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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Ok, so how would "optional" work exactly?



You group with lower level player and you hit "mentor" or in this case "Level Sync" and its moves you down to that level In hit points, AC, Resists, but just like this system you retain all your skills, they just downgraded to lower level


In other words EXACTLY how it worked in a MMO over a decade old and significantly less powerful of a engine.


Its been done before in games (yes thats plural, EQ2 was first I saw mentoring in but far from last) that required far less system requirements


the non optional part is just more lazy design


And now the fanboi club can complain and defend the game blindly

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It will only work as optional if there is separated instances for both styles of play, and I'm ok with that if that is the kind of optional in question. A simple on/of switch will result in system abuse, as i already explained in the compromise thread, that much is granted.


Gosh why so many thread on this subject.


I think an easily solution would be to have the sync be optional *and* net greater rewards. Running old flashpoints or going after a world boss while being synced should net greater quest rewards or better gear drops, as a reward for the increased difficulty. Players who prefer to do this without the sync would still have the option however, they just wouldn't get the same boost in rewards.


Not unlike the difference between Story Mode and Hard Mode in Flashpoints. The incentive for HM is the greater rewards, but you aren't required to run that Flashpoint in Hard Mode.

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Excellent for space-travel-allergic people like me - I can level to 65 on the starter planet just running the Heroics, great stuff. ;)


And why do you need to get level 65 ? all ops are 50-65 so level 65 is totally useless ;)

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Swtor copy Gw2? no way :confused:


I left GW2 partially over the level sync, while I am not going to unsub over it here I can see me spending less on cartel stuff as my wallet opens in regards to how much in-game fun I have. Time will tell I suppose... Hopefully, it's more like a mentoring system regardless, so I am not totally against the idea.

Edited by sabbey
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This change is bad, I don't like it.

Now when my lv 60 sniper go to blackhole will be stronger than my lv 65 sniper. When im doing BH I want to do it asap, I don't want to be challenged.


Thanks to this change I will stay sub only to get kotfe, after that I will unsub. I will sub when rest of the chapters will be realized.

I won't leave this game, I will just stay as pref.


My 3 cents to this topic.


Have a nice day.

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Ok, so how would "optional" work exactly?


I decide to do the heroic quest in DK as shown in the stream... I port in and am scaled from level 65 to 18. So I start the mission and then some level 35 arrives, this guy is opting to not scale and is one-shotting everything... what now? Do you really even consider this?

This is the reason why it would be difficult to implement it as optional.


But hey, if you're looking forward to riding around at 60 on a world where, until now, the mobs were barely a challenge at 15 and having them knock you off your speeder twice a minute and put up enough of a fight to make those delays really frigging annoying; looking forward to a game where no matter how hard you work and how powerful you ostensibly become you will never be more than 4 levels better than any given planet's trash mobs

"Kill the mobs in a few seconds and move on? This is a total non-issue in every case except the world bosses."


Does it remind you of something? Let me give you a hint:

Wait 60 secs for the mobs to respawn? This is a total non-issue in every case except the world bosses, and the solution for that has already been suggested multiple times and is hurpa-durpingly obvious; spawn them from terminals ala Bounty Week targets and have them scale to the user(or highest in a group).
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It's a **** system. I'm not against the idea. In fact I've been in favor of a system similar to this from launch. But why on a planetary scale? Why not, simply, let me group with the person/party I want to and then Mentor down to that level? Dealing with the random idiots that decide to attack a Sith Lord/Jedi Master/Dog the Bounty Hunter/ James Bond with the equivalent of a stick, because of forced level loss, is not going to be fun.


It's a good idea... done in the worst possible f*cking way.


It's also why they kept the details of KotFE secret so long... the whole time saying they didn't want to 'spoil' things, all the while posting streams that were nothing but spoilers. They knew it would piss people off. They knew there would be rage on the forums. (Shocker, everything they do pisses someone off.) The community team at Bioware/EA is NOT about communication or community... it's about damage control. Always has been, always will be.


The test of this idea will come not here on the forums, or on reddit, twitter or where ever... it's going to be when it hits live and all the people who never visit the forums or reddit/twitter get to deal with this. One way or the other it's going to be nasty. All of it could have been avoided by making deleveling a group choice instead of forcing it on everyone.



TL : DR It's a good idea, poorly done, and poorly communicated.

Edited by Cylluz
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The main thing you guys need to remember is this.


Level Sync is not being put in the game for our benefit.


It's sole purpose is to give the illusion of more content, so that every time Musco pats himself on the back and tells us how much content is available besides the story, he is, in theory, not lying.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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But you can't wear the new set bonus gear until you're level 65, or do HM/NiM ops.

