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Are we the fans to blame for Disney's focus on content surrounding the OT?

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This is precisely why I hate the Star Wars fandom. You can't please them. No matter what Disney does, roughly half the fanbase will get mad. Such is the way any argument goes nowadays, only two sides, of which everyone is expected to pick one.

Well no one's nuking the prequels. So that portion is safe. If they hadn't nuked the EU that portion would be safe.


So who are you talking about?

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Ok I'm lost, what the hell is a Revenant trilogy?


Something he invented.

Like the post-SOR Frostbite 3 Engine switch, the mandatory raiding and HM during leveling in the expansion after SOR (Which would be more mature and edgy) and the Arcanist class who used magic.

Since all of that obviously came true (What do you mean it didn't?), the Revenant trilogy has too be announced too.

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I posted this to a reply to someone in the SWTOR general discussion in a thread asking if SWTOR was cannon. I figured I could get some more responses if I posted it here for others to see. Well, here it is:



Unfortunately, Disney and Katheleen Kennedy has listened to much to the people complaining about the Prequel trilogy to the point where Disney only believes that content centered around Original trilogy content is profitable. I mean the post ROTJ trilogy is essentially going to be fanservice to the original trilogy. The anthology films they announced thus far are OT focused such as the plans to steal the Death Star blueprints as well as a rumored Han Solo "origin story". Then Clone Wars (prequel trilogy focused) was cancelled in favor of Rebels.....which is original trilogy focused. Finally, the novels that are coming out now ALL are centered around content of the OT or this new sequel trilogy and even the sequel trilogy is closer to that of the OT due to returning characters and such.


At the end of the day, I think we the fans are to blame. Say what you want to say about George Lucas or the prequels, but at the end of the day, the Star Wars lore was thriving under GL. Hell, prior to the Disney buyout, we were going to explore the "Pre Force/Pre-Jedi" era in the Dawn of the Jedi series of novels and comics which took place about 25,000 years before the movies!!!! And about 21,000 years before KOTOR! Then you had all the Clone Wars content of comics, novels, and shows and of course the much post ROTJ content. However, since Disney took over, they want to change Star Wars into something that is only OT focused because thats where they believe the money is at because we complained about the prequels not "feeling" like the OT. They took the complaints literally and have decided to disband anything that doesn't "feel" like the OT which includes content set in the Old Republic Era.


Hell, even Star Wars Battlefront from DICE has levels and factions ONLY from the OT era, despite the fact that the fact that Battlefront 2 featured Prequel Trilogy/Clone Wars content HEAVILY in it and it was (is it still is?) the highest selling Star Wars videogame of all time.


Essentially, Disney has issued an Order 66 on anything Star Wars that does not relate to the OT in some way, shape, or form and it is a damn shame because Star Wars is so much more than just the stories, locations, factions, and characters of the OT. Yes, that is where it started, but it has evolved so much past that but Disney just wants to ignore that and make it to where Star Wars IS ONLY the OT and things that relates to it. It seems like under Disney, they aren't focused on expanding the universe (pun intended) but rather cashing in on Original Trilogy fan-service that people didn't get with the prequels. Hell, the entire marketing campaign regarding Force Awakenings is nothing but OT fan service of saying, "See! No CGI!.....See! Han, Luke, and Leia!!!!.....See! Storm Troopers and the Millenium Falcon!"


HOPEFULLY, Disney's honeymoon period with the SW fans will end and people will see just how constrained the Star Wars brand has become under Disney and people will get tired of seeing/playing/reading Star Wars content that basically all takes place in the same damn era/timeframe. People would want to move further in the timeline or backwards to experience fresh Star Wars stories the same way we did back in 2003 with KOTOR or in 2012 with Dawn of the Jedi.






So after declaring the old EU not canon, and starting a new continuation, where did you think they were going to start?


Never Minding the fact that anyone who is something in the movie industry, who discovered Star Wars as a child, and that's 1977 not 1999, now peaks in their prime career wise!?


