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Sitting on the fence?


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Am I the only one? Seriously I love the SW universe and the work BW has done but I find myself doubting that I will play in the long run. I find myself getting sick of some of the side quests and getting really annoyed at some of the bugs. That said I do enjoy my class story, the crafting and space combat.


Normally playing with a group of friends so would make the negatives all minuscule but most were unimpressed with the PVP so stuck to WOW and LOTRO. I really want to love this game and I just find it ok. That being said WOW is dead to me and I'm having a hard time going back to LOTRO too. Anyway looking past all the haters and fanboys is there anyone else who is sitting on the fence with TOR?

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There's a few people out there. Me, I'm a fanboy. Love the game. I know it's not perfect but am willing to still sub because I enjoy the game and can only hope that BW continues to develop the game and bring forth fixes and positive changes. I hope that you're willing to stick with this MMO as it continues it's growth and development. If you decide to leave though...can I have your stuff?
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Those are your opinions and you are entitled to them absolutely.


If you wish to quit, then quit. Or you should give it more time, since its a brand new game. Don't go looking for validation for it, make the decision yourself.


As to the problems you have encountered in the game, I for one have not encountered all of them. I have seen very few bugs, for one. And the PVP side of it, if there is acutally a problem with it, will be fixed with time. You do realize that this game is only a week old, right? Comparing it to games that are years and years old isn't exactly fair at this time.

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There's a few people out there. Me, I'm a fanboy. Love the game. I know it's not perfect but am willing to still sub because I enjoy the game and can only hope that BW continues to develop the game and bring forth fixes and positive changes. I hope that you're willing to stick with this MMO as it continues it's growth and development. If you decide to leave though...can I have your stuff?


I'm going to at least stick around for a few months. Most MMOs settle within a few months and I'm not even at max level yet. A game like this though has a lifespan of years, not months and I'm just not sure I will last in it for that long. Hoping to be proven wrong.

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