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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Says the shill. You guys are so obvious.

Worst. Salesman. Ever.


As a Bioware employee you should be convincing people to stay, not reminding them that they're paying for a slap in the face.

:rolleyes: You guys sound every bit as ridiculous as a 'white knight' would if he went around saying anyone who criticizes the game must be getting paid by Blizzard to bash it.

Edited by DarthDymond
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You do recycled content every single time you set foot in an mmorpg. You can do things now all the time, everywhere, anytime you want without needing to start a new character if you want. It's NOT making you a "weak pathetic" youngling or crappy shooting bounty hunter again like you were lvl 15 or 20. It's not like that at all!!


Actually yes it is. Everything you have will be down scaled. You wont lose abilities but they will be much weaker. You will just be at the highest level of the planet.


You are now a level 15 or 20, youngling with a few extra skills. Still rather weak but at the top end of the planet.


Not something I find enjoyable.

Edited by Quraswren
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"call me out"? and what is that going to do? I never understood that "calling out" thing. Do what you want. I'm just an average person sitting in my house and I game a lot. But, believe whatever you want. ;)Beliefs and facts are two different things.


/yawn Try harder, shill :rolleyes:

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I think too many people confuse "sloggy, tedious, and a nuisance" with "challenging".


Agree, reminds me of the The Secret World before they toned it down. Combat was supposed to be challenging, was actually just tedious. With what they have announced, all I see it more tedious to do achievements and exploration and just move about.

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So why even create level 65 ? new story could be done at level 60 for all subs.

We don't get any new level 65 ops or FP's

This level 65 fu*** everything up.

Ops/FP's can now be done at level 50-65, so there is no need to level up to level 65.

All ops gear is useless because you'll be scaled down to level on the planet, there's no reason to do any ops as ops are the same, and gear is useless, you can't use your new gear in any old planet at full potential.


Because of level 65 now we'll get this level reduction in level sync because bioware thinks now at level 65 it will be too easy to do some missions ? on old planets ?

So why 5 new levels when this new levels bring nothing to the game.

Edited by -Spc
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Well then, you self appointed Bioware spokesman, give the whole class one good reason why this can't be optional.


Just one. We'll wait.


Actually I can: Alliance


See I remember hearing dev talk about how we need to form an Alliance to combat the coming of the Eternal Empire. So if we wanted the Mandalorian's help we would have to go do things for them. I got the impression this was where a lot of the more traditional mmo style content was coming from. What if the new system is also tied to that.


So to get said Mandalorians help you have to go to a low level planet and do stuff. Well to keep it challenging you would something like level syncing. It allows the devs to basically dropped a crap ton of new stuff for us to do without needed to make new worlds or even new boards.


This may not be how it works but if it is, it would explain much.

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I am going to edit this into my last post also, but wanted to toss out there - hasn't anyone who has nothing but level 60's ever wanted to help a low level friend without sucking away their XP because of your high level? This takes care of that. Edited by Faelandaea
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Well that sucks..


It does.


I highly expect to hear more people tell that random general chat person to "piss off" as they ask for help in something like Trouble with Deeds (or any place really)


Why go through the hassle now if all everyone there wanted was to be carried through it anyway so they could get it done and get to max level.

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Because unless you only went where you were supposed to for your missions you should have most if not ALL of the planet maps fully explored.


So... which missions exactly take you into the "other faction" half/third of the maps on the planets which have both factions there at the same level, such as Alderan?


Never mind the some of the "heroic area" spots, that are best left alone until you've overleveled them, unless you're lucky enough to get a group that's not full of jackwagons.

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They are also doing this because they are making weekly missions. They are making repeatable missions and heroics that you can do that will give you gear, stuffs, credits and will STILL be for YOUR "character level" but you will just be "scaled" to the max level of the planet you are on so you can do the new "weekly missions and heroics" so it feels like you are lower level again but you aren't actually. It's just a way to keep all content relevant at all times and this is a reason to go back to the past planets. This is not a negative thing at all.
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People are misunderstanding this the wrong way on what it is. Remember if you don't like it. Vote with your wallet!

I just did pal, unsubscribed for the first time in a long time. Your supervisor should really be fired for letting you remind the customers that they have the option to leave. I hope this is reflected in your bonus come the holidays.

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People are misunderstanding this the wrong way on what it is. Remember if you don't like it. Vote with your wallet!


You're confused. Most gamers know exactly what this is. If you play MMo and leveling games are all you know what this is.


However, I do agree. Vote with your wallet. Thats what SWTOR needs is more gamers leaving because BW couldn't be bothered to make this optional.


SNIP.... This is not a negative thing at all.


It very much is a negative as making this optional would allow gamers to decide how they wanted to participate in different aspects of the game.


To bad you and BW cannot see that.

Edited by Quraswren
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I am going to edit this into my last post also, but wanted to toss out there - hasn't anyone who has nothing but level 60's ever wanted to help a low level friend without sucking away their XP because of your high level? This takes care of that.


Another reason why this is a good idea. Most posts in here are overreactions. It's great for the game and makes every, single, planet now relevant.


You wanted a reason to go back to past planets? Now here is a huge one!

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It does.


I highly expect to hear more people tell that random general chat person to "piss off" as they ask for help in something like Trouble with Deeds (or any place really)


Why go through the hassle now if all everyone there wanted was to be carried through it anyway so they could get it done and get to max level.

