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Great Game! Are we all playing the same one?


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I have been playing MMOs since the beginning so I completely understand that Game Forums are 94% of our societies whiners and 5% trolls. I get it. Go to any games forum and its always the same -- QQ.


However, I must ask: Are we all playing the same game? I mean really. I read one post where a person screams of all the disconnects and how they will be quitting. I have been playing since the EGA every single day -- for hours and hours each day and I have yet to be disconnected once.


Ive read about all these bugs and glitches and game breaking issues. Where? I am currently leveling 3 toons and the wife is leveling one. All these errors must be post level 40 is all I can say. The game on my computer is running flawlessly to this point. By the way: World Of Warcraft has been out 8 years and still has enough bugs to fill a small library.


Ive read about how this game has terrible PvP. This games PvP may be the best I have played and I have played years of PvP in many games. Finally BALANCED PvP! BW pulled something off that Blizzard has been trying diligintly for almost 8 years to do -- balance their toons. Only 3 maps, but more on the way!


Ive seen posts about unresponsive actions. You may want to check out your system settings, or pay someone like me to set yours up. At no time have I experienced this -- in or out of PvP. The games action is seemless and very fun.


As you can see I haven't posted much -- too darn busy playing this outstanding game to post.


Thanks BW for making this game for a true veteran gamer. After years of WoW and the many clones (Rift) we needed this -- we really did.

Edited by Klarick
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2 years supported and hoped this game would be good,its not. sorry if so many cant face facts, enjoy your poorly done static single player instanced game. This is deff no mmo.


I'm having a lot of fun running my guild, grouping for instances, and look forward to end game. PvP is also fun. Hell I even group for some questing that I can't take solo.


This is most assuredly an MMO, it just seems like you'd prefer an Everquest over a story driven MMO. That's fine ,this is not the game for you, there are plenty of MMORPGs that do not hide the grind at all and just leave players to their own devices in the world. Sorry the game doesn't work too well for you, it really is a shame, but to say this game is not an MMORPG because you don't like it (and let me stress how important the RPG part of MMORPG really is), is like me saying Duke Nukem Forever was not a FPS because it was a giant slightly polished turd.

Edited by Battyone
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I haven't had any real issue either but I understand with the sheer variety of PC's that some people will have problems when I don't.


Also if it's like other mmos most players don't go to the website for anything other than to register their gamecode, so the vocal minority on the forum is really more like a micro-niche of the posters.

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2 years supported and hoped this game would be good,its not. sorry if so many cant face facts, enjoy your poorly done static single player instanced game. This is deff no mmo.


if its really so terrible why are you wasting your time posting in every thread about how you are quitting, and go find your new game instead?

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I haven't had any real issue either but I understand with the sheer variety of PC's that some people will have problems when I don't.


Also if it's like other mmos most players don't go to the website for anything other than to register their gamecode, so the vocal minority on the forum is really more like a micro-niche of the posters.



/10 char

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dont understand these cry babies, this game is excellent so far. still cant judge it till end game comes, but we will see. its been a while since i have been into an mmo like i have been for this game, and im not even a big star wars fan. although im not a fan of instanced pvp, i have excepted that this is the way mmos will be played from now on. pvp mechanics are very good, feels like a throw back of pre wow mmo with new tricks.
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dont understand these cry babies, this game is excellent so far. still cant judge it till end game comes, but we will see. its been a while since i have been into an mmo like i have been for this game, and im not even a big star wars fan. although im not a fan of instanced pvp, i have excepted that this is the way mmos will be played from now on. pvp mechanics are very good, feels like a throw back of pre wow mmo with new tricks.


I obviously agree -- the game is good.

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2 years supported and hoped this game would be good,its not. sorry if so many cant face facts, enjoy your poorly done static single player instanced game. This is deff no mmo.


u have been scammed my friend!ppl in bioware targeted u so u believe in them and waste 2 years of ur life like that. its ok tho we feel for u.

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With all the hub bub placed around that pre launch guild crap I had a bad feeling about things. Since launch it has confirmed my beliefs. The only way to get an MMO aspect outta this game is to be in a guild. Without a guild it's like a single player game.


Single player game? Go do a heroic 4 quest and then let me know about the single player game you mention. Not trying to dog you, but please there is a ton of group content in this game.

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