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So NOT a gameplay trailer...


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Maybe in-game footage trailer, but there wasn't a scrap of gameplay in it. In fact, it was just a rehash of the CG trailer, but naturally far less impressive.


When you look at actual gameplay trailers from this very convention, this one was just pointless. I wish marketing would stop hyping mundane things for nothing. We got:


- no actual gameplay, to measure difference between now and then.

- no glimpses of returning, or new companions.

- no details on any revamped systems or mechanics.

- no glimpse of revamped 1-50 content .

- no snippets of new Bioware Story Telling - their main selling point.


It was completely uninspiring and by the numbers. Can we not have just a little bit of a taste of this new expansion, instead of vague, hypi buzz-words? Get us interested in it! Its all Outlander this and Outlander that, and the past doesn't matter, and oh brother! My eyes, they cant stop rolling.


Also, Outlander is by far the lamest title any character has ever had. Does it even make sense? He is not from an alternative reality, you know... he just took a nap.

Edited by SimplyCooL
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That was really just the warm-up for the whole event, they still have two days of cantina events to go through so there could very much be quite a bit more in the reveal. After gamescom is over might be a better time to complain if they haven't delivered what you'd hoped for in terms of revelatory information.
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Even so, i still feel, it was underwhelming. Why no 6-7 min gameplay, or dialog, or something footage. It works so well, as MS showed.


Because EA decided to focus on mainstream games such as Need For Speed, Battlefield reskin, that other Fifa garbage, etc.


When the SWTOR logo appeared on screen nobody cared among those that were sitting in the audience and Twitch chat was full of morons asking for Fifa instead. When they showed Battlefield reskin, everybody went wild because the trailer had Vader, Luke, Solo's ship and Fett's ship. Both SWTOR and Battlefield reskin have a SW logo in them, yet only the latter got people entertained because unlike SWTOR it's a mainstream game which received better marketing and advertising since its reveal.

Edited by JeKoCZ
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Why no 6-7 min gameplay,


Because they have a certain amount of time allowed for presentation and 6-7 minutes is excessive for the viewers who don't care about SWTOR.


Side note: The graphics in the cut scenes look AMAZING

Edited by NoahRedden
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An over-reliance on cutscenes would certainly be a bummer, remember it was one of many criticisms leveled at Mass Effect 3. But remember that combat isn't changing, so there's no particular need to show it, not least at a major event when hype is the goal.
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Why calling it a gameplay trailer then? Even on the Tor mainpage it is described as a gameplay trailer. We all know that "cutscenes" or "Story driven cinematics" look better than gameplay. Where they afraid that actual gameplay would scare away people because its graphic isnt good? Most ppl play Tor not because of its graphics, so why trying to disguise it? But calling a bunch of ingame cinematics gameplay is a lie. Edited by Methoxa
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Because EA decided to focus on mainstream games such as Need For Speed, Battlefield reskin, that other Fifa garbage, etc.


When the SWTOR logo appeared on screen nobody cared among those that were sitting in the audience and Twitch chat was full of morons asking for Fifa instead. When they showed Battlefield reskin, everybody went wild because the trailer had Vader, Luke, Solo's ship and Fett's ship. Both SWTOR and Battlefield reskin have a SW logo in them, yet only the latter got people entertained because unlike SWTOR it's a mainstream game which received better marketing and advertising since its reveal.


Then why bother at all. Just stick the link on twitter, or load it up on their youtube channel. Heck, im interested in SWTOR and was still underwhelmed with the trailer. Why would the audience care, then.


Maybe if you showed them something... a chunk of the story/ questline, you'd have your WOOHUH's at the end.


Meanwhile, couldn't care less for Battlefront Online, but still found the trailers somewhat enjoyable and exiting.

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Why calling it a gameplay trailer then? Even on the Tor mainpage it is described as a gameplay trailer. We all know that "cutscenes" or "Story driven cinematics" look better than gameplay. Where they afraid that actual gameplay would scare away people because its graphic isnt good? Most ppl play Tor not because of its graphics, so why trying to disguise it? But calling a bunch of ingame cinematics gameply is a lie.


Why would the graphics suddenly become worse? I noticed the graphics in the cut scenes have been changed drastically and look amazing, a lot less dull. So i think graphics wasn't an issue.

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Hold on to your knickers. The real meat will be probably shown at the cantina event they have.


OK, well, then hype me for that. Not the 1 AM Press Conference, witch btw as a whole was somewhat... EH. Where can i watch that, anyway. Oh, i cant, cause they are not streaming it. So much for game-play then. Still, they are positives to information blackout. Least for me.

Edited by SimplyCooL
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Graphics wont become worse, but the difference between in game cinematic and actual gameplay is already grave. Only showing ingame cinematics and trying to sell it as gameplay is my problem here.


I see what you mean, but its an MMO, what gameplay could they show? Their character running around fighting stuff? I much rather see in game cinematics and the story more than just in game, running around, that i have seen before. I couldn't really think of any gameplay they could show.