And you need this only for ops because all other content will get this gear under leveled below level 65.



So the gear is also totally useless.

Edited by -Spc
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"ommggg I'm unsubbing nao because of levelsync".

No, you are not.

Or if you do, you'll come back 2 months later, let's be honest here.

Just quit QQ'ing.


People said the same thing before this game lost millions in subs when it was released.

<500K subs and they are losing money I think I read so if we approach that number you can see the game closing like SW Galaxies did after Sony Online made some decisions the player population disagreed with and began to leave.

Edited by TTGolding
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People said the same thing before this game lost millions in subs when it was released.

<500K subs and they are losing money I think I read so if we approach that number you can see the game closing like SW Galaxies did after Sony Online made some decisions the player population disagreed with and began to leave.


Are you crazy? The reason why this game lost subs is because it was just a bad game at the start. Key things like a group finder was missing, and the lack of end game content was bad. Plus it was a wow clone. Just look at my sig.



Also SWG had a cult following. It had a strong enough player base to keep running. SOE shut it down because it saw no future, and also the game engine itself was a mess.

Edited by Teladis
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Those complaining, look at it this way, you can now have your lvl 65 go and help your friends that are much lower level and actually PLAY TOGETHER as THE GAME WAS INTENDED. Stop with the "ERMAGERD! They are added stuffz we don't like, unsubbed." and grow the F*** up.


It's a game and and an MMO. Games have to evolve to encompass more players. Look at WoW. Blizzard did things players didn't like, but they are still here and still bringing in the cash. SWTOR isn't going anywhere anytime soon. So just stop QQing and get over yourselves.

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Well, some people must be enjoying 30-40 ppl on fleet during prime time.


If you play on a dead server like PoT5 it's normal. Go on populated servers such as Harbinger and TRE and there you will discover that there are always 3 or 4 instances full with around 130-150 players on each at almost any time.

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If you play on a dead server like PoT5 it's normal. Go on populated servers such as Harbinger and TRE and there you will discover that there are always 3 or 4 instances full with around 130-150 players on each at almost any time.


I play on EU ToFN and we had up to 3 rep instances. Now we have 1, mostly under 100 in evening play time and much worse during day and night.


BW must have forgotten, how the disputes with gamers end. And stockholders will ask some question in the end of fiscal year.

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"ommggg I'm unsubbing nao because of levelsync".

No, you are not.

Or if you do, you'll come back 2 months later, let's be honest here.

Just quit QQ'ing.


You, sir, are incorrect. I will be in subbing both accounts today, and I will not be back until both the extra XP for core quests and leveling syncing are OPTIONAL features. I think they are good things to have, but only if a player has the choice to use them or not.

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Game Time Cards FTW. My sub going to end in 2 weeks, I have two more- going to buy three more because

SWTOR worth to play. Besides, its the Star Wars with BioWare quality, they doing their best to keep the game

alive and strong, what I need more?


Besides, its 60 days (two months) full subscription, very cheap too- its 9-19 bucks in my location.(depends on

stores) Why people using their credit cards anyway?


aaaaannnnddd I have Lana waiting for me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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This is the reason why it would be difficult to implement it as optional.



"Kill the mobs in a few seconds and move on? This is a total non-issue in every case except the world bosses."


Does it remind you of something? Let me give you a hint:


Yes, it does remind me of something; listening to teenagers learning how to formally debate and failing, so resorting to false equivalences and whataboutery.


Waiting a few seconds for mobs to respawn occasionally, once in a while, when you just happen to be doing a heroic at the exact same time as a higher level player is not, in this universe or any other, equivalent to the endless parade of knocked off speeder > fight > remount > knocked off speeder > fight > remount etc etc etc that happens when you're riding around an at-or-near-level planet, and it will be even worse on the lower level worlds since the mobs have a much higher density and are harder to steer around than on later worlds with huge open spaces(Corellia and Belsavis with their awful chokepoints aside).


One is a minor inconvenience resulting from a situation that you could play through the whole game 1-60 and never even run into, the other is something that will be a perpetual and consistent inconvenience for literally everybody who visits any planet. Maybe you enjoy the idea of a two minute speeder ride turning into a ten minute stop-start-stop-start parade of annoyance, a lot of folk evidently do not.

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Ok, so how would "optional" work exactly?


I decide to do the heroic quest in DK as shown in the stream... I port in and am scaled from level 65 to 18. So I start the mission and then some level 35 arrives, this guy is opting to not scale and is one-shotting everything... what now? Do you really even consider this?


As opposed to the way no one ever poaches quest mobs, quest nodes, chests, or mat nodes right now?


Somehow I doubt that optional levelsync would make that sort of behavior any more or less prevalent.

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