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2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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I recommend trying a different class. I liked my jedi sentinel but got sick of the combat and teh story didnt pull me in. He is 28, now i have a trooper who is 27 and i love the story. The jedi story didnt fill personal because it was about somebody coming after you, not you doing something about them exceot u just went about your buisness. But the trooper is personal. Since u didnt play any beta i suggest try every class to ten and see how u like it. I never thought i would love a trooper, and maybe that could work for you to. I find the captured teh world perfectly up to 27 atleast.
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My biggest issues were the world is very static and dead. I feel like I am walking, and walking, and walking and walking and walking through a cut and paste game where nothing lives, paths, moves or changes. Its all just stuck in place. You move from area to area of this cut and paste environment with fairly boring combat mechanics that get old fast. You run into some good story but then way to many cut and long cut scenes for minor quests. I love this aspect for the main story parts but to do it for everything was massive overkill.



Alrighty, I'll bite...



How is any other MMO any different? What did you expect NPCs to do? Chase you into town and corpse camp you? Can't hit your space bar to skip?

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To the guy that started the thread.


I respect your opinion but i would say that quiting so early is a mistake you might regret, a big part of what makes these games feel alive is the community and it looks like a good start already.


I realize you have been following the game for years, so none of it should be a suprize trully.


Game has been out 6 days....seriously, relax and enjoy it for what it is, not for what you dreamt it to be.

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I love everything about the game, and the only things that are making me consider not paying after this or next month aren't really because of it's contents.


It is a bit heavy on my computer (I'll try to upgrade it, but from what I heard, the computer I can buy right now and would already be expensive as hell to me would still be considered "slow computer" for it). I hate the security questions (lost my old acc because of them, as I wasn't going to make an international call with possible wait) and the fact that they forced me to either get someone else's CC or buy two more months to use my FREE two months was just stupid.


The game itself is perfect, and even those things that happened to me aren't enough to make me cancel my account. But they sure are enough to make me consider it, and I'm probably doing it after I'm done with a few classes, unless they start creating more non-operations content.



But those who are going for GW2.............. Aren't you all the "PVPer-Type" and NOT the correct player for TOR anyway? Most of the complaints I see are just the same as saying "Hey, this game wasn't targetting me, so it must suck! I'm leaving." by PVPers or "hardcore" players...

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OP has a point, but sll MMO's are flawed on release. give the devs some time to fix it...its your fault for buying an MMO on release... on the other hand if you want a game thats closer to perfection on release, wait for gw2... it bettrer be after 5 years of development since announcement.
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The only reason's for posts like this are, you are intentionally trying to sabotage the game or you are trying to rationlize your decision, convince other people that you are right, and find support. You will find much more support for your decision in a WoW Forum, or even a RIFT Forum. You might try there and see. I bet you will be flamed less as well.


lol he doesn't need to sabotage a game that's being sabotaged by its developers already.

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The overwhelming majority of players who *are* enjoying this game and who will fuel its continuing growth from Bioware, don't care about the one-offs who feel the need to come post to everyone their individualized disappointment.


Good bye, see you when you return.




It isn't just a few people though :) just thought I should point that out. To be honest I see half of the community here that has major issues and will quit and the other half flaming them for it acting like its no big deal.


It is thought.

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It isn't just a few people though


In the grand scheme of things, it really is. Not every player of the game frequents the forums. Just because you see a few people airing their greivances doesn't mean it's reflective of the consensus as a whole.

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In the grand scheme of things, it really is. Not every player of the game frequents the forums. Just because you see a few people airing their greivances doesn't mean it's reflective of the consensus as a whole.


Exactly, even if the number of people expressing their displeasure isn't small, the number of people that actually post on the forum is quite small in comparison to all the people that play the game.

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OP has a point, but sll MMO's are flawed on release. give the devs some time to fix it...its your fault for buying an MMO on release... on the other hand if you want a game thats closer to perfection on release, wait for gw2... it bettrer be after 5 years of development since announcement.


