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PVE Sniper DPS - Help


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Ello peeps i wanted to seek some feedback from the sniper community as far as getting my numbers up. Ive heard things like... "if you have 192 gear u need 4kdps." and i want to fix my problem.




^ My snipers stats. 186 relics, main stat augments, mostly 192 with the 6 set bonus(just got it today w00t \o/).


ATM i am having an issue which i am stuck at 3.6k dps the highest. On the typical boss fight i end up with something like 3.5-3.3k. Ive tried Dulfy rotations, rotations other people throw at me, etc... and nothing seems to budge that mid 3k+ gripes. I tried marksman, virulence and they both seem to hover at the same dps.


If 4k is the norm for 192 dps then someone halp!

please! what the crap am i doing wrong! :confused:

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Thanks for the replies guys, sorry for the delay.


I will load up the parses from our raid this week when i can. I am always iffy about dummy parsing since it is not really accurate due to mechanics/movement/etc...


Im curious to see how i do now with the 6 set bonus since i never got a chance to try it out in a current content raid since i got it on our last raid night.

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Went ahead and posted a quick dummy parse before bed. Ill try to upload a legit raid one when i can.




Im sure it could be better, i know i have a really bad tendency of reapplying dots early... force of habit really, i usually panic when i see the dots about to fall which i am sure is giving me a huge drop in dps. -any improvement tips shoot em my way.

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Went ahead and posted a quick dummy parse before bed. Ill try to upload a legit raid one when i can.




Im sure it could be better, i know i have a really bad tendency of reapplying dots early... force of habit really, i usually panic when i see the dots about to fall which i am sure is giving me a huge drop in dps. -any improvement tips shoot em my way.


Under the Ability Usage tab you can see the time difference between each time you use a skill.


Weakning Blast has a cooldown of 18 seconds, Cull a cooldown of 9 seconds, and they are extremely important skills in your rotation in terms of firing whenever they go off cooldown (though ofc not if you dont have both Corro Dart and Corro Grenade on target)

The "Max time" for Cull is 15 seconds and for Weakening Blast is 26 seconds in your parse. That's simply too slow.


Lastly, you didn't use Rifle Shot even once?

Edited by MFollin
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Yeah like i said it was just a quick 2ish min parse before bed.


Idealy i have never thought to use rifle shot for anything other than a movement phase. My usual rotation consists of dart, nade, cull, takedown, then series and by the time the chann on series is over id pop cull again. During the times sos is on cd i can usually squeeze in 2 virsnipes and cull comes off cd. I rarely have energy issues unless i spam too many virsnipes and i usually never dip down unless i know adrenprobe is coming off cd soon. I figured if anything rifle shot would be a waste of a gcd for the dmg.

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That is what i cant seem to figure out without letting the dots fall or clipping sos so that i can ensure i use cull on cd.


Well as someone else said your Actions Per Minute is simply too low. You should be clicking stuff faster (without clipping them). Once you do that fast enough I'm pretty sure the rest will solve itself.

Edited by MFollin
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Ello peeps i wanted to seek some feedback from the sniper community as far as getting my numbers up. Ive heard things like... "if you have 192 gear u need 4kdps." and i want to fix my problem.




^ My snipers stats. 186 relics, main stat augments, mostly 192 with the 6 set bonus(just got it today w00t \o/).


ATM i am having an issue which i am stuck at 3.6k dps the highest. On the typical boss fight i end up with something like 3.5-3.3k. Ive tried Dulfy rotations, rotations other people throw at me, etc... and nothing seems to budge that mid 3k+ gripes. I tried marksman, virulence and they both seem to hover at the same dps.


If 4k is the norm for 192 dps then someone halp!

please! what the crap am i doing wrong! :confused:


You are not alone, i have 4 revanite pieces, rest resurrected gear, 3 cull dulfy rotation and on op bosses generally parse 2.5k :mad:

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Those saying you need 4k in 192 gear are most likely referring to dummy parses or a select few raid encounters. Those numbers are fine if that's what you're pulling in raids.


Oh wow... I am basically pvp only and just recently started to run ops with my guild. Had never used a parser before but last night I finally got starparse to see where I'm at in raids. Topped out at 3.7k and stayed mostly in the 3.3-3.5 range.(playing MM only so far) My only point of reference was looking at the dps parse threads where people where knocking out like 4-5k. We didn't wipe at all, but even so I figured I was a heavy carry and almost quit after my first night of raiding, because I thought that was terrible.


I'm not very geared, (186s and comms gear, no set bonuses and store bought ruusan relics) but knowing my dps and apm is in the right range for now is reassuring. Guess I'll stick with it. This actually makes me excited to get in on the next run

Edited by juleswinfield
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To the OP's Dash n roode parse. Yea looks fine to me.


Oh wow... I am basically pvp only and just recently started to run ops with my guild. Had never used a parser before but last night I finally got starparse to see where I'm at in raids. Topped out at 3.7k and stayed mostly in the 3.3-3.5 range.(playing MM only so far) My only point of reference was looking at the dps parse threads where people where knocking out like 4-5k. We didn't wipe at all, but even so I figured I was a heavy carry and almost quit after my first night of raiding, because I thought that was terrible.


I'm not very geared, (186s and comms gear, no set bonuses and store bought ruusan relics) but knowing my dps and apm is in the right range for now is reassuring. Guess I'll stick with it. This actually makes me excited to get in on the next run


Never look at top parses for any game or class. Those are the top and not the average :p

Your numbers are good.

Edited by Whojoo
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