To carry on after the OTs was what the expanded universe was all about some 35 to38 years ago, there's a life time of fans there, give me a good reason why they shouldn't get a continuation to the OTs!?


I worked with children, 10 - 12 years olds, back when the PTs first came out, I was thrilled to see their enthusiasm surrounding Star Wars, I like to call it their Star Wars. I didn't really disliked the PTs, they just wasn't what I wanted them to be until the last 30-45 minutes of E3, never watched the TCW until the Disney Purge, but I came to take it all to heart, accepting that George Lucas vision wasn't my vision. And again that was what the EU came to be in the long run, the fans vision for the franchise more than Lucas'.


I'm both sad and enthusiastic by the Disney purge, we're all getting a restart, one more run if you like, If you been there from the start and now realize it all gonna be brand new for a second time, what can I say, just the outlook of being able to enjoy, discuss Star Wars with my future grandchildren is a remarkable feeling.


I waited 20 years for the PTs, and I have waited 16 more for the the story I grew up with to continue on the big screen, I feel I paid my dues as a Star Wars fan mate and it is for those fans that E 7 seven is intended for.


But hey, in about 10 - 15 years you gonna have the kids who grew up with Rebels on your back;)


And by the way, my latest, and still of sorts, Star Wars fetisch, was 'Dawn of the Jedi', my Swtor baptism was

KoToR 1, my wedding to the era was KoToR 2 which is the best game of the two. Why my friend is it impossible to like or even love it all? and as far as disney goes, they know how to make a buck, so you will get yours, eventually, but are you as much a fan as you can stomach to wait for it some odd 40 years?

Edited by t-darko
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My two cents:


Keep in mind, the first movie I remember seeing in the theaters was Empire Strikes Back. I am a huge Star Wars Fan and love Sci-fi as a whole. I purchased the movies on VHS, then on DVD. All 6 of them... I grew up on OT and PT was a good return to the Universe I grew up with.


Now, I'm the type of person that doesn't care what the Fanbois and Fangrrls are crying about. I want to see the next chapter and how it carries on the Universe. All This speculation just causes me to roll my eyes and shake my head.


I feel that JJ Abrams take on Star Trek is awesome. BUT you have to look at it from an Alternate Universe Theory prospective. Then it was awesome to see how he adopted a lot of the iconic scenes in his vision to the classic films... I don't get into the SW vs ST debate... I love both.


There was no purge. The material is still available. You can still read, watch and enjoy, but they are not concepts and SLs that are included in the new films (Maybe... I've heard a few things being added to canon from EU). I still own the Dark Force Rising Trilogy and I'm not giving that up either...


Much ado about nothing...

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  • 2 weeks later...
So after declaring the old EU not canon, and starting a new continuation, where did you think they were going to start?


Never Minding the fact that anyone who is something in the movie industry, who discovered Star Wars as a child, and that's 1977 not 1999, now peaks in their prime career wise!?


To carry on after the OTs was what the expanded universe was all about some 35 to38 years ago, there's a life time of fans there, give me a good reason why they shouldn't get a continuation to the OTs!?


I worked with children, 10 - 12 years olds, back when the PTs first came out, I was thrilled to see their enthusiasm surrounding Star Wars, I like to call it their Star Wars. I didn't really disliked the PTs, they just wasn't what I wanted them to be until the last 30-45 minutes of E3, never watched the TCW until the Disney Purge, but I came to take it all to heart, accepting that George Lucas vision wasn't my vision. And again that was what the EU came to be in the long run, the fans vision for the franchise more than Lucas'.


I'm both sad and enthusiastic by the Disney purge, we're all getting a restart, one more run if you like, If you been there from the start and now realize it all gonna be brand new for a second time, what can I say, just the outlook of being able to enjoy, discuss Star Wars with my future grandchildren is a remarkable feeling.


