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if your 50 now, what are u actually doing?


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since i reached 50 3 days ago i didnt do anything at all... i want to to pve but its imposible to find any party for hard mode flashpoints... there are an acceptable number of others 50 but they looks like sleepeing or something because they dont do anything too, ive spend hours trying to find group but nothing, i guess i must wait weeks to do some pve :/


now i wish we had a lfg tool...


also i am hoping for extended space content

Edited by Stormag
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I've tried to get groups together for 50 PvE Content, and tried to get 50 only Warzone Premades together; but there just aren't enough 50s running around


I don't think this will change with time either. The problem doesn't seem to be a lack of people at level 50, due to leveling; but rather, most people lose interest, and stop playing before they even hit 50

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What on Earth were you expecting would happen if you raced to 50?


Why don't you start an alt? If you got to 50 in the short time this game has been out then I'm sure you could get another to 50, by which time others will have caught up to you.


It's been 13 days (almost two weeks), since Early Access Day 1


"you rushed to 50" isn't a valid argument for you people to use anymore

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It's been 13 days (almost two weeks), since Early Access Day 1


"you rushed to 50" isn't a valid argument for you people to use anymore


Your kidding me right? I have played a good 6-10 hours every day for those entire 13 days and I am level 34... those who are higher level than me did rush to their level and missed datacrons and other things. They also played many more hours than me... truthfully anyone at 50 right now rushed there most certainly...

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Seriously. It's lonely at the top. The game is 7 days old ( for those of us not in Beta/Pre release), most people aren't 50, and won't be for sometime. when the curve on level 50's increases i'm certain they'll be plenty to do.


Unfortunately, if your not into PvP you'll just have to wait for the masses before they'll be stuff to do.

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My husband and I hit 50 3 days ago as well. At the time, there were only 2 other 50s on Republic side for us, now I think there are 6 of us or so. We all met up in Ilum and did some flash points & dailies.


Now we've taken to PvPing, crafting armor (and trying to better procs with reverse engineering), going back and mopping up quests we skipped, as well as datacron hunting while we wait for everyone else to catch up.


So, not so boring for us :)

Edited by lilsoapspudz
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I've tried to get groups together for 50 PvE Content, and tried to get 50 only Warzone Premades together; but there just aren't enough 50s running around


I don't think this will change with time either. The problem doesn't seem to be a lack of people at level 50, due to leveling; but rather, most people lose interest, and stop playing before they even hit 50


Hehe you just whine on every post dont you, so here goes: Dear Shadysketchy please stop playing this game.

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I hit 50 last night.

I plan to:


  • Go through every planet and make sure i've completed every single mission on each planet.
  • Find all the datacrons on each planet and all the lore objects.
  • Get all my skills to 400 (2x done already).
  • Raise my companions affection to the max on all of them.
  • Improve my gear.
  • Sell stuff I craft on the GTC to make some money.


By the time i've done all that I imagine a lot more people will be level 50.

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since i reached 50 3 days ago i didnt do anything at all... i want to to pve but its imposible to find any party for hard mode flashpoints... there are an acceptable number of others 50 but they looks like sleepeing or something because they dont do anything too, ive spend hours trying to find group but nothing, i guess i must wait weeks to do some pve :/


now i wish we had a lfg tool...


also i am hoping for extended space content

PvP'ing a lot. To more people hit 50 there just not a lot we can do for the end game. I have been helping people in my guild level also. A lot of the PvP items are sweet.

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Your kidding me right? I have played a good 6-10 hours every day for those entire 13 days and I am level 34... those who are higher level than me did rush to their level and missed datacrons and other things. They also played many more hours than me... truthfully anyone at 50 right now rushed there most certainly...

Then you've wasted a lot of time as it doesnt even take 30h to reach lvl 30

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Um, yes it is?


Ummm no it isnt...


If your so narrow minded to believe its not your own fault you raced to the top level and skipped half the content, which you have obviously done, OR you have played an un godly amount of hours...Then yes, Deal with it, its your own fault, stop complaining, go back and finish the content and wait for everyone else who is playing the game for what it is, to catch up....:mad:


Day 1 Early access, Lvl 35, have all datacrons, all areas unlocked that ive been to and played average of 6 hours a day....:rolleyes:

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'Raced to 50'? People have had this game almost 2 weeks, alot of people have been off work due to Christmas. Why try to justify yourlself not being 50 by knocking people who are? At this point, if you are 50 or not, its really irrelevent.


