If you're on a pvp server, you signed up to be gank fodder until you turned into a ganker right back, stop acting like you're a picked-on victim of unforeseen consequences. Don't like it, get off the pvp servers.


Any reference to open world pvp shall be ignored. That died with Ilum. If you're still clinging to that long dead piteous shadow of lesser concerns, get off your horse, buy a car and join the modern world. Discover electricity and hygiene and Game of Thrones or something. Leave the dead, ancient concerns of long-dead topics to their rest.

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Part of my point. Nothing is done about QoL of pvp on this game


Sorry to say it but you chose to play on a PVP server so yes this might be a problem of great concern to you and others who play on PVP servers but for me who plays on a PVE server this isn't even a blip on my radar.

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So ....nothing. Im happy about this level sync then :) I already got all of these achievements. The new players cant get near my ach.points soon.


Yup, time to sit in my "I got mine" club. When anyone asks for help they will just be greeted with learn to play noob.

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Title says it all.



I suggest posting in the pvp forums if you want any semi-serious dialogue. Probably wouldn't be much but Gen is a cesspit of defective personalities and not likely to result in any thoughtful responses about anything pvp-related.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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or just pretend to be a made up god by society organized religion and be all mighty smite the lowbe mobs... "not talking about ganking players... but it can happen."


or will the level sync only take place when I group with other players?


You're getting downgraded in every way except you wont lose skills. Everything you do will be weaker and you will be around the highest level of a particular planet.


Will you roll through he content? Not a chance.

Will you be like a newb? Not very likely.


Will going back to old planets for any reason (solo, group, farm whatever) be as entertaining or fun as it was last week come Oct 20. Not a chance in hell.

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It makes absolutely no sense to me. Whether from an RP point of view or from a gaming experience point of view.


I enjoy going back to low level planets with high level characters. One very important reason for that: I can just walk or drive around without getting attacked every 5 meters. None of the mobs on any planet pose any difficulty or fun fighting against them. It is 100% nuisance, it is tedious and annoys me.


I leveled so many chars and I have done more than enough fighting on level. Now I am a Swtor veteran. I have always been here. And I am still here. But I am not willing to fight any of the trash again. I enjoy having achieved my current standing/situation by playing many, many hours and I love that I don't have to fight anymore. I feel like I'm on gaming pension, just want to relax in this game. I know, it's a game and means nothing, but I just like to hang around in this galaxy and I didn't mind paying a subscription ever since for it. I am still exploring the planets and I find out new things all the time. That's what I do. That's what I like.


I want everyone who wants to get levelsynced to get this chance, no doubt. To each his own. But I just want to drive around on Alderaan, enjoying the beauty and the peace that I brought to the planet (ignoring all the red mobs which just don't exist anymore, because I already got rid of them).


Basically, there are three things which this level sync causes in me:


1. I am not willing to visit low level planets in 4.0 again, even if my chars would be a few levels above the opponents. Just thinking about those annoying sand people attacking me while I try to find a way up a rock to see what's on top of it, no, thank you.


2. I regret that I just bought this 90 days game time card thingy from Amazon.


3. Looks like I can freeze all my chars into carbonite and bring them to the future since I won't visit old planets anymore. Fair enough. Swtor is dead. I will play KotFE then.


Very displeased, Bioware. Very displeased.

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I think it will be fun to have atleast some difficulty on the lower level planet when the character is higher level.


The character will be very powerful as seen in the livestream anyway just not immortal :tran_wink:


I think it's interesting as an optional feature. Just not interesting as a forced one.

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Won't this break Dreadseed areas and Bounty week ? also GSI that is already broken will be doubly broken...


Why they would not limit this to heroic areas is beyond me...


The Dreadseed, bounty hunter, etc are the ones that concern me. Is it something that turns on/off based on the area your in? Is it something that activates when you accept a heroic mission? It wasn't really given in much detail, that I saw.

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I don't visit lower planets often enough to make it a big issue for me.


