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Any ETA on the new information about KotFE?


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The story blogs arn't for the veterans. They are for people who need a bit of a short story to explain the storyline of each class without actually doing the story.


This is part of it for sure. Also, since in Fallen Empire you have the ability to start at level 60, these blogs will be a resource where you can learn about the Class stories as well!



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The story blogs arn't for the veterans. They are for people who need a bit of a short story to explain the storyline of each class without actually doing the story.


Pretty much this. I see it as "give class info to whatever new schlubs that found us googling stuff for the new movie"


Two pronged. They are advertising hoping for new players, and they can say "But were giving you guys story info see????????" Nevermind the fact that its not really info anyone who wants to know about things changing in the game want to know...


Recap of knight and warrior stories... Unless they tell us Baras got gastric bypass surgery and is no longer Darth Pie eater, i dont really know what they could tell us that hasnt been available for 4 years now already... :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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We're under 2 months until the expansion, and you guys are still giving out the barest morsels of information piecemeal? One week at a time? This is sad, Eric. Really really, sad. I'm certainly not the first person to say this, but I definitely won't be the last. Those Other Guys' Big MMO...we know more about their expansion that is coming out next year than we do this one. And you should be ashamed of that.


The lack of information flow and communication with the playerbase in SWTOR has been a ongoing problem for YEARS. Your predecessors acknowledged it, and you have multiple times. But no matter how many times you guys keep saying you'll be more transparent, the Status Quo never changes. There are loads of system and gameplay change questions that you could be and should (have) be(en) discussing (before) now. Not after we wait a month to get tiny morsels on the class changes. Show some respect for your loyal players that stay with this game or keep coming back, and stop jerking us around.

Edited by ThePedigree
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We're under 2 months until the expansion, and you guys are still giving out the barest morsels of information piecemeal? One week at a time? This is sad, Eric. Really really, sad. I'm certainly not the first person to say this, but I definitely won't be the last. Those Other Guys' Big MMO...we know more about their expansion that is coming out next year than we do this one. And you should be ashamed of that.


The lack of information flow and communication with the playerbase in SWTOR has been a ongoing problem for YEARS. Your predecessors acknowledged it, and you have multiple times. But no matter how many times you guys keep saying you'll be more transparent, the Status Quo never changes. There are loads of system and gameplay change questions that you could be and should (have) be(en) discussing (before) now. Not after we wait a month to get tiny morsels on the class changes. Show some respect for your loyal players that stay with this game or keep coming back, and stop jerking us around.

In your tirade, have you ever remotely considered that Eric isn't at fault here and that his hands are tied on what he can and can't release? Instead of saying that he should be ashamed maybe you should try to see things from his point of view. People like you, who think that Community managers have final authority on what to release, should understand that they have bosses and those bosses have absolute final say on what's to be released and when it's released. Eric is not to blame and he does not need to be ashamed of what is happening. Then again, you'll likely dismiss my response. You have your way of thinking and I have my own... I think Eric is doing a fine job considering what he can do.
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In your tirade, have you ever remotely considered that Eric isn't at fault here and that his hands are tied on what he can and can't release? Instead of saying that he should be ashamed maybe you should try to see things from his point of view. People like you, who think that Community managers have final authority on what to release, should understand that they have bosses and those bosses have absolute final say on what's to be released and when it's released. Eric is not to blame and he does not need to be ashamed of what is happening. Then again, you'll likely dismiss my response. You have your way of thinking and I have my own... I think Eric is doing a fine job considering what he can do.


He isn't the only one that should be ashamed of the lack of information flow and transparency. I used his name in saying that it was sad, because he is the CM. But the entire community and marketing team should be ashamed for how they are handling this. If big bad EA are the ones preventing them from discussing ANYTHING relating to an expansion coming in 2 months (highly dubious, as this problem would manifest on every dev team across their entire spectrum of games under their umbrella) then come out and say so. Stop saying Soon TM, and then ignoring 95% of the questions. Say "We're not ignoring all of these things. We aren't allowed to talk about anything." You can defend them all you want, but it doesn't make my point any less valid. Even if it's "our hands are tied", it doesn't make it any less sad. The lack of transparency here is awful. And it's not indicative of the way things are done at he majority of other studios.

Edited by ThePedigree
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See what happens when someone asks nicely and without spewing sewage and hyperbole all over the place. You get a gold response. :)


Nicely done PavSalco.

Agreed ..



If big bad EA are the ones preventing them from discussing ANYTHING relating to an expansion coming in 2 months then come out and say so. Stop saying Soon TM, and then ignoring 95% of the questions. Say "We're not ignoring all of these things. We aren't allowed to talk about anything."
95% of those ignored questions have already been answered, or were worded poorly or asked in a convoluted way.


