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Only Long Time SWTOR Players Will Remember...


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Only Long Time SWTOR Players Will Remember...



- When Imperial AOE's were red


- When there was no "Unify colors" option at launch so people had rainbow outfits.


- The skill tree


- When there was no group finder


- Not getting sprint at level 1


- Saving up for a speeder at level 25


- When fleet was the only place that had the GTN


- When there was no bind timer


- 25 second cooldown on giving a gift to a companion


- When you had to pay for abilities


- The old "Tracer missle" animation


- The old "Project" animation


- Per-planet comms


- The orange pixel or "The Orange pixel of death"


- Tranfering your toons to the new merged servers


- DoT's knocking you off your mount


- The pre-Kuat generation


- No legacy


- No guild banks


- No such thing as strongholds


- No modifiable belts or bracers


- When the fleet GTN wasn't cross-faction and you had to go to Nar Shaddaa to get cross-faction GTN





Feel free to add on! :D

Edited by NoahRedden
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Only Long Time SWTOR Players Will Remember...



- When Imperial AOE's were red


- When there was no "Unify colors" option at launch so people had rainbow outfits.


- The skill tree


- When there was no group finder


- Grinding all day to get "Sprint"


- Saving up for a speeder at level 25


- When fleet was the only place that had the GTN


- When there was no bind timer


- 25 second cooldown on giving a gift to a companion


- When you had to pay for abilities


- The old "Tracer missle" animation




Feel free to add on! :D


The old Project animation

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  • Chasing after each data con before leaving a planet.
  • Illum and base holding to get a kill towards the weekly.
  • planetary comms
  • actual guild rivalries IMP Vs REP
  • the first rakghoul event on tatooine when no one knew about it and being on the fleet to hear the news flash first hand ( still have those DNA samples )
  • waiting to see which day I was getting in early access prior to launch
  • SQUAD 11-11-11


sure there's more but it's 4:20 am....

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- Grinding over and over and over for Supreme Inquisitor Set on Hoth with that Talz boss.


- Transferring your assets to the new merged servers. Having to rename all your chars cus all the names are taken.


- The epic TIonese armor sets. Which subsequently,recently started reappearing on the CM with different coloration, but there was a Window in which you could see only Old players wearing them.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Observation: not "planetary comms", but "per-planet comms"...


The item called "Planetary Commendation" came in with 2.0, replacing a different type of commendation for each planet. And real long-time players would know the difference. (I started not long before 2.0 came out, just long enough for my first character to reach Coruscant and do a bit of work there, and be frustrated that I had these "Tython Commendations" that were no longer of any use....)

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GTN being faction based but I seem to recall a cross faction terminal on Nar Shaddaa

There it was and it was pretty much the only way to send things to the other side. I am not sure if I recall this correctly, but one could not send mail to other faction long ago.

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Pretty sure the GTN terminal on Tatooine also existed right from the start. It wasn't cross-faction, but it had 2 terminals for pub side and two for imp side.


  • no legacy before 1.2.
  • no guild banks before 1.2
  • pvp on Ilum, destroying transports with shoulder cannons, mounting turrets, "crating", etc. oh, the good old days.... :rolleyes:
  • no moddable belts or bracers (or at least only as super-rare world drops)
  • people sucking at making Sents and Maras do damage
  • Operatives/Scoundrels being excluded from ops per se

Edited by KyaniteD
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Grav round armor reduction stacking up from multiple commandos.


SoA being so bugged it tested the patience of raiders to the extreme.


Heavy Fabricator SM having 16 man health (or HM health, i forget) and gating a lot of guilds from progressing.


DPSing big npcs (rancor type of things?) on Belsavis and taking time to benchmark DPS in guild.

Edited by Ruskaeth
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Carefully choosing which abilities to train at level up because I couldn't afford to train them all at once for the money from questing... and yes, at 50 I was still slugging around at the 1st speed on the CE mount because that was the only one I had.
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