But on the whole, I see the negative impact greater than the positive gains. Perhaps in time they'll come up with a away to make it optional, like they did with the 12xXP

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Hi All,


Given the similarity between several of the level-sync threads, we've decided to merge them into a single thread here. Please consider that if you want to discuss a topic, and if it's already very similar to another thread, to simply post in the thread that's already active rather than creating a new thread discussing the same topic. Keeping posts in a single thread makes for an easier time of reading for all.


And, as always, while we encourage constructive criticism and civil debate, please keep it respectful.




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How would players being set at the same maximum level / maximum stats kill OWPVP?


Do you mean to say that you really aren't good at PVP and can only win by out-leveling and / or out-gearing others?


If so - too bad.


If not - then nothing has changed, if you are the better player, you'll still win.

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Alot of people are against this.

So best thing to do is to make it optional, this way everyone is happy.



Same here.


they should just make it optional and then both sides are happy.

no one except gw2 uses forced leveling.

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He's the master of posting nothing useful. It's better just to ignore his comments, they have no substance anyway.


Thanks MillionsKNives, with a busy thread like this there isn't time to check out the posting history of everybody, and I can't help my desire to try and engage with everybody.

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I think you guys are making a serious mistake not making level sync optional.


I think this is a great feature that you are adding, and it will make many players happy. However for me personally, all it will do is discourage me from ever going back to an old planet again.


It is a very big mistake to introduce such a game changing feature without an off toggle.


Sounds very polite to me. So much that I fully sign this post. +1


Good, I don't think it needs to be optional. What possible purpose does being able to 1-shot every thing on lowbie planets serve? The lower planets actually will have some replay-ability now.


Please enlighten me how exactly you will now replay old planets much more often and enjoy it much more. Will you go back to Ord Mantell to... yeah, to what? The heroic island is the only thing repeatable if I remember correctly. So tell me: Will you now go back much more often to play this heroic, because it is now much more time-consuming and more tedious then before? I mean, more challenging again.


I tell you what you will do: You will not go back once to Ord Mantell to play this heroic with a high level character. Because the replay-ability which you mention does not occur. Being able to one-shot the beasts on that island might drag one or two high levels to come back once in a while. Levelsync will not drag one player to repeat this mission. There is simply absolutely no reason to do it.


So, what is the point in forcing this on everyone? There is none. Making it optional sounds just fine to me.

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Completely agree. I'd be all for the system if it was optional. Not a big fan of it being mandatory. Also not a big fan that I'm still OP for content as well. So even if I do try to help a friend I'm not so much helping as carrying them. It's an awful middle ground where neither side of it is good.


And yeah, there's a lot of really good stuff they're doing too. Too bad this overtakes it all.


Exactly, it's a lose lose because they are trying to find that impossible balance. If it were optional, they could balance level sync to actually be challenging, and that would add some much to the game.

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Wow. Seeing he was a level 18 scaled down from 60 he was still managing to solo the heroic, so stop whining.


So, what exactly is the point of the downgrading then? Level 60: heroic can be solo'd. Level 18: heroic can be solo'd.


A lot of new code probably causing a lot of new bugs, missing a lot of things which have to be patched later. And all so that you can now solo a heroic being a level 18 instead of 60. Glad my sub money is invested into such a useful feature.

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The irony is that rather than notice that a lot of your paying customers are unhappy with this situation, you've decided to just remove the wall of front page that was level sync threads by merging them all into one (which makes it all largely unreadable).


I would suggest that a good development team would address the concerns, talk to the community, and provide some further feedback. Having more than half of the front page (and part of the second) all be about one topic should be of concern to the devs, not be ignored.


Don't be silly. It's his job to make sure the forum doesn't get out of control. BW are certainly seeing this threads and I am also sure they see it's probably just about 20 people who are regurgitation their anti-level-sync bile in as many threads as possible.


They are seeing the feedback in various places and will decide what to do with it. The forums here are just a place for you to vent. The "community" on this forum has already made sure that any sensible communication between devs and players here is not possible.


I'm sure I had some part in that in the past, but I have realised it wasn't helping...now you can thank yourself for that.

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We can keep this "issue" bumped until doomsday and it won't make a scrap of difference.


I sadly have to agree with you, the ship has sailed...


