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After KotFE is over.


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So any wild and unfounded speculation on what will happen once this interlude with the Zakuul/Infinite Empire is over?


Eventually we will be done with random third faction that causes problems and get back to the actual war between the Empire and Republic. It is the very foundation of Star Wars.


My guess is final few chapters of KotFE will be about the Outlander building back up their parent faction in order to push back these foreign invaders. Might even be a split back at that point to seperate Republic and Empire plotlines so each faction can be built back to resume the Galactic War.


Any other good theories out there?

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I hope KotFE proves to be more than an "interlude." I agree that war is a fundamental element of the Star Wars universe, but this feud between Republic and Empire is getting stale. The new enemy is the Zakuul Empire...I hope this turns into an epic long-term conflict that gives the ruined factions a compelling reason to cooperate or even unite.
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I hope KotFE proves to be more than an "interlude." I agree that war is a fundamental element of the Star Wars universe, but this feud between Republic and Empire is getting stale. The new enemy is the Zakuul Empire...I hope this turns into an epic long-term conflict that gives the ruined factions a compelling reason to cooperate or even unite.


Dunno how it can have gotten stale. There was that brief time during the player classes' third chapter were the Empire and Republic were going at the actual war again; then the Hutt Cartel surfaced, pausing the war effort for the most part. Then it was Revan rallying the Revanites almost obliterating both player factions, and now its the Zakuul Empire boasting that they had actually succeeded in destroying both.


Through most the game's life it has been nothing but uniting to fight a common enemy.

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I'd like to find out that the Eternal Empire grows up to be this First Order in the new movie. Wouldn't hat be a cool tie in twist?


I hope this lasts a while to make it worth it. a year of story and we're done back to normal would see like a massive failure on the Eternal Empire's part. All this hiding and prepping, attack and about five years later your out? You took down two major governments and help power for five years. This shouldn't be a quick story. I'd like to see this Empire eventually lose but after a couple years of fighting and battles.


I'll admit the Republic/Empire war was a bit dry because story was lacking. Then it was Hutts and Revan as a side step. Though I enjoyed them, seemed too quick for the threats they were supposed to pose. Make this an ongoing story for a couple years at least.

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I have a feeling the Empire of Zakuul is going to be the explanation for why the Republic and Empire permanently stopped fighting. And then maybe they will join together to become a single faction that is the Galactic Republic of future generations or something. Edited by OldVengeance
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I have a feeling the Empire of Zakuul is going to be the explanation for why the Republic and Empire permanently stopped fighting. And then maybe they will join together to become a single faction that is the Galactic Republic of future generations or something.


With nothing being canon anymore in this BW universe, I doubt it.


Disney is going to be about going a few years before or forward of the original trilogy. They might take a Revan or a Vitiate or something, but that's it. Maybe the next MMO will be canon and we can see our parts related to the movie. Don't ge me wrong, your idea is awesome bud :rak_03:

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I have a feeling the Empire of Zakuul is going to be the explanation for why the Republic and Empire permanently stopped fighting. And then maybe they will join together to become a single faction that is the Galactic Republic of future generations or something.


Not while the Sith are in power of the Empire. I say this because the SIth hate the jedi, and the jedi have pledged themselves to the Republic, so therefore jedi and republic are interchangeable in their eyes. And there is always the mace Windu quote of the oppression of the sith never coming back or something along those lines making it seem, if the devs want to stay true to the actual star wars canon, that the empire along the way actually destroy the republic for a time period, or atleast oppress it to an overwhelming degree.

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Dunno how it can have gotten stale. There was that brief time during the player classes' third chapter were the Empire and Republic were going at the actual war again; then the Hutt Cartel surfaced, pausing the war effort for the most part. Then it was Revan rallying the Revanites almost obliterating both player factions, and now its the Zakuul Empire boasting that they had actually succeeded in destroying both.


Through most the game's life it has been nothing but uniting to fight a common enemy.


During that brief time you mentioned, Empire lost, and pretty badly. The only reason why the Empire was not utterly beaten was because they managed to mine isotope 5.


Also, welcome to themepark MMOs, where fighting a common foe is sort of usual thing, even in very well funded ones.