You know it's coming. I'll be using the remainder of my sub to buy unlocks off the gtn and just go back to preferred. I'll never go to lower level content ever again. I'll just leave my main on the fleet and queue up and if anyone needs help they can do just that ... piss off.

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But then this is why not having it as a toggle puts them in a no win situation. If they actually do better balance it for actual challenge, then it will make exploration, achievements, datacrons etc and just moving about tedious.


With a toggle, they could actually balance the down levelled version to actually be challenging (I would REALLY LIKE THIS) without all the downsides of it.



I'm not sure why you're arguing with me here -- I think it's been pretty clear from my posts in these threads today (and over the past week or two) that I am very much against mandatory, open-world level syncing in TOR.


I would love for it to have been an option, though.

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I am going to edit this into my last post also, but wanted to toss out there - hasn't anyone who has nothing but level 60's ever wanted to help a low level friend without sucking away their XP because of your high level? This takes care of that.


I do that a lot, people like it that the heroics will be fast, they just want to get them done. They don't care about the xp they missed out on.

I always say that before I invite people 'I can help, but you won't get xp, it will be fast'. Almost everyone is ok with that.

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So why even create level 65 ? new story could be done at level 60 for all subs.

We don't get any new level 65 ops or FP's

This level 65 fu*** everything up.

Ops/FP's can now be done at level 50-65, so there is no need to level up to level 65.

All ops gear is useless because you'll be scaled down to level on the planet, there's no reason to do any ops as ops are the same, and gear is useless, you can't use your new gear in any old planet at full potential.


Because of level 65 now we'll get this level reduction in level sync because bioware thinks now at level 65 it will be too easy to do some missions ? on old planets ?

So why 5 new levels when this new levels bring nothing to the game.



No new OPS/FP sure, but old ones are being scaled up, gear drops now according to level, so even if you do a level 20 heroic and a nice blue item drops bam it's a level 62 blue item/mod(at least that's what I'm assuming haven't watched the stream yet).

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As a matter of fact, they sure do. Have you ever seriously stopped to look at mob density in this game? Are you aware of just how large the aggro range really is? Open world RP where you don't have to repeatedly kill the same trash because it just gets in the way is already a problem. But it's not so bad when you can just one shot it and be done with it until it respawns.


But no, we shouldn't be able to do that, I guess. We should waste time killing it instead! Golly gee, that sounds like fun! Sign me up!


Once again: what, exactly, gives you the right to tell me how I should spend my time playing this game? What would it matter to you if I one-shot everything if I wasn't getting the same rewards for it? How exactly does that hurt you?

OK, again, I'm pretty sure I didnt tell you how to play your game. Read again if you though that.

You were upset about mobs in the way of you and your bounty. I gave you a way to skip said mobs. Now you're upset, golly gee so sorry I tried to be helpful!


Anyway, about the RP. While I dont RP on planets much is true (mostly because pvp server and good luck sitting still for more than ten minutes without enemy player humping your leg), yes I can see how this is an issue though never experienced it myself. Though, I hardly feel this is good enough reason to completely drop scaling so RPrs can sit amongst killiks. Its a small complaint compared to the overall gain.

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Did you hear that? That's the sound of Conquest dying. They removed crafting as a possible way to reach personal goal, now with level sync, they're removing the other repeatable content that higher levels can do solo and forcing it back to being group content. Forced grouping seriously isn't going to do anyone any favours.


Especially on the heels of pushing KotFE as a largely single player experience.


This just strikes me as a really bad move. It's not going to make people suddenly start doing the heroics and world bosses again, it's not going to make them suddenly start grouping and interacting with other people in order to complete them, it's just going to make them stop doing them. At all.


While many of the changes make sense and can be seen as a positive for the game, this just seems like one of their dumbest moves ever.

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They are also doing this because they are making weekly missions. They are making repeatable missions and heroics that you can do that will give you gear, stuffs, credits and will STILL be for YOUR "character level" but you will just be "scaled" to the max level of the planet you are on so you can do the new "weekly missions and heroics" so it feels like you are lower level again but you aren't actually. It's just a way to keep all content relevant at all times and this is a reason to go back to the past planets. This is not a negative thing at all.


Do you hit points go down? Your damage? Your healing? Your armor rating? Etc?


If so, then you have in fact been reduced in effective level.


There's no getting around it. Either you're downscaled, or you are not. There is no middle ground.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You're confused. Most gamers know exactly what this is. If you play MMo and leveling games are all you know what this is.


However, I do agree. Vote with your wallet. Thats what SWTOR needs is more gamers leaving because BW couldn't be bothered to make this optional.


You can't make a system like this optional! They are doing this so there is always going to be stuff to do regardless if you are high level or not. Don't you see that? We will now have a reason to go back to every single planet to do stuff with these weekly missions and new quests being added.


But this is a thing most are either with or against without seeing it live in game. I will withhold my judgement upon it until KotFE launches and I can see for myself but that doesn't mean I can't be optimistic about it or try to explain the way this system works.


But think what you want.

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No new OPS/FP sure, but old ones are being scaled up, gear drops now according to level, so even if you do a level 20 heroic and a nice blue item drops bam it's a level 62 blue item/mod(at least that's what I'm assuming haven't watched the stream yet).

NPC's will not drop above level gear.

So if NPC is at level 10 it will drop max level 12 gear.


And that level 62 blue from "lockbox" can't be used on alderaan or ilum.

It's only for level 60+ content which makes it obsolete.


So again i don't see the reason for 5 more levels.

That could be done with level 60.

Edited by -Spc
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