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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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General exploring is a poor reason and RP only applies to RPers.


How is general exploring a poor reason?


Personally, I like going back to planets and hitting all the spots that were a pain to explore on-level, filling out the maps... if only maps were Legacy-wide, that would be cool.

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In this thread, now there will be with those for as there will be those that are against. There is no sense going around in circles trying to prove points to each other. Picking out sentences from paragraphs and arguing over what he said, she said, they didn't say, you didn't say, proving you are not some way they think you are.


Just adapt to the change and we'll see how it goes. Sounds like it's GW2 style stuff though. I still think this game had it's own style with the max level and that's what you stay regardless. But it seems as though perhaps they are scaling things so you can go around the galaxy and keep doing whatever so you can everything all the time and never run out of things to do.


Also, what if this is a way to implement GREAT open world pvp so there is no griefing at all and they are workign on owpvp for the future? How awesome would that be.



Big difference between GW2 and here on this one: GW2 baked it in from the get-go. People were buying that as part of the experience straight out the gates.


Now, the devs are changing a fundamental way that levels interact with the gameplay experience game-wind. They obviously think it'll be great and wonderful, but the sheer blowbakc already hitting the forum suggests to me that it might be possible that they're not as right as they hope they are.


Adapting to things is good. Taking whatever crap you're given makes you a doormat, however - these protests need to be lodged by those that have them, or doormats we shall permanently remain.


Also, its rather tedious in GW2 to go exploring, because everything hostile will and does aggro you all the time everywhere, no exceptions. Its really fricken boring to have to kill your way to everywhere you ever want to be after a rather short while. I know this because I played the game for a good two years pretty solidly.


Fortunately, GW2 has good systems in place to always make it relatively worth your while. XP is never wasted as but one example. HIt max level and keep gaining XP for skill points. That seems like it might be changing for how it all works in their own upcoming expansion, but I don't really care about that anyway.


What I care about is the fact that if you don't like this change, you might as well GDIAF. They don't care and they're not going to care. So It Is Written, So Shall It Be.


Bioware doesn't exactly have a bright history of making anything for anyone but themselves. Dragon Age 2, ending of Mass Effect 3, anyone? What'd it take to finally get them to budge in the most pathetically small of ways about ME3's ending? Mass public uproar and global blowback on a scale that genuinely threatened the almighty dollars.


We must, all of us, accept one fact as the absolute truth here when considering Bioware's position - they speak only Profitability. All else is irrelevant noise. They will make irrelevant noises at us in a fashion consistent with their strategy to generate more profit.


They are Czerka, to translate. Deal accordingly.

Edited by Uruare
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They are probably going to make a new mechanic along with this in the future for open world pvp and make quests repeatable like gw2 or something. Don't overreact to this. It's not what you think!!!


I can't wait to repeat quests that I've already done at least four times over, that will be a thrill.

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Reasons to go back that don't fall under the insulting BS that the supports of this levelsync crap keep spewing out:


Bounty Week.

HK parts.

Gather materials (although evidently those will scale and you won't be ABLE to gather lower-level mats any more, for some effing reason).

Achievement grinding.

Companion quest you're just now getting back to.





You can still kill bounties, you can still collect HK parts, didn't know about the materials part but again that a big issue, you can still grind achievements, and you can still do companion quests, pretty sure you can still do the etc x3 too.



Seriously it's not that big of a deal, there are no reasons whatsoever to say this is the death of swtor, because it's not.....Do you know what a majority of my 60's do? Sit in their strongholds, only time I ever go back to a planet that I've outleveled is to kill a world boss for the weekly, that's it.


Being level 60 isn't going to change how long it takes to find an HK part, it isn't going to change you having to grind an achievement, and it isn't going to change you being able to do that level 40 companion quest.



Now if you went back and got sync'd and Bounty kingpins forced you to be level 20 while they were still 60 then yes it would be a game breaker, if HK parts were surrounded by mobs 50 levels higher than your sync'd level then yes that would be a problem, other than that I can't see how this is such a big hot button issue.

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Then move to pve server if pvp is not for you.

That's why we get server options

That's what friends are for. Back when I used to PvP in games, I had my fair share of being ganked. I didn't cry about it. I took names, got my friends and made life hell for that player until they quit the server. Once again, if you can't handle all aspects of PvP, then you shouldn't be on a PvP server.

Yea yea. Typical "well roll other server then" answer.

I enjoy pvp. I dont enjoy corspecamping lowbies for planetary pvp achievement farms.

If I come across another lv 30 on 30 planet, yes, fine, this is how i wanted it. I dont want to log on my 60 every time someone decides to farm my guildie for achievs.