I waited 20 years for the PTs, and I have waited 16 more for the the story I grew up with to continue on the big screen, I feel I paid my dues as a Star Wars fan mate and it is for those fans that E 7 seven is intended for.


But hey, in about 10 - 15 years you gonna have the kids who grew up with Rebels on your back;)


And by the way, my latest, and still of sorts, Star Wars fetisch, was 'Dawn of the Jedi', my Swtor baptism was

KoToR 1, my wedding to the era was KoToR 2 which is the best game of the two. Why my friend is it impossible to like or even love it all? and as far as disney goes, they know how to make a buck, so you will get yours, eventually, but are you as much a fan as you can stomach to wait for it some odd 40 years?


I understand but that still doesn't answer the question as to what Disney will do with other eras outside of the ST timeline. Will all of the EU now going forward be based around the OT and ST? Or will will eventually get more Old Republic/Pre-Republic stories?


This is my argument, that Disney will just circle around and milk the hell out of the OT/ST content while not expanding SW to anything beyond that.


Does Disney want to grow the brand or do they just want to contain it to a period in which they can be highly profitable?

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Once the new movies are finished, assuming they are hits, I'd love to see new movies set far in the future. Why not jump ahead in the timeline a 1000 years or so post-RoTJ?


You could get many of the same benefits as setting the game prior to the OT, as you could have a setting populated by large numbers of both Jedi and dark side users. By jumping forward rather than backward in the timeline they also wouldn't have to worry about tiptoeing around previously established canon, so the writers would have a freer hand to write the story they want to write.

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I posted this to a reply to someone in the SWTOR general discussion in a thread asking if SWTOR was cannon. I figured I could get some more responses if I posted it here for others to see. Well, here it is:



Unfortunately, Disney and Katheleen Kennedy has listened to much to the people complaining about the Prequel trilogy to the point where Disney only believes that content centered around Original trilogy content is profitable. I mean the post ROTJ trilogy is essentially going to be fanservice to the original trilogy. The anthology films they announced thus far are OT focused such as the plans to steal the Death Star blueprints as well as a rumored Han Solo "origin story". Then Clone Wars (prequel trilogy focused) was cancelled in favor of Rebels.....which is original trilogy focused. Finally, the novels that are coming out now ALL are centered around content of the OT or this new sequel trilogy and even the sequel trilogy is closer to that of the OT due to returning characters and such.


At the end of the day, I think we the fans are to blame. Say what you want to say about George Lucas or the prequels, but at the end of the day, the Star Wars lore was thriving under GL. Hell, prior to the Disney buyout, we were going to explore the "Pre Force/Pre-Jedi" era in the Dawn of the Jedi series of novels and comics which took place about 25,000 years before the movies!!!! And about 21,000 years before KOTOR! Then you had all the Clone Wars content of comics, novels, and shows and of course the much post ROTJ content. However, since Disney took over, they want to change Star Wars into something that is only OT focused because thats where they believe the money is at because we complained about the prequels not "feeling" like the OT. They took the complaints literally and have decided to disband anything that doesn't "feel" like the OT which includes content set in the Old Republic Era.


Hell, even Star Wars Battlefront from DICE has levels and factions ONLY from the OT era, despite the fact that the fact that Battlefront 2 featured Prequel Trilogy/Clone Wars content HEAVILY in it and it was (is it still is?) the highest selling Star Wars videogame of all time.


Essentially, Disney has issued an Order 66 on anything Star Wars that does not relate to the OT in some way, shape, or form and it is a damn shame because Star Wars is so much more than just the stories, locations, factions, and characters of the OT. Yes, that is where it started, but it has evolved so much past that but Disney just wants to ignore that and make it to where Star Wars IS ONLY the OT and things that relates to it. It seems like under Disney, they aren't focused on expanding the universe (pun intended) but rather cashing in on Original Trilogy fan-service that people didn't get with the prequels. Hell, the entire marketing campaign regarding Force Awakenings is nothing but OT fan service of saying, "See! No CGI!.....See! Han, Luke, and Leia!!!!.....See! Storm Troopers and the Millenium Falcon!"


