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Don't like "Blade Dance"? Post a name.


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iv got a few


Swift Slash


Swift Sabers


Swift Flurry


Richard Simmons


Flurry Twist


Twisted Sister


Energetic Saber Rush


Knight Master


Night Slash


or my personal favorite Master Knight Knight, because you will go to sleep after being attacked by this.

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1) @ ppl advocating "saber" over "blade" -- I agree, but we already have Blade Storm (>> Force Scream), so "Blade" is "correct" -- ofc, I'd have no problem if Blade Storm was renamed to Saber Storm.


2) RE(1) -- Blade/Saber Storm would actually be a good rename for Master Strike, since "storm" connotes multiple swings much better than "Strike".


That said, here are some alternatives:


o Beatdown (probably too Sith-y)

o Master Beats (probably the best technical term, but probably unsuitable due to T rating)

o Erosion (the origin of 'ravage' is damage from water over time -- http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/ravage) -- this is probably the "best" term as in meaning the same as the Sith version in Jedi terms

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I think Flurry is a good base word to use. I think Saber should be something righteous sounding instead maybe?


Don't mind Saber Dance, but, ths is a really good one because it harkens back to the double (triple later) strike from KOTOR with the same ability name. :rak_01:


Saber Flurry?

Edited by Sjax
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So, IMO, shouldn't be changed. It should remain Master Strike. I really don't understand the need to change it. I read the explanation, and, really? Nah, don't change it.


If you have to change it consider the following.


-Slap in the Face :D (my personal fave, yeah it makes no sense, but it would be great.)


-Truth's Radiance

-Aggressive Negotiations

-Quest for Peace

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iv got a few


Swift Slash


Swift Sabers


Swift Flurry


Richard Simmons


Flurry Twist


Twisted Sister


Energetic Saber Rush


Knight Master


Night Slash


or my personal favorite Master Knight Knight, because you will go to sleep after being attacked by this.


The first three 'swift' ones are probably the best suggestions in this thread. Any one of those would be so much better than blade dance.


Some of the others though...


Flurry Twist sounds like a cheap energy drink


Twisted Sister seems too sinister for a jedi


Energetic Saber Rush the result of a jedi drinking too many flurry twists


Night Slash a knockoff rock band

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1) @ ppl advocating "saber" over "blade" -- I agree, but we already have Blade Storm (>> Force Scream), so "Blade" is "correct" -- ofc, I'd have no problem if Blade Storm was renamed to Saber Storm.


2) RE(1) -- Blade/Saber Storm would actually be a good rename for Master Strike, since "storm" connotes multiple swings much better than "Strike".


That said, here are some alternatives:


o Beatdown (probably too Sith-y)

o Master Beats (probably the best technical term, but probably unsuitable due to T rating)

o Erosion (the origin of 'ravage' is damage from water over time -- http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/ravage) -- this is probably the "best" term as in meaning the same as the Sith version in Jedi terms


That's a good point. Bladestorm is a terrible name for what the ability is.


Who votes that we rename Master Strike to "Bladestorm" and rename Bladestorm to something that actually indicates it's a Force power instead? Concussion, maybe?


Twisted Sister seems too sinister for a jedi


Energetic Saber Rush the result of a jedi drinking too many flurry twists


Night Slash a knockoff rock band


Just for the record, Twisted Sister is a rock band :p


But that second line made me laugh way more than it should have after defining "flurry twist" as an energy drink.

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