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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Seriously ... title says all. Lots of people DON'T WANT THIS, still you force this upon us. I would be happy if this level synch means through terminals, but now you just get punished if you want to play the game in any way you want.


Seriously considering unsubbing right now.




Im starting to actually hope it does. Having it optional would have been the best of both worlds. Play as you like. Help a friend cheese though some BS they don't want to do because it's there 22 alt.




Help a new player/friend that doesn't want to be cheesed by turning on the level sync.


Now, you have no choice. That doesn't sit well with me. I hope this bring some massive negativity to swtor and if that makes it crash and burn. So be it. They will suffer for their lack of vision.

Edited by Quraswren
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Question if you're not on the planet for a mission or to do the heroics what are you doing on the Planet? I don't go to Taris, Tatooine, or Alderaan after I complete them unless I have a reason to do so.


To solo the world boss.

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I'd go back and kill the Hutts on Quesh for the same reason. But I'd still want a challenge otherwise I'd be bored by it.

Yea but this time this challenge will take you 2 hours instead of 20 minutes.

Or maybe you'll depend on a friend to come and help you out and maybe your friend will not have time to do so and so you'll have to repeat this mission when your friend comes online.

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Maybe it's not worth doing for you.


Maybe other people get other things out of the game. Why are you so determined to decide what's worth doing for other players?


For me, going back and doing content anywhere I'm downscaled / levelsynced will be FAR LESS worth it. If I'm going back to those places now, it's not for the "challenge" or the "reward". If I want "challenge" or "reward", I go do something that has those things already, right now.


The way I see it is that this is virtually a game relaunch. It's pretty clear. They have put this scaling in a for a reason. It seems like significant effort has been put into the game for this... you don't develop, introduce into the game and hide something like that Heroic terminal for no reason.

To me, it's pretty clear that it is part of a greater system that will become clear over the next few weeks and when the game update is released. Jumping to conclusions and having the attitude that it is of no use to you is very short-sighted. It has to be part of some greater update to the game. The dots are there now, join them up.

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Good example are Worldbosses on planets. But, I guess you never got a raid for those on appropriate level because you could just "solo them later" huh? That's what the WBs have been for the past years, a punching back for max-lvs. Way back when we actually made 16m raids full of lowbies to do planet WBs. Those were fun.

Nowdays they're just all dead all the time since 60s like "soloing" them before you get a raid together.


I've fought exactly two world-bosses. Once in an impromptu group on Balmora, and once semi-accidentally on Alderan when I was grossly overleveled for it (Bounty Week, distractions in real life).


Other than that, I've never cared to bother.

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If i go to level 20 planet and i become level 20, what's the point of levels then ? get rid of levels ?

It is very stupid to go to a planet and be level 20, what about open world pvp ? and other things ?


If downscaling goes live, i will never visit and low level planets that's for sure.



Why visit a level 20 planet? Nothing for you to do there to begin with. ONLY reason this is a big deal is because people won't be able to solo world bosses anymore, NO OTHER REASON TO BE LEVEL 60 AND VISIT A LEVEL 20 PLANET OTHER THAN WORLD BOSSES.



Or do you play on pvp servers and you go to tatooine to camp out all the lowbies and kill them? only other reason.


Wanting to help a friend level? Still can do that, this time he/she will get some xp from the kills.

Friend getting ganked by someone so you come in to save the day? Still can only now your friend can fight back and not get 1 shot into oblivion.

Wanting to kill that world boss? Gonna have to get a group together for those bosses like it was intended.

Wanting to solo heroics? You can still do that, just use your CC, stims and health packs.

Wanting to stand on the steps of Korriban and Tython to show all the noobies your leet levels and gear? You can still do that too, well except the levels part.


Seriously I haven't seen one good reason why a level sync is a bad idea, not one. Just people who claim it'll kill the game >.>

Edited by Juromaro
bad spelling
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Make it an opt-in for people who want their "challenging" Dromund Kaas and Coruscant back.


Mandatory is a terrible idea. I can't wait for my level 34 Sith Warrior who has defeated a legendary Jedi Master to have trouble fighting Evocii on Hutta just like a level 2 Bounty Hunter!

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I don't know about that. I'd still go back to Tattooine if there was a challenge to it. i wouldn't even need shiny new rewards. Whether or not a levelsynched toon still has a challenge remains to be seen.


You make a good point. I think we're headed to the worst of both worlds. They want this down levelled system but I suspect they also want the down levelled character to still feel a little bit powerful (because of the reaction they are clearly expecting - in the stream Eric was clear to say "you'll still be powerful"


For me this is another argument for the toggle option. That way you don't need to make the down levelled character that powerful. You could actually make it so that when down levelled the content was genuinely challenging. This would be great, you would be adding something to the game, people don't want to face roll all the time


So in other words Bioware's current plan removes a huge part of the game and a particular way of playing. Adding the system as a toggle would actually add to the game, giving another opportunity for challenging content, without creating a problem for those soloing, exploring, getting datacrons, achievements etc etc


Looking like even more of no brainer Bioware. Please listen to sense.

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This sounds like a thing done in GW2. Where YOU still remain "your level" but you "scale" to the content in a certain area. You still have your armor, weapons etc. It just scales you so you can do the content in that area.


If they put new mechanics in where quests are either dynamic or repeatable and you can help people if you choose to do so, that would be great.


I was worried for a little about this but if it is where I go back to Tatooine and become "scaled level 24" but I am still level 60 or 65 or "my level" and you keep all your stuff and all, I don't see a problem with that. Because that's how GW2 does it.


I wouldn't be too mad about this. I think it's done right. Like GW2

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Why visit a level 20 planet? Nothing for you to do there to begin with. ONLY reason this is a big deal is because people won't be able to solo world bosses anymore, NO OTHER REASON TO BE LEVEL 60 AND VISIT A LEVEL 20 PLANET OTHER THAN WORLD BOSSES.



