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Please make level scaling optional in KotFE


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I've seen reasons why it shouldn't, some founded some unfounded, all I've seen for why it should is "I don't want it", "I can't RP", "I'll get knocked off my mount", "I want to farm mats in peace", "I don't like it", "I want to feel powerful".


This is a change that affects the entire population, regardless if one group hates it or not. Those reasons only affect the people who posted them or one "group" of the entire population.


I haven't seen one reason why this is going to be terrible for the entire population as a whole, because Bioware isn't making these changes so they can screw over one group of people, they are thinking about both current and future players as a whole.


I'm generally curious.




I don't want to raid but I want BiS gear in each slot, should Bioware alter the way the game is to please me? They could do that, and what some people can't accept is that others don't want to player their way. That's all it's really about after all. I hate it when my chosen class gets a nerf hammer because some people couldn't accept the way I play.


It's not about how you play, it's about how the entire population plays. The one thing about this "for" and "against" argument forgets is they speak of changes that affect not only them but others as well.


I don't raid either but I don't expect to get BIS gear because I don't put the effort out. I don't get PVP gear unless I PVP. Those are both different then level scaling. So that doesn't cut it. It can be setup so everyone gets their choice on how they play. As far as nerfs they can setup so PVE and PVP skills have a different effect. It was done in a game before SWTOR.


Just a note: You have the option not to do raids. Some folks would like the option for LS that is all.

Edited by well
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I've seen reasons why it shouldn't, some founded some unfounded, all I've seen for why it should is "I don't want it", "I can't RP", "I'll get knocked off my mount", "I want to farm mats in peace", "I don't like it", "I want to feel powerful".


This is a change that affects the entire population, regardless if one group hates it or not. Those reasons only affect the people who posted them or one "group" of the entire population.


I haven't seen one reason why this is going to be terrible for the entire population as a whole, because Bioware isn't making these changes so they can screw over one group of people, they are thinking about both current and future players as a whole.


I'm generally curious.


No offense, but it sounds like you're really just curious to find an answer you haven't already dismissed out of hand because "not enough" players are affected. How many players having the game made less enjoyable for them is "enough"?


And why does it have to make the game worse for the population as a whole, to be a bad idea to force it on the entire population? Expand that "measuring stick" out to the rest of the game -- do you really want to start throwing out everything in the game that only "some" players do? Ignoring the effects of changes on any group that's "not enough" players? Should PvP players be ignored whenever a change is discussed? Hardcore endgame players are only a minority of the playerbase, should the effects of changes on them be ignored too?


Why should enjoyment of the game be a zero-sum equation?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Why is letting a player have a choice in the matter bad? Having a option does not harm anyone. It can be done right. Make two modes like other games. Instead of Normal/Hard mode a Normal/LS mode can be used. This is nothing new.



One reason: Future. No idea how this level sync plays into their future plans. We don't know, and we won't know until they tell us. Yes optional would be nice. It's not happening at release but it would be nice, now with that in mind what happens if Optional messes up future content? I could happen, or it might not, we don't know. But right now the "anti-sync" reasons have all been personal reasons, reasons that affect how they play the game. But if Bioware is going to develop for people's personal reasons then I want to be able to do Ops solo and still get drops at the rate groups do, nothing wrong with that because it would be my choice right? Except that is bad, it could potentially harm Raid groups, not saying it will but it could, why raid when I can solo and get it right? Or PvP, why can't my force user rip that smuggler in half over the holocom? He should be able to cause that's how I want to play, but it doesn't work like that.


Level Sync is the same way: PvP servers, those who sync would be at a disadvantage against those who don't so they won't sync either, may or may not be the case but it could happen.


PvE Servers have different things they need to deal with: You set up a group to kill a world boss for the weekly or achievements, you sync because you're still leveling and the game rewards you for syncing, in transit your group comes up to this boss, and you find a 65 fighting it, you can't invite him and he can't join your group because you are sync'd and he's not, he's just there for the achieve and because he can. Sure it might not happen, but it could, but now you have to wait until it respawns or hope there is enough people on the planet that a second map opens up in which case it could happen again.


