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Implement a penalty for targeting and/or overwhelming specific classes and/or players


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Implement a penalty for targeting and/or overwhelming specific classes and/or players

Whenever more than two people gain up on one player, the offending team should get hit with a penalty. Some penalty options include: (1) reduction in ranking, (2) huttball point reductions, (3) loss of a pylon, (4) respawn timer extension, etc...


Gang beatings are not a sign of skill. Its a sign of individual weakness. If more than two players gang up on one, the problem resides with a lack of skill, objectivity, and creative thinking.


Healers,Sages, and Sentinels seem to always be targeted.


Penalties need to be given to gang beaters.


Force players to "think" of different methods to overcome an obstacle.


Force players to "think" objectively.

Edited by Linyivee
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Target focus is an extremely important part of PvP play. Taking it away or making it more difficult would have profound effects on balance. For example, if there was a penalty for focusing healers, then healers, already a bit overtuned, would be unstoppable.


No one likes getting focused. It's not fun for the recipient and really it's a big part of why Arenas suck. But it's absolutely legitimate and necessary play.

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Implement a penalty for targeting and/or overwhelming specific classes and/or players

Healers,Sages, and Sentinels seem to always be targeted.

You should try playing a Commando or Merc.


Let me just make sure though...you honestly want to penalize players for focusing? I mean, you know your team CAN do the same thing...right?

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But it's absolutely legitimate and necessary play.


Personally, I don't even believe it is necessary if you want to have fun. But again, PvP is not about fun, right ? Except when the fun consists of 4v1 others ... Getting the feeling of absolute domination ...


I don't even beliueve it is absolutely necessary - it is imho ONLY absolutely necessary, because it is just the best "overwhelming tactic" ( I recently called it the "lawnmover tactic" ).


Remember Vietnam ? Overwhelming just didn't work there. Because the other side played Guerilla warfare.


Guerilla tactics are *always* better than *any* overwhelming tactic - unless you want total armageddon. If you nuke a whole town like Nagasiki, all military resistance is then overwhelmed, too. The civilians ? The citizens ? Uninteresting for those who follow the "overwhelming tactic".


Guerilla is always better, because of what is calleed "divide & conquer".

Okay, the "overwhelming" tactic does it as well ... one by one ... and then there was none ... But there have been wars as well which have been won by diversion. By guerilla tactics.


The current "overwhelming tactic" is just the current fashion in SWTOR PvP (andelsewhere as well), because it is so powerful if the team is well coordinated. And even "bads" can coordinate fairly well in that tactic !


Guerilla tactic requires much more situational awareness, because it is not 4v1. Simple.

Therefore, guerilla tactics requires so much better players to play it effectively.

Novare Coast : One example would be to keep players ocupied at one node - one or two team members playing bait - meanwhile two others try to cap the other nodes : One who can be seen, and produces and "inc" call, meanwhile the other one is a stealther. Yes, using this momentum even a group could try to cap a node which was just abandoned by players who reacted to the "inc" call !


That's simple guerilla warfare in objective PvP. You constantly monitor the other team, how it reacts, and then you bluff them.

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Gang beatings are not a sign of skill. Its a sign of individual weakness. If more than two players gang up on one, the problem resides with a lack of skill, objectivity, and creative thinking.


Force players to "think" of different methods to overcome an obstacle.


Force players to "think" objectively.



Jason Bourne detected. :tran_eek:

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Implement a penalty for targeting and/or overwhelming specific classes and/or players

Whenever more than two people gain up on one player, the offending team should get hit with a penalty. Some penalty options include: (1) reduction in ranking, (2) huttball point reductions, (3) loss of a pylon, (4) respawn timer extension, etc...


Gang beatings are not a sign of skill. Its a sign of individual weakness. If more than two players gang up on one, the problem resides with a lack of skill, objectivity, and creative thinking.


Healers,Sages, and Sentinels seem to always be targeted.


Penalties need to be given to gang beaters.


Force players to "think" of different methods to overcome an obstacle.


Force players to "think" objectively.


Either 10/10 troll, or full retard. Too close to call on this one.

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Either 10/10 troll, or full retard. Too close to call on this one.


No he's right team synergizing and coordination are evil. Lrn2b RL Chuck Norris character. When the glowy Sin nails your Mando don't kite or go for peels just combine your DCDs into super **** and roundhouse kick him in the face.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Personally, I don't even believe it is necessary if you want to have fun. But again, PvP is not about fun, right ? Except when the fun consists of 4v1 others ... Getting the feeling of absolute domination ...


