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Virulence rotation help


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Another Question. Another one of my colleagues had an apm similar to mine and managed to get a very good parse along with it. at that point wold it be a gear discrepancy r what?


Parses in question: http://parsely.io/parser/view/54099/0, http://parsely.io/parser/view/28193/0


The parse that's mine that you linked was from early May, not sure why as there are many other people better at parsing than I am.

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Don't pre-load Lethal Shot, the 2% damage is wasted on your CD and CG application.


so the precast lethal is a waste? ive seen many people do it to prc the set bonus, i notice my own personal burst is higher in the opener when i precast it from when i dont..bu ti will try without

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Sorry for any delayed respons or checkup, wasn't at home and stuff like that :p WIll check parses tomorrow.


Don't pre-load Lethal Shot, the 2% damage is wasted on your CD and CG application.


It does not delay CD and CG if that is what you mean since you can start a new ability the moment Lethal Shot's cast is finished.

I do, however, think that the added damage doesn't add enough so I don't precast Lethal Shot myself.

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It does not delay CD and CG if that is what you mean since you can start a new ability the moment Lethal Shot's cast is finished.

I do, however, think that the added damage doesn't add enough so I don't precast Lethal Shot myself.


I was saying that the damage boost is wasted on the pre-cast. 2% on your lowest damaging abilities (CD, CG, WB) is a waste, Yes you would get to the first Cull in 15s, but you are not maximizing your damage potential by pre-casting Lethal Shot.

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I was saying that the damage boost is wasted on the pre-cast. 2% on your lowest damaging abilities (CD, CG, WB) is a waste, Yes you would get to the first Cull in 15s, but you are not maximizing your damage potential by pre-casting Lethal Shot.


And got ya Tyrlen, ill experiment with that tonight

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And got ya Tyrlen, ill experiment with that tonight


Not that it really matters at all but i'm Tyrlen :p


Anyway i do precast the lethal shot, tho what he said isn't completely wrong i guess. Dunno about it honestly, i did experiment some more with going lower crit (running about 260 atm) and well seems to work beautifull, average parses are def higher.

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Not that it really matters at all but i'm Tyrlen :p


Anyway i do precast the lethal shot, tho what he said isn't completely wrong i guess. Dunno about it honestly, i did experiment some more with going lower crit (running about 260 atm) and well seems to work beautifull, average parses are def higher.


oh im sorry m8 lol just som many people and i lost track :p

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also updated parse, a bit proud of this one considering how nub i am still have some things to work out



Ok first of congratz with the increased dps.


Now to the matter of your rotation. Again you delay Cull waaaay too often. 1 time is already bad but you managed 4 times. The delayed Culls are the following ones:

15:25:47.357 (by 2 GCD)

15:26:24.688 (by 1 GCD)

15:27:11.683 (by 1 GCD)

15:27:41.388 (by 1 GCD)


3 of these were because of re-applying DoTs. Now again I have no idea with what kind of rotation you are working currently since the re-application times are just weird for both the 2- and 3-Cull rotations. The time between re-applying is usually 18 and 27 for the 2- and 3 Cull rotation. (not accounting for alacrity).

Your minimum is 16.63 seconds and your maximum time is 25.976 seconds. Your average is 20.753 seconds.


Now how can you improve?

1. Pick a rotation and stick to it. So either Yolo's 3-Cull, Tac's 3-Cull or the regular 2-Cull.

2. Start thinking ahead at least 1 block.

3/4 of the delays are because you realise too late that your DoTs are about to run out, or at least that is what it looks like to me. This means that you are not aware enough of when to refresh them.

So work on knowing when to refresh your DoTs. If you don't know when to do that, then you are bound to make mistakes like the ones you made here and the previous parses you have shown here.


In the beginning of the thread you've shown that you use Yolo's 3 Cull, so maybe it helps checking his video about it here:

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