Crafters: Someone syncs because they are still leveling, they want to farm some mats so they can make some of these new items, they fight their way to their normal farm zone only to find all the nodes currently being snatched up by the person who didn't sync because they don't want to be bothered, well guess that crafter could spend credits and wait 30 mins to an hour for a mission so they could get 4 of those mats, or they could hope that another map is open and go there, in which case it could still happen. That may happen but also it might not, but it could.


Griefers: They'll be around no matter what, but this guy syncs down cause he's leveling, he's on alderaan killing some pub npcs for a quest, this smuggler decides he wants to heal this guys quarry for the lawlz, well he's not sync'd so he only needs to use his HoT and heal this npc forever, man that imp has to hope another map is open so he could level in peace, or because sync is forced that smuggler now has to use all his heals and could potentially run out of resource allowing that imp to kill the mob, again that might not happen, and might not work that way but it could.


So, these reasons establish why Forced seems the better way, it benefits the population as a whole because now everyone has to use it, Sure it still forces some people to play the game how they don't want to, but why is your way more valuable than his way, or her way or their way?



But there reasons I've seen on optional are:


I can't RP without having to kill a mob every 4 seconds.

I'll now have to worry about getting knocked off my mount when I go to farm mats.

Conquest won't be able to be done because I'll be sync'd and the commanders won't.(Not sure how that'll work but I've seen it used)

I want to feel powerful and sync will make me feel like a Padawan/Apprentice again.

Why force me to play a way I don't want to?

I absolutely hate this idea because now I can't gather 50 mobs and orbital strike them to death.

It won't stop griefers.

Now I don't want to go back to old world planets because of all of the above.

All this will do is make me avoid low level planets all together.



See the difference? I just want a detailed reason for optional that isn't "Because I don't like it".

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I wonder how work intensive it was to create crystal acute that give you a buff negating 12 xp boost... after all... most people actualy liked 12xp for story quests. and yet... bioware have chosen, thankfully to listen to people that did NOT like it and created an item for them to give them "gasp" a choice. i wonder how hard would it be to create a similar item that removes level sync and makes people who like it AND people who don't - happy....


reason? is literally - some people enjoy it and some people do not - when it comes to video games, aka interactive entertainment that depends for its continued existence on monetary support of its consumers, its as simple as that. why not give both groups what they want by creating means to make it optional?


then again... it took a while to convince bioware that creating that item is a good idea. and probably some telling metrics that we are not privvy to. I wonder what kind of metrics it would take to convince bioware to reconsider level sync being mandatory for all... and how long. time will tell, I suppose.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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One reason: Future. No idea how this level sync plays into their future plans. We don't know, and we won't know until they tell us. Yes optional would be nice. It's not happening at release but it would be nice, now with that in mind what happens if Optional messes up future content? I could happen, or it might not, we don't know. But right now the "anti-sync" reasons have all been personal reasons, reasons that affect how they play the game. But if Bioware is going to develop for people's personal reasons then I want to be able to do Ops solo and still get drops at the rate groups do, nothing wrong with that because it would be my choice right? Except that is bad, it could potentially harm Raid groups, not saying it will but it could, why raid when I can solo and get it right? Or PvP, why can't my force user rip that smuggler in half over the holocom? He should be able to cause that's how I want to play, but it doesn't work like that.


Level Sync is the same way: PvP servers, those who sync would be at a disadvantage against those who don't so they won't sync either, may or may not be the case but it could happen.


PvE Servers have different things they need to deal with: You set up a group to kill a world boss for the weekly or achievements, you sync because you're still leveling and the game rewards you for syncing, in transit your group comes up to this boss, and you find a 65 fighting it, you can't invite him and he can't join your group because you are sync'd and he's not, he's just there for the achieve and because he can. Sure it might not happen, but it could, but now you have to wait until it respawns or hope there is enough people on the planet that a second map opens up in which case it could happen again.


Crafters: Someone syncs because they are still leveling, they want to farm some mats so they can make some of these new items, they fight their way to their normal farm zone only to find all the nodes currently being snatched up by the person who didn't sync because they don't want to be bothered, well guess that crafter could spend credits and wait 30 mins to an hour for a mission so they could get 4 of those mats, or they could hope that another map is open and go there, in which case it could still happen. That may happen but also it might not, but it could.


