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Please make level scaling optional in KotFE


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Here's where my case comes in though, with all this work they've been doing, they could've easily have done 4 new Ops and FP's. It would've been easier in my view.


Four new ops that become irrelevant when the next expansion gets released as well as making recently released content like ToS/Ravagers irrelevant straight off the bat with 4.0 and lvl 55 timed runs become so trivial due to every 65 being immune to most damage that anyone with half a brain cell could grab the title, mounts and deco's like with EC NiM currently.


All this while many other MMO's out there are setting the example on how raid and dungeon content should retain it's challenge after updates or expansions? You want them to make even more content obsolete?


IMO they should of done implemented this scaling everything up thing two expansions ago as it would of saved them a lot of hassle now.

Edited by FlyinSpaghetti
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Four new ops that become irrelevant when the next expansion gets released as well as making recently released content like ToS/Ravagers irrelevant straight off the bat with 4.0 and lvl 55 timed runs become so trivial due to every 65 being immune to most damage that anyone with half a brain cell could grab the title, mounts and deco's like with EC NiM currently.


All this while many other MMO's out there are setting the example on how raid and dungeon content should retain it's challenge after updates or expansions? You want them to make even more content obsolete?


IMO they should of done implemented this scaling everything up thing two expansions ago as it would of saved them a lot of hassle now.

We're not talking about BOLSTERING players up, like KDY does, that's been working for quite some time (and should be implemented for things)...we're talking about reducing your level to that of the planet...that's what is ridiculous.

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To be blunt, some of us have spent too long, too many times, waiting around for a bunch of people who randomly happen to want to do the same mission, with a real chance each time that one or more of them will turn out to be belligerent, clueless, spastic, under-leveled, terribly-geared, rushed, screaming at first-timers to hit the spacerbar, distracted by some real-world issue they should have dealt with instead of starting the mission, and/or a *********** ninja-looter.


We'd rather just over-level and then go do a tour of the content we missed.


I agree SOO much with what you wrote above. Fits the reasoning extremely well from my POW.

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I can almost guarantee Bioware are ignoring them.


BioWare read the forums. They may avoid posting on them, but they read them.




To be blunt, some of us have spent too long, too many times, waiting around for a bunch of people who randomly happen to want to do the same mission, with a real chance each time that one or more of them will turn out to be belligerent, clueless, spastic, under-leveled, terribly-geared, rushed, screaming at first-timers to hit the spacerbar, distracted by some real-world issue they should have dealt with instead of starting the mission, and/or a *********** ninja-looter.


We'd rather just over-level and then go do a tour of the content we missed.


Heh, sadly so very true. Blunt and to the point as usual Max :D

Edited by Transcendent
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We're not talking about BOLSTERING players up, like KDY does, that's been working for quite some time (and should be implemented for things)...we're talking about reducing your level to that of the planet...that's what is ridiculous.



Only reason high levels go back to any planet now is to datacron and solo world bosses. You're on a planet with 100% of content designed for a certain level, why would you even care if your level is brought down while on those planets? With the gear you have at 60+ it would be like being at augmented purple mods of at level strength any so you could still faceroll heroic 4s, you just wouldn't be able to solo the world boss anymore and actually have to find groups for that weekly.


I think they should make the scaling optional if they aren't already, and if they do they should make it where anyone 10 levels above the current max recommended for planet I.E level 35 for Alderaan(aside from the 40+ zones) you shouldn't get any credit for any kills for any dailies or weeklies, or have the difficulty of said mobs scale up to be that of champion level for whatever level is there.

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and wonder why 1) talking about datamined information is against rules 2) closed PTS have NDAs associated with them because any thing on there is subject to change and when taken out of context people would be jumping at shadows every update and complaining when something is added/removed etc. Its not like people on here never over react to anything and everything. Look at this thread, its 1000% pure speculation based on some datamined/leaked information that nobody really has any context for and we're falling over each other to blast it and complain about it.


IF (and thats a BIG IF) something gets released THEN you are free to complain, until then its out of context and pure speculation and imo shouldn't even be discussed.


someone somewhere is breaking the NDAs and IMO they should be permabanned (you can get fired and SUED for breaking NDA) for doing so. anyone pointing or discussing datamined information should get a nice vacation.


No they should not be permabanned, EAWare Austin should pay them for the advertisement they are doing for SWToR. Of course there are a few who are crying like babies over companion change and level down option but mostly these leaks are generating massive positive feedback and attention from those who never even tried swtor before and those until now considered it a "pricey WoW clone", not to mention active players, i have seen a lot of feedback in reddit like these. And without a doubt with 4.0 this game will see a major influx of players even if force awaken movie doesn't get released. They could have kept the classes untouched but overall most changes that are coming will be good for the game and EAWare Austin should reward the dataminers and nada breakers since they are the ones getting SWToR this much positive attention.

