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Huge FPS drops On A High End Computer


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Everyone's getting fps like yours Rishi. It's just how the game is. i7 4770k, overclocking is not even helping. There is a certain performance barrier this game just can't go over it seems. People saying that they've no problems aren't telling the truth. They just don't pay attention / don't mind / aren't boggled by such fps drops. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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There is so much misinformation in this thread. He should be able to run SWTOR just fine with his current setup. I love that no one has asked him about any test cases involving other games or applications to see how they are running on his configuration. When someone has issues it's best to try and narrow the issue down.


My current rig has a first generation i7 with settings for SWTOR at ultra getting a consistent 60 fps, sometimes higher. I added an app the other week and all of the sudden my fps was down in the teens. It was odd because I used to get great performance in SWTOR and BF4 at mostly ultra with no AA was netting me 60-70 fps. After a bunch uninstalling & reinstalling I found an app unrelated to SWTOR was causing the problem. Now I dual-boot to another OS when I need to use that app and SWTOR runs great again.


The idea of just telling him to run out and buy new hardware as the first option is just silly. That CPU is more than capable to handle any current game. It's more likely the RAM if anything that bottlenecks his Titan, since you're supposed to have 24GB recommended with that gpu.


Regardless, he should getting good performance with SWTOR and that hardware. It might take sometime, but better to uninstall or use some restore points and figure out where the performance started dropping than to go buy new hardware that might give you the same problems in the same software environment.

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An even less expensive one is Intel Core i5-4690K Processor 3.5 GHz LGA 1150

Are any of these less expensive ones good enough for gaming?

The sweet spot for gaming is an Intel i5-4xxx - any model - and the best of those (currently) is the i5-4690K


The Hyperthreading in an i7 is of no benefit to SWTOR, or most games - and can actually reduce performance in some situations. So don't spend the extra money on an i7 unless you actually use some pro or semi-pro apps that can make use of the extra threads.


And don't forget, you will need a new motherboard as well. If you're not into overclocking and don't have masses of hard drives and other devices, a basic B85 or H97 chipset based motherboard will do just fine.

If you do plan to overclock, or think you might later, go for a Z97 based motherboard that has the features you want. (And a good CPU cooler such as the CM Hyper 212 EVO)

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I tried this the other day with VSR and whilst it worked nicely and helped remove the jaggies I just found fonts etc. too small from the native 1440p I'm used to. Interesting though as forcing AA through CC gave me more of a performance hit than VSR did ( and really didn't help that much with the jaggies, super sampling 8x did but the performance hit was a bit annoying ).


Yeah, unfortunately if i remember scaling tops out for the UI at 1.25? With 4x DSR, I think I would need maybe 1.75, preferably 2-2.5.


Everyone's getting fps like yours Rishi. It's just how the game is. i7 4770k, overclocking is not even helping. There is a certain performance barrier this game just can't go over it seems. People saying that they've no problems aren't telling the truth. They just don't pay attention / don't mind / aren't boggled by such fps drops.


False, but whatever.


There is so much misinformation in this thread....


It's more likely the RAM if anything that bottlenecks his Titan, since you're supposed to have 24GB recommended with that gpu..


That second sentence is so ironic given your first. You clearly have zero clue about any of this.

Edited by SuspectDown
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I tried this the other day with VSR and whilst it worked nicely and helped remove the jaggies I just found fonts etc. too small from the native 1440p I'm used to. Interesting though as forcing AA through CC gave me more of a performance hit than VSR did ( and really didn't help that much with the jaggies, super sampling 8x did but the performance hit was a bit annoying ).


I'm not sure if you guys are aware of this UI scaling method. I will quote it here.

Now I am not going to say this is going to be the solution, also make a backup of the xml files so you can copy back if need.


Now if you do

•Press the [Windows] Key + [R] at the same time.

•Copy the following in to the text box and press ok: %localappdata%\swtor\swtor\settings


Go to the folder called GUIProfiles , these are your UI settings for each character .