Griefers: They'll be around no matter what, but this guy syncs down cause he's leveling, he's on alderaan killing some pub npcs for a quest, this smuggler decides he wants to heal this guys quarry for the lawlz, well he's not sync'd so he only needs to use his HoT and heal this npc forever, man that imp has to hope another map is open so he could level in peace, or because sync is forced that smuggler now has to use all his heals and could potentially run out of resource allowing that imp to kill the mob, again that might not happen, and might not work that way but it could.


So, these reasons establish why Forced seems the better way, it benefits the population as a whole because now everyone has to use it, Sure it still forces some people to play the game how they don't want to, but why is your way more valuable than his way, or her way or their way?



But there reasons I've seen on optional are:


I can't RP without having to kill a mob every 4 seconds.

I'll now have to worry about getting knocked off my mount when I go to farm mats.

Conquest won't be able to be done because I'll be sync'd and the commanders won't.(Not sure how that'll work but I've seen it used)

I want to feel powerful and sync will make me feel like a Padawan/Apprentice again.

Why force me to play a way I don't want to?

I absolutely hate this idea because now I can't gather 50 mobs and orbital strike them to death.

It won't stop griefers.

Now I don't want to go back to old world planets because of all of the above.

All this will do is make me avoid low level planets all together.



See the difference? I just want a detailed reason for optional that isn't "Because I don't like it".


Then turn it around -- how about a reason to support mandatory levelsync that doesn't amount to either "Because I do like it" or "Because everyone should enjoy the game the way I do, or get out."


And no, hypothetical future plans and vague vaporware don't count. Stuff that we don't have any clue about that we don't know any details about and might happen someday at a time we don't know about isn't a reason to support or oppose anything. It's just summoning spirits from the vasty deep.

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One reason: Future. No idea how this level sync plays into their future plans. We don't know, and we won't know until they tell us. Yes optional would be nice. It's not happening at release but it would be nice, now with that in mind what happens if Optional messes up future content? I could happen, or it might not, we don't know. But right now the "anti-sync" reasons have all been personal reasons, reasons that affect how they play the game. But if Bioware is going to develop for people's personal reasons then I want to be able to do Ops solo and still get drops at the rate groups do, nothing wrong with that because it would be my choice right? Except that is bad, it could potentially harm Raid groups, not saying it will but it could, why raid when I can solo and get it right? Or PvP, why can't my force user rip that smuggler in half over the holocom? He should be able to cause that's how I want to play, but it doesn't work like that.


Level Sync is the same way: PvP servers, those who sync would be at a disadvantage against those who don't so they won't sync either, may or may not be the case but it could happen.


PvE Servers have different things they need to deal with: You set up a group to kill a world boss for the weekly or achievements, you sync because you're still leveling and the game rewards you for syncing, in transit your group comes up to this boss, and you find a 65 fighting it, you can't invite him and he can't join your group because you are sync'd and he's not, he's just there for the achieve and because he can. Sure it might not happen, but it could, but now you have to wait until it respawns or hope there is enough people on the planet that a second map opens up in which case it could happen again.


Crafters: Someone syncs because they are still leveling, they want to farm some mats so they can make some of these new items, they fight their way to their normal farm zone only to find all the nodes currently being snatched up by the person who didn't sync because they don't want to be bothered, well guess that crafter could spend credits and wait 30 mins to an hour for a mission so they could get 4 of those mats, or they could hope that another map is open and go there, in which case it could still happen. That may happen but also it might not, but it could.


Griefers: They'll be around no matter what, but this guy syncs down cause he's leveling, he's on alderaan killing some pub npcs for a quest, this smuggler decides he wants to heal this guys quarry for the lawlz, well he's not sync'd so he only needs to use his HoT and heal this npc forever, man that imp has to hope another map is open so he could level in peace, or because sync is forced that smuggler now has to use all his heals and could potentially run out of resource allowing that imp to kill the mob, again that might not happen, and might not work that way but it could.


So, these reasons establish why Forced seems the better way, it benefits the population as a whole because now everyone has to use it, Sure it still forces some people to play the game how they don't want to, but why is your way more valuable than his way, or her way or their way?



But there reasons I've seen on optional are:


I can't RP without having to kill a mob every 4 seconds.

I'll now have to worry about getting knocked off my mount when I go to farm mats.