Asking a good question to a developer is as hard as finding a good indie game on Steam. You depend on curators or word of mouth to determine your purchase. To determine which questions are answered, we depend on people to rephrase and better outline a question.


Your two posts haven't asked any answerable questions.


There are loads of system and gameplay change questions that you could be and should (have) be(en) discussing (before) now.
Where are those loads of questions? You could also be outlining (system and gameplay) questions to ask instead of pursuing a tirade.




Go to the August Livestream Wrap-up


Eric read through 510 posts before the week was over.


Hey folks!


As mentioned before, he is a quick wrap-up of what was discussed on the livestream ...


If you have more Companion questions, feel free to ask them in this thread. We will work to answer them throughout the rest of the week. Keep in mind of course that we will not answer spoilery questions.



Go to that thread and start navigating through "Next" Bioware post. You'll start to see a pattern of which questions get answered, by looking at the format they were asked in, how concise, how to the point they were. No room for miscommunication.


Click here for the first Bioware post in that thread. []08.28.2015 , 05:58 PM | #489[] [bWlogo] []Next[]


Next to the post's timestamp and post #number is a Bioware icon and the word "Next" keep clicking that to cycle through every Bioware response. Those are the questions that were asked in an answerable fashion.


After you cycle through all those Bioware responses you should have a rough idea of what's been answered and how to ask a question that will get a response.

Edited by Falensawino
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95% of those ignored questions have already been answered, or were worded poorly or asked in a convoluted way.


Your two posts haven't asked any answerable questions.

My two posts weren't meant to ask any questions here. My first post was to call a spade a spade. Bad communication is bad. My second was to respond to Talon. Did I start a new thread amongst the dozens that were already here, demanding my own personal response or attention like many do? No. I made a reply in the announcement thread saying that the approach their doing is sad. That's hardly a tirade by any means.


Where are those loads of questions? You could also be outlining (system and gameplay) questions to ask instead of pursuing a tirade.

I'm not pursuing a tirade. I'm calling them out for giving out the tiniest amount of info possible and doing so piecemeal., and they deserve to be called out.


Go to the August Livestream Wrap-up


Eric read through 510 posts before the week was over.


Go to that thread and start navigating through "Next" Bioware post. You'll start to see a pattern of which questions get answered, by looking at the format they were asked in, how concise, how to the point they were. No room for miscommunication.

After you cycle through all those Bioware responses you should have a rough idea of what's been answered and how to ask a question that will get a response.


Sure. While I do that, why don't I re-read the questions that I asked there too, or that several others have asked that were perfectly clearly worded and blatantly ignored. Here it is, so poorly worded as you claim. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8408060#post8408060


The information people are looking for isn't about Story spoilers. It's about gameplay mechanic related changes.

Edited by ThePedigree
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He isn't the only one that should be ashamed of the lack of information flow and transparency. I used his name in saying that it was sad, because he is the CM. But the entire community and marketing team should be ashamed for how they are handling this. If big bad EA are the ones preventing them from discussing ANYTHING relating to an expansion coming in 2 months (highly dubious, as this problem would manifest on every dev team across their entire spectrum of games under their umbrella) then come out and say so. Stop saying Soon TM, and then ignoring 95% of the questions. Say "We're not ignoring all of these things. We aren't allowed to talk about anything." You can defend them all you want, but it doesn't make my point any less valid. Even if it's "our hands are tied", it doesn't make it any less sad. The lack of transparency here is awful. And it's not indicative of the way things are done at he majority of other studios.


Pedigree, what makes you think you or we "deserve" any information? We are not entitled to anything. Whatever they give us we can accept or not accept by continuing our Subs. Go outside, enjoy life, get a hobby outside of swtor and enjoy the content when it's released. This entitlement attitude is terrible.


I for one am happy with the fact that we are getting a free expansion with great new content from what I have seen.

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This is part of it for sure. Also, since in Fallen Empire you have the ability to start at level 60, these blogs will be a resource where you can learn about the Class stories as well!




So how is this going to work with the fresh Level 60 characters? Will the game dictate the path the character took or will players have a little bit of play on that, like say with Mass Effect 2 and 3 if you didn't import a character from the previous game, or like with the Dragon Age Keep for Dragon Age Inquisition?

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See what happens when someone asks nicely and without spewing sewage and hyperbole all over the place. You get a gold response. :)


Nicely done PavSalco.


Thats not really true. I have send Eric and Tait a private message weeks ago where i ask very friendly as a guild leader of one of the biggest guild on our server to get maybe some beta invites for KOTFE, and i dont get any response to my pn. Even not a "Sorry, is not possible"

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Are they serious? The expansion will be out in less than two months, everyone is craving for real news/infos about the expansion and all they do is talk about class stories till release?


