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So read patch notes, where is the conquest rewards from a month ago...


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That we were told would be in 3.3.2 patch?


I haven't actually been in game yet (because of this insanely slow update you people put out)


But would have expected the rewards update to be listed in patch notes?


So was it just omitted from patch notes


are we still SOL from over a month ago when you screwed up and didn't give out proper rewards and title achievement for guild conquest that week?


And whats with this slower then a snail update btw?

Everything was fine and speedy until I opened SW:TOR and suddenly my whole system starts responding like C64 did back in the day.


Hell had to reopen browser 5 times just to make this post as your site (while updateing) keeps stopping to respond.


What exactly did you do with this update because its not remotely as big as some updates in the past but this is a new level of insane for usage of system resources and connection speed to your servers.

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