Conquest won't be able to be done because I'll be sync'd and the commanders won't.(Not sure how that'll work but I've seen it used)

I want to feel powerful and sync will make me feel like a Padawan/Apprentice again.

Why force me to play a way I don't want to?

I absolutely hate this idea because now I can't gather 50 mobs and orbital strike them to death.

It won't stop griefers.

Now I don't want to go back to old world planets because of all of the above.

All this will do is make me avoid low level planets all together.



See the difference? I just want a detailed reason for optional that isn't "Because I don't like it".


Probably the same reason you don't raid. It is your choice. Why shouldn't they have the option. If there are events or whatever in the future then people have the choice to do them or not. If they want the reward rep or whatever then they have to go LS. Still it is their choice. There are people that go after achievements. I don't care about them. I don't bother with most datacrons. My choice. I don't need them. Still manage to get 32 60s finish all classes including

Advance multiple times. I completed SOR 28 times. There are plenty who haven't done that. That is there choice. They should have the same as others. The right to choose how they play.

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No offense, but it sounds like you're really just curious to find an answer you haven't already dismissed out of hand because "not enough" players are affected. How many players having the game made less enjoyable for them is "enough"?


And why does it have to make the game worse for the population as a whole, to be a bad idea to force it on the entire population? Expand that "measuring stick" out to the rest of the game -- do you really want to start throwing out everything in the game that only "some" players do? Ignoring the effects of changes on any group that's "not enough" players? Should PvP players be ignored whenever a change is discussed? Hardcore endgame players are only a minority of the playerbase, should the effects of changes on them be ignored too?


Why should enjoyment of the game be a zero-sum equation?


Honestly? If Bioware developed the game towards everyone's personal tastes we wouldn't have much of a game to begin with. They have to think of how it would affect the entire population, not just a few. I mean it would be great if I could get BiS gear without having to be in a group for it, but they know that's not good for the "whole" pie it only helps a slice. Same could be said with anything in the game. There are more simple ways of doing everything that's currently in the game, but they go with the whole picture instead of the half.


Asking them(some demand) to change something they obviously think is better for the whole simply because the slice doesn't like it, then I would like to know why it would be better for everyone if it was optional.


I mean it's a moot point anyway, we all know they are going to make it optional anyway, but I wonder what's going to be ruined in the future plans because of it? Or making it optional could be the best thing they could do, idk.

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(...) So, these reasons establish why Forced seems the better way, it benefits the population as a whole because now everyone has to use it, Sure it still forces some people to play the game how they don't want to, but why is your way more valuable than his way, or her way or their way?

See the difference? I just want a detailed reason for optional that isn't "Because I don't like it".


That was an interesting read, and I do agree that the way I play the game isn't more valuable than the way you play it, it's just different. However all I've seen listed is reasons why forced scaling would benefit the way you want to play the game, not the population as a whole and I certainly wouldn't benefit from it. Because you don't seem to like the idea of optional scaling.


I could go into a detailed reasoning on how optional is better for the game, but it would serve nothing, because in the end it would end up in how I like to play the game and how I think the game should be played vs how you like to play the game and how you think it should be played, not what has to be done "for the good of the game" as some people here presume to know. And neither way is better than the other, however optional seems to me the better idea because at least it tries to allow the majority of people to enjoy the game as they want to.

Edited by lanawinst
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Then turn it around -- how about a reason to support mandatory levelsync that doesn't amount to either "Because I do like it" or "Because everyone should enjoy the game the way I do, or get out."


And no, hypothetical future plans and vague vaporware don't count. Stuff that we don't have any clue about that we don't know any details about and might happen someday at a time we don't know about isn't a reason to support or oppose anything. It's just summoning spirits from the vasty deep.


See that's the point though, There is no reason for it, and there is no reason against it. It'll all just boil down to either I want it or I don't want it. Right now without actually experiencing it the only thing we can do is hypothetical reasoning. We'll find out in a week or so if it's going to work or not.


Btw, just to let you know Max: I don't really care if it's optional or not, I either want them to have it or not at all, as there is no point to a level sync. They don't have live events like GW2, they don't have active events like Rift, and absolutely no reason storywise for anyone to go back to old planets beyond the level it was designed for. The only reason I'm for it is "Future" hypothetical reasons, because I don't know what they have planned, and yes optional could mess up those plans, or not, it's unknown.


