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"As we get to Gamescom we will be talking a lot more about your characters' Alliance"


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Wonder if Guilds are gonna be messed up. Pubs and Imps on the same side, will you be able to put Imps into a Pubs guild or vice versa. SH and Guild Ships messed with or taken away?


It has been said that factions will remain as they are

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It has been said that factions will remain as they are


Guilds are social tools tho and should've long been linked across the factions from Day 1. Ridiculous that people in the same guild have to resort to 3rd party programs to chat with each other in the game. An MMO restricting communication is the most bizarre concept ever

Edited by Pietrastor
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Guilds are social tools tho and should've long been linked across the factions. Ridiculous that people in the same guild have to resort to 3rd party programs to chat with each other in the game. An MMO restricting communication is the most bizarre concept ever


So every MMO with factions is ridiculous, got it...

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Compared to Blizzards announcement - which doesn't even have a release date, you'd think it was THEIR expansion due for release in October - hell they even launched a fully working detailed website!


This is just SO typical Bioware


I know, and this is something BioWare need to learn from Blizzard. On the plus side, I've pre-purchased Legacy of the Void due to Gamescom.


Wonder how many sales BioWare are losing by the sheer lack of information? I'd suggest their marketing team needs a "wake me up" moment. :rolleyes:

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I know, and this is something BioWare need to learn from Blizzard. On the plus side, I've pre-purchased Legacy of the Void due to Gamescom.


Wonder how many sales BioWare are losing by the sheer lack of information? I'd suggest their marketing team needs a "wake me up" moment. :rolleyes:

We already have all the information we need.


No new raids, flashpoints or pvp maps.

A single player stoyline.

Did you spend money on Treek? Good job wasting that $25 dollars.

No cross-server anything.

GSF isn't getting anything.


Really if they came out and told us what was fully going into Fallen Empire they would lose what's left of the already small player base.

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They have stated SEVERAL TIMES that there WILL BE new Ops and Flashpoints. SEVERAL TIMES.


If you believe them, you are either very naive, very optimistic or a combination of the two. They have said NOTHING that they cannot adjust at a later date with a statement similar to the following:


The release of KotFE has been a spectacular success. The overwhelmingly positive response to the new epic personal story line, where every choice matters, has proven that THIS is what players want, and we at BW value our customers and always try to meet their demands. Given the fact that our resources are finite, we have decided to indefinitely postpone any development of new Flashpoints and Operations in order to be able to focus all of our available resources on continuing to develop, deepen and enrich this epic story experience. We are not ruling out group content forever, we just want to focus for the time being on what has made KotFE the succes that it is.


This message can then be reworded and recycled periodically into infinity. Whatever they are saying now is just a delay mechanism that allows for an endless chain of subsequent delays.


having just 'story' wasn't enough to keep players interested when the game launched, and I will bet you 10m credits it won't be enough to keep people playing after the 'relaunch' either.


History is repeating itself.


Indeed, history IS repeating itself, with the aim of bringing in new players and beginning the whole cycle again.


Either way, we'll probably see some MMO content in about a 10-12 months.


First of all, if they do release for example a new ops in 10-12 months, that would make it about 2 years between ops. That is ridiculous for a subscription based MMO. Secondly, I'm not sure it would make any sense of releasing ANYTHING at that point. If the game is still functioning as a paid single-player game a year from now, why take on additional costs?


They did state that they will not start new work until KotFE launches at very least, because it apparently takes every scrap of Resources™ they have available.


Aries if you understand this, which you obviously do, why can you not see that the orange text above is a completely logical and predictable course of action for BW? For argument's sake, if that text actually did come out say in January, would anyone be surprised?

Edited by Kurkina
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So every MMO with factions is ridiculous, got it...




It's always seemed 100% needless to me. Plenty of MMOs have factions, yet still allow tells, emotes, groups, etc in between factions. Usually there's just some zones that the opposite faction can't enter.


And the excuse that it leads to trolling, harassment, etc is super weak since that happens anyway during same faction PVP and PVE.

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I know, and this is something BioWare need to learn from Blizzard. On the plus side, I've pre-purchased Legacy of the Void due to Gamescom.


Wonder how many sales BioWare are losing by the sheer lack of information? I'd suggest their marketing team needs a "wake me up" moment. :rolleyes:


You cannot lose sales on something that is free...


However I do agree that their Head of Marketing should let them talk a lot more about stuff. She was with devs at Cologne, but I don't think anybody got to talk with her about why they are so stingy with information...

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It's always seemed 100% needless to me. Plenty of MMOs have factions, yet still allow tells, emotes, groups, etc in between factions. Usually there's just some zones that the opposite faction can't enter.


And the excuse that it leads to trolling, harassment, etc is super weak since that happens anyway during same faction PVP and PVE.


Not really. Most MMOs that feature faction do not allow to group across them, and often not even chat, turning it into a gibberish (SWTOR doesn't do that, your /s are normally readable).


WoW doesn't allow it, and people seem fine with it there, even though Horde and Alliance work a lot together as well it seems against some "third party out of nowhere".

AION doesn't allow it

Secret World doesn't allow mixed guilds


Other "current" games like GW2 or TERA apparently don't have factions (haven't played those, so I am going on by what their sites say)

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You cannot lose sales on something that is free...


