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petition to keep levels how they should be


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I'm hopeing that through a long list of folks agreeing that you should keep your level even when going back to worlds that were way lower, so that when visiting korriban as a 60 lvl player, you wont be dropped back to lvl 8 as that then defeats the purpose of leveling and coming back to aid other players. I along with hose in my guild on Shadow lands use this factor to help others with heroics and to help with our healers with folks still struggling and to help in general.


I ask that you sign with your name and account name that you too do not want them to make that change so we can continue our guild's mission as we have made it.



Rachel W.

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Sorry haven't been keeping up is this an upcoming change with 4.0?


If so level scaling is common in MMOs. It allows people to go back and help their newbie friends without having to feel like they are totally wasting their time.


yes, they intend to make this change in the new expansion, it counters the idea of guilds like the one me and my friends have going.

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Sorry haven't been keeping up is this an upcoming change with 4.0?


If so level scaling is common in MMOs. It allows people to go back and help their newbie friends without having to feel like they are totally wasting their time.


But they are wasting their time and they do waste even more of it with scaling. The only thing that comes up into my mind when it comes to scaling: it is a cheap way for devs to create more (end)content.


It was so annoying in GW2.

Edited by Neglience
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As a choice would be cool, if mandatory gonna anger many people.


I'd like a choice. With no choice well, I won't quit but I i won't be going back to heal new players much. As it is now, going back to heal new players in trouble is a small time investment. If I am suddenly level 8 ( and maybe not even have any advanced abilities), I won't be going back. I'll stay in max level areas.


Up to the devs, but lack of choice is a bad idea.

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Even with level scaling, if you return to a planet you previously completed, you'll be at least 2 levels higher than the NPCs...surely thats no threat?


I personally play on a pVP server, so I'm looking forward to the change. I hope it will make world-pvp fun again as everyone regardless of level can participate, together.

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Even with level scaling, if you return to a planet you previously completed, you'll be at least 2 levels higher than the NPCs...surely thats no threat?


I personally play on a pVP server, so I'm looking forward to the change. I hope it will make world-pvp fun again as everyone regardless of level can participate, together.


Well so long has they change some of the bonus serias, two are above the planets normal level limits, so could work for pvp servers

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As said in stream, there is no choice.You are scaled down when returning. No option. Like or it not, you you are downscaled.


Some will like it others, will not. But that is it as of now.


Well guess most people won't be completing two planets bonus series now


And glad didn't do to many sheaths chars yet


Hopefully EA changes it mind in the end

Edited by Talosred
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/petition signed, but only so this can be optional, as it is I can still see possibilities with it in place come 4.0.


Eric Musco going to DK to try an H2+ was quite deliberate imo, especially as Oricon 55 H2+ at 60 is NiM when solo-attempted.

Edited by sentientomega
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I along with hose in my guild on Shadow lands use this factor to help others with heroics and to help with our healers with folks still struggling and to help in general.



Umm you still cancConsidering he went to Drummond Kass and it put him at lvl 18 with all his advanced abilities still available. He took on 2 elites and 2 strongs at once and only lost 1/10th of this health. That doesn't seem to be an issue to me.

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I am 100% for that levels stay as they are now, no level down-syncing, unless player wants to turn it on.

So either make it optional ( Turn ON/OFF ) or leave it as it is now.


The gear that you'll get from this planets will be useless anyway so none will be dong those missions and planets will be even more empty than before.

Edited by -Spc
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Again, the real test would've been that Oricon H2+ or some other high or max level H2+. Lower level H2s are much easier, therefore it is easier to fudge perceptions. I get they were trying to present it in a positive light, BUT, it doesn't make any difference to those of us who know better how harder higher level H2+s become as you level up to meet them. And I'm telling you now, if I can't solo the Oricon H2+, pretty much no other casual will be able to either. Edited by sentientomega
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