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Will SWTOR (KotFE) survive Battlefront?


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battlefront is a totally differnt game, it's not gonna take players away, the week it releases we might see things quiet a bit in game while people play it, (we also saw that with dragon age inqusition's release) but it's not gonna have a long term effect. Battlefront is a very differnt game with a very differnt playstyle. PVPers in this game won't nesscarily like battlefront
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Imagine that, one EA game killing another.


Which is exactly why publishers avoid that sort of thing. In other words it doesn't actually happen.


First and foremost, I'm wondering how many PvPers will jump ship when Battlefront goes live


Uhm none because it's not the same type of game with the same type of appeal and requires a completely different skill set.


and if it proves to have a decent story or at least a story


It doesn't have a story, and that's been one of the most common complaints about the game.


Do your research before spouting off a bunch of non sense.


how many of SWTOR's general population will leave as well.


Because of Battlefront? Zero.


Seriously what world are you living in where you believe that a perpetual RPG like an MMO competes with a multiplayer shooter?


You know, given the fact that KotFE seems to be a disaster in the making by many accounts, at least based on what we have been told to date.


aka many accounts = your account


You're just some lunatic who constantly posts a bunch of negativity on a gaming forum that not many people even frequent because the reality of your own life must be so sad/unbearable that doing this sort of thing on a constant basis must actually seem like a good idea. I'm sure that in the future, or year from now (if you're even still alive by then) you'll look back on all this as time well spent. "I really did something with my life, and made a real difference there by doing that."

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First of all, I understand that the two games are a different genre that usually don't conflict. That said, I think a lot of people are playing SWTOR also because of the franchise, and will generally be loyal to that franchise and it's background above anything else. Battlefront will be steeped in the look and feel of the films and therefore I think it will be attractive for many fans of Star Wars in general, even those who have been playing SWTOR up until now.


But I can see how it is completely possible to play both games at the same time, especially given Battlefront's segmented gameplay.


Next, to Darth-Obvious and others who have taken this opportunity to rain your hate down ... regardless of how ridiculous you find my opinions and the sarcasm-laden style that I present them with, I hope you can at least admit that I am probably not the only person that is deeply concerned about the direction that SWTOR is taking. There will be people like me who let their subs run out after KotFE is released, there are people who have cancelled already, and there will be people who will try it for a while and then go free to play for sometime ... in short, the entire KotFE is a big change that is not for everybody.


The question then is, how many people will actually leave? Obviously I do not konw, but hypothetically, there is an upper limit that cannot be crossed (i.e. the game's paying population can only decrease so much) before consequences ensue and the game suffers, or in the worst case scenario they pull the plug. And for those of you who defend BW and this game, this should be a concern. So the concerns of those like me should be your concerns as well, because it is in your best interests that the widest and most varied segment of the SWTOR population is happy and finds something to do in this game.


I hope you can understand and perhaps adopt this point of view. Doing so might help BW finally understand it as well.




Failing to take into account the concerns of unhappy players may lead to a significant population decrease, which will hurt SWTOR long term.

Edited by Kurkina
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Which is exactly why publishers avoid that sort of thing. In other words it doesn't actually happen.




Uhm none because it's not the same type of game with the same type of appeal and requires a completely different skill set.




It doesn't have a story, and that's been one of the most common complaints about the game.


Do your research before spouting off a bunch of non sense.




Because of Battlefront? Zero.


Seriously what world are you living in where you believe that a perpetual RPG like an MMO competes with a multiplayer shooter?




aka many accounts = your account


You're just some lunatic who constantly posts a bunch of negativity on a gaming forum that not many people even frequent because the reality of your own life must be so sad/unbearable that doing this sort of thing on a constant basis must actually seem like a good idea. I'm sure that in the future, or year from now (if you're even still alive by then) you'll look back on all this as time well spent. "I really did something with my life, and made a real difference there by doing that."


This ^^^^^^

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You know, given the fact that KotFE seems to be a disaster in the making by many accounts,


Who is saying that? I haven't heard anyone say that this is a disaster waiting to happen, besides your ignorant self.


You're only putting Battlefront and SWTOR up together because they are both linked with Star Wars. I don't see these games affecting each other because one is a first person shooter, and one is an MMO. So I can't see them hurting one another. Two totally different games that attract two totally different types of gamers.

Edited by NoahRedden
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Who is saying that? I haven't heard anyone say that this is a disaster waiting to happen, besides your ignorant self.


You're only putting Battlefront and SWTOR up together because they are both linked with Star Wars. I don't see these games affecting each other because one is a first person shooter, and one is an MMO. So I can't see them hurting one another. Two totally different games that attract two totally different types of gamers.


First person shooter!? Please tell me you are just mistaken, I LIKED FIRST PERSON WAS OPTIONAL IN BATTLEFRONT!

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OP, judging by the sheer number of negative posts and threads one would think you hate this game at it's very core - yet you are still here, making everyone miserable. Do yourself and us a favor and either suck it up or go somewhere else. Edited by Asheris
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Was exactly the same when D3 was about to release. Gen chat was full of morons saying D3 will "own swtor so hard"...and that they were dumping swtor like hot potato's.....