HOPEFULLY, Disney's honeymoon period with the SW fans will end and people will see just how constrained the Star Wars brand has become under Disney and people will get tired of seeing/playing/reading Star Wars content that basically all takes place in the same damn era/timeframe. People would want to move further in the timeline or backwards to experience fresh Star Wars stories the same way we did back in 2003 with KOTOR or in 2012 with Dawn of the Jedi.







The OT and PT are part of the Star Wars sagas. The Prequels, while not as good as the originals were still great additions to the saga.


What makes me a little angry is that the new Battlefront game ignores the PT era. It seems like they just want to ignore the prequel movies.

Edited by CristanoJedi
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Once the new movies are finished, assuming they are hits, I'd love to see new movies set far in the future. Why not jump ahead in the timeline a 1000 years or so post-RoTJ?


You could get many of the same benefits as setting the game prior to the OT, as you could have a setting populated by large numbers of both Jedi and dark side users. By jumping forward rather than backward in the timeline they also wouldn't have to worry about tiptoeing around previously established canon, so the writers would have a freer hand to write the story they want to write.



But would Disney even allow that? This is my point. Like you, I would love SW to be expanded 1000 years or so after EP9 but I doubt Disney will do that because they would rather play it safe and stick with what people know such as Han Solo spinoff movies or anything that is connected to the OT.


Again, my fear is that Disney does not want to grow the universe of SW, they just want to milk a certain segment of it to the point where SW becomes stale under Disney.

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Simple answer No.


The fans and complainers have nothing to do with it, this is just a good business model. The OT is what the world knows, all the characters, places, tech and how they are connected. This is the base you build a brand on, sense you want the largest audience, you don't fly off into areas that only the major fans know about.


If you look at it the Prequels were just an extension of the OT as well. It had well known characters and planets and even shinier versions of known tech from the OT, it was just filling in the universe that the broad audience already knew.


The development of an EU is a thing that is primarily for the book world. The movie and media world needs to keep to the known areas in order to put people in the seats, at least for a time. At some point maybe they can/will move into extended areas and tell other stories, which if you look at it is the path they are on. Episode 7 is 30 years after RotJ, this is a handing over of the torch to the next generation thing and then going beyond the OT.

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Simple answer No.


The fans and complainers have nothing to do with it, this is just a good business model. The OT is what the world knows, all the characters, places, tech and how they are connected. This is the base you build a brand on, sense you want the largest audience, you don't fly off into areas that only the major fans know about.



See, thats where I disagree. There is a new generation of SW fans, many kids who grew up with the Clone Wars cartoon amd thus to them, that IS Star Wars, even the OT to them is "old". This is what people need to understand, not everyone grew up with the OT nor did everyone get into SW because of the OT. To some kids, Anakin and Ahsoka are the main heros, not Luke and Leia and Han. When I goto the toy section in stores I see more Anakin dolls/toys than I see of Luke.


So this idea that everyone values the OT more is just original SW fan elitism. 20-25 years from now SW would have evolved so much beyond the OT to the point where the OT is just that "very old" SW film and a new set of fans would have emerged and brought up on a new set of films.


This OT worship will not last forever.

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Personally I prefer OT era, when trained force users are few and far between. Makes the stakes more interesting when there is less force magic ex machina to go round.


Plus the thing I have always loved about Star Wars is the physics defying space battles.

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See, thats where I disagree. There is a new generation of SW fans, many kids who grew up with the Clone Wars cartoon amd thus to them, that IS Star Wars, even the OT to them is "old". This is what people need to understand, not everyone grew up with the OT nor did everyone get into SW because of the OT. To some kids, Anakin and Ahsoka are the main heros, not Luke and Leia and Han. When I goto the toy section in stores I see more Anakin dolls/toys than I see of Luke.


