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companion suggestions for strong holds


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Really only 2 suggestions that I would love to see added


1) No more holo image,[/b] or keep holo image but add a physical companion option complete with gear/outfit they are dressed in.[/b]


The holo image a nice idea but I would really like to be able to put solid companions through out my strong holds


2) Allow us to mark movement paths for above solid companions


So they wouldnt stand in one place but you could preset them to move about your strong hold


This could also be done for all the other NPC types and even pets and mounts


Love the yavin stronghold but it feels so inactive

Allowing pets/mounts/companions/NPCs movement in the stronghold would make strong holds feel more alive and active.

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RB]1) No more holo image,[/b][/b] or keep holo image but add a physical companion option complete with gear/outfit they are dressed in.[/b]

Everybody who suggests this overlooks the same question: If I'm on with a character who has that companion, then it should be the gear that that character's version of the companion has, no problem (sort of, see below), but what about when I'm not on a trooper. Which of my different troopers' versions of Aric should it be?


Now, about that "see below" part. Or rather, those two "see below" parts.


First, what should you see if the character doesn't have that companion yet?


Second, if you add Aric on Trooper One, and then log onto Trooper Two, which Aric should you see? Some people will want the deco to look the same on all their characters, while others will want it to change according to the Trooper you log on as, and then to do something weird if you aren't logged on as a Trooper.

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Id be perfectly happy if companions showed up as their default appearance and gear instead of the holos.


Sadly all the guys who want to fill their strongholds full of female companions dressed like prostitutes would whine and cry so loud that wed all go deaf :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Id be perfectly happy if companions showed up as their default appearance and gear instead of the holos.


Sadly all the guys who want to fill their strongholds full of female companions dressed like prostitutes would whine and cry so loud that wed all go deaf :p


agreed, any version of them not being holos is acceptable, the holos are rediculously stupid, I dont think the prostitute companion dressers should be listened too

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what i would like to see added to this, is all companion conversations be allowed in the stronghold, including the ones meant for the ship, the stronghold is suppose to be a place of refuge, so it should allow the ship conversations, currently is a glorified cantina
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what i would like to see added to this, is all companion conversations be allowed in the stronghold, including the ones meant for the ship, the stronghold is suppose to be a place of refuge, so it should allow the ship conversations, currently is a glorified cantina


Some of the convos require specific areas of the ship. Then there are convos with holocalls and the like that they walk around in. Not really changeable sadly.


"Amiral Malcontent" is a prime example of just this type of thing... :D


Still giggle over that one...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Kalfear, I really like this idea!

I would really enjoy to see the companions a real decorating item (and I would NOT dress my female companions as prostitute! lol)

For example, I have a "Jedi Temple" and I would really like to see solids jedis companions in my fortress instead of this plenty collection of holos!!!

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