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The Official Mount/Vehicle Wishlist Thread

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My serious choice would be a brezak or Zygerrian gliding lizard as seen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. A nice touch perhaps would be to extend the jump mechanic to allow for actual gliding.


My humorous choice would be an eopie like the one that farted in Jar-Jar's face in Phantom Menace. Obviously...lolz...if the flourish would make it actually fart in game...that would be totally epic. Yes it would make Vaiken Spacedock and Carrick Station unbearable to be in...but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Rofl!

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Not sure if this has been said yet, but I'd really like to see (from a Roleplaying perspective) and enhanced Force Speed style mount...


That and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for flying mounts though I realise the futility of that at the moment!

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1.Kell dragon, as people here already said(we have a pet dragon but i SOOO ENVY STYRAK!!)


2. tharanta (becouse it is awesome! maybe if it is not possible to fly in 3-dimentional, so that mount can raise a bit or lower down. Monunta anyway have different haight here - rancor an example, raise character high from the groud - so if that mount can change the visual height of @flying@ would be cool)


3. walkers or cars with closed cocpit - as it was already said, almoust all of mounts made the way that youcan see char sitting in them. But sometimes you wanna a closed venicle, wich "covers" you from the outside nature - like you know i'm riding in the snow deserts of Ilum or Hoth, Temp there is below zero soooo on open speeder in real life the character would freeze to death... and etc. i do love hovertank from NIM EC becoue char is INSIDE it *_*


4. Aclay mount - becoue it would be cool =D


5. mounts that allow the other player to sit it - aka use the passanger seat in the mounts tht already exist or would be made. Czerka one an examole have passanger seat... nad hey i wanna be able to sit i nthe car of my friend and let him drive it onward! =D while i'll go grab tea lol))) not to say that it would be a BIG step in whole RolePlaying thing.


6. another type of flying chars - these are awesome to no end =D


7. small trasher? =D


8. just for the fun of it - SANDCRAWLER!!! miniversion))))

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First of all, maybe vehices for 2 and more persons?


And now some mounts I want to see badly:


1 RIC-920 Rickshaw

You can remember it from Atack of the Clones

A Rickshaw driven by a RIC-920 Serv-O-Droid. RIC-series droids are reliable and versitile droids that serve in many capacities, including acting as rickshaw drivers on Outer Rim worlds.



2 X-34 Landspeeder

Canonic vehicle from the New Hope

Can be used by 2 persons



3 Eopie

The mammals Qui-Qon used on tattoine




4 Nightsister speeder



5 combat speeder used by Grievous(not a wheelbike)



6 Pongeeta-class swamp speeder



7 Praxis Mk. I turbo speeder



8 AeroChaser


Edited by a_rush
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are you *********** serious? this is on the list of your priorities? what we want to ride? How about sorting out x-realm pvp for **** sake, or the ******** of other bugs in the game. How this game has managed to survive this long is a *********** miracle
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