Edited by Kiesu
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You can still kill bounties, you can still collect HK parts,


So... I'll be able to drive right by all those trash mobs around the area where the Kingpin is, and ignore them, or wipe them out if they actually attack me? I'll be able to get the HK part without constantly fighting off the locals? They'll all still be grayed-out and negligible?


Or will it make almost every one of those missions into a sloggy, tedious nuisance? Not "challenging", not "aw, too hard for you noob"... just plain tedious...

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Yeah... not sure why people think it's "awesome" that their Jedi Knight who gained enough power and skill and savvy to almost destroy the Sith Emperor in his own lair... will suddenly be reduced back to nothing more than a raw apprentice if they set foot on Tython again.


That is not what it's going to be if you understand what they are doing. It is going to be like GW2 system where YOU have an overall level, just like a traditional mmorpg, but you are also now going to have a SCALING level that matches you to the planet/level range of what zone you are in. You will still be able to one shot things, do stuff because you will have your weapons, armor etc that of a 65, it will just scale your "scaling level" to say 24 on Tatooine to better either help people on that planet, help your friends, perhaps in preparation for future open world pvp and making quests repeatable.


You will NOT BE suddenly a raw apprentice if you set foot on a lower planet. YOU will still have your "character level" whatever it is. But there will be a "scaling level" along with it to match you to content that is around in the game so you can do more all the time.


It's not what you think Max. It's just like GW2 system! Trust me. I have played the heck out of that game and that's what it sounds and looks like it is. I will admit, I would have been against the scaling system if it was anything different than something like Guild Wars 2, but it doesn't look like it's too different. So, phew. I'm happy for that!


Do you want me to try to explain it more to you? I'll gladly stay up the whole night to answer your questions!

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I can't wait to repeat quests that I've already done at least four times over, that will be a thrill.


As opposed to doing the same Ops week after week in hopes of getting a drop? I agree though there should be new repeatable quests with the expansion.

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Credits, gear for yourself or also sell, crystals, helping friends, guildies.


Rewards from flashpoints and operations will be better anyways. So why would anyone want to waste their time on looking group for heroics for crappy vendor trash gear?


Now it makes sense, because you can go in alone and do it in few minutes. But if the amount of time and effort spent on heroics becomes the same as flashpoints, so where's the benefit for a player to waste time on heroics?


Also, if downgrading would be applied only to heroics, I would not mind it.


BUT the problem is regular mobs in open world locations. So you will not be able go and farm crafting materials in peace anymore, will not be able to go and grab forgotten lore items and datacrons FAST (emphasis on fast, killing trashmobs is not a challenge, it just a hassle on the way to destination), because now mobs are on your level and will attack you instead of ignoring.


So what is good and beneficial about this **** when you do not even need the extra xp?!

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Yea yea. Typical "well roll other server then" answer.

I enjoy pvp. I dont enjoy corspecamping lowbies for planetary pvp achievement farms.

If I come across another lv 30 on 30 planet, yes, fine, this is how i wanted it. I dont want to log on my 60 every time someone decides to farm my guildie for achievs.


And once again, then PvP really isn't for you, then is it? Those times of revenge are part of what makes PvP great. If you can't be bothered to help out guildies, then perhaps you don't belong in a guild.

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That's also a good argument. Well worded.

This game was all about the vertical levelling system for years, and now that's taken away from us, to some extent. If it was there in the first place, that would be ok, although I wouldn't have played it probably.

At least then there was a choice.


Thanks Geeorgedk, I never think I'm that eloquent so I appreciate the compliment. I echo your thoughts as well, if this had never been a vertical game there would be nothing lost, but it IS and always has been. Some of the people playing will be attracted to the game in part because it IS a vertical levelling game. Turning that on it's head and taking that vertical levelling power away from people isn't going to go down well.

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How is general exploring a poor reason?


Personally, I like going back to planets and hitting all the spots that were a pain to explore on-level, filling out the maps... if only maps were Legacy-wide, that would be cool.


Because unless you only went where you were supposed to for your missions you should have most if not ALL of the planet maps fully explored.

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if only maps were Legacy-wide, that would be cool.


THIS. I just finally got the urge to finish this for the loremaster title. But now I only have full maps on two toons.


We're starting to agree. I better go log in and run some dalies.

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I can't wait to repeat quests that I've already done at least four times over, that will be a thrill.


That's what mmorpgs are.... doing things over and over and over and over. That's a mainstay of the genre






Quests with Alt characters




You already DO those things, so why not do them throughout the WHOLE GAME instead of just one time and then move on? This system simply let's you do anything you want anyWHERE you want at anytime instead of saying "ok..im max level now what?" and having only 3 or 4 things to do.