Or do you play on pvp servers and you go to tatooine to camp out all the lowbies and kill them? only other reason.


Wanting to help a friend level? Still can do that, this time he/she will get some xp from the kills.

Friend getting ganked by someone so you come in to save the day? Still can only now your friend can fight back and not get 1 shot into oblivion.

Wanting to kill that world boss? Gonna have to get a group together for those bosses like it was intended.

Wanting to solo heroics? You can still do that, just use you're CC, stims and health packs.

Wanting to stand on the steps of Korriban and Tython to show all the noobies your leet levels and gear? You can still do that too, well except the levels part.


Seriously I haven't seen one good reason why a level sync is a bad idea, not one. Just people who claim it'll kill the game >.>


Reasons to go back that don't fall under the insulting BS that the supports of this levelsync crap keep spewing out:


Bounty Week.

HK parts.

Gather materials (although evidently those will scale and you won't be ABLE to gather lower-level mats any more, for some effing reason).

Achievement grinding.

Companion quest you're just now getting back to.




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Reasons to go back that don't fall under the insulting BS that the supports of this levelsync crap keep spewing out:


Bounty Week.

HK parts.

Gather materials (although evidently those will scale and you won't be ABLE to gather lower-level mats any more, for some effing reason).

Achievement grinding.

Companion quest you're just now getting back to.





Here's one... how about "gain influence"?

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Yeah... not sure why people think it's "awesome" that their Jedi Knight who gained enough power and skill and savvy to almost destroy the Sith Emperor in his own lair... will suddenly be reduced back to nothing more than a raw apprentice if they set foot on Tython again.


Remember all that talk from BW and how we were suppose to feel powerful and epic.


Yea, screw that idea if you want to go back and visit a lower level planet. All that leveling you did. Taking out the dread guards and Revan.


Come to find you, your epic hero is a joke if he steps outside his ship on a planet they already beat ages again.

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Because of the Blur trailer that premiered live at E3 2015, and the nico okarr companion, I subbed for 6months on July 30th. I was really happy and excited about any new expansion.


I haven't made up my mind how outraged I am about level sync, depends on how much extra time it adds to daily planets like Illum, Section X, The Black Hole, etc. If it adds too much time and reduces credits/hour. I'll have to try crafting for credits. (This could be a possible reason for levelsync, boosting crafting by nerfing dailies credits/hour)


I'm here until January 2016.


By that time Battlefront 3 will be out, I'll have watched Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens. So much will have changed in the Star Wars-verse.


I saw that KotFE was going back to story and did 6 month sub too. It runs out in 88 days. If they don't pull their heads out of their *** and make level sync optional I wouldn't give this game another penny. Funny thing is I don't go back to old planets now and have no reason too. Expect Oricon and CZ for weekly. I already have all the planet achievements expect killing guards. It really doesn't affect me. I support option not this forced BS that they are doing. I voiced my opinion and they made the choice not to listen and not I'm voicing it with my wallet.

Edited by Warrgames
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You make a good point. I think we're headed to the worst of both worlds. They want this down levelled system but I suspect they also want the down levelled character to still feel a little bit powerful (because of the reaction they are clearly expecting - in the stream Eric was clear to say "you'll still be powerful"

This. It still wasn't challenging in any way -- it just took longer, and Eric had to deal with random mob aggro to boot.


It's possible that the higher-level planets will be better-balanced for actual "challenge."

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In this thread, now there will be with those for as there will be those that are against. There is no sense going around in circles trying to prove points to each other. Picking out sentences from paragraphs and arguing over what he said, she said, they didn't say, you didn't say, proving you are not some way they think you are.


Just adapt to the change and we'll see how it goes. Sounds like it's GW2 style stuff though. I still think this game had it's own style with the max level and that's what you stay regardless. But it seems as though perhaps they are scaling things so you can go around the galaxy and keep doing whatever so you can everything all the time and never run out of things to do.


Also, what if this is a way to implement GREAT open world pvp so there is no griefing at all and they are workign on owpvp for the future? How awesome would that be.

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Yea but this time this challenge will take you 2 hours instead of 20 minutes.

Or maybe you'll depend on a friend to come and help you out and maybe your friend will not have time to do so and so you'll have to repeat this mission when your friend comes online.


It didn't take any of that the first time 'round. Why suddenly would it be this time? Bcs reasons?

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It was worth doing for story and achievements.....

For all I care they can remove all achievements if we can keep planet scaling.


We do MUCH more with scaled planet lvls than a lousy "kill 3k Bormus on balmorra" achievement.

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I can currently play through all content as level 60 and still get all the content, and all stories.


For example i was leveling my sentinel with 12x xp via pvp, when i finished i stopped at level 58.

Then i went back and started all the PVE content from level 1 to level 50 and still enjoyed it as level 58, i watched all the scenes and did all the interesting heroics.


So how is level sync going to help me do things ? it will only get harder for me to do missions and that's why i will not do then on low levels, gear dropping will be useless now even for my companions, so i have absolutely no reason to go to planets below level 65.


You're funny... level sync will make the game harder, I played 8 characters to 50 and geared in Rakata before f2p went live and they started doing xp events, then I deleted 3 of those and leveled 3 more to 55 for Hutt Cartel, and geared those as well, then I deleted some more characters and leveled some more to 55 and geared those. Then Bioware did something magical and allowed me to purchase more character slots, now I have 21 of my 33 characters back and get the joy of leveling them from 55 to 60 by doing all the quests and gearing them through the magic that is Ziost 190's.


Leveling sure did make it hard for me to do missions.sure did.

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