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PvP Power Leveling Bug? Rumor?


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Can someone prove this? Cause I have yet to see even a single screenshot showing these level 30+'s


There was a screen shot in the PVP forums of a guy who hit 40. However, he took it down after attracting the Dev's attention. I did see the shot though.

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You would know I don't know what I am talking about how?


Are you just assuming because my account is new?

Are you assuming because I do not have an avatar?


Where are you pulling this from? Please do tell me considering I have been playing since wave four today. Do tell, I am anxious to hear.


Uhhh It's very simple to understand that someone has no idea what they're talking about by how they explain things. Only one assuming anything is you.....thats the point i was making.... Comprehension FTW!

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I highly doubt he would lie about that...knowing the first thing people love to do is to prove Devs/Mods/Community Admins wrong.


There would be an influx of those SS'


However, I still believe that this is a huge issue that needs a resolution soon.

Edited by Bloodylittle
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bioware fails. This is where you just go ahead, you had your beta testing, now launch your preorder people in plz. Looking stupid trying to give the same answer for everything. Lets face it. Reality is bioware will do NOTHING against the people who exploited and used this advantage. They can't, its not the players fault, its the way the game was made.


Also bioware will launch 4 waves tomorrow and probably will still have under populated servers. They need to get over themselves, off their high horses and just release early launch to all pre order people. Seriously you arne't gonna "stress test" your servers. People will be asleep when some are awake, people have jobs, people do stuff other than play a game. My word is it that hard to think of stuff that people do other than sit and refresh email 20k times a day?


Thoroughly upset with bioware's service and reactions. Im not even expecting till weekend to get in which idc thats fine, i got exams ect... but like come on for the people that want to get in and deserve it. Grow up bioware.


Go back to runescape. I love these post, "I dont care, really i dont care. NO I DONT CARE PLEASE BELIEVE ME I DONT CARE. WHY DONT YOU BELIVE ME I DONT CARE. i think everyone else should play, i mean i would to i dont care. I DONT CARE i dont wanna play, BUT WHY IS IT SO UNFAIR!!!!! I WANNA PLAYYYY WHAAAAA!!!!!"

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There is an incredibly easy fix to this. If a PVP match ends due to insufficient players, no xp or commendations are awarded. Not a fraction of it, just zero. Anyone who gained XP from PVP matches has their account looked at and a certain amount of XP removed based on the number of games they exploited. Its not worthy of bans - most likely they meant no harm doing it to begin with and realized they were getting a huge xp boost, and just used it - who wouldn't - but their ill-gotten gains should be negated, that's for sure.
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This is a game breaker for me. BW cannot be so stupid as to not understand the inherent unfairness of this. Why bother PVPing when you will get wiped by players that will always be ahead.


Why have PVP up up at all if you fail so badly at this launch you don't have enough people?


Are you all that stupid 1%?

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EU Jarkais Sword is the server where that happens, so you can see for yourself. And keep in mind that his is a EU server, and the player in question did not get in in the first wave


SS probably wont happen for fear of banning, and frankly, I dont want nor need to prove it to the community, just give StephenReid the pointer where to look. It shouldnt be a problem for him quickly checking that server and having a look. Its Light Side, if that helps.

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this is a game breaker for me. Bw cannot be so stupid as to not understand the inherent unfairness of this. Why bother pvping when you will get wiped by players that will always be ahead.


Why have pvp up up at all if you fail so badly at this launch you don't have enough people?


Are you all that stupid 1%?



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Hello all,


The Live Services and development teams are aware of the reports on this issue, and we're investigating. We'll take appropriate action against any players who are found to be exploiting the game in any way.


Thanks for your patience while we look into the issue.

Is this a joke?
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it's getting really quiet in here from the "i saw it!" front...


did everyone accidently delete all their beta screenshots while reinstalling the client?


no, they are too busy using the pvp xp boost to hit 50 before bioware does anything tommorrow

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