However I do agree that their Head of Marketing should let them talk a lot more about stuff. She was with devs at Cologne, but I don't think anybody got to talk with her about why they are so stingy with information...


And I think that's exactly why they haven't talked. They don't want people to stop subbing now.


My guess is they know some people will be upset with the changes and don't want to lose any subscribers until they can offset them with people coming back to the game (who presumably have quit subbing/playing and so don't care about the game enough to miss the things that are being changed)

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Wow. I think the forums just went nuclear over the complete lack of information regarding KOTFE compared to other games companies.


But Bioware are you really shocked at all? Time and time again you do the same exact thing. It's almost like you're attempting to shove a square peg into a round hole and expect a different result. Forums member after forums member has given you legitimate and intelligent ways for you to communicate with your forums yet you continue to ignore them as if they are contagious.


Here's what is in the employee manual at Bioware regarding events and press releases:


Player Question: Feature XYZ release date?

Bioware Patented Response: Soon


Player Question: Rebalancing? Group Content?

Bioware Patented Response: Um please come find us later when our "media" department isn't around. (So they can't be officially quoted on anything and held to it of course).


Player Question: What about hood toggle?

Bioware Patented Response: *Bioware Employee uses Dodge! It's Super Effective!* Uh come uh, see us later uh, about that uh, "performance issues" with uh chat bubbles uh.


Player Question: Bioware, what is the definition of an MMO?

Bioware Patented Response: A single player game that we charge an online fee for and crank out cosmetic items for in gambling packs that we claim that we'll have group content for "Soon"?


The more I hear about KoTFE the more I fear of it. It sounds like a absolute train wreck of a revamp that will strip out the need or the want for group content and replace it with a single player story (that isn't unique btw, it's shared by BOTH factions and all 8 classes) that they can charge an online fee for. Disgusting.


And don't even get me started on the "subscriber benefits" of subscribing prior to its launch. A companion, a blaster set, a speeder and a duster? Bribe much Bioware? Are you THAT unsure of the direction you are taking this game? Says alot really if you think about it.


But alas, I must "behave" lest someone get an itchy trigger finger at the office again. :rolleyes:


I'd like you to know, that my character has been the Emperors Wrath since launch, a Cipher Agent and a Dark Council member, but in October the only title that will apparently matter to him at all is that of the "Outlander".


Queue Children of the Corn moment, with Bioware wording.



Edited by WillCaedes
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So every MMO with factions is ridiculous, got it...


Most MMOs with factions do not restrict communication between sides, not these days. That was a much more common thing like 10 years ago, most did away with it. Cause it's bad.

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I understood it that they want to wait until Gamescom is over before releasing all the information on the Alliance system. So I expect a blog post next week that will detail what the system is. Note how he said "As we get to Gamescom" aka "As we get to the time when Gamescom happens" and not "At Gamescom we will ..."


But if you are so impatient, maybe this will keep you sated until next week: http://i.imgur.com/BmeV0i9.jpg

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You cannot lose sales on something that is free...


However I do agree that their Head of Marketing should let them talk a lot more about stuff. She was with devs at Cologne, but I don't think anybody got to talk with her about why they are so stingy with information...


Because they probably deem the information controversial enough that it shouldn't be outright provided.

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Player Question: Bioware, what is the definition of an MMO?

Bioware Patented Response: A single player game that we charge an online fee for and crank out cosmetic items for in gambling packs that we claim that we'll have group content for "Soon"?


Best one on the list, well said!

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I understood it that they want to wait until Gamescom is over before releasing all the information on the Alliance system. So I expect a blog post next week that will detail what the system is. Note how he said "As we get to Gamescom" aka "As we get to the time when Gamescom happens" and not "At Gamescom we will ..."


But if you are so impatient, maybe this will keep you sated until next week: http://i.imgur.com/BmeV0i9.jpg


In English, "as we get to Gamescom" means before or at Gamescom. This statement would not mean after Gamescom. That's just basic rules of the English language. The only thing left that would fit would be if they held an interview during Gamescom and the interviewer hasn't released it yet.

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It's the trademark BW Austin way of doing things.


Sucked for 5 years now but I guess it suits them just fine. Anything for the ex Mythic crew on staff to avoid another Warhammer online "not delivering on promises" meltdown.


If the worst PR in the industry is the price to avoid any possibility of that, so be it.


Done with sarcasm now.


So frustrating that even when they do go all in with millions for marketing with cinematic trailers, they're still their own worst detractor with their "not talking about sith" strategy.

Edited by aeterno
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In English, "as we get to Gamescom" means before or at Gamescom. This statement would not mean after Gamescom. That's just basic rules of the English language. The only thing left that would fit would be if they held an interview during Gamescom and the interviewer hasn't released it yet.


You beat me to it. "As we get to X" means that it will happen before X, or maybe at the time of X at the very latest, not after X.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Wow. I think the forums just went nuclear over the complete lack of information regarding KOTFE compared to other games companies.


Nuclear would mean that forums would be overflooded with threads on the same subject which hasn't been the case. It's been a grassfire at best.

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