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Makeb [Staged] Weekly Being Removed in 4.0


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Might've only been early access subs. Or subs that unlocked all of the KOTFE promotional stuff (i.e. persistently subbed without lapsing for the last few months). But we got an Alliance Flag.


No gazebo as advertised in this thread for doing the Makeb achievements though.


Same got the flag but no makeb Gazebo.... Got the well connected achievement and all but again no mail with makeb decoration in it. Hopefully Eric looks at this and can give us all a response.

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  • 1 month later...
I am so upset right now. I found out about that decoration and got so excited about all the ways I could use it, AAAAAAAAAAAND then it turns out that it had become unobtainable before I even knew it existed. And the worst part is a person lied to me about how it was obtained and made me waste SO MUCH TIME doing those stupid Makeb Heroics! I am feeling SO ANGRY right now, I think I want to cry. Rather than doing Star Fortress stuff or ops or pvp or something productive with my time, I've been running around on Makeb doing random crap! It's not really anyone's fault but it's still SO FRUSTRATING to find out I've been wasting my time and getting excited about a decoration I can never obtain. *Starts banging head on desk repeatedly* (More like the floor, my laptop is sitting on the floor while I wait for my computer to be fixed but whatever I'm mad at myself for wasting so much time and getting so stressed out for nothing.)
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In the last conquest event last week, if you finish [Mass Exodus], it was worth 4500 points. I finished it with 2 guild-mates on Jung-Ma and we were not credited with any points. We spent about 2 hours one evening doing the 6 tasks required for the weekly [Mass Exodus].


I filed a ticket on the matter of not getting the conquest points and was told that it was removed in 4.0.0 a few years ago. If it was removed, why was it still in the conquest task list for points? and why could you pick it up at the plantation on Makeb by the taxi platform in a terminal?


On Jung-ma, there is no star-fighter, or war-zones any more. So conquest tasks involving crafting, heroics, 250 kills on a planet, and a few flashpoints are the only tasks one can do and hope to get up to the personal goal of 20k.


I just checked and our guild ended up losing first place for makeb by less then 2k points.

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In the last conquest event last week, if you finish [Mass Exodus], it was worth 4500 points. I finished it with 2 guild-mates on Jung-Ma and we were not credited with any points. We spent about 2 hours one evening doing the 6 tasks required for the weekly [Mass Exodus].


I filed a ticket on the matter of not getting the conquest points and was told that it was removed in 4.0.0 a few years ago. If it was removed, why was it still in the conquest task list for points? and why could you pick it up at the plantation on Makeb by the taxi platform in a terminal?


On Jung-ma, there is no star-fighter, or war-zones any more. So conquest tasks involving crafting, heroics, 250 kills on a planet, and a few flashpoints are the only tasks one can do and hope to get up to the personal goal of 20k.


I just checked and our guild ended up losing first place for makeb by less then 2k points.


BW QA at its finest. :rolleyes:

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In the last conquest event last week, if you finish [Mass Exodus], it was worth 4500 points. I finished it with 2 guild-mates on Jung-Ma and we were not credited with any points. We spent about 2 hours one evening doing the 6 tasks required for the weekly [Mass Exodus].


I filed a ticket on the matter of not getting the conquest points and was told that it was removed in 4.0.0 a few years ago. If it was removed, why was it still in the conquest task list for points? and why could you pick it up at the plantation on Makeb by the taxi platform in a terminal?


On Jung-ma, there is no star-fighter, or war-zones any more. So conquest tasks involving crafting, heroics, 250 kills on a planet, and a few flashpoints are the only tasks one can do and hope to get up to the personal goal of 20k.


I just checked and our guild ended up losing first place for makeb by less then 2k points.


Unfortunately, there is the makeb [staged] Weekly, and the Makeb Weekly. I often get in arguments on that week with conquestors trying to point out why they shouldn't do the weekly if its just for conquest. Sadly, they even after learning that they received no points, they still do not understand.


I'm not sure how hard it would be for EA to change the objective to the non staged weekly, but changing the objective, and the objective text, would fix the issue for conquest.


It still would not; fix that makeb feels very broken when I quest there. Something about the change in loot drops, mob difficulty, resource spawns, etc. I used to run repeatable quests a fair amount on makeb pre 4.0.


Submit a bug report pointing out the difference between [staged] and not staged; how the former no longer exists, and requesting the conquest objective to change to the latter.


Simply saying "I didn't get credit for this", will misslead any one tasked to looking at the bug.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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