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sage/sorc bubble through electronet


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Is it possible that you dolts have made mercs even less useful? Previously, I could at least be marginally useful in pvp by getting a net on the focused sage/sorc before I get melted down by your 4 stun assassin/shadow (which is another topic entirely, about which I'm fairly certain that your balance team went in for discount brain surgery). Is this effect now purged by the bubble in error, or did you design this just to cram the shaft further up this class's collective rear end?


Either way, this is just silly beyond all point of belief. I watched a sage bubble on the second tick of electronet once, thought something must be wrong, then watched him do it again the next round.

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Is it possible that you dolts have made mercs even less useful? Previously, I could at least be marginally useful in pvp by getting a net on the focused sage/sorc before I get melted down by your 4 stun assassin/shadow (which is another topic entirely, about which I'm fairly certain that your balance team went in for discount brain surgery). Is this effect now purged by the bubble in error, or did you design this just to cram the shaft further up this class's collective rear end?


Either way, this is just silly beyond all point of belief. I watched a sage bubble on the second tick of electronet once, thought something must be wrong, then watched him do it again the next round.


Get netted > CC breaker > Force Barrier > Laugh


Edited by Mediocre-Nova
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Lol these threads make me chuckle


I wanted to tell him to just get gud, scrub. But that's mean and I'm not mean.




Is it possible that you dolts have made mercs even less useful? Previously, I could at least be marginally useful in pvp by getting a net on the focused sage/sorc before I get melted down by your 4 stun assassin/shadow (which is another topic entirely, about which I'm fairly certain that your balance team went in for discount brain surgery). Is this effect now purged by the bubble in error, or did you design this just to cram the shaft further up this class's collective rear end?


Either way, this is just silly beyond all point of belief. I watched a sage bubble on the second tick of electronet once, thought something must be wrong, then watched him do it again the next round.


Get gud, scrub

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Or just not get bent out of shape about it since our nets are up more (twice as?) often than force barrier.


Except force barrier is about the only thing in the game that enet is actually useful for anyways. In almost every other situation is going to be more effective to just hard CC the target.

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You have to draw out their CC breaker with a stun/burst combo before you go for the real kill with e-net. Don't be predictable with your netting.


In 4 v 4 (which I think is the situation the OP is referring to) we don't even live long enough to get a stun/burst and enet off. In a desperate attempt to save your own behind, e-net is that one thing you pop just to get some damage numbers on the board and hope you can at least help your team in some way.

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You do know Force Barrier is a CC breaker right? It is in fact off the GCD. Sages therefore have 2 CC breakers (as do sorcs) and that is without talents that allow it to heal them (which I have on my Sage and its quite handy).
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You do know Force Barrier is a CC breaker right? It is in fact off the GCD. Sages therefore have 2 CC breakers (as do sorcs) and that is without talents that allow it to heal them (which I have on my Sage and its quite handy).


Force Barrier is not immune to the 'Hinder' effect which e-net applies. Hinder locks out the use of Force Barrier and Force Speed. Only the main CC break can purge the hinder effect.

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