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SWTOR Duelling Tournament - Round 1C: Selenial vs Tunewalker


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its not my fault....

Lol I know its not your fault Tune It's the government I don't blame you.


Why did you remove you edit Tune?To answer your question I would say stronger then Vader and on his way to being on Sidious level.I believe during ROTJ he was just about to start on the path to reach his true potential in the force.

Edited by Jarons
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Lol I know its not your fault Tune It's the government I don't blame you.


Why did you remove you edit Tune?To answer your question I would say stronger then Vader and on his way to being on Sidious level.I believe during ROTJ he was just about to start on the path to reach his true potential in the force.


The reason I did it, was fear it would start another debate that people didnt want to have, since it was directly related to Kyp's displays during his training which suggests near RotJ if not RotJ Luke Levels. Which is contrary to this idea that "Kyp is Ventress level" I dont want to continue this debate to much more, those who believe Kyp isnt a top level force user believe that, those that believe he is

. They both have their reasons, and I am going to argue that he is, if you arent ready for that in a debate then its going to be hard, and it will likely turn into this, because honestly its easier to prove he is, then it is to disprove. Edited by tunewalker
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