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If the reports of it going to be optional are correct, then I'd see this as a massive improvement to the current game. Being able to scale down level when playing with friends would be worth getting excited over to me, but only if it's optional.


I do wish they'd say something... right now either side of the story is hearsay.


Agreed, if this ends up being optional, then it would be a good thing, because I can see how some people would like it, I can see situations where people would enjoy it.


The forced on situation is the one that seems to be the most upsetting, so if Eric can just confirm the plan is to make it optional, then I think we can all calm down.



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Four new ops that become irrelevant when the next expansion gets released as well as making recently released content like ToS/Ravagers irrelevant straight off the bat with 4.0 and lvl 55 timed runs become so trivial due to every 65 being immune to most damage that anyone with half a brain cell could grab the title, mounts and deco's like with EC NiM currently.


All this while many other MMO's out there are setting the example on how raid and dungeon content should retain it's challenge after updates or expansions? You want them to make even more content obsolete?


IMO they should of done implemented this scaling everything up thing two expansions ago as it would of saved them a lot of hassle now.



You shouldn't really take what i said the wrong way.


First, you only think of the Devs making every Op and FP irrelevant , then i'd say you have a big problem.


When i said 4 different Op's and Fp's. I really meant that 1 Op and even 1 FP could Easily be made Pre-KOTFE to be the Interlude into KOTFE where an Unknown Power from somewhere else in the Galaxy, or even Outside of this 1 attacks not only the Sith Empire, but then Immediately starts to attack the Republic, maybe Coruscant.


The other 3 New OPs and FPs would be in the New KOTFE/ SWTOR 2 throughout next year or have 1 OP or 1 FP come November or December.


Easy as that for a Lot Less Money and Production cost.

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I guess I have been here long enough to actually remember people asking for mentoring system.


Yea, I've been here since the start of SWTOR too and what we both remember simply isn't matching up. Requests for mentoring or scaled content are a rare few and never been all that requested for the entire length of these forums anyway. Nothing to any capacity where you would think it was worth spending any real time to develop.


And it is going to be totally optional (the toggle is off on test shard to actually test the thing)


We'll lets hope because as of right now, it looks like it could go either way. hint hint: Thats your que BW. You're on.

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What i dont understand is why some want level scaling to be mandatory forced grouping on everyone. If its Optional, the majority will be happy, cept for those very few folks who want it forced. Are they afraid no one will opt in, if its optional? If they add new rewards for scaled down groups, then people will group (new loot always gets most motivated). Otherwise, i dont see any reason not to make it optional.
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Because nobody ever asked for a system that would allow them to help their low level friend's and not totally mess up their leveling experience, right? :rolleyes:


First, since we didn't hear anything about it by now I don't think downscaling is going to be implemented.

Although BW is very secretly about their development they had the decency to inform us about the FP bolsters - why shouldn't they have lost a word about "downscaling".


Second, I don't see in any Universe - be it Star Wars, ours, Jehova's Wtinesses, or whatever - how one of the two points you mention could be met by downscaling.

Aiding a friend using a higher level character should be the exception. I don't see any "level experience" messed up by running an H4 together once in while.

Edited by Margorn
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First, since we didn't hear anything about it by now I don't think downscaling is going to be implemented.

Although BW is very secretly about their development they had the decency to inform us about the FP bolsters - why shouldn't they have lost a word about "downscaling".


Second, I don't see in any Universe - be it Star Wars, ours, Jehova's Wtinesses, or whatever - how one of the two points you mention could be met by downscaling.

Aiding a friend using a higher level character should be the exception. I don't see any "level experience" messed up by running an H4 together once in while.


From leaks it is obvious that it is not working as well as they planned. and while bolster works "fine", its opposite not so much.


And I suggest you look up how mentoring system works in other games.

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I've read the expac stuff about the scaling for Ops and FPs. Didn't see anything in there about scaling planets and heroics, or world bosses. Would someone be kind enough to provide a link to the info, or otherwise point the way?


they can't, this stuff is supposed to behind NDAs on the closed PTS and anything discussed (that hasn't been officially released) is either violating that agreement or being datamined, either way its a banable offense. . So you'll never see anyone link to it lest they get banned. If you are into that sort of thing (datamined and or leaks), feel free to head over to the other cesspoll...er reddit forums and check all the stuff out there (at your own sanity and such). Personally I avoid it simply because I don't trust the sources, nor agree with their tactics.