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During that brief time you mentioned, Empire lost, and pretty badly. The only reason why the Empire was not utterly beaten was because they managed to mine isotope 5.


Also, welcome to themepark MMOs, where fighting a common foe is sort of usual thing, even in very well funded ones.


This is still a 2 faction game. So unless this expansion is eliminating those faction and we can all group and join the same guilds, the galactic war will need to start up again.

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Goodness. We're still coping with all the rampant speculation about what will happen when KOTFE starts. Now we have to jump ahead to divine "what happens next"? Fine.


We reach the precipice of victory over our KOTFE adversaries, only to see a new threat arise in the distance. Or, the same threat since we've never been too great at actually extinguishing long-term threats. Or, some diabolical hybrid of old and new threats. Or, the Ewoks invade, Treek (who has successfully infiltrating the Outander's crew) leads her people to victory over a tardy Republic-Empire coalition, we are all slain, and the Ewoks use our skulls as percussion instruments for their big "Kumbaya" finale.

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Ok, I'll step out into the deep end of insane speculation.


Post KotFE, both factions united, with the Sith and Jedi being banished from positions of authority in the Republic (both sides united under Republic banner, because Republic MUST survive). The Jedi and Sith can, however, freely travel where they please.


The remnant of Imperial Intelligence, however, chooses to oppose this new united front. A rebel cell of anti-Imperial radicals also forms. They rally players to their cause to initiate a shadow war against the Republic. All players, from both former factions, then choose which side they are going forward.


All player characters have access to every world, with faction bonuses for certain planets existing for players that choose that faction (I.e. Rebel boosted by Ord Mantell, Imperials by Dromund Kaas, and Republic by Coruscant).


The story then becomes personal for each faction, and not for each type of character. Faction switching is allowed, but only after you reach this point in the game. Multi-faction parties are allowed, as are Ops Groups.


Also, the GSI not is replaced (if you choose) by a cpu controlled version of your alt character of choice (maybe my Warrior helping my Inquisitor). Boosts would apply if the one you choose is in your selected faction, and also if they have a positive relationship in your family tree to you.



Finally, meaningful choices are given to players for completing certain Flashpoints and Operations. Choices that effect the player, and the players' alt characters. For instance, if my main character does Eternity Vault, defeating Soa, my alternate character would have a different sort of experience when going through Eternity Vault. This would only apply to players when they are the host of the operations group.

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This is still a 2 faction game. So unless this expansion is eliminating those faction and we can all group and join the same guilds, the galactic war will need to start up again.


Again, welcome to themepark MMOs.


Even WoW has you joining up against a common thread while still remaining in factions that are technically at war, but are able to overcome the mutual hatred in face of greater evil.

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We will be back to two factions fighting each other after chapter 3. The Eternal Empire and the Republic. Your place will depend on whether you chose to kneel or not. So, yeah, this expansion allows you to switch factions if you want. If you don't kneel you'll be republic, if you kneel you'll be empire.



Ouch that'd suck lol....Im hardcore Imp and no way in hell am I going to kneel in KOTFE.


I'd like it if they got back to basics and ignited the Republic vs Imperial war.


Add in a few planets that are just nonstop battle zones ( more so then what we have now). Maybe make it an ongoing dynamic campaign the never really ends with factional territory (npc-engine Driven) ebb and flow. Rack up a long list of dailies and weeklies directly related to the war...with types of missions that make sense to have to repeat often. Just a nasty perpetual battle of attrition.

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Ouch that'd suck lol....Im hardcore Imp and no way in hell am I going to kneel in KOTFE.


I'd like it if they got back to basics and ignited the Republic vs Imperial war.


Add in a few planets that are just nonstop battle zones ( more so then what we have now). Maybe make it an ongoing dynamic campaign the never really ends with factional territory (npc-engine Driven) ebb and flow. Rack up a long list of dailies and weeklies directly related to the war...with types of missions that make sense to have to repeat often. Just a nasty perpetual battle of attrition.

That would be fun. More war in our galactic warfare. Factional conquest. Operations vs senate/dark council.

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