.........slowly they crawled back...


As others have already said the only connection is "Star Wars" other than that huge differences. ..I can't imagine much customization with abilites etc on BF..

Edited by aSpitefullRetort
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I've seen some little bits of the game play for Battlefront -- was not impressed myself, but I'm sure lots of people will like it -- looks a lot like the new one from Daybreak Games -- H1Z1 (IF it ever comes out ) -- a shooter game -- not my "cup of tea" though
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I've seen some little bits of the game play for Battlefront -- was not impressed myself, but I'm sure lots of people will like it -- looks a lot like the new one from Daybreak Games -- H1Z1 (IF it ever comes out ) -- a shooter game -- not my "cup of tea" though


Just thought if anything it would be something to play while waiting for a WZ to pop....

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You know what I mean. 3rd person shooter. Still doesn't change the argument.


Your argument was good, it was just with all the changes they made to Battlefront that piss me off, I wouldn't of been surprised if they removed the whole third person aspect. So just wanted to check :D

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I dont see why it would not survive.


I hardly doubt that they would release an expansion, if they were anywhere near as concerned about Battlefront as the OP seems to be.


I will probably try out the game, and after a few hours (probably less then 10 hours of gameplay) realize the same thing i did in Battlefield 3 and 4, that its not for me and that i have next to no fun playing it. ;)


And i hardly think i will be the only one.

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Who is saying that? I haven't heard anyone say that this is a disaster waiting to happen, besides your ignorant self.


The forums are full of complaints, many fueled by the lack of information, others by the features that they have announced or the elements that are reasonable to infer. "Ignorance" is having an emotional reaction to BWs hype and cutscenes and simply assuming that everything will be fine.


True star wars fans will play both. Just like me.




I hardly doubt that they would release an expansion, if they were anywhere near as concerned about Battlefront as the OP seems to be.


I'm not "concerned" per se, I was just wondering if anyone out there already has plans to drop SWTOR for Battlefront. That's what these forums are for, ask questions, get answers.


I will probably try out the game, and after a few hours (probably less then 10 hours of gameplay) realize the same thing i did in Battlefield 3 and 4, that its not for me and that i have next to no fun playing it. ;)


And i hardly think i will be the only one.


[off-topic]This is a perfectly valid opinion that many fans of SWTOR will probably agree with. Why then when someone criticizes the concept of KotFE are you suddenly up in arms over the same line of argumentation? Because you are SHEEP that can't think for yourselves. BW engages you on an emotional level with cinematics and hype, and you flock to their message, berating anyone who thinks differently. This is EXACTLY the reaction BW hopes for when releasing the limited amount of information that they do, and you are playing right into their hands.[/offtopic]

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]"The forums are full of complaints, many fueled by the lack of information, others by the features that they have announced or the elements that are reasonable to infer. "Ignorance" is having an emotional reaction to BWs hype and cutscenes and simply assuming that everything will be fine."


And I am also sure that battlefront will have a forum as well and be full of the same complaints within no time at all. In-fact tell me a forum on just about anything not just games that not full of this kind of ****.



I'm not "concerned" per se, I was just wondering if anyone out there already has plans to drop SWTOR for Battlefront. That's what these forums are for, ask questions, get answers."



True that, most of us see that and have no issue with the question.

However as previously said forums in general get the kind of answers that warranted the above response and expect the same kind of ******* replies on the battlefront forums as well once its up and running.


Edited by DreadtechSavant
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I don't know why you would compare the 2 really, this is more of a RPG (notice it took the MMO off for all those complainers) and the other is a more standard FPS with a little bit of story narrative (if its like battlefront 2 anyway).


Other than the fact they are both Star Wars titles they cater to different types of games with some that are likely to be playing both (me possibly).

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Imagine that, one EA game killing another.


First and foremost, I'm wondering how many PvPers will jump ship when Battlefront goes live, and if it proves to have a decent story or at least a story "feel", how many of SWTOR's general population will leave as well. You know, given the fact that KotFE seems to be a disaster in the making by many accounts, at least based on what we have been told to date.


Folks, don't be fooled by beautiful cutscenes. They are not the game and do not represent the experience.


The better question is, will SWTOR survive KOTFE? Cause uh, sure as hell doesn't look like it. Unless of course your one of the anti-social "I hate guildz cuz dey r elitst!" anti-group content carebears, apparently for the carebears this expansion is gonna be FANTASTIC!

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[off-topic]This is a perfectly valid opinion that many fans of SWTOR will probably agree with. Why then when someone criticizes the concept of KotFE are you suddenly up in arms over the same line of argumentation? Because you are SHEEP that can't think for yourselves. BW engages you on an emotional level with cinematics and hype, and you flock to their message, berating anyone who thinks differently. This is EXACTLY the reaction BW hopes for when releasing the limited amount of information that they do, and you are playing right into their hands.[/offtopic]


Namecalling will bring your point across... im sure of it :)

Please be more exact to what you are referring to in the future, as i dont recall ever saying anything akin to what you are implying here.

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