But I do know just because we want different things, doesn't mean it's better for the population as a whole...after all I hated F2P with a passion and I still do, but I won't deny that it didn't bring people to the game so it was better as a whole, even though I still hate it.

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Honestly? If Bioware developed the game towards everyone's personal tastes we wouldn't have much of a game to begin with. They have to think of how it would affect the entire population, not just a few. I mean it would be great if I could get BiS gear without having to be in a group for it, but they know that's not good for the "whole" pie it only helps a slice. Same could be said with anything in the game. There are more simple ways of doing everything that's currently in the game, but they go with the whole picture instead of the half.


Asking them(some demand) to change something they obviously think is better for the whole simply because the slice doesn't like it, then I would like to know why it would be better for everyone if it was optional.


I mean it's a moot point anyway, we all know they are going to make it optional anyway, but I wonder what's going to be ruined in the future plans because of it? Or making it optional could be the best thing they could do, idk.


Giving players a choice if possible is a good thing. If I was required to do Ops I would unsub. I have done enough Elite missions to last a life time. I don't care for FPs but to do SOR I had to. I did them for the story line . It was my choice though.

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See that's the point though, There is no reason for it, and there is no reason against it. It'll all just boil down to either I want it or I don't want it. Right now without actually experiencing it the only thing we can do is hypothetical reasoning. We'll find out in a week or so if it's going to work or not.


Btw, just to let you know Max: I don't really care if it's optional or not, I either want them to have it or not at all, as there is no point to a level sync. They don't have live events like GW2, they don't have active events like Rift, and absolutely no reason storywise for anyone to go back to old planets beyond the level it was designed for. The only reason I'm for it is "Future" hypothetical reasons, because I don't know what they have planned, and yes optional could mess up those plans, or not, it's unknown.


But I do know just because we want different things, doesn't mean it's better for the population as a whole...after all I hated F2P with a passion and I still do, but I won't deny that it didn't bring people to the game so it was better as a whole, even though I still hate it.


Logic does not work. They will keep saying Optional is fair, but they don't understand that it is not fair. No matter how many times you explain it.

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I wonder how work intensive it was to create crystal acute that give you a buff negating 12 xp boost... after all... most people actualy liked 12xp for story quests. and yet... bioware have chosen, thankfully to listen to people that did NOT like it and created an item for them to give them "gasp" a choice. i wonder how hard would it be to create a similar item that removes level sync and makes people who like it AND people who don't - happy....


then again... it took a while to convince bioware that creating that item is a good idea. and probably some telling metrics that we are not privvy to. I wonder what kind of metrics it would take to convince bioware to reconsider level sync being mandatory for all... and how long. time will tell, I suppose.


Creating the XP boost nullifier is a lot easier; since they already have support for XP multiplier adjustment, both voluntary (XP multiplier) and involuntary (rest XP, double-XP weekend). All they had to do was create a new item that hooked already-existing functionality.


We don't know enough about how the level sync is implemented to say how easy it would be, mechanically, for them to implement an optional flag on level sync. For all we know, it's done by a reverse bolster behind the scenes (though that's not what we see in the interface, nor how it's been described). But we do know this: that they are implementing this to, among other things, to reward players appropriately for their time investment. If the level sync can be toggled on and off in the field, the player can game the difficulty of getting rewards by toggling level sync OFF while fighting the open-world mobs, but back ON when fighting the reward-giving mob/object. In fact, this ability to evade the difficulty of open-world mobs on their way to reward points. There's a thread I created describing in some detail what would need to be done to prevent this evasion - a lot of which could be short-circuited if there are both level-synced and non-level-synced instances of each planet. But you still would have to prevent switching "in the field" to avoid the sneak-around issue. Which, I gather, would defeat the purpose of optional for the majority of people who desire optional level sync.