In reply to the original question. Ive been PVPing, doing dailies, and helping real life friends with group quests and instances. The one endgame instance I did was bugged, but still completed it.

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I don't think this will change with time either. The problem doesn't seem to be a lack of people at level 50, due to leveling; but rather, most people lose interest, and stop playing before they even hit 50





bad troll is bad

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I hit 50 last night.

I plan to:


  • Go through every planet and make sure i've completed every single mission on each planet.
  • Find all the datacrons on each planet and all the lore objects.
  • Get all my skills to 400 (2x done already).
  • Raise my companions affection to the max on all of them.
  • Improve my gear.
  • Sell stuff I craft on the GTC to make some money.


By the time i've done all that I imagine a lot more people will be level 50.


All of this. Plus Improving gear on my companions. Play alts on both sides. Theorycraft. Do PvP and do end game FlashPoints and Operations with guildmates (We're already running EV on normal mode on a regular basis)


As well as other guild events.


There's loads to do.

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Ummm no it isnt...


If your so narrow minded to believe its not your own fault you raced to the top level and skipped half the content, which you have obviously done, OR you have played an un godly amount of hours...Then yes, Deal with it, its your own fault, stop complaining, go back and finish the content and wait for everyone else who is playing the game for what it is, to catch up....:mad:


Day 1 Early access, Lvl 35, have all datacrons, all areas unlocked that ive been to and played average of 6 hours a day....:rolleyes:


Fallacious argument


Across all Servers, there are enough 50s to at least do Flashpoints with; just not enough per-server, for every Server


A cross-Server LFG, and cross-Server 50s only Warzone Bracket would solve this problem entirely. We could start getting geared up, and actually play the game, while we wait for people on our individual Servers to get to 50, and then we start Raiding

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I just think there should've been a 'Rushers' server where all those who screamed their way through to 50 without doing a balanced set of all tasks pretty much get what they deserve.


Whatever illusions many people may be under, the reality is that many of us have 6+ alts and are steadily building them up depending on what they are, who is available to play with (since most of the time PuGing is a PITA). We're enjoying every classes' stories, exploring every area of the map, doing every sidequest, sending out missioning, doing all the space combat missions, practicising new ideal-techniques for combat, and even getting into PvP a bit (which isn't really all that much fun anymore now we've realised there's no level bracketing so too many people have too many powers and just turkey-shoot the lower levels over and over.


So in the meantime, y'all sit around a couple of weeks after launch and be EVER so proud of yourselves for slamming through a game that was intended for you to take months to get through the content (without skipping dialogue) with all the different classes and extras....and you can wait for normal folks who had work, fiancees, family, friends, parties and real physical interaction between human beings to deal with over the holidays (and the build-up to them). We're on our way - but no matter how much you want it - we aren't going to rush our way through when we want to savour every little morsel this game has to offer.

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I just think there should've been a 'Rushers' server where all those who screamed their way through to 50 without doing a balanced set of all tasks pretty much get what they deserve.


Whatever illusions many people may be under, the reality is that many of us have 6+ alts and are steadily building them up depending on what they are, who is available to play with (since most of the time PuGing is a PITA). We're enjoying every classes' stories, exploring every area of the map, doing every sidequest, sending out missioning, doing all the space combat missions, practicising new ideal-techniques for combat, and even getting into PvP a bit (which isn't really all that much fun anymore now we've realised there's no level bracketing so too many people have too many powers and just turkey-shoot the lower levels over and over.


So in the meantime, y'all sit around a couple of weeks after launch and be EVER so proud of yourselves for slamming through a game that was intended for you to take months to get through the content (without skipping dialogue) with all the different classes and extras....and you can wait for normal folks who had work, fiancees, family, friends, parties and real physical interaction between human beings to deal with over the holidays (and the build-up to them). We're on our way - but no matter how much you want it - we aren't going to rush our way through when we want to savour every little morsel this game has to offer.


It's a pity people throw around the same old cliches.


I've a wife, daughter and job. As well as visiting family at Christmas. All of which have received attention since the game was released.


I have been doing PvP, Datacrons, Flashpoints, crafting, world bosses. I've done all the quests without once spacing through dialogue. I've thoroughly enjoyed the game so far, it's fantastic and I'm savouring every moment.


I'm not flaunting that I'm 50, I'm not rubbing it people's faces as an achievement, and neither are my guildmates.

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