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if your 50 now, what are u actually doing?


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Have absolutely no sympathy for anyone that rat-races to max level and has nothing to do or no one to do end-game content with. I hope you have tons of fun being bored stiff while the rest of us take our time and enjoy the content. Of course hitting max level in so short of time is your choice so enjoy it.
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One question: why rush through this game already knowing how short it was going to be, and how low the level cap was? Of course the only things to do were going to be PvP and sitting around crafting junk while queuing up for raids and playing with your guild. Get a job/girlfriend or start playing other games. Problem solved.



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Your kidding me right? I have played a good 6-10 hours every day for those entire 13 days and I am level 34... those who are higher level than me did rush to their level and missed datacrons and other things. They also played many more hours than me... truthfully anyone at 50 right now rushed there most certainly...


Actually, stopping to get the datacrons while you're levelling is a HUGE waste of time. most of them are out of the way, in enemy territory, or in elite areas. Going back to get them when you have your top tier riding skill (which is not only faster, but protects you from being knocked off your speeder when hit), and when you dont agro most of the mobs/elites is much, MUCH more efficient.


I hit 50 2 days after launch, while leveling solo as a healer (with a tank companion for the most part). I did every quest on every planet except tatooine (space missions ended up levelling me ahead of my quests, so i'm now going back to quest tatooine).


Just got my last datacron (except for the 1 bugged one and the one insane gathering one on Belsavis) yesterday, all professions at 400. Granted, i'm on vacation from work, and am not very big into christmas, so i dont have the big family commitment most people have this time of year, and i had 6 days of early access.


Point being, i didnt rush, and only skipped quests when it was pointless for me to do them (ie, they were grey because i was too high level from doing pvp/space mission dailies, which, again, was only on tatooine), and did NOT rush. People seem to assume that if you leveled quicker than them, you MUST have rushed, and that's just not the case.


Right now i'm focusing on doing dalies (there are daily commendations on belsavis, ilum, and correllia) for epic barrels/armoring, gearing up my companions (tank, healer, and dps companion), and doing intermittent amounts of pvp. A few of my guildies hit 50 yesterday, and should be finishing their class quests today, and then we'll start doing flashpoints together.

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I seriously -love- all you people that are calling people that are 50 already "no life rushers that didnt enjoy the game"


Either you're jealous that the'yre more efficient levelers then you and you're slow at leveling, or just plain Naive.


#1. It's the end of the year holidays, many people are on vacation, theres lots of play time to be had.


#2. There are tons of us who played beta, leveld up, watched all the cutscenes, hunted datacrons etc. Come retail we are completly justified in "rushing" to 50, as we have already seen the game. I assure you, not a damn thing changed between CBT and retail.


#3. leveling to 50 is ridiculously easy in this game, this is not your average MMO that takes 2 months to reach max level, 2 weeks is fine. Personally, i was a day 3 second wave preorder (ordered early nov) and I am 43 right now, i plan to be 50 by thursday/friday.


Lastly, stop being self entitled *****s and judging others how they play the game.

Edited by Xarem
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I seriously -love- all you people that are calling people that are 50 already "no life rushers that didnt enjoy the game"


Either you're jealous that the'yre more efficient levelers then you and you're slow at leveling, or just plain Naive.


#1. It's the end of the year holidays, many people are on vacation, theres lots of play time to be had.


#2. There are tons of us who played beta, leveld up, watched all the cutscenes, hunted datacrons etc. Come retail we are completly justified in "rushing" to 50, as we have already seen the game. I assure you, not a damn thing changed between CBT and retail.


#3. leveling to 50 is ridiculously easy in this game, this is not your average MMO that takes 2 months to reach max level, 2 weeks is fine. Personally, i was a day 3 second wave preorder (ordered early nov) and I am 43 right now, i plan to be 50 by thursday/friday.


Lastly, stop being self entitled *****s and judging others how they play the game.


#1. In no way is this a valid argument. Many people are on vacation. Many people are NOT. The only day Ive taken off in the past 2 weeks was Christmas day, and only then because everywhere is closed.


#2. Anyone who did this obviously didn't think before doing so. Everybody I know who was in the beta (I also participated) deliberately chose classes and or factions they wouldn't be rolling as there mains when the game did come out. If you could have restrained yourselves everything would still be brand new on launch day. To people who repeated everything they did in the beta, YOU chose to play the same story/quests/areas over again. How can you blame anyone else for being bored?