Now in these you will find a section like below, now this says global scale is set to 1.1 , see if it will allow past the 1.25 you can manually do in the interface editor.




<GlobalScale Value="1.100000" Type="3"/>


<EnableMovableWindows Value="0" Type="2"/>




Sorry haven't tried it myself about to go to bed , but this may be what you are looking for


link to the original post: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=768857

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Huh. I had no idea the CPU would have so much relevance. I've always thought that the GPU was the most important factor in increasing game performance. So, upgrading just the CPU would fix this FPS problem I have, you think?


I wouldn't count on a cpu upgrade to be the end-all of your troubles.


I'm using a 2600k, which is 100mhz slower than your 2700k, and my performance is perfectly fine. I'd keep digging. Something else is causing your performance problems. The cpu you have should be more than enough power for this game.


Edit: I should also mention I use a moderate OC on my 2600k to bump it up to 4.7 GHz. If you aren't over-clocking, then your 2700k is only 3.5-3.9 GHz with turbo boost enabled. I tend to assume anyone running an Intel cpu with a K in the model number is over-clocking though, so we're probably fairly close in cpu power. Even if you aren't though, a stock 2700k is still plenty of power for SWTOR.

Edited by Orizuru
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There is so much misinformation in this thread. He should be able to run SWTOR just fine with his current setup. I love that no one has asked him about any test cases involving other games or applications to see how they are running on his configuration. When someone has issues it's best to try and narrow the issue down.


My current rig has a first generation i7 with settings for SWTOR at ultra getting a consistent 60 fps, sometimes higher. I added an app the other week and all of the sudden my fps was down in the teens. It was odd because I used to get great performance in SWTOR and BF4 at mostly ultra with no AA was netting me 60-70 fps. After a bunch uninstalling & reinstalling I found an app unrelated to SWTOR was causing the problem. Now I dual-boot to another OS when I need to use that app and SWTOR runs great again.


The idea of just telling him to run out and buy new hardware as the first option is just silly. That CPU is more than capable to handle any current game. It's more likely the RAM if anything that bottlenecks his Titan, since you're supposed to have 24GB recommended with that gpu.


Regardless, he should getting good performance with SWTOR and that hardware. It might take sometime, but better to uninstall or use some restore points and figure out where the performance started dropping than to go buy new hardware that might give you the same problems in the same software environment.


60 FPS @ ultra consistently in operations and pvp?


His CPU is running at 3.5 so he could take the time to overclock older hardware to try get performance increases or just buy new hardware if he can afford it ( which was mentioned ). Money doesn't seem to be such an issue so an upgrade to yield an extra 1 Ghz without overclocking or aftermarket cooling would be a pretty significant upgrade.


As to your 24 ram comment that was an old error on NVidia's part - https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/819411/geforce-900-series/titan-x-minimum-system-requirements/4/ , maybe not speak of misinformation without checking your own facts?


Add to that of course no one anywhere I've seen has reported issues running with less Ram ( even SLI'd Titan X's on 16 Gig of ram ) and it supports that you really don't need 24 gig of ram to run that card and to think you would need it for this CPU bound game is even more funny, you will never come close to denting the pwoer of that card with this game at the resolution the OP is running, I doubt you would get close to even using 2 Gig of the VRAM let alone 12.

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The sweet spot for gaming is an Intel i5-4xxx - any model - and the best of those (currently) is the i5-4690K


The Hyperthreading in an i7 is of no benefit to SWTOR, or most games - and can actually reduce performance in some situations. So don't spend the extra money on an i7 unless you actually use some pro or semi-pro apps that can make use of the extra threads.


And don't forget, you will need a new motherboard as well. If you're not into overclocking and don't have masses of hard drives and other devices, a basic B85 or H97 chipset based motherboard will do just fine.