Now, I haven't seen any direct evidence of developer statements on the subject, but they're dropping enough hints that I am comfortable speculating that the major reason behind level-sync is to allow for setting of new missions on old planets without having to resort to the workarounds they used for: Macrobinocular/Seeker Droid (spawning mobs from thin air and one singular encounter zone), Bounty Hunter Week (spawning mobs from thin air, mismatch between planetary mobs and mission difficulty), Rakghoul event (spawning mobs, no way for players of different levels to group), or Gree Event (bolster did not apply to companions), or even Bonus Series (similar mobs are much tougher in one zone than another). Mandatory level sync will allow them to set brand-new content on old planets without having to add anything to world maps, and I don't think that's a coincidence. Not all planets are suitable to have new content set on them, due to events that happen in the planetary story, but many are.

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Creating the XP boost nullifier is a lot easier; since they already have support for XP multiplier adjustment, both voluntary (XP multiplier) and involuntary (rest XP, double-XP weekend). All they had to do was create a new item that hooked already-existing functionality.


We don't know enough about how the level sync is implemented to say how easy it would be, mechanically, for them to implement an optional flag on level sync. For all we know, it's done by a reverse bolster behind the scenes (though that's not what we see in the interface, nor how it's been described). But we do know this: that they are implementing this to, among other things, to reward players appropriately for their time investment. If the level sync can be toggled on and off in the field, the player can game the difficulty of getting rewards by toggling level sync OFF while fighting the open-world mobs, but back ON when fighting the reward-giving mob/object. In fact, this ability to evade the difficulty of open-world mobs on their way to reward points. There's a thread I created describing in some detail what would need to be done to prevent this evasion - a lot of which could be short-circuited if there are both level-synced and non-level-synced instances of each planet. But you still would have to prevent switching "in the field" to avoid the sneak-around issue. Which, I gather, would defeat the purpose of optional for the majority of people who desire optional level sync.


Now, I haven't seen any direct evidence of developer statements on the subject, but they're dropping enough hints that I am comfortable speculating that the major reason behind level-sync is to allow for setting of new missions on old planets without having to resort to the workarounds they used for: Macrobinocular/Seeker Droid (spawning mobs from thin air and one singular encounter zone), Bounty Hunter Week (spawning mobs from thin air, mismatch between planetary mobs and mission difficulty), Rakghoul event (spawning mobs, no way for players of different levels to group), or Gree Event (bolster did not apply to companions), or even Bonus Series (similar mobs are much tougher in one zone than another). Mandatory level sync will allow them to set brand-new content on old planets without having to add anything to world maps, and I don't think that's a coincidence. Not all planets are suitable to have new content set on them, due to events that happen in the planetary story, but many are.


Since they have Hardcore Ops and Story mode. Wouldn't it be possible to make LS/Normal mode?

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Balance nightmare.


Pretty much this.


If they are going to be giving us faster content and more story base at that. They really should not be wasting time on features that can slow down the progress of the devs. A one size fits all system>optional. This is the way this game is now.

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Pretty much this.


If they are going to be giving us faster content and more story base at that. They really should not be wasting time on features that can slow down the progress of the devs. A one size fits all system>optional. This is the way this game is now.


Mandatory level sync means they don't have to develop a new planet or a new area on an existing planet for every new level range.


I guess it's time for me to say what the devil on my shoulder is whispering in my ear for a while now. IMO, Level sync is not being implemented for the players' convenience. It's being implemented for the dev's convenience, so they can deliver us more content, faster, with less hassle and less QA required. Not to say there aren't benefits to players, but they mostly accrue to newer players, whereas the older players get hit by more of the side effects.


It's looking more like KotFE is a "sequel" to SW:TOR, without getting rid of what has gone before (except in unavoidable ways). Look at it this way, if they did launch SW:TOR 2, you'd all be starting on the new game with none of your stuff. At least this way, you keep your stuff, your story as chosen by you, you can still play the older content. It's an interesting meld of the long-term MMO and the sequelitis plaguing AAA single-player games right now.

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Mandatory level sync means they don't have to develop a new planet or a new area on an existing planet for every new level range.


I guess it's time for me to say what the devil on my shoulder is whispering in my ear for a while now. IMO, Level sync is not being implemented for the players' convenience. It's being implemented for the dev's convenience, so they can deliver us more content, faster, with less hassle and less QA required. Not to say there aren't benefits to players, but they mostly accrue to newer players, whereas the older players get hit by more of the side effects.


