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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Do you really think they are going to leave the targets of a level 65s BBA quest at level 65 when the level 65 is synched to the planet's level? Seriously?


Are you really that confident in their competence that you think that A) they even thought about this problem before making the decision, and B) that have the technology to deal with it?



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So your Jedi Master confab just lets all of those flesh raiders stand around you while you meet?

No, we ignore them IC, and they ignore us ... though that part will change in a few weeks. It's actually comments like yours that make me question whether people RP. If we have to clear an area, we almost always do so OOC. All downscaling does for RP is require more frequent and pervasive clearing of mobs.

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Okay so some people see no reason why we should be able to toggle this off. How about when you have to go back to a starting planet as apart of your class line say as a BH when you go to DK for Mandalore to clear out the cave do we really need to be agroing every mob in that heroic area just to get to the instace? Especially since it is a class story mission and you are supposed to be able to do those solo. Hmm... I think that a lot of you who are saying that you dont need to toggle it off will change your minds when this exact situation happens to you. But then again maybe not maybe you dont mind spending a long time fighting through every mob that agros on you from half a mile away and actually end up dying to mobs you should just be able to one shot or not have to deal with at all.


Not a problem, because some of us know how to navigate around mobs.

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So.. basically level syncing will kill world pvp.. because it'll make it more fair?


You've GOT to be kidding me. That's just rediculous. First.. it doesn't really make it fair. Low levels still have worse gear, a companion that's likely unheated and doesn't have the same presence boosting it, and is missing lots of abilities. This just means that they might stand half a chance of not dying right off. It's a positive change in every way in terms of pvp.

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Not entirely true.


It's a decent game feature.


Problem is it's not currently an optional game feature. I see it's merits but not as a forced feature.



I've said it before, had this been announced as an optional system, it would have been applauded for the many benefits it can bring. It's a real shame that a great system, and the other great things in the livestream have been overshadowed by the forced nature of this. I still cannot wrap my head around this. The idea in any level/power based RPG I've played that power would be forcibly removed from you.

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Here's the thing;


I'm assuming that level sync will set your level to the highest possible mission level on the planet (if not higher since Eric was level 18 on DK, which is the average level a player leaves when using 12x XP). So including the Bonus Series, you will still be well over-leveled than most other people on the planet.


Also, if you have PvP gear (which I imagine most of you hardcore PvPers do) then you'll surely still stomp on others who don't. So essentially, it's exactly the same. Or at the very least, a little bit harder to gank people. So none of your "random unpredictiveness" is gone.

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It's not even close to that. It's more like "forcing" players to complete quests to earn rewards. This is now how the game will work. Deal with it (or move on).


That sort of comment is not helpful. People are well aware that if Bioware ignores the feedback their options are to deal with it or move on, I don't think anybody needs that pointing out out to them.

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So.. basically level syncing will kill world pvp.. because it'll make it more fair?


You've GOT to be kidding me. That's just rediculous. First.. it doesn't really make it fair. Low levels still have worse gear, a companion that's likely unheated and doesn't have the same presence boosting it, and is missing lots of abilities. This just means that they might stand half a chance of not dying right off. It's a positive change in every way in terms of pvp.


The target is not about camping low levels. 2 65s can be the example. The point is, what's it matter your gear if your synced to a level with max stats for that level which both ppl will have for being actual 65s.

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That sort of comment is not helpful. People are well aware that if Bioware ignores the feedback their options are to deal with it or move on, I don't think anybody needs that pointing out out to them.


He's the master of posting nothing useful. It's better just to ignore his comments, they have no substance anyway.

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Here's the thing;


I'm assuming that level sync will set your level to the highest possible mission level on the planet (if not higher since Eric was level 18 on DK, which is the average level a player leaves when using 12x XP). So including the Bonus Series, you will still be well over-leveled than most other people on the planet.


Also, if you have PvP gear (which I imagine most of you hardcore PvPers do) then you'll surely still stomp on others who don't. So essentially, it's exactly the same. Or at the very least, a little bit harder to gank people. So none of your "random unpredictiveness" is gone.


But do we know for sure pvp gear will still even be effective with this level sync?

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So if mobs are going to be a big issue with level syncing then they must be a problem on Ziost and Yavin right? I mean these are planets designed for lvl 60 characters. You cannot even get to Ziost before 60. So the mobs there must be a huge issue. In fact Ziost is a small space and the trash is everywhere.

No, because the reward is equal to the level. Do you really think that when you are scaled down to level on say DK, having to fight thru every mob that the loot drops from the mobs in the open world is going to be equal to what you would get if you were level 65? The answer is no... Enjoy that fing annoyance for 2 credits... While quests themselves will work to your level, I seriously doubt this dev team has the requisite know how to code the world mob drops to scale up to your level.... Hell they can't even do it right on flash points *cough* KDY *cough* where you run it at 55 and get loot equal to being level 10...


But I honestly didn't imagine this was not to be optional. It needs to be. Not for the "I have mats to gather" or "I can't spend all day getting kicked off of my mount" or even "I'm a powerful sith that refuse to get slapped around by low life slaves". But for the fun! For the fun in having options. For the fun of having choices when reaching lvl cap. For the fun of helping friends or guildies the way we choose to.


Actually yes to a point it does. I earned the right by leveling up to not have to be agroed when I go back to some starter planet to do some stupid quest that I really don't want to go back to Korriban for the millionth time....

Edited by Psychopyro
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I've said it before, had this been announced as an optional system, it would have been applauded for the many benefits it can bring. It's a real shame that a great system, and the other great things in the livestream have been overshadowed by the forced nature of this. I still cannot wrap my head around this. The idea in any level/power based RPG I've played that power would be forcibly removed from you.


Completely agree. I'd be all for the system if it was optional. Not a big fan of it being mandatory. Also not a big fan that I'm still OP for content as well. So even if I do try to help a friend I'm not so much helping as carrying them. It's an awful middle ground where neither side of it is good.


And yeah, there's a lot of really good stuff they're doing too. Too bad this overtakes it all.

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Most PVE servers don't care about OW PVP.


That said, syncing will actually make OW PVP better.


Instead of a terri-bad 60/65 camping lowbies because he sucks at PVP and can't fight players his own level, that same terri-bad 60/65 will get his teeth kicked in by a level 15 who just knows how to PVP better than him.


I expect a flood of rage posts from those terri-bads to hit the forums after syncing goes live.


Im all for the fair fights, I'm just attaching the point that the environment and concepts of open world pvp is being driven out of this game, along with pvp in general tbh

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This sort of concern would be best posted in the PVP forums where the dev can see it and respond appropriately.


Almost did, but I think the topic is broad enough to be general concern. Plus pvp forums just have flood of QQ threads that devs doubtfully look at.

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It's not even close to that. It's more like "forcing" players to complete quests to earn rewards. This is now how the game will work. Deal with it (or move on).


Its' exactly that. If I don't do pvp I don't get PVP rewards. If I don't down scale, I don't get those rewards. Pretty simple to understand.


I get that is how the game works going forward. I will deal with it after the story is complete. I also plan to make sure as much negativity about it is spread as far as forums will go and word of mouth will take it because this could have been done as an optional game play feature and was not. Both side could be happy gamers.


Thats poor planning and game design to not make this an optional feature. But moving on, thats what SWTOR gamers should be preaching. Get as many gamers out of SWTOR as humanly possible that don't enjoy every single thing about this. Maybe ill try to help you get rid of some gamers.

Edited by Quraswren
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