#3. This is irrelevant. whether its easy or difficult it comes down to TIME. Believe me i can sit in front of a monitor for hours on end like its nobody's business, but this hasn't been an option for me, as I'm sure it hasn't been for many others. I got in day 2 of early access and my highest character is only 26 (i have 5 other characters also). It is utterly beyond me why someone would "plan" to be level 50 this early into release.


Understand this. If you "plan" to be 50 at any point, Congratulations, you have completely missed the point of this game.

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Waiting for them to fix the bugged BH story line so I can get my lead-in to Ilum and actually do the dailies, one of which gives an epic enhancement every day.


The fact that they FORCE you to use a lead-in, break the quest chain (which was bugged on beta and reported), and then don't remove the lead-in requirement, is truly rediculous. Then they ignore your CS tickets.

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It's been 13 days (almost two weeks), since Early Access Day 1


"you rushed to 50" isn't a valid argument for you people to use anymore


Yes it absolutely is, the majority (who you refer to as "you people") will take at least a month to hit max level

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I've tried to get groups together for 50 PvE Content, and tried to get 50 only Warzone Premades together; but there just aren't enough 50s running around


I don't think this will change with time either. The problem doesn't seem to be a lack of people at level 50, due to leveling; but rather, most people lose interest, and stop playing before they even hit 50


very true, by 25 i canceled my account, 14 year mmo player. this game just isnt fun to play. Static dead world, one of the worst I have seen. I miss games like EQ where you went into unrest and mobs pathed around and it was dangerous. Here you just follow the cut path, avoid mobs that just stand there and shoot ones you need to very safely. If you die your probe pops you up right where you are. Id rather walk to my corpse then do all the walking walking walking walking walking walking between each quest.

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I hit 50 last night.

I plan to:


  • Go through every planet and make sure i've completed every single mission on each planet.
  • Find all the datacrons on each planet and all the lore objects.
  • Get all my skills to 400 (2x done already).
  • Raise my companions affection to the max on all of them.
  • Improve my gear.
  • Sell stuff I craft on the GTC to make some money.


By the time i've done all that I imagine a lot more people will be level 50.


This guy gets it.

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It's been 13 days (almost two weeks), since Early Access Day 1


"you rushed to 50" isn't a valid argument for you people to use anymore


Um, it is. Really it is. After a month from EGA, then maybe I agree. End game takes a lot of people, and the vast majority of the player base is FAR behind.

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#1. In no way is this a valid argument. Many people are on vacation. Many people are NOT. The only day Ive taken off in the past 2 weeks was Christmas day, and only then because everywhere is closed.


#2. Anyone who did this obviously didn't think before doing so. Everybody I know who was in the beta (I also participated) deliberately chose classes and or factions they wouldn't be rolling as there mains when the game did come out. If you could have restrained yourselves everything would still be brand new on launch day. To people who repeated everything they did in the beta, YOU chose to play the same story/quests/areas over again. How can you blame anyone else for being bored?


#3. This is irrelevant. whether its easy or difficult it comes down to TIME. Believe me i can sit in front of a monitor for hours on end like its nobody's business, but this hasn't been an option for me, as I'm sure it hasn't been for many others. I got in day 2 of early access and my highest character is only 26 (i have 5 other characters also). It is utterly beyond me why someone would "plan" to be level 50 this early into release.


Understand this. If you "plan" to be 50 at any point, Congratulations, you have completely missed the point of this game.


lol, so your rebuttal to my statement of vacations not being valid is because YOU dont have time off that means other people dont have time off and chose to spend it playing TOR? Listen to yourself here buddy.


Secondly, as a CBT'er, I was one of those who chose to play shadow in both beta and retail, as I said while im not 50 yet, I am in no way bored; furthermore, I have plenty of things i want to do once i hit 50 including PVP, maxing social and helping my lower level friends/guildies level. With this in mind I will go on record and say the OP is a moron for complaining about a lack of people at 50 already.



To your third rebuttal, you go on to a redundant statement about #3 about how -you- or others havent had the time to level. Again, some people have more free time/vacation time then others, this is shocking, I know but try to grasp the concept. You have 5 characters which is why you're highest is only 26? That's great! Personally, I hate having multiple alts until I finish leveling one, again this is personal preference, you do your thing we'll do ours.


