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Implement a penalty for targeting and/or overwhelming specific classes and/or players


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As already said, all classes have a mechanism to force focus off themselves. ;)


Sorcs/Sages have the godbubble. Stealths can stealth out of hte fight, hide, rest and engage again. Guardians/Juggs can use their Focused/Enraged Defence to heal a nice amount every time they get hit. Do I need to continue? :rolleyes:


Focusing a target down is usually done because there's no other way to defeat said target. Think of PvE, on a FP or Ops Boss, everyone will be attacking the same target, save the presence of other adds and/or mechanics. Should we make it so that only the Tank can attack the boss, and the others sit there watching? :p

In PvP, think of a really good Tank with a Healer supporting it. 1vs1 would never be able to take such a powerhouse down. :D


Classes are not balanced on a 1vs1 fight. Dueling in fact favors some classes above others. Think of Mercs vs Ops, to make an example.

Ops have the advantage of surprise, a powerful opener and A LOT of mobility. Mercs are sturdier, but that doesn't help if they are unable to actually defeat the opponent, right?


The classes were originally balanced on an 8vs8 environment. 4vs4 was already stretching it. :eek:

Asking for this and forcing 1vs1 is going to make it even more unbalanced. We'd see no more Mercs because of their engagement disadvantage, to make an example. :(

Instead, we'd see tons of stealths, even more than now, because they can fight when they want and how they want. They can decide when and who to engage. And if things get grim, they can simply disappear and rest up, while their opponent is stuck there waiting to be backstabbed again. That wouldn't be fun, would it? :rolleyes:


So no, this is a L2P issue. The enemies focus you? Learn how to counter it. LoS them, CC one, run, stay among your allies so that they have to be in the middle of your team and eat the damage to get to you... There's plenty of ways to counter focus. Just learn them and you'll be ok, Op. :cool:

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Focusing does not require anything elaborate or sophisticated. Even the dumbest troll can perform this "strategy". To even call this a "strategy" is almost like an insult.

The reason focusing is so commonly used is because it is simple but effective. Hard Swaps are a legit strat in group ranked and the whole point is to quickly switch over to one target as a group and burst them down after setting it up with cc. It's not an insult to call focusing a strat. It's a lot less mind numbing than pure dot spread zergs.


As for claiming that even the dumbest troll can focus, I strongly disagree. The majority of people in regs can't manage to focus. I see no reason to punish focusing. The whole point of arenas is to kill people, so why wouldn't you focus and a lot of objectives need you to wipe the other team so of course you're going to focus people.


A strategy doesn't have to be complicated to be called a strategy.

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Implement a penalty for targeting and/or overwhelming specific classes and/or players

Whenever more than two people gain up on one player, the offending team should get hit with a penalty. Some penalty options include: (1) reduction in ranking, (2) huttball point reductions, (3) loss of a pylon, (4) respawn timer extension, etc...


Gang beatings are not a sign of skill. Its a sign of individual weakness. If more than two players gang up on one, the problem resides with a lack of skill, objectivity, and creative thinking.


Healers,Sages, and Sentinels seem to always be targeted.


Penalties need to be given to gang beaters.


Force players to "think" of different methods to overcome an obstacle.


Force players to "think" objectively.

Why? it seems to me you are one of those classes that get focused in a warzone. honestly if they are targeting you , you are doing something right. Creating a distraction from what they are trying to do. I sometimes get overwhelming destroyed in a warzone and targeted as someone to kill every time they see the whatever symbol they put up . I love it, the way it is now if teams don't focus fire on someone like a healer or what not it could be the difference of winning and losing the game or round.

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What if the player being ganged up on is the ball carrier, pylon guard, door guard, turret control guard, person capping the door or pylon or turret control, or some other objective based player?


As a merc since launch, I have no sympathy and don't support this. Hang back and let your team get ahead of you, don't just charge into the mess. You'll live long enough to get something accomplished, even if it is just getting some hits off to get medals.

Edited by beattlebilly
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Bruahaha ! This is too funny ! :D This is like saying "if you are punched into the face and then robbed off your money then you are doing something right" !

No. It's usually saying one of two things. People focus you if they know you're really easy to kill or if you're putting out a scary amount of dps and need to be shut down. Being focused can be taken as a compliment in some circumstances.

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Wow, got to say that's a first for the Forums, at least from what I've ever seen I believe. lol Usually it's the other way around I'd think.


Bruahaha ! This is too funny ! :D This is like saying "if you are punched into the face and then robbed off your money then you are doing something right" !


Why in the world are you obsessed with bringing RL scenarios that have nothing to do with the game constantly up? Think Apples to Oranges.

If you don't like PvP & the said mechanics of PvP, then don't play PvP or worry about the PvP side of the game.

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Why in the world are you obsessed with bringing RL scenarios that have nothing to do with the game constantly up? Think Apples to Oranges.

If you don't like PvP & the said mechanics of PvP, then don't play PvP or worry about the PvP side of the game.


For me, anything people invent are based on RL things. To me, this is an rather philosophical thing. The structures that we find in PvP are based on RL things, because humans are not so well in inventing something entirely new - especially when it comes to socializing (and combat is some form of socializing, albeit one with combetition).

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Target focus is an extremely important part of PvP play. Taking it away or making it more difficult would have profound effects on balance. For example, if there was a penalty for focusing healers, then healers, already a bit overtuned, would be unstoppable.


No one likes getting focused. It's not fun for the recipient and really it's a big part of why Arenas suck. But it's absolutely legitimate and necessary play.

I think his point is that it makes what should be about a game and accomplishing its goals to win into a simple death match, If you were watching a soccer game not all 9 players run for the guy with the ball, nor in football(American) does the entire team abandon their positions and run after a quarterback upon the snap of the ball, or all the fielders run to centerfield to try and catch a fly ball in baseball. But in many of our "Games" it simply becomes about kills and nothing else because in many of our games the highest number of kills will win the matches.


I think he is just looking for a way to make the spirit of the game come out and I don't disagree with that even if I disagree with his idea of how.

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This has got to be one of the most useless suggestions I have read on this board up to date.


Focusing, and consequently solutions to said focus, are a key aspect of competitive PvP. Did you ever watch a League of Legends stream? Knowing which character to focus can decide between winning the gank and losing the match. It's the same here.


A lot of things factor into focus: How is your positioning? Can you LoS the enemy team? Are you using Slow abilities on CD? Barriers/bubbles?


Sorry, but what you are asking for is a way to cut down PvP into a cookie cutting game. You want to kill me? But just one at a time!

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Implement a penalty for targeting and/or overwhelming specific classes and/or players

Whenever more than two people gain up on one player, the offending team should get hit with a penalty. Some penalty options include: (1) reduction in ranking, (2) huttball point reductions, (3) loss of a pylon, (4) respawn timer extension, etc...


Gang beatings are not a sign of skill. Its a sign of individual weakness. If more than two players gang up on one, the problem resides with a lack of skill, objectivity, and creative thinking.


Healers,Sages, and Sentinels seem to always be targeted.


Penalties need to be given to gang beaters.


Force players to "think" of different methods to overcome an obstacle.


Force players to "think" objectively.


To be honest this post made me laugh. I'd love to see you try to solo kill a Jugg or PT tank that is carrying the huttball. Especially if they are being healed. Or try to solo a good healer who has a guard on them.

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