If you do plan to overclock, or think you might later, go for a Z97 based motherboard that has the features you want. (And a good CPU cooler such as the CM Hyper 212 EVO)


He did mention he wants something that will last several years and be future proof so whilst the i5 will be up to the task now it may not be over the next couple of years of topline performance with directx 12 ( as we begin to see more thread/core utilisation in gaming ). They key point is affordability - he's not mentioned price being an issue so the i7 is the best choice for future proofing.


Normally I also advise against i7's but if people are looking for future proofing, price isn't a major problem and play more than just this game then the i7 is a good choice.


Also again the Z97 will allow more future proofing on the off chance he wants to add a second Titan X ( lol, why not though if you can afford it ) and the price difference is fairly negligible as opposed to having to change the entire M/B again down the track if he did want to go SLI.

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He did mention he wants something that will last several years and be future proof so whilst the i5 will be up to the task now it may not be over the next couple of years of topline performance with directx 12 ( as we begin to see more thread/core utilisation in gaming ). They key point is affordability - he's not mentioned price being an issue so the i7 is the best choice for future proofing.


Normally I also advise against i7's but if people are looking for future proofing, price isn't a major problem and play more than just this game then the i7 is a good choice.


Also again the Z97 will allow more future proofing on the off chance he wants to add a second Titan X ( lol, why not though if you can afford it ) and the price difference is fairly negligible as opposed to having to change the entire M/B again down the track if he did want to go SLI.


Yeah if the new Direct X 12 is going to need what a new i7 processor - but not an i5 processor - provides, then I rather go with that. I play a lot of different games - new and old - and I rather rest assured knowing that the components I have will be able to keep up with the new technology (such as Direct X 12). Also, getting a new Titan X is within my budget, but I rather stick to a single video card because of the hassle and because I heard that having two of the same video cards would increase performance by 50% at best. The price required for this is not worth it to me.


I wanted to thank everyone again for helping me with this (I've read every post) - it's made things a lot easier for me going forward.

Edited by BellsofGuilt
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The worst FPS drops I get are on Rishi, the lowest value being 23 FPS in the slums. Every planet that has expansive terrain, such as Balmorra or Alderaan, I also get large FPS drops. I play with every graphical variable maxed on a 2560 x 1440, 32'' monitor. My question is are the FPS drops the fault of the game or my computer? Every other game I play has a 50 - 60 FPS on maxed out settings (I use vertical Sync). If it's my computer, does anyone have a suggestion of how to increase the FPS in this game?


Here are my computer's specifications:


GPU: Geforce GTX Titan X


CPU: Intel® Core i7-2700k CPU @ 3.50 GHz


Memory: 16 GB Ram


And I use the Windows 7 Operating System.

Your rig is MORE than fine.

The game engine is not.


People WILL say it's your rig, they need to protect Bioware by saying the game run very smooth on their $1,200 rig.

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Yeah if the new Direct X 12 is going to need what a new i7 processor - but not an i5 processor - provides, then I rather go with that. I play a lot of different games - new and old - and I rather rest assured knowing that the components I have will be able to keep up with the new technology (such as Direct X 12). Also, getting a new Titan X is within my budget, but I rather stick to a single video card because of the hassle and because I heard that having two of the same video cards would increase performance by 50% at best. The price required for this is not worth it to me.


I wanted to thank everyone again for helping me with this (I've read every post) - it's made things a lot easier for me going forward.


It won't NEED i7 CPUs, the hope ( along with mantle and opengl to a degree ) is that with the new API it will be more accessible for game developers to adopt a multi threaded/core approach to their gaming meaning you will actually get more of the full capability out of your i7 CPU.


Here's a small summary of how it will work that's fairly easy to understand:




SLI/Crossfire performance increase really depends on the game, drivers, type of card etc. etc. but yes you wouldn't really expect double the performance or anything in most real world cases though 50% seems a tad low by modern standards I think? I haven't used either in quite some time ( back when I ran 8800 GT's ) but I think performance increases have increased somewhat since back then.


