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So NOT a gameplay trailer...


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Guys.....it's what? Day 1. They have more events and more information to pass along. Quit being so upset and entitled like you deserve everything up front. Be patient and let them dish out the information in an orderly fashion. I was pleased with the trailer, it had me asking many questions, my biggest is how they got Darth Marr in chains....unreal if you ask me.


Just give it some time. I can assure you, over the next few days, we won't be disappointed and the end, the information received will be worth it.


Then, they should not have hyped the date so much. The first ever live game-play reviel trailer. Really, is that what we got. People are hardly entitled for buying into EAs bulls***, they are just naive. And so was i, i guess. I usually know better.

This time seemed different. Oh well. Just stop calling it gameplay, when its not, plllleeeeeeeeeezzzzzzeee...

Edited by SimplyCooL
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Then, they should not have hyped the date so much. The first ever live game-play reviel trailer. Really, is that what we got. People are hardly entitled for buying into EAs bulls***, they are just naive. And so was i, i guess. I usually know better.

This time seemed different. Oh well. Just stop calling it gameplay, when its not, plllleeeeeeeeeezzzzzzeee...


I'm still really confused on what you wanted to see happen. We got to look at cutscenes and learn more info on it. I much rather see that than "The Outlander" running around Zakul.


Your expectations were set too high, that's probably why you are so dissapointed.

Edited by NoahRedden
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I'm still really confused on what you wanted to see happen. We got to look at cutscenes and learn more info on it. I much rather see that than "The Outlander" running around Zakul.


Your expectations were set too high, that's probably why you are so dissapointed.


I don't think so. Maybe, im just old school.


The trailer was generic.


And since, they are plenty, complaining on these forums and dulfy, i doubt i'm some mad man, who over-hyped himself. Bioware didnt put enough effort, or the actual news is yet to come. Either way, i though it was a mediocre effort.

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I don't think so. Maybe, im just old school.


The trailer was generic.


And since, they are plenty, complaining on these forums and dulfy, i doubt i'm some mad man, who over-hyped himself. Bioware didnt put enough effort, or the actual news is yet to come. Either way, i though it was a mediocre effort.


Well then tip of advice for all you guys freaking out: Don't get so hyped up next time.

Edited by NoahRedden
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I'm still really confused on what you wanted to see happen. We got to look at cutscenes and learn more info on it. I much rather see that than "The Outlander" running around Zakul.


Why does one exclude the other? They didn't even bother with just 5 seconds of actual gameplay with 30 seconds of cut scene sprinkles on top.


Your expectations were set too high, that's probably why you are so dissapointed.


Now ain't that the truth. I really tried to lower my expectations as much as I could and I still sit here disappointed about what they showed us.

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Then, they should not have hyped the date so much. The first ever live game-play reviel trailer. Really, is that what we got. People are hardly entitled for buying into EAs bulls***, they are just naive. And so was i, i guess. I usually know better.

This time seemed different. Oh well. Just stop calling it gameplay, when its not, plllleeeeeeeeeezzzzzzeee...


You call hype? My guildies and I didn't even know about them doing a trailer until 9pm central last night. Must have been some lame *** hype if they were building it up and nobody on our server was even talking about it.

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What makes you so sure. He is literally in full on Darth Marr armor. Why would they trick us? Some type of marketing tactic? Yeah no...


He's a troll mate. No worries. It's Darth Marr clearly.

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Simple both the republic and empire have fallen. satele shan and darth marr are in hiding or injured. why would valkorion share his new empire with darth marr it doesn't make any sense. plus it called become the outlander. it would make sense to share it with the sith warrior or jedi knight class as they are from the two fallen groups ie republic and empire. Edited by sithgreyguard
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You went into an EA press event expecting minutes of gameplay with detailed features talk of an mmo out for 3 years?


There's this thing that you can use to avoid self inflicted pain. It's called realistic expectations. The very fact TOR makes it on the stage would have been considered a miracle 1 year ago & you'd have been laughed off the internet for predicting it.


If the cantina stuff passes without anything meaningful, then we can (and will) riot.





