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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Actually I can: Alliance


See I remember hearing dev talk about how we need to form an Alliance to combat the coming of the Eternal Empire. So if we wanted the Mandalorian's help we would have to go do things for them. I got the impression this was where a lot of the more traditional mmo style content was coming from. What if the new system is also tied to that.


So to get said Mandalorians help you have to go to a low level planet and do stuff. Well to keep it challenging you would something like level syncing. It allows the devs to basically dropped a crap ton of new stuff for us to do without needed to make new worlds or even new boards.


This may not be how it works but if it is, it would explain much.


I'm glad someone else is seeing what's happening... the fury and rage over this is unbelievable frankly, when clearly it's the "new system"... I'm excited and enthused, likewise, I don't know how it works either... but they simply wouldn't be developing this for a QoL "help the newb's" reasoning.

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Wow. Frigging 5 threads at the top of Gen Discussion about this alone. People should actually look at the front page and toss their 2 credits into a thread than make 50 troll threads LOL.


BUT - in one of those threads - someone brought up a neat point. Everyone it seems cried and cried and cried and cried and - well - cried - about how they wanted to do ALL content on a planet and ended up out-leveling the planet before they could do everything.


So look at the bright side. Now it is impossible to out-level a planet. You get to the upper end of that planet and start syncing - thus still having a bit of challenge and still getting XP from doing it.


That thread is here:




It is really a neat upside to something that seemed to bother a LOT of SWTOR players.

Edited by Faelandaea
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You can't make a system like this optional! They are doing this so there is always going to be stuff to do regardless if you are high level or not. Don't you see that? We will now have a reason to go back to every single planet to do stuff with these weekly missions and new quests being added.


To be blunt, I don't care. I already have stuff to do. I already have things to do on my maxed-out characters, and I already have things to do on my alts.


And this gives me absolutely no more reason, and in fact less reason, to ever go to a lower-level planet. It gives me less reason to play my main, less reason to level my alts, less reason to do anything in the game.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Do you hit points go down? Your damage? Your healing? Your armor rating? Etc?


If so, then you have in fact been reduced in effectively level.


There's no getting around it. Either you're downscaled, or you are not. There is no middle ground.


You are taking this way too far into the extremes max! They are doing this so you have a reason to go back to the other planets. Not just sit on the fleet twiddling your thumbs after you did the dailies. Remember the dailies you do? Yah, now you will be doing those on every single planet. A bunch of them.


BUT to keep the game interesting and somewhat of a little challenge so you don't plow through everything in 5 seconds and make it irrelevant, they are going to "scale level" you to the max level of the planet you are on so you are NOW the level of the new content they have made and will continue to make so the whole game is relevant except for just a tiny fraction of it when you ding max level.


That's what they are doing. They aren't doing what you are thinking.

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All ops gear is useless because you'll be scaled down to level on the planet, there's no reason to do any ops as ops are the same, and gear is useless, you can't use your new gear in any old planet at full potential.


Because of level 65 now we'll get this level reduction in level sync because bioware thinks now at level 65 it will be too easy to do some missions ? on old planets ?

So why 5 new levels when this new levels bring nothing to the game.

I doubt you need any ops gear to do dailys on planet 5lv bellow you anyway. If they run Yavin in pvp gear and 55 greens on current cap I'm pretty sure you'll do fine of old planets without any ops gear.

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You can't make a system like this optional!


Sure you can. It's a buff you keep or remove as you go to a planet.


Want the rewards for the heroic missions? The weekly? Whatever" Better have the buff.

Want to cheese youre best friend who doesn't give a rats *** about a heroic on his 18 alt. Lose the buff and have fun.


How "F"ing short sighted are you?


They are doing this so there is always going to be stuff to do regardless if you are high level or not. Don't you see that? We will now have a reason to go back to every single planet to do stuff with these weekly missions and new quests being added.


Optional or not all that can stay. Being optinal doesn't destroy any of that.


But this is a thing most are either with or against without seeing it live in game. I will withhold my judgement upon it until KotFE launches and I can see for myself but that doesn't mean I can't be optimistic about it or try to explain the way this system works.


But think what you want.


And there is where your foolish nature shows. You are incapable of making an educated guess based on information we have and seen. An educated guess based on years of experience in multiple MMO and gamers that have a leveling system.


Making this change doesn't give reasons to go back to planets. If anything, it's giving me a reason to avoid them. I don't like being down scaled in levels. that's not fun after the time I spent getting them.


You so called optimism is a joke when faced with reality and it's harsher nature of screwing things up.

Edited by Quraswren
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Seriously ... title says all. Lots of people DON'T WANT THIS, still you force this upon us. I would be happy if this level synch means through terminals, but now you just get punished if you want to play the game in any way you want.


Seriously considering unsubbing right now.




Add delete button, please bioware.

Edited by TheLostMegax
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You are taking this way too far into the extremes max! They are doing this so you have a reason to go back to the other planets. Not just sit on the fleet twiddling your thumbs after you did the dailies. Remember the dailies you do? Yah, now you will be doing those on every single planet. A bunch of them.


