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Only Long Time SWTOR Players Will Remember...


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  • When the fleets didn't exist and Coruscant and Dromund Kaas were the main hubs
  • When apartments were on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas at first, but were eventually removed due to all the lag
  • When armor and weapons were virtually copy & pasting of Clone Wars Era
  • When armor and weapons looked like they were taken from WoW
  • When the first lightsaber a player got was thicker than their arms and looked like a pillar to a building

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Loot Bags


Named Weapons


AOE's triggering flags


Datacrons being a requirement of most raid teams


End Game OPs and Flashpoints actually being challenging (looking at you, LI and EC), even in SM, instead of catering to the lowest common denominator


Jaesa never putting her weapon away. Ever. Even on the ship.


The Dread Masters before they got their crests.

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Being level 50 in Full Champion or BM gear and destroying people that weren't LOL dat 10-50 PvP good times!



Yes thats how a lot of us got that gear so dern fast after getting to 50 it was just a cake walk unless you happened to run into a group that had approximately the same number of 50's


Oh and went back and checked my 50's on my original server, after reading the champion bag post yesterday, LMAO I have 4 50's with 3-5 champion bags each LMAO


And before the first Annihilation spec nerf , healing for over 400k as a marauder in WZ's, and tha'ts when HP cap was about 13kfor mara and 15 for juggs

Edited by Atalantia
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Ones that I can personally remember


  • Mail at 50 with comms for some nice gear
  • Waiting till 15 to get sprint
  • Waiting longer to get a mount (25?)
  • CD for companion gifts
  • AOE's triggered pvp, so you would get teams of stealthers following you to get in your aoe then gank you.
  • KD on Shoot first :(
  • Planetary comms for individual planets which you always had odd amounts left over.
  • The patch that broke my laptop and made the game unplayable on my computer (1.3)
  • The patch where everyone lost their eyes
  • The patch where many aliens lost their heads and were just floating eyeballs
  • Long CD on Fleet/QT
  • AOE Force Wave/Overload
  • and my dear friend the Orange Pixel

Edited by -Sullster-
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I didn't read through all 11 pages here - but what was it ? Never heard or read of it before ...


In the beta under the edge of the chat window was an orange dot . it was patched out just a week or two before release. It caused many to believe they had a stuck pixel on their monitors. Some even mistakenly bought new monitors only to find their little orange friend persisted there too.

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having perma invisibility as a marauder. use cloak of pain(?) and then force camo caused your marauder to be permanently invisible. It happened to me by mistake on voidstar, i didn't understand what was going on. I did walk pass 3 enemies at the first doors and planted the bomb without being seen. It was pretty funny. :D
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having perma invisibility as a marauder. use cloak of pain(?) and then force camo caused your marauder to be permanently invisible. It happened to me by mistake on voidstar, i didn't understand what was going on. I did walk pass 3 enemies at the first doors and planted the bomb without being seen. It was pretty funny. :D


That still happens.

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When there were no actual "Long time SWTOR players" to speak of, when you could buy CE and when dye modules were added.


It seemed like alot of people were happy for dyes, until it was revealed they were paired and not "mix and match".

^ Exactly.

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I'm kind of surprised people are actually offended and getting defensive over this. I don't really know how this thread could be an annoyance to some. I intended it to be a fun thread remembering all the changes and how far the game has come.


Someone made a thread slightly similar to this a while back about "SWTOR unwritten rules" or something where it talked about all the things you did in the past in SWTOR and he got no crap from it.

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