Also, I think something is happening in the future for open world pvp because of this.

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And once again, then PvP really isn't for you, then is it? Those times of revenge are part of what makes PvP great. If you can't be bothered to help out guildies, then perhaps you don't belong in a guild.

No. With that attitude you are encouraging players to camp lowbies. I think its you who dont belong in a guild.

Edited by Kiesu
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Rewards from flashpoints and operations will be better anyways. So why would anyone want to waste their time on looking group for heroics for crappy vendor trash gear?


Now it makes sense, because you can go in alone and do it in few minutes. But if the amount of time and effort spent on heroics becomes the same as flashpoints, so where's the benefit for a player to waste time on heroics?


Also, if downgrading would be applied only to heroics, I would not mind it.


BUT the problem is regular mobs in open world locations. So you will not be able go and farm crafting materials in peace anymore, will not be able to go and grab forgotten lore items and datacrons FAST (emphasis on fast, killing trashmobs is not a challenge, it just a hassle on the way to destination), because now mobs are on your level and will attack you instead of ignoring.


So what is good and beneficial about this **** when you do not even need the extra xp?!

It seems it is going to be like GW2's system which is great. Please read my posts! If you don't understand what it is, I will be happy to explain further if you have questions! :)


Please, trust me on this. I know what I'm talking about!! I was against it at first also. But you have to see the bigger picture here for the game

Edited by Sarfux
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One of the things that stands out about this change is basically everywhere a max level character goes outside of ops, max level pvp brackets, the fleet, and the KotFE storyline they will be below their actual level. So outside of those areas you wont be lvl 65.


So the intent of this change is to create content by making the old content challenging regardless of level in place of actual new content? I don't know, Ive done all those flashpoints dozens of times, both solo and in groups. Will that hold people's interest?

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That is not what it's going to be if you understand what they are doing. It is going to be like GW2 system where YOU have an overall level, just like a traditional mmorpg, but you are also now going to have a SCALING level that matches you to the planet/level range of what zone you are in. You will still be able to one shot things, do stuff because you will have your weapons, armor etc that of a 65, it will just scale your "scaling level" to say 24 on Tatooine to better either help people on that planet, help your friends, perhaps in preparation for future open world pvp and making quests repeatable.


You will NOT BE suddenly a raw apprentice if you set foot on a lower planet. YOU will still have your "character level" whatever it is. But there will be a "scaling level" along with it to match you to content that is around in the game so you can do more all the time.


It's not what you think Max. It's just like GW2 system! Trust me. I have played the heck out of that game and that's what it sounds and looks like it is. I will admit, I would have been against the scaling system if it was anything different than something like Guild Wars 2, but it doesn't look like it's too different. So, phew. I'm happy for that!


Do you want me to try to explain it more to you? I'll gladly stay up the whole night to answer your questions!



No. It needs no more explaining.


"Well some stuff scales and some doesn't so you don't lose everything and still have some advantage" and "well you have your level and then this other level and the area level and..." is all meaningless.


The player character's "mojo" will be scaled down to the area that you're in. If you go into a lower "mojo" area, the PC's "mojo" will be lower as well. That's all there is to it.


The JK that beat the Sith Emperor, the Hutt Cartel, the Dread Lords, and Revan, will be reduced to a freaking apprentice when they go back to Tython. A low-level stinking pathetic little turd of an apprentice.


This isn't GW2, and one of the reasons I never bought GW2 is the "levelsync". I don't want levelsync. I don't like levelsync. This has always been a game WITHOUT levelsync. Changing to one that has it now, after all this time, is just not the way to go.


It will REDUCE the amount of things that I will bother doing, and REDUCE the number of planets I ever bother taking my maxed-out characters to, and REDUCE the appeal of the game for me.


I don't know how to make that any more clear to the people saying "but but but this is awesome!" Great, it's awesome FOR YOU, that doesn't change in any way that it SUCKS for me.


It should be optional. I'd fully support it as an optional feature. As a mandatory feature, it's a deal-breaker.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Yea yea. Typical "well roll other server then" answer.

I enjoy pvp. I dont enjoy corspecamping lowbies for planetary pvp achievement farms.

If I come across another lv 30 on 30 planet, yes, fine, this is how i wanted it. I dont want to log on my 60 every time someone decides to farm my guildie for achievs.

Then this game is maybe not for you ?

Try playing eve online pvp, you'll loose everything you own, including spaceship all the items that you have equipped and everything that you have in the ships cargo.

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