Here's a pretty cool example SLI 980 TI's :




And some fairly good article for modern SLI:




And of course DirectX 12 promises to take multi GPU further than ever before too as mentioned in the first article there.

Quite a few benchmarks around for SLI'd Titan X's too and 505 seems the smaller end of the performance gain.


Surprisingly SLI Titan X's doesn't use as much power as I thought it would in SLI looking into it which is cool.



Personally I will be waiting for the new AMD Zen CPU next year ( hopefully early or I'll skip it ) to see if finally AMD puts something out that can do the older single thread/core performance better otherwise I'll be going I7 for the first time also in a means of future proofing for DX12 since like you I play a ton of other games than just SWToR and will be looking to finally take full advantage of multi threading in gaming.

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It won't NEED i7 CPUs, the hope ( along with mantle and opengl to a degree ) is that with the new API it will be more accessible for game developers to adopt a multi threaded/core approach to their gaming meaning you will actually get more of the full capability out of your i7 CPU.


Here's a small summary of how it will work that's fairly easy to understand:




SLI/Crossfire performance increase really depends on the game, drivers, type of card etc. etc. but yes you wouldn't really expect double the performance or anything in most real world cases though 50% seems a tad low by modern standards I think? I haven't used either in quite some time ( back when I ran 8800 GT's ) but I think performance increases have increased somewhat since back then.


Here's a pretty cool example SLI 980 TI's :




And some fairly good article for modern SLI:




And of course DirectX 12 promises to take multi GPU further than ever before too as mentioned in the first article there.

Quite a few benchmarks around for SLI'd Titan X's too and 505 seems the smaller end of the performance gain.


Surprisingly SLI Titan X's doesn't use as much power as I thought it would in SLI looking into it which is cool.



Personally I will be waiting for the new AMD Zen CPU next year ( hopefully early or I'll skip it ) to see if finally AMD puts something out that can do the older single thread/core performance better otherwise I'll be going I7 for the first time also in a means of future proofing for DX12 since like you I play a ton of other games than just SWToR and will be looking to finally take full advantage of multi threading in gaming.


Thanks for all the links to places that explain what all this means. You've been more than helpful. Thanks Menace-NZ.

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60 FPS @ ultra consistently in operations and pvp?


His CPU is running at 3.5 so he could take the time to overclock older hardware to try get performance increases or just buy new hardware if he can afford it ( which was mentioned ). Money doesn't seem to be such an issue so an upgrade to yield an extra 1 Ghz without overclocking or aftermarket cooling would be a pretty significant upgrade.


As to your 24 ram comment that was an old error on NVidia's part - https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/819411/geforce-900-series/titan-x-minimum-system-requirements/4/ , maybe not speak of misinformation without checking your own facts?


Add to that of course no one anywhere I've seen has reported issues running with less Ram ( even SLI'd Titan X's on 16 Gig of ram ) and it supports that you really don't need 24 gig of ram to run that card and to think you would need it for this CPU bound game is even more funny, you will never come close to denting the pwoer of that card with this game at the resolution the OP is running, I doubt you would get close to even using 2 Gig of the VRAM let alone 12.


I stand corrected. Perhaps not misinformation more than updated information. That was on the official Nvidia site last I checked, which I should apologize for mentioning without revisiting to see that my information was current. Also it might not have been worded the best, but I didn't mean to say he was having a bottleneck with the RAM for GPU more than to say if there was something bottle necking the GPU it was not the CPU as it should be fine even though it's a couple generations back. As mentioned earlier, I stand corrected on the RAM comment.


As for my CPU, it's an 5660x overclocked to 4.41 Ghz and it does stay around 60 with occasional drops in OPs and PVP. Granted OP doesn't have an overclock, his CPU is generation better than mine, minus two cores (SWTOR doesn't use more than 4 I thought, so that's moot.) The majority of my post really does stand in that he shouldn't need to buy new hardware. This especially the case for solely this game when everyone before me was telling him his first option should be to buy new stuff.