So this idea that everyone values the OT more is just original SW fan elitism. 20-25 years from now SW would have evolved so much beyond the OT to the point where the OT is just that "very old" SW film and a new set of fans would have emerged and brought up on a new set of films.


This OT worship will not last forever.


Totally agreed, especially if The Force Awakens is good. It will introduce a lot of new people to Star Wars and they may not care for the six others (And, apart from the similarity with "A New Hope", the fact that TFA isn't numbered "VII" in the title is exactly because of that.).

I think right now, Disney should have focuses on the 30 years period between ROTJ and TFA, except of course if it were to spoil a major reveal in TFA. But then, they should start telling those stories and not just say "Nothing happenened for 30 years, deal with it".

And I am quite tired of seing only OT-centric material, with the exception of the Kanan comics. Star Wars is indeed so much more than that (Despite being non-canon anymore, SWTOR is the proof of that.)

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And I am quite tired of seing only OT-centric material, with the exception of the Kanan comics. Star Wars is indeed so much more than that (Despite being non-canon anymore, SWTOR is the proof of that.)

I too like the older era, but I like older older era, like Hyperspace Wars era. I remember reading those comics as a kid and being enthralled by the idea of lightsabers that required plugs to energy packs, a planet that was so close to its moon for a time that you could ride winged monstrosities from the moon to the planet, and all of the great old sith lore. Then it was all followed up with the Freedon Nadd uprising story, and Exar Kun and Ulic.


Really I can do with out all the post KotOR era / prequel era nonsense of the decadent republic and massive Jedi nonsense.

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I too like the older era, but I like older older era, like Hyperspace Wars era. I remember reading those comics as a kid and being enthralled by the idea of lightsabers that required plugs to energy packs, a planet that was so close to its moon for a time that you could ride winged monstrosities from the moon to the planet, and all of the great old sith lore. Then it was all followed up with the Freedon Nadd uprising story, and Exar Kun and Ulic.


Really I can do with out all the post KotOR era / prequel era nonsense of the decadent republic and massive Jedi nonsense.


The Tales of the Jedi comic was filled with excellent ideas but I found the art style very poor most of the time and some design choices (Like spaceships that seemed to be made of stone) were dubious. I would like to explore that era again, maybe with a slight rework of the design and a new artist.

The only comic I remember to have found even more ugly was Dark Empire and it's sequels. Characters looked blurry and everything was blue and yellow.

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The Tales of the Jedi comic was filled with excellent ideas but I found the art style very poor most of the time and some design choices (Like spaceships that seemed to be made of stone) were dubious. I would like to explore that era again, maybe with a slight rework of the design and a new artist.

The only comic I remember to have found even more ugly was Dark Empire and it's sequels. Characters looked blurry and everything was blue and yellow.


His art style was a little weird for Star Wars, but was perfect for his Red Star series. He also cleaned it up for the Redemption story he did were Ulic trains Sunrider's daughter and redeems himself in the force.

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His art style was a little weird for Star Wars, but was perfect for his Red Star series. He also cleaned it up for the Redemption story he did were Ulic trains Sunrider's daughter and redeems himself in the force.


Indeed, Redemption looked very good.

It's just that, when you think of it, Kotor is a pretty terrible followup to Tales of the Jedi in regards to visual design.

In less than 30 years, you go from space castle to generally OT-inspired ships.

(I still like Tales of the Jedi and love Kotor but it doesn't really fit together :D)

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Indeed, Redemption looked very good.

It's just that, when you think of it, Kotor is a pretty terrible followup to Tales of the Jedi in regards to visual design.

In less than 30 years, you go from space castle to generally OT-inspired ships.

(I still like Tales of the Jedi and love Kotor but it doesn't really fit together :D)


Its a lot like the prequel to OT where you made older tech look newer. That actually might be fertile ground for a story, how the repressive Empire lead to a sort of backwards slide in technological acumen.


But thanks for reminding me about the space faring Sith citadels, now I want to explore one in game.

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