Trailer itself is good. Better than the 50% power point listing feature things we've been served for a year or so. Back to year one story trailers is good in my book.

Edited by aeterno
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Why does one exclude the other? They didn't even bother with just 5 seconds of actual gameplay with 30 seconds of cut scene sprinkles on top.




Now ain't that the truth. I really tried to lower my expectations as much as I could and I still sit here disappointed about what they showed us.


For the last time, what kind of gameplay would they show. It wouldnt look good. They want it as epic as possible so they showed in game cutscenes. and if they were to show gameplay. They would do some sort of camera movement to make it look good (But then you would call it a cutscene) rather than behind the character with the hotbar.

Edited by NoahRedden
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you went into an ea press event expecting minutes of gameplay with detailed features talk of an mmo out for 3 years?


There's this thing that you can use to avoid self inflicted pain. It's called realistic expectations. The very fact tor makes it on the stage would have been considered a miracle 1 year ago & you'd have been laughed off the internet for predicting it.


If the cantina stuff passes without anything meaningful, then we can (and will) riot.



Edited by NoahRedden
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For the last time, what kind of gameplay would they show. It wouldnt look good. They want it as epic as possible so they should in game cutscenes. and if they were to show gameplay. They would do some sort of camera movement to make it look good (But then you would call it a cutscene) rather than behind the character with the hotbar.


That's completely irrelevant. Noone forced them to name it a gameplay trailer, that was their own doing. They could have called it something else, e.g. In-game trailer.

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That's completely irrelevant. Noone forced them to name it a gameplay trailer, that was their own doing. They could have called it something else, e.g. In-game trailer.


True, maybe thats why so many of you are whining. I'm happy i at least saw in game footage rather than another cinematic.

Edited by NoahRedden
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Simple both the republic and empire have fallen. satele shan and darth marr are in hiding or injured. why would valkorion share his new empire with darth marr it doesn't make any sense. plus it called become the outlander. it would make sense to share it with the sith warrior or jedi knight class as they are from the two fallen groups ie republic and empire.


You're funny.

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True, maybe thats why so many of you are whining. I'm happy i at least saw in game footage rather than another cinematic.


Why are we whining. Personally, im just mildly dissapoined. Im not really expecting much out of KOTFE, and the trailer was still "whatever:"


Cant people discuss their reactions, without the Bioware Defence Force labeling them whiners.


You went into an EA press event expecting minutes of gameplay with detailed features talk of an mmo out for 3 years?


Considering, the bothered making a Pretended Cinematic for this 3 year old game..., anything is possible. That and calling it a gameplay trailer kinda directed my expectations. Its not that outlandish (huh get it), Blur trailers arnt cheap.



Trailer itself is good. Better than the 50% power point listing feature things we've been served for a year or so. Back to year one story trailers is good in my book.


Id be hard pressed, to tell it apart form Ziost and Revan trailer. All rather mediocre. Nah, that aint fair, those are actually better, if still generic.

Edited by SimplyCooL
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Why are we whining. Personally, im just mildly dissapoined. Im not really expecting much out of KOTFE, and the trailer was still "whatever:"


Cant people discuss their reactions, without the Bioware Defence Force labeling them whiners.


I classify "whining" as complaining, and you are doing that. You didnt like what you saw, so you come here and rant. It wasn't just expressing your opinion. You were saying what it should of been and it was a weak trailer and they did it all wrong. You were complaining


And i'm not just sticking up for it because i'm a full blown out Bioware fan (i'm not) Anyone can tell you are complaining about the trailer.

Edited by NoahRedden
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True, maybe thats why so many of you are whining. I'm happy i at least saw in game footage rather than another cinematic.


lol'd. You seriously prefer that mishmash of cutscenes (cutscenes we will see anyway once KotFE is out) over another Blur Cinematic? That's an even more ridiculous statement than Bioware calling this a 'gameplay trailer'.

At least with Blur you know you get top quality stuff. I'd throw money every month towards Blur rather than Bioware if it meant we'd get Blur SW(TOR) cinematics/movie once in a while.

Edited by MFollin
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