I don't even beliueve it is absolutely necessary - it is imho ONLY absolutely necessary, because it is just the best "overwhelming tactic" ( I recently called it the "lawnmover tactic" ).


Remember Vietnam ? Overwhelming just didn't work there. Because the other side played Guerilla warfare.


Guerilla tactics are *always* better than *any* overwhelming tactic - unless you want total armageddon. If you nuke a whole town like Nagasiki, all military resistance is then overwhelmed, too. The civilians ? The citizens ? Uninteresting for those who follow the "overwhelming tactic".


Guerilla is always better, because of what is calleed "divide & conquer".

Okay, the "overwhelming" tactic does it as well ... one by one ... and then there was none ... But there have been wars as well which have been won by diversion. By guerilla tactics.


The current "overwhelming tactic" is just the current fashion in SWTOR PvP (andelsewhere as well), because it is so powerful if the team is well coordinated. And even "bads" can coordinate fairly well in that tactic !


Guerilla tactic requires much more situational awareness, because it is not 4v1. Simple.

Therefore, guerilla tactics requires so much better players to play it effectively.

Novare Coast : One example would be to keep players ocupied at one node - one or two team members playing bait - meanwhile two others try to cap the other nodes : One who can be seen, and produces and "inc" call, meanwhile the other one is a stealther. Yes, using this momentum even a group could try to cap a node which was just abandoned by players who reacted to the "inc" call !


That's simple guerilla warfare in objective PvP. You constantly monitor the other team, how it reacts, and then you bluff them.


Guerrilla tactics only work if the side being attacked is unwilling to accept the losses. If they are willing then, eventually, the other side will be worn down through attrition.


As for your NC example, it is predicated on your team having the superior players. However this is not always the case and given equal skill and team balance, if you decide to send two players to attack an off node you've left your main group at a 5-7 disadvantage. At which point, they only need to send 1 to reinforce the off node and still have numerical superiority where the main battle is taking place.


With your final comment it is dependent on the other team NOT paying attention. If they don't' realize that there's 7 of them fighting 4 of your guys then your tactics will work. If, however, there is a couple players paying attention to what is going on then your tactics will fail because they will be reinforcing their off node before a call is needed.

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Implement a penalty for targeting and/or overwhelming specific classes and/or players

Whenever more than two people gain up on one player, the offending team should get hit with a penalty. Some penalty options include: (1) reduction in ranking, (2) huttball point reductions, (3) loss of a pylon, (4) respawn timer extension, etc...


Gang beatings are not a sign of skill. Its a sign of individual weakness. If more than two players gang up on one, the problem resides with a lack of skill, objectivity, and creative thinking.


Healers,Sages, and Sentinels seem to always be targeted.


Penalties need to be given to gang beaters.


Force players to "think" of different methods to overcome an obstacle.


Force players to "think" objectively.


If this was actually instituted, it would permanently guarantee death matching (which is already a problem in team play). Focus firing upon a single target is completely legit and probably the only way to edge out a win. If you've got 4 people in an arena, each facing off each other, the outcome of the match will be due to the team composition. Say you have two ops and two sins facing off two Vanguards and two Guardians. A good Operative will win almost any 1 v1 match against any toon except its mirror (I would love to seen an Op and Scoundrel go at it). Same for the Sin. Or, imagine you are facing off against a tank who is supported by a healer. There is no way one toon, regardless of class, is going to beat down the tank if he is good. The same thing would happen in Voidstar. If you have a tank and a healer on a door, you need multiple toons focus firing upon the tank (or moving the healer away from said tank) to be able to kill him. It may be possible for 2 good snipers to knock out a tank with a healer but I am not sure.

Edited by PaulusMaulus
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I think the OP will enjoy one of the raids encounters in Karaaga's palace. There is this fight where everyone has to select their own target to duel and helping anyone else with their guy results in losing the encounter. It's really cool on NiM, because the targets start drifting and stuff.
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Implement a penalty for targeting and/or overwhelming specific classes and/or players

Whenever more than two people gain up on one player, the offending team should get hit with a penalty. Some penalty options include: (1) reduction in ranking, (2) huttball point reductions, (3) loss of a pylon, (4) respawn timer extension, etc...


Gang beatings are not a sign of skill. Its a sign of individual weakness. If more than two players gang up on one, the problem resides with a lack of skill, objectivity, and creative thinking.


Healers,Sages, and Sentinels seem to always be targeted.