They did a fantastic job with the KOTFE cinematic, everyone was so hyped up and it was not easy finding negative threads in general discussion. People were pretty happy and many could not believe, that SWTOR would get such a huge overhaul. Many people started playing again (there were many additional planetary instances on my server). It was great, our beloved game finally get the attention it deserved...but then they started to quiet down again.

And look whats going on now...there are no secondary planetary instances on my server (t3m4) anymore and many negative threads are beeing started everyday.


Bioware is clearly aiming for "new" players (dumbing down + streamlining everything) and forgetting about us old players / veterans.


You did a great job starting a hype-lawine but you also did your best to stop it as fast as possible. Why? I dont get it...

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Pedigree, what makes you think you or we "deserve" any information? We are not entitled to anything. Whatever they give us we can accept or not accept by continuing our Subs. Go outside, enjoy life, get a hobby outside of swtor and enjoy the content when it's released. This entitlement attitude is terrible.


I for one am happy with the fact that we are getting a free expansion with great new content from what I have seen.


We don't "deserve" information as paying customers? News to me. That's backwards logic, and it flies in the face of what is the status quo everywhere else but here. It's also bad for marketing not to release said information about changes/features to the game/expansion as a draw to lure customers back/in. But you're right, I'm just being self-entitled. I guess when friends and coworkers ask me what changes are coming in the expansion and why they should come back I can just say "Become The Outlander!" Then they can tell me what Old Blue is doing 1 year in advance over in the Big Game. Not that I would want to go back, but it's always nice to know what other companies are doing in the genre I like to play.

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Thats not really true. I have send Eric and Tait a private message weeks ago where i ask very friendly as a guild leader of one of the biggest guild on our server to get maybe some beta invites for KOTFE, and i dont get any response to my pn. Even not a "Sorry, is not possible"


1) since none of us can read your PM.. we have no idea what you said/asked, nor how.


I'm not picking on you here.. I am just stating that we don't know. We only have hearsay from you to go on.


2) They typically do not respond to requests for beta invites, especially from a guild leader for their guild. They make that choice on their own. I do think as a courtesy.. they should at least respond to a PM... but again.. no idea what you wrote, or how you presented it.


My point remains valid .. there have been multiple inflammatory demands for information threads that have gone unanswered. Whereas this one.. politely written and without hyperbole or demands.. got a response. FACT.

Edited by Andryah
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We don't "deserve" information as paying customers? News to me. That's backwards logic, and it flies in the face of what is the status quo everywhere else but here. It's also bad for marketing not to release said information about changes/features to the game/expansion as a draw to lure customers back/in. But you're right, I'm just being self-entitled. I guess when friends and coworkers ask me what changes are coming in the expansion and why they should come back I can just say "Become The Outlander!" Then they can tell me what Old Blue is doing 1 year in advance over in the Big Game. Not that I would want to go back, but it's always nice to know what other companies are doing in the genre I like to play.
We don't, even as paying customers... the developers are not contractually obligated to tell us anything... they do it because they want players to know what is what when some big change happens... again, they're not obligated to do so. Besides, how do you know that the information you want won't be shared prior to Early Access?
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We don't "deserve" information as paying customers? News to me.


Pretty standard procedure for companies selling consumer products and services to withhold information about unreleased product/services/content until such time as they choose to do so.


And when they do release information ahead of time... it's to get you to pony up and buy something they want to sell you. But this expac is free to anyone subscribing... so there is really no need for them to do so in this case. IF they were selling us a $60 expac... there would be more pressure on them to entice us with information releases.


That said.. they ARE in fact releasing some information... just not as much as you demand or feel you some how "deserve".

Edited by Andryah
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This is part of it for sure. Also, since in Fallen Empire you have the ability to start at level 60, these blogs will be a resource where you can learn about the Class stories as well!




What was the point of 12x xp for the last 2-3 months? Thought for people to experience story? Nah now we'll just write you a blog...surprised it's not 500cc to unlock blog

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1) since none of us can read your PM.. we have no idea what you said/asked, nor how.


I'm not picking on you here.. I am just stating that we don't know. We only have hearsay from you to go on.


2) They typically do not respond to requests for beta invites, especially from a guild leader for their guild. They make that choice on their own. I do think as a courtesy.. they should at least respond to a PM... but again.. no idea what you wrote, or how you presented it.


My point remains valid .. there have been multiple inflammatory demands for information threads that have gone unanswered. Whereas this one.. politely written and without hyperbole or demands.. got a response. FACT.


given the amount of PMs and personal emails they probably receive its not likely they can respond to them all, nor should they. The more they respond and the more people realize its a direct line to them, they'll start bombarding them with requests and information and that just isn't going to end well.

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given the amount of PMs and personal emails they probably receive its not likely they can respond to them all, nor should they. The more they respond and the more people realize its a direct line to them, they'll start bombarding them with requests and information and that just isn't going to end well.



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