BUT to keep the game interesting and somewhat of a little challenge so you don't plow through everything in 5 seconds and make it irrelevant, they are going to "scale level" you to the max level of the planet you are on so you are NOW the level of the new content they have made and will continue to make so the whole game is relevant except for just a tiny fraction of it when you ding max level.


That's what they are doing. They aren't doing what you are thinking.


No, actually, I won't be doing dailies on those old planets, any more than I am now.


If I wanted to do them, I'd already be doing them. There will be no more reason to do them in 4.0, than there is right now, and there will be an added reason to not do them -- increased tedium and slog and nuisance.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Trust me reasoning with him is a lost battle. He will disagree with you no matter what and that is his hobby in these forums. A couple days ago I posted something where I actually AGREED with the guy and he still went off on me for it just because he feeds on conflict. I finally quit trying to debate with him after that (though it was fun at first because I always love a good debate as long as it doesn't turn into flaming).

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To be blunt, I don't care. This gives me absolutely no more reason, and in fact less reason, to ever go to a lower-level planet. It gives me less reason to play my main, less reason to level my alts, less reason to do anything in the game.


Why would it give you less of a reason to play your main? If you do the same high level stuff your main did, that won't change at all! Why would you stop leveling your alts? This has NO EFFECT on leveling your alts to the planet you are on at all unless you go back to another planet to do repeatable heroics or weekly dailies/other stuffs! Why would it effect anything to do in the game?


This has NOTHING to do with any of that max O.O


Also, if you think about it, this actually gives more player options on what to do at max level. There are LOADS of things you will now be able to do. It is NOT making you a poor excuse for a character now JUST because it's scaling you to make the new stuff and older planets relevant! You're misunderstanding this.

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I doubt you need any ops gear to do dailys on planet 5lv bellow you anyway. If they run Yavin in pvp gear and 55 greens on current cap I'm pretty sure you'll do fine of old planets without any ops gear.

You don't need any ops gear to do that, but i went into HM ops to get the gear so i can do my dailies faster.

This gear up till now had purpose, better dps = faster missions, but now it's obsolete, because you'll be down scaled so the new gear is useless outside of level 65 content.

This means that there's no reason to do any ops now as gear only "works" in level 65 content.

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You are misunderstanding what this is!


There is going to be "your level" then there is going to be ANOTHER level that is the scaling one. Just like Guild Wars 2. If you didn't play that game, you always have your level go up just like a traditional mmo, but this "scaling" level scales you to the level range in the zone you are in.


So it's NOTHING AT ALL like "why have levels then? why bother with that?" because you STILL are going to have a level and can get to max level cap and get your gear, your armor, your mods and have all that at your CHARACTER level but then there is a SCALING level that will show you what SCALING level you are in the planet you are on.


They are probably going to make a new mechanic along with this in the future for open world pvp and make quests repeatable like gw2 or something. Don't overreact to this. It's not what you think!!!


No he wasn't misunderstanding what this is, you are misunderstanding the point he was making, We all know we still 'officially' have our level, which we get to see when zone back to our ship, or the fleet. But on every other planet, we will be whatever level the developers decide we get to be. We can't be overlevelled and go back for fun, nope we are the level the developers dictate.


As long as you are at least the max level for the planet you want to travel to, levelling beyond that is pointless. Levels no longer mattering in a level based vertical mmo is what people are upset about. At this point why don't they just go all the way, and uplevel as well if we want to travel to higher level planets. At that point levels can be removed from the UI.


So thanks for the reassurance that I'll still have my level and stats and power when sat on the fleet or on my ship, thats a real reassurance (sarcasm if not obvious)


People are not overreacting over a misunderstanding. There is no misunderstanding, they are removing levels in a level based vertical RPG. Gaining levels and stats and power is a big think for a lot of players, this change not only takes that away from them but will make exploration, datacrons, achievements and the like more tedious, and less fun. Not making it optional takes a lot away from the game. Making it optional would add to the game (the system in an of itself does have benefits - just not all the time). Options are good. Forcing is bad.

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Sure you can. It's a buff you keep or remove as you go to a planet.


Want the rewards for the heroic missions? The weekly? Whatever" Better have the buff.

Want to cheese youre best friend who doesn't give a rats *** about a heroic on his 18 alt. Lose the buff and have fun.


How "F"ing short sighted are you?




Optional or not all that can stay. Being optinal doesn't destroy any of that.




And there is where your foolish nature shows. You are incapable of making an educated guess based on information we have and seen. An educated guess based on years of experience in multiple MMO and gamers that have a leveling system.


Making this change doesn't give reasons to go back to planets. If anything, it's giving me a reason to avoid them. I don't like being down scaled in levels. that's not fun after the time I spent getting them.


You so called optimism is a joke when faced with reality and it's harsher nature of screwing things up.[/color]


And there was you a couple of posts up saying you cant speculate on the future!

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Trust me reasoning with him is a lost battle. He will disagree with you no matter what and that is his hobby in these forums. A couple days ago I posted something where I actually AGREED with the guy and he still went off on me for it just because he feeds on conflict. I finally quit trying to debate with him after that (though it was fun at first because I always love a good debate as long as it doesn't turn into flaming).