Game devs seem to be amazingly tone def. Even Microsoft bought a clue after Windows 8 and came back with Windows 10, which while not perfect, was admission that the start screen for desktops was stupid, the start menu is back.


NGE destroyed SWG, they even had to give refunds for Trials of Obi-Wan because they sold that, then dropped NGE on everyone shortly after that.


Yet in all the years of decline after that, they never turned back, never saw that NGE was a mistake. The game never recovered from what it was, even after they released a free trial version that you could play for the first part of for free.


Bioware/EA is highly unlikely to listen now, shame as that is.

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They've changed plenty of thing in the past based on player feedback. Disliking descaling doesn't mean a player dislikes the game bran. They should care because we're customers.

Yeah, useful advice would be "voice your opinion / criticism - just don't be surprised if they don't follow it, because there are a lot of considerations that go into their decision making (including the opinions of those who may completely disagree with you)."


But saying "either accept it or quit - there's no point in complaining about it on the forums" just doesn't hold water.


People complained about the cost of Ability Training during 12x XP - BW made the training free.

People asked for 12x XP to be made optional - BW did so when they brought 12x XP back.

People complained about how capes clip through mounts - that is being fixed in 4.0.

People asked for Datacrons to be made Legacy-wide - that is being implemented in 4.0.

People complained about how unwieldy the Crafting and Collections Menus were getting - they made changes and more are upcoming.

etc., etc., etc.


I doubt they had metrics that were showing people quitting left and right over mount clipping or the menu screens.


Not everything that is requested is granted - in no small part because with a player base of hundreds of thousands there are always going to be some people requesting the exact opposite of others - but they do listen.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Can anyone think of one actual good reason why this shouldn't be a toggle?


When I say 'good reason', I don't mean any of that 'because peeveepee!' crap. If you're on a pvp server, you signed up to be gank fodder until you turned into a ganker right back, stop acting like you're a picked-on victim of unforeseen consequences. Don't like it, get off the pvp servers.


Any reference to open world pvp shall be ignored. That died with Ilum. If you're still clinging to that long dead piteous shadow of lesser concerns, get off your horse, buy a car and join the modern world. Discover electricity and hygiene and Game of Thrones or something. Leave the dead, ancient concerns of long-dead topics to their rest.


I asked this many many pages, and in 50 pages the ONLY reason provided was the PVP one. Other than the PVP argument, even the people for the system didn't object to a toggle. Considering the majority of players are on PvE servers it doesn't make sense to force this on everybody for the minority.


AND in any case I've already suggested a way to neutralise the PVP argument that nobody has countered. On PVP servers people with level sync turned off could go into a different instance to those with it on or naturally low level. They would also then be able to balance the level sync to be more matched rather than OP, improving the PVP situation.


So in short PvE benefits from a toggle, PvP benefits from a toggle. Nobody loses.

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They've changed plenty of thing in the past based on player feedback. Disliking descaling doesn't mean a player dislikes the game bran. They should care because we're customers.


If there is one thing I've learned by owning my own business for more than 20 years, it is this...


"The customer may be right, the customer may be wrong, the customer may be bat-crazy insane... but the customer is always the customer..."


A good example of thinking you know best is "New Coke". Management was SO sure of itself that it not only came out with NEW Coke, it STOPPED MAKING THE EXISTING PRODUCT THAT WAS SELLING.


It didn't take long to turn that around, and it remains a business case study to this day.

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Hi All,


Given the similarity between several of the level-sync threads, we've decided to merge them into a single thread here. Please consider that if you want to discuss a topic, and if it's already very similar to another thread, to simply post in the thread that's already active rather than creating a new thread discussing the same topic. Keeping posts in a single thread makes for an easier time of reading for all.


And, as always, while we encourage constructive criticism and civil debate, please keep it respectful.





Ah, that explains why the page count suddenly jumped up, I though i'd fallen unconscious for a period of time and skipped a few hours! Applaud for the classy move of not just deleting the threads, I'm not sure why people create new ones (maybe they think it gives it more visibility) but thanks for the post. I'd given up trying keep up with all other threads, so this is helpful, thanks

Edited by ZavienUK
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