Penalties need to be given to gang beaters.



Force players to "think" of different methods to overcome an obstacle.


Force players to "think" objectively.



So, punish players for thinking smart and focusing the target that is a threat. I honestly have no idea how to respond to this thread. I don't know what dumbfounds me more, the fact he talked more about a dumb topic or the fact he made a paragraph about it. :rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02:

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plz be a troll plz be a troll plz be a troll plz be a troll



Actually, I am not being a troll. I am being rather serious.


Since many players rely upon tag teaming, (3+ players vrs. 1 player), I would turn it into some sort of penalty. If you are able to play without targeting, (2 players or less vrs. 1 player), you could get a bonus set of rewards.


When I walk into a PvP match, I am immediately hit by three or more players. I am literally dead in seconds. As a result of dying too quickly, I don't have an opportunity to sneeze. Where is the fun in that?


I think a player's PvP ranking/stats should reflect playing style and sportsmanship conduct,


Players will be forced to "think" about strategy.


Players would also show each other respect.

Edited by Linyivee
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Actually, I am not being a troll. I am being rather serious.


Since many players rely upon tag teaming, (3+ players vrs. 1 player), I would turn it into some sort of penalty. If you are able to play without targeting, (2 players or less vrs. 1 player), you could get a bonus set of rewards.


When I walk into a PvP match, I am immediately hit by three or more players. I am literally dead in seconds. As a result of dying too quickly, I don't have an opportunity to sneeze. Where is the fun in that?


I think a player's PvP ranking/stats should reflect playing style and sportsmanship conduct,


Players will be forced to "think" about strategy.


Players would also show each other respect.

The thing is people ARE thinking about strategy. The strat is to kill someone as quickly as possible so that your team has a numbers advantage. This is done by focusing. BioWare will never punish focusing a target. It's a large and important part of PvPing well.


Maybe if you tell us what class you play we could give you some tips to help you avoid getting blown up like this. It sucks getting globalled but every class has something to avoid it (to a certain extent). You'll have a lot more fun if you know how to stay alive :)

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The thing is people ARE thinking about strategy. The strat is to kill someone as quickly as possible so that your team has a numbers advantage. This is done by focusing. BioWare will never punish focusing a target. It's a large and important part of PvPing well.


Focusing is cheap and simple. That's why it works. It just has not the slightest amount of originality around it. Any criminal can call a few thugs to beat 1 person down. It works. It is simple and chzeap. That's why it is so effective.


We are already trained by the overwhelming "economization" of things in RL to ALWAYS pick up what's most cheap pluzs effective. That's corporate thinking. It's neoliberal thinking : to measure EVERYTHING in terms of "how cheap is it ? How effective is it ?"


That's why we won't EVER see anything elaborate to be seen anymore. That's why Progressive Rock is not en vogue. That's why Art Nouveau died out and Bauhaus reigns since then in architecture. That's why things are not embellished anymore : Embellishment is bad because it costs. It costs, therefore it is not effective. It requires elaborate works and sophisticated thinking - therefore it is not effective.


Focusing does not require anything elabborate or sophisticated. Even the dumbest troll can perform this "strategy". To even call this a "strategy" is almost like an insult.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Focusing is cheap and simple. That's why it works. It just has not the slightest amount of originality around it. Any criminal can call a few thugs to beat 1 person down. It works. It is simple and chzeap. That's why it is so effective.


We are already trained by the overwhelming "economization" of things in RL to ALWAYS pick up what's most cheap pluzs effective. That's corporate thinking. It's neoliberal thinking : to measure EVERYTHING in terms of "how cheap is it ? How effective is it ?"


That's why we won't EVER see anything elaborate to be seen anymore. That's why Progressive Rock is not en vogue. That's why Art Nouveau died out and Bauhaus reigns since then in architecture. That's why things are not embellished anymore : Embellishment is bad because it costs. It costs, therefore it is not effective. It requires elaborate works and sophisticated thinking - therefore it is not effective.


Focusing does not require anything elabborate or sophisticated. Even the dumbest troll can perform this "strategy". To even call this a "strategy" is almost like an insult.


If that is the case, then you can't be healed by someone else on your team when you are being attacked by someone on the other team. Because a teammate healing you is basically "focusing" you back to full health. Heck, it doesn't take much strategy to put a healer at my back and then go obliterate half the other team because they can't kill me.


Sorry but if you want to remove focus fire from warzones, then you also have to remove being healed while in combat to be equitable.

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