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I stand corrected. Perhaps not misinformation more than updated information. That was on the official Nvidia site last I checked, which I should apologize for mentioning without revisiting to see that my information was current. Also it might not have been worded the best, but I didn't mean to say he was having a bottleneck with the RAM for GPU more than to say if there was something bottle necking the GPU it was not the CPU as it should be fine even though it's a couple generations back. As mentioned earlier, I stand corrected on the RAM comment.


As for my CPU, it's an 5660x overclocked to 4.41 Ghz and it does stay around 60 with occasional drops in OPs and PVP. Granted OP doesn't have an overclock, his CPU is generation better than mine, minus two cores (SWTOR doesn't use more than 4 I thought, so that's moot.) The majority of my post really does stand in that he shouldn't need to buy new hardware. This especially the case for solely this game when everyone before me was telling him his first option should be to buy new stuff.


I still maintain that the CPU is the bottleneck in his case and an upgrade will indeed give him performance boosts, significantly so just by the stock speeds of the newer i7 alone.


I don't think anyone really implied his first option was to upgrade but when I tend to see Titan X my first logical destination is the user is probably keen to get absolute maximum performance out of games possible.

Then when I saw the comment of OP not realising the importance of the CPU in this game I believe the best bet is indeed an upgrade to get the most out of the GPU in all games, the boost from turbo on the 4790k alone will give pretty substantial gains, especially in this game.


At the end of the day some people can easily afford high end hardware and don't want to muck around trying to stabilise an overclock on their older hardware to get similar performance gains.

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I still maintain that the CPU is the bottleneck in his case and an upgrade will indeed give him performance boosts, significantly so just by the stock speeds of the newer i7 alone.


I don't think anyone really implied his first option was to upgrade but when I tend to see Titan X my first logical destination is the user is probably keen to get absolute maximum performance out of games possible.

Then when I saw the comment of OP not realising the importance of the CPU in this game I believe the best bet is indeed an upgrade to get the most out of the GPU in all games, the boost from turbo on the 4790k alone will give pretty substantial gains, especially in this game.


At the end of the day some people can easily afford high end hardware and don't want to muck around trying to stabilise an overclock on their older hardware to get similar performance gains.


His gpu is definitely bottlenecked on the cpu. A 2700k simply can't keep up with a Titan X. My 4.7 GHz 2600k has bottlenecked a GTX 770 during benchmarks, so I see no reason to deny that a Titan X risks being bottlenecked on a stock 2700k. But this game doesn't need a lot of gpu power, so that isn't really an issue here.


I still think that cpu has enough power, even at stock speeds, for this game though. I'd be curious to see the full hardware profile of the rig. I think it's more likely he has a mid-tier mobo that is either locked into a slow internal bus speed, or has a bios that uses default settings that prevent full utilization of the available bus.


Even with the bad engine this game uses, there is no reason to say this game requires a Haswell cpu to run well.


Edit: Especially when you consider there are a number of threads here and in the technical support forum where people with good Haswell cpus are having the same exact problem as the OP.

Edited by Orizuru
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He needs to overclock his CPU, it's that simple. His performance gains will be HUGE. SWTOR is CPU limited, nothing changes that. Unless he plays at 4K or above, he'll never utilize that Titan X in this game either.


Can't harp this enough on this forum: The easiest way to increase performance is to have an overclocked Intel CPU, Sandy Bridge or better, 4.0+ GHz.

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He needs to overclock his CPU, it's that simple. His performance gains will be HUGE. SWTOR is CPU limited, nothing changes that. Unless he plays at 4K or above, he'll never utilize that Titan X in this game either.


Can't harp this enough on this forum: The easiest way to increase performance is to have an overclocked Intel CPU, Sandy Bridge or better, 4.0+ GHz.


Or in the case of money not being an issue buy a CPU that does 4.5 stock which was the point I've been trying to point across but people seem to read as "misinformation" or as "you must use this" - no excusing poor comprehension for some people.

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