It's looking more like KotFE is a "sequel" to SW:TOR, without getting rid of what has gone before (except in unavoidable ways). Look at it this way, if they did launch SW:TOR 2, you'd all be starting on the new game with none of your stuff. At least this way, you keep your stuff, your story as chosen by you, you can still play the older content. It's an interesting meld of the long-term MMO and the sequelitis plaguing AAA single-player games right now.


So once again, as with several past changes, they're sacrificing breadth of appeal and "user customization of the experience"... for ease of production and raw quantity of content. They've already proven they don't give a tinker's damn about quality of content. :mad:

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Why is letting a player have a choice in the matter bad? Having a option does not harm anyone. It can be done right. Make two modes like other games. Instead of Normal/Hard mode a Normal/LS mode can be used. This is nothing new.


If you are referring to flashpoints, they are essentially doing that with adding in solo modes. If you are referring to open world content then you should highlight another MMO that has optional level sync because as far as I'm aware there isn't one. And if you are referring to operations, those were never meant to be soloable it was merely an unfortunate byproduct of adding more levels to the game.

Really the only game I know that does level sync is GW2 and they do not make it optional.

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If you are referring to flashpoints, they are essentially doing that with adding in solo modes. If you are referring to open world content then you should highlight another MMO that has optional level sync because as far as I'm aware there isn't one. And if you are referring to operations, those were never meant to be soloable it was merely an unfortunate byproduct of adding more levels to the game.

Really the only game I know that does level sync is GW2 and they do not make it optional.


WoW does it now and makes it optional to some extent. They have timewalking events where you can go do 70 and 80 content scaled down to level 70 or 80.


It is obviously a much smaller scale than this, but it is level scaling nonetheless and is entirely optional.

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WoW does it now and makes it optional to some extent. They have timewalking events where you can go do 70 and 80 content scaled down to level 70 or 80.


It is obviously a much smaller scale than this, but it is level scaling nonetheless and is entirely optional.


Those are events and not part of the main game. Also you are given specific rewards for doing those events.

The discussion is about level sync as it applies to the game as a whole here, so your reference doesn't fit within the context.

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If you are referring to flashpoints, they are essentially doing that with adding in solo modes. If you are referring to open world content then you should highlight another MMO that has optional level sync because as far as I'm aware there isn't one. And if you are referring to operations, those were never meant to be soloable it was merely an unfortunate byproduct of adding more levels to the game.

Really the only game I know that does level sync is GW2 and they do not make it optional.


GW1 has Normal/Hard mode . So why couldn't Tor have Normal/LS mode. That is my point. You have 2 different ways to play the game.

Edited by well
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GW1 has Normal/Hard mode . So why couldn't Tor have Normal/LS mode. That is my point. You have 2 different ways to play the game.


Sure that is one way. make separate instance of same area one with LS and where all new content/events will be placed and one non LS where you dont get any rewards at all and which will remain same till end of the game and you can access it only when you outlevel the planet (so you gain access to non LS instance of Alderaan on lvl33)


Also make access to this non LS instance subscriber only, since it does cost money to make it/run it.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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Mandatory level sync means they don't have to develop a new planet or a new area on an existing planet for every new level range.


I guess it's time for me to say what the devil on my shoulder is whispering in my ear for a while now. IMO, Level sync is not being implemented for the players' convenience. It's being implemented for the dev's convenience, so they can deliver us more content, faster, with less hassle and less QA required. Not to say there aren't benefits to players, but they mostly accrue to newer players, whereas the older players get hit by more of the side effects.


It's looking more like KotFE is a "sequel" to SW:TOR, without getting rid of what has gone before (except in unavoidable ways). Look at it this way, if they did launch SW:TOR 2, you'd all be starting on the new game with none of your stuff. At least this way, you keep your stuff, your story as chosen by you, you can still play the older content. It's an interesting meld of the long-term MMO and the sequelitis plaguing AAA single-player games right now.

This is silly...any new content they'd add to an existing world would be instanced, just like Black Hole, Section X etc. It's not for faster content either, it's to make us use what the game already has so they can deliver less...and it's all solo content to boot.


New players are why this is being done. They're willing to upset every customer they currently have for the imaginary troves of MMO players out there who are just waiting for the movie to release to come play this game.

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