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What i dont understand is why some want level scaling to be mandatory forced grouping on everyone. If its Optional, the majority will be happy, cept for those very few folks who want it forced. Are they afraid no one will opt in, if its optional? If they add new rewards for scaled down groups, then people will group (new loot always gets most motivated). Otherwise, i dont see any reason not to make it optional.


That seems to be a recurring theme -- there will always be some players who want everyone to be forced to play their way, to cater to exactly their playstyle, and aren't every happy with things like options, choices, and multiple paths.

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No, it would be exactly the same with complaints etc.


It is why developers do not tell people everything that is in works until they are certain it is going to work or if it will be ready in time for whatever date they had in mind.


And yet, Eric posted about them trying to get Legacy Datacrons working. And guess what ... no forum trauma.

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No. If you have something to tell, do so.


Situation setup: Low level player is group with high level player for whatever reason (e.g., a high level player brought a friend into the game, and wants to play with him, but does not want to start new character)


Current situation: XP gains for low level players are severely reduced, and the content is laughably easy, so no actual fun from playing happens. It is therefore not really possible to group up with low level players


Mentoring system gets rid of this problem, usually by either scaling the mentor down or mentee up (in this case, it also scales mobs up). Mentee gains more XP than they would, and Mentors gain special rewards as well.


In short, it removes penalty when high level player is grouped with low level player, but does not make the game too easy for the low player.

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And yet, Eric posted about them trying to get Legacy Datacrons working. And guess what ... no forum trauma.


Nope, people still divided into two camps that agree and disagree with that in that very topic.


However, Legacy Datacrons are more of a "community wish" (for part of the community), a lot different from this system. If they posted "hey, we are doing a system that will allow you to drop your level on low level planets" (of course, edited to be PR correct), it would look exactly the same as it does here, minus some speculations.

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I mostly play solo but I'm not against this feature. I was able to solo all heroics 4 (green or yellow), so I assume (hope) I still will be able to do that. But I have a lot of doubts. If Bioware is going to implement scaling in 4.0 they better start talking about it right about now.

Will there be some kind of GF for heroics? I play on weird timezone. I get FP pop up around 3 am EST just all right, but between 10-20 people on middle level planets (minus bots) no one wants to do heroics.

How about all those quest sending us back to low level planets? Is gsi mobs level scaled down too?

And how it will work during Early Access week?

And btw, getting those datacrons in heroic areas is gonna be hard now, lol :p Okara Droid Factory Datacron gonna be deadly.

Overall, I'm not sure it's a good idea to implement this feature without 2-3 months of open beta test on PTS server.

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It's really a bunch of Bs, that should never ever happen in any MMO, it takes away any LOGICAL REASONING for LEVELING period. the Reason why there are Level systems in any MMO, which a good some of ppl here don't have the intelligence to Understand.


Is for some very good reasons 1) Being the fact that Major MMO's have Level systems in place is just For The Reason, so that ppl can be able to level to kill the same things that they won't be able to sometimes when they hit higher lvl NPCs on every Planet there is.


Reasoning for Gaining lvls Again is because every so that so and so levels can do More and more Flashpoints, which some ppl also don't understand. Another Big reason, and i guess the Main Devs have lost sense of Logic in this game. Is that We Have to gain Higher Levels so we can get more skills to take on Higher-End mobs on Said Planet ur on and Flaspoint or Op ppl will need all those 10's of Thousands of Hitpoints for to have a chance at achieving success.


This Stupid Re-scale, Dumbing down ppls Levels make most ppl feels Stupid and cheap. Makes most of us serious players, and i mean Serious minded ppl feel like dung. Cheapening our lvl successes then get a nice right-hook to the face, and Not being able to fend off everything there is, because if were 15-20 or more levels higher than those NPCs on the Planet we should NOT have to worry about kicking some serious arse if we Need to.


Dumbing down our levels also makes it Impossible to help others, when other Don't want to help ppl.


I wonder wth the Devs that want this JUNK are smoking. Facts Are Facts, ppl aren't gonna put up with such Bs, even if they don't implement it now, but later also ppl will and Are already Un-subbing by the dozens because this KOTFE, that is really a Low Budgeted SWTOR 2, because there hasn't Ever Been this Much Secrecy since the Creation of This Game in the Betas.


And Yes they do Owe us All a hell of a Lot more Information. Only a person that's in Beta or doesn't have much intelligence thinks otherwise.


At lvl 50-65, We sure as Hell Better be Walking around Like GODS. We Earned that right to crush most Opposition.

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