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Fall of the House Cortess [Imperial Agent storyline - Spoilers]


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I am playing the IA storyline for the first time. I want to play a character in the "For the empire" style.

And now I have got a big problem. I need to choose If I will suport the killiks or protect the house Cortess. How my decision will affect the Empire? What decision will aid Imperials?

I know that the decision will not be important, but which one will be better story-wise? Will killiks make an Alliance with empire? Or sth?

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Lore-wise, you can't really know, to be honest. Gameplay-wise, it's all the same.


This is one of the things I hate the most about this game. Your choices are supposed to matter, yet every other quest you get the same old kill/spare dilemma. Usually, it's "someone betrayed you/worked against you" and then you defeated them. If you kill them, they won't work with you, but you're sure they'll never betray you again. If you spare them, you can use their talents for the Empire, but they may betray you again some time in the future. However, since you never hear from them again, it doesn't matter. You can spare all of your enemies ever, and no one will ever try to take revenge or betray you again. Ok, sure.


It's exactly the same with House Cortess. No matter what you choose, you'll never hear from them again. Personally, I think it made more sense to spare them since the Baron genuinely looked innocent to me (stopping his wife himself and all), and even if he's not, after seeing what the Empire is capable of (busting through his House's entire defenses, forces, shields and all), I'm pretty sure he'll stay in line. Then again, you might wanna let the Killiks take the house if you wanna make Vector happy, it's your call.

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The best answer I can give to this, from a "for the good of the Empire" standpoint, is that the Killiks can never really be the Empire's allies, just occasionally useful tools. Even if they're doing what you want now, you can never predict when they might turn against you - they're highly intelligent but completely inhuman in their way of thinking. House Cortess is a better investment in that sense.
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It's exactly the same with House Cortess. No matter what you choose, you'll never hear from them again.

That's not true, if you help the killiks you hear from house cortess again in act 3. There are a few returning characters/choices in swtor,

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Or, do it differently with different characters.

My first agent was darkside but was romancing Vector, so she gave the place to the Killiks.

The agent I'm working on now is lightside, so he's going to save cortess when he gets to that point in the story <on Alderaan now with him, so.... soon. >

After seeing what the place looks like after a Killik takeover - if you don't like bugs before, you'll really hate them :-)

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I tend to take a rather different view of a number of the LS/DS choices in this game. My Imperial Agent had no problem turning House Cortess over to the Killiks, and felt that doing so WAS what was best for the Empire. The matriarch of House Cortess was a traitor, and the patriarch was incompetent. Neither has a place in the Empire. Since House Cortess couldn't be trusted to act in the interests of the Empire, she completely removed their ability to take action on their own at all, and exiled them from claiming any protection or assistance from the Empire.
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