Wait, which of us are you talking about?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You are taking this way too far into the extremes max! They are doing this so you have a reason to go back to the other planets. Not just sit on the fleet twiddling your thumbs after you did the dailies. Remember the dailies you do? Yah, now you will be doing those on every single planet. A bunch of them.


BUT to keep the game interesting and somewhat of a little challenge so you don't plow through everything in 5 seconds and make it irrelevant, they are going to "scale level" you to the max level of the planet you are on so you are NOW the level of the new content they have made and will continue to make so the whole game is relevant except for just a tiny fraction of it when you ding max level.


That's what they are doing. They aren't doing what you are thinking.


Having to waste my time killing trash I should have outleveled years ago isn't fun. It's not challenging. It's just time consuming. I already avoid doing Yavin 4 and Oricon because of the mob density. Sure, I can kill everything on either planet, but why would I want to? It's time consuming, tedious, and a chore. I don't do most of the other dailies very often either, but they're tolerable since fights with trash take no longer than three to five seconds.


I don't play this game to do chores. I play this game to have fun, and that isn't fun. If the goal is to keep things interesting, it's backfired spectacularly. They couldn't have made a worse design choice if they had been trying.


Why bother to upgrade my gear if I'm just going to get scaled down so that literally everything takes longer? No thank you. You can't convince me that will be enjoyable, because there's no way it ever will be.

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Trust me reasoning with him is a lost battle. He will disagree with you no matter what and that is his hobby in these forums. A couple days ago I posted something where I actually AGREED with the guy and he still went off on me for it just because he feeds on conflict. I finally quit trying to debate with him after that (though it was fun at first because I always love a good debate as long as it doesn't turn into flaming).


I know it.


He somehow thinks we are incapable of seeing this down scaling thing as what it is without "giving it a change."


It a terrible stance he's taking and foolish to be honest unless he really hasn't been playing leveling games and MMO for long and just doesn't know any better. His stance is one of ignorance and he's hoping for the best with nothing else to really go on but something as simply as making this an option would have been more successful.

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Sure you can. It's a buff you keep or remove as you go to a planet.


I think the reason(s) they made it not optional were pretty clear. It raises quality of play for the lower level people trying to get through content of a planet without high level bot farmers (or live farmers for that matter) plowing through and keeping everything either dead or crafting nodes plowed over. That's the main reason I support not having it as an option. The planet content becomes more equal for everyone now.


And guys if they make it optional, I won;t freak out and threaten to quit. We played this far okay, but I just wanted to toss out there why I think it isn't such a bad thing.

Edited by Faelandaea
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Trust me reasoning with him is a lost battle. He will disagree with you no matter what and that is his hobby in these forums. A couple days ago I posted something where I actually AGREED with the guy and he still went off on me for it just because he feeds on conflict. I finally quit trying to debate with him after that (though it was fun at first because I always love a good debate as long as it doesn't turn into flaming).


I don't disagree with anybody just because O.o why would I do that? I think you are mistaken for somebody else Fae! I've agreed with you before.


I am simply trying to help people understand their reasoning behind this system. I don't care if somebody agrees with me or not. That's not the issue here. And there are many times when I have agreed with many people here. Sometimes even with Max_Killjoy on things. So don't go saying false things like that. :(

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I'm going to have to step over to the "Not a fan" side. I wont freak out, or throw a tantrum, but I'm far from happy. The way I see it is that we earned those levels, some of us with money, all of us with time, and I feel that we should be able to do what we want with them. I can imagine this is also going to impact soloing in a negative way. I mean, many of us just don't care for grouping, we like to go at our own pace and do things our way, but even if we are stronger than a natural level character, I am sure there are going to be some things we just cannot do alone now.

I feel that if we want to hold off on a heroic or flashpoint in order to solo it later once we are a higher level, we should be able to. To some of us, it's the way we play.

I just soloed the Foundry on Hardmode a couple of days ago and let me tell you, that was one HECK of a ride. I ran into killer bugs and general issues derived from being alone, but in the end...I had a lot of fun. I don't want to lose the ability to tiptoe around the level limits and challenge myself. I'm not against the concept, but it really needs to be optional.

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I think the reason(s) they made it not optional were pretty clear. It raises quality of play for the lower level people trying to get through content of a planet without high level bot farmers (or live farmers for that matter) plowing through and keeping everything either dead or crafting nodes plowed over. That's the main reason I support not having it as an option. The planet content becomes more equal for everyone now.


Yes! Exactly Fae! You nailed it right there. It makes everything more relevant for the overall game.

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I know it.


He somehow thinks we are incapable of seeing this down scaling thing as what it is without "giving it a change."


It a terrible stance he's taking and foolish to be honest unless he really hasn't been playing leveling games and MMO for long and just doesn't know any better. His stance is one of ignorance and he's hoping for the best with nothing else to really go on but something as simply as making this an option would have been more successful.


Indeed. Like you and I can have a completely opposite opinion but still respect each other. :) Just - I guess for some players that is not a possibility they will accept.

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