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OK, well, then hype we for that. Not the 1 AM Press Conference, witch btw as a whole was somewhat... EH. Where can, i watch that anyway. Oh, i cant, cause they are not streaming it. So much for game-play then. Still, they are positives to information blackout. Least for me.


I advise you to lower your expectations. This is not regarding swtor, but gaming in general. Nowadays it's a lot of talk and building hype.


Look at the Need for Speed trailer. It says it uses in-game engine footage, and it likely does, but you won't be playing the game like that. It's a demo and they use different camera angles to give it a Michael Bay effect and have you believe it's actually playable like that while it isn't.

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Then why bother at all. Just stick the link on twitter, or load it up on their youtube channel. Heck, im interested in SWTOR and was still underwhelmed with the trailer. Why would the audience care, then.


Maybe if you showed them something... a chunk of the story/ questline, you'd have your WOOHUH's at the end.


Meanwhile, couldn't care less for Battlefront Online, but still found the trailers somewhat enjoyable and exiting.


Because trailers like that with cliffhangers and stuff, high paced combat sections (Or even just a saber swigning around without purpose), cuts everywhere in the clips are what create hype towards something. And even if you are disappointed, people now will be curious to know more about it, even just for the sake of it.


But people in general don't care because it's not mainstream SW. It's something different, and they don't like it. They prefer the same recycled characters from the original 3 movies from 40 years ago over and over and over instead of something, even non canon, else, something new.

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Hold on to your knickers. The real meat will be probably shown at the cantina event they have


People that go to the cantina event most likely are subs and will also sub till early access. Why would BW announce grave news regarding KOTFE during a small event <Cantina event> and not during a major event <gamescom> to attract more customers? KOTFE already is pretty much hyped in the community. Some ppl are crazy for it, some unsubbed because of it. But it should be their target to get new customers by hyping them. A trailer like that + announcements during a minor event and not during a major one will make the addon fail to achieve the numbers shareholders of EA expect.

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I see what you mean, but its an MMO, what gameplay could they show? Their character running around fighting stuff?


IDC what they show, but they shouldnt call a trailer a gameplay trailer when its not.


Anyone remembers "Daikatana" or something? The game showed excellent graphics, when it was released graphics sucked and it came out that all prior screenshots were not from ingame graphics but photoshopped.

Edited by Methoxa
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- no snippets of new Bioware Story Telling - their main selling point.

Actually you see pretty much a lot of it. It all looks like actual cutscenes in-game so think of a more Mass Effect narrative than what we saw thus far :)

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Actually you see pretty much a lot of it. It all looks like actual cutscenes in-game so think of a more Mass Effect narrative than what we saw thus far


Is this true or is this just your wish? How do you know that those ingame cinematics we saw in the trailer are not all of the cinematics well see during the first 9 chapters?

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IDC what they show, but they shouldnt call a trailer a gameplay trailer when its not.


Anyone remembers "Daikatana" or something? The game showed excellent graphics, when it was released graphics sucked and it came out that all prior screenshots were not from ingame graphics but photoshopped.


Ok... But this is in game graphics, its in game cut scenes. I get that its not the gameplay people were expecting, but its the game alright. So, i'm not upset.

Edited by NoahRedden
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I advise you to lower your expectations. This is not regarding swtor, but gaming in general. Nowadays it's a lot of talk and building hype.


Look at the Need for Speed trailer. It says it uses in-game engine footage, and it likely does, but you won't be playing the game like that. It's a demo and they use different camera angles to give it a Michael Bay effect and have you believe it's actually playable like that while it isn't.


HUGE expectations, I have none for the actual expansion. I just expected a gameplay trailer for obvious reasons. Gameplay. Those trailers carry the most weight (i speak for myself here), because they show the moment to moment experience, that you can expect. Or at least, what the devs are shooting for. Even if it never materializes, its still more substance than CG and Hype pointlessness.


Normally, you are right. But seeing as how they've been pushing this expansion hard with pricey pre-rendered pixels and this conference in particular, i though lets get a little bit exited for ones.

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People that go to the cantina event most likely are subs and will also sub till early access. Why would BW announce grave news regarding KOTFE during a small event <Cantina event> and not during a major event <gamescom> to attract more customers? KOTFE already is pretty much hyped in the community. Some ppl are crazy for it, some unsubbed because of it. But it should be their target to get new customers by hyping them. A trailer like that + announcements during a minor event and not during a major one will make the addon fail to achieve the numbers shareholders of EA expect.


Because the information they release at the cantina event, in front of people who dig the game, will spread like wildfire once it pops up on Dulfy's. Most people in the audience at Gamescom are there for FIFA, which is huge in Europe, and other games, from what I think, have way more appeal to a wider audience than swtor does. From a business point of view, and we're talking EA here, it makes perfect sense.

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