And of course lastly. There is no "point" to the game besides playing it how you decide to play it, the only true objective is the game is to play through your class story. Like I said, people choose to spend their time playing it their own way, I do not see how you people get off telling others how they should play their game.

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I've tried to get groups together for 50 PvE Content, and tried to get 50 only Warzone Premades together; but there just aren't enough 50s running around


I don't think this will change with time either. The problem doesn't seem to be a lack of people at level 50, due to leveling; but rather, most people lose interest, and stop playing before they even hit 50


That is so much BS. Game has only been on retail shelves for a week. Stop spewing crap unless you know what your talking about.

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very true, by 25 i canceled my account, 14 year mmo player. this game just isnt fun to play. Static dead world, one of the worst I have seen. I miss games like EQ where you went into unrest and mobs pathed around and it was dangerous. Here you just follow the cut path, avoid mobs that just stand there and shoot ones you need to very safely. If you die your probe pops you up right where you are. Id rather walk to my corpse then do all the walking walking walking walking walking walking between each quest.


Sir you already posted your /quit thread. Why are you still here if you are not going to post anything new or constructive?

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Sir you already posted your /quit thread. Why are you still here if you are not going to post anything new or constructive?


perhaps that he pays his money to do so? It is as constuctive as those that are pushing dual specc and macros.

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Your kidding me right? I have played a good 6-10 hours every day for those entire 13 days and I am level 34... those who are higher level than me did rush to their level and missed datacrons and other things. They also played many more hours than me... truthfully anyone at 50 right now rushed there most certainly...


Right, because you're slow as hell everyone else had to of "rushed"... "puuuh-lezz"

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-join a guild

-create an alt

-help newbies run stuff

-run random instances/flashpoints solo on hard to get to know your class better

-get all your crew skills to max (if they aren't already)

-make bank off the AH

-take a break?


Honestly, lots to do, it just sounds like someone who rushed to 50 and is now "mad" they have to wait. Well, its going to be a long wait bro, just check out how many people are in midtier zones during peak hours (probably less than 100-150 in Dromund, most under 18). You've probably got a couple weeks before lots of people are 50.

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It's been 13 days (almost two weeks), since Early Access Day 1


"you rushed to 50" isn't a valid argument for you people to use anymore


Yes, it still is. Normal to casual gamers are in the high 30s to low 20s. Perfectly normal not to expect a horde of 50s even at this time.

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I really don't mean any trolling but :


I hit 50 last night.

I plan to:


  • Go through every planet and make sure i've completed every single mission on each planet.
  • Find all the datacrons on each planet and all the lore objects.
  • Get all my skills to 400 (2x done already).
  • Raise my companions affection to the max on all of them.
  • Improve my gear.
  • Sell stuff I craft on the GTC to make some money.


By the time i've done all that I imagine a lot more people will be level 50.


Considering the necessary stuff to perform all of those, this list doesn't sound exciting at all ...

Is it really all that is left to do at 50 ?

Edited by kineticdamage
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lol @ "rushed to 50 isn't a valid argument"......uhhhh you do realize a LOT of people were NOT in Early Access, or they rolled alts, etc etc etc


Instead of "rushing to 50", I rolled a few alts that I knew I would be playing. I could have a 50 by now, but I instead took my time and leveled 3 chars to 25 (along with work, my bf, shopping, exercising, cooking, cleaning, etc)


Seriously, try a different class. You might be as surprised as I was when I rolled an alt and grew to love it just as much as my planned main.:p

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I just want to point out that this game was released just before Christmas. What do you guys expect from people? A lot of us are enjoying this game between visits to family, opened gifts, dinners with friends, and enjoying some well earned time off at the end of the year. I have three characters under level 10. I didn't get early access, I got the game for Christmas, and I won't hit 50 for probably 2-3 weeks because I still raid in WoW and have been hitting Skyrim too.


I'm sure I'm not alone here. Wait until mid-January and then start complaining. If you're level 50 you're in the stark minority of players, I can assure you. Go outside, have some time with friends/family and come back in a week.

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Rushing to 50, not rushing to 50; it really doesn't matter, because once you get there it is going to come down to do you like grinding the rep eatables that must exist in MMO's for it to survive.


In DAoC, all there was to do at 50 was PvP but it was incredibly fun, yet in Warhammer with the same basic philosophy, the game sucked. This game will have the standard MMO end game choices and those that like what Bioware presents will stay. There will be plenty of things for folks to do, this game is pretty refined and loaded and set up for growth.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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