This games way past flawed right now.

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You were fooling yourself if you expected an MMO to launch with %100 polish.


True, I mean whoever heard of an MMO that has macros, great UI and non-clunky mechanics un launch ?!?


Oh wait, I guess pretty much everyone who played Rift on launch, did.


A *********** small time game company called Trion Worlds achieved with a portion of the budget what the EA-BW abomination could not.

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Exactly, even if the number of people expressing their displeasure isn't small, the number of people that actually post on the forum is quite small in comparison to all the people that play the game.


I for one am in the same boat as the OP. Huge Star Wars fan, following the games development since it was first announced. Unless Bioware fixes things fast and adds some new content soon, changes the feeling of the soulless, lifeless, dead worlds, I will not be playing the game as well.


I suspect after reading numerous threads about the games sharding, how the game is too linear, how the worlds seem dead, and many other issues like the unresponsive clunky combat, there are more people that will be following suit and cancelling as well.


Bioware is going to have to act fast to retain subscriptions, because first impressions are everything for MMO's. I for one am not impressed and sadly disappointed. :(

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I am so sick of this honestly if your that close minded go then. Your not really a SWTOR fan if your going to quit after the first WEEK of it being out in retial i am sorry


You saw the video previews you played in the beta weekend right? There is nothing here that you didnt already know. But if you want to be mr grinch and quit then by all means quit


I am SICK of people being so whiney about this game. It has gotten good reviews by the press and i think OVERALL most people who have it LIKE IT its just this forums are filled with negitivity because i think the people who actually like it are out playing the game and the rest of you are just sitting here whining about it.


It is better then most MMMos out there. I LIKE it There may be some issues, sure but its a MMO there is nothing that cant be fixed or improved on in time a LOT OF PEOPLE have stated this is the most solid MMO at launch and i tend to agree.


I like the CE i like the game and i support it. If you are leaving after less then a month at launch then YOU ARE NOT A REAL FAN!


Besides this is a way better launch then Star Wars Galaxies was and even after the big NCE change you still had a loyal fanbase if you can have a bunch of people play that game for 8 years and actually break down crying when the game is over (and be upset that is over)


then you can love Star Wars The Old Republic.


Granted, for those who play Galaxies the world does not feel as open to start with. i.e. you cant just hop aboard your new "ship" and fly to any planet you want right away but honestly combined with the story it makes you feel like you really are on a journey and i assume once you get a ship you will be able to open up places and the like.


This is a good game, it may have flaws , but it JUST launched. You are expecting this game to be perfect at launch?


This is biowares FIRST MMO give these guys a break. For what they did it is really good and i enjoy it very much and look foward to playing it more.


Stop griping and like the game or leave. But i honestly think of those who bought the game its only a small pertentage of people who dislike it and its just people who dont like it are more likely to leave bad comments and blah reviews like on metacritic or what.


I saw the videos read the forums and played the beta so far there is nothing in the game that lets me down.


Perhaps honestly it is YOU who hyped the game as being the greatest thing ever made Instead of being realistic that it may not be perfect at launch but it still is fun!


Honestly if it becomes the first MMO i reach level 50 in myself then that would be a big achievement for it so we shall see!

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I am so sick of this honestly if your that close minded go then. Your not really a SWTOR fan if your going to quit after the first WEEK of it being out in retial i am sorry.


You're right, I'm not a swtor fan. I'm a paying customer who isn't seeing his money's worth on the table.


"swtor fan". *** is that anyway ?!?

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Nice wall of text, how about give the game more than a week or how about you get to max lvl before you just right it off. I just dont understand how people could have such high hopes and expect an mmo to be perfect right off release. Like EVERY OTHER MMO they have all had rocky starts and balanced out. So dont take it wrong when i say you wil be back in a month or so when alot of things are changed and fixed. Till then, have fun reading books......
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