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Concerned about "one faction" and only one main story line "outlander"


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Folks that are defending BW, do you not understand that you are killing the game? Every time you settle for their hype you are taking more and more money out of your pockets (and ours) and giving it to them for what is a sub-standard MMO at a standard subscription price.


15 dollars / euros a month for a few hours of story? When other subscription and even non-subscription models are turning out much deeper dungeons/raids/PVP content in expansions and updates for the same price? Hey if they want to focus on single-player story, it's their business, but then stop masquerading as an MMO on par with WoW or GW2 or whatever and drop the subscriptions. Charging a monthly fee for a very, VERY shallow RPG is sick.


Let's turn this into a question:


BW, what is supposed to motivate me to continue subscribing?


Un-subscribing is the most vocal. Personally, Im going to settle for what I enjoy and pay for it if I find the price worth it. The defenders/settlers as you put it aren't taking money out of your pocket, you are doing that. Your post came across a bit contradictory, tbh. Speak with your wallet.

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Let's turn this into a question:


BW, what is supposed to motivate me to continue subscribing?


The chapters, that will be released later. If the chapters are not long enough for you or you don't like the content they add, it is your decision to unsubscribe. Because not every person likes the same thing. I will never subscribe, because of raids/pvp/dungeons, because I find them boring. I unsubscribed a few years ago, because they didn't add enough single player story and I didn't believe that they would ever add anything again, because the game had to many storylines and companions. If the chapters are too short, I will just wait a few months to get more than one chapter at a time. Like I said before raids/flashpoints/etc. wouldn't get me to subscribe the game.

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There was a lot of speculation on the forums when the game went F2P that we would never again see significant class specific or faction specific stories. The thought was that it is simply too expensive to develop that much content that only a faction of the players would experience for a game on a F2P revenue stream. You would need WOW sized subscriptions to make that financially viable.


That was two years ago and so far its been dead on.



P.S. Not that I mind, I am just glad to see that game is still in business.

Edited by Bluejayoo
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There was a lot of speculation on the forums when the game went F2P that we would never again see significant class specific or faction specific stories. The thought was that it is simply too expensive to develop that much content that only a faction of the players would experience for a game on a F2P revenue stream. You would need WOW sized subscriptions to make that financially viable. That was two years ago and so far its been dead on.

I don't know about that. Right now Bioware is planning to produce one hour of a generic single story per month. By my calculations, that's equivalent to three vanilla-scale planets per year, with all eight class stories and both faction stories.


In other words, if what they're planning with the outlander story is viable, then it seems three class story planets per year would also be viable.


Whether only a fraction of players would experience them, depends on how many alts people make… That factor might be different with the current player pace that it was a launch. Also, keeping people occupied with 1 hour of story per month seems to rely on multiple playthroughs anyway, which would even out the two approaches some in that respect.


P.S. Not that I mind, I am just glad to see that game is still in business.

Yeah. For one thing, I'm nowhere near done with the 1-50 class stories, so those will keep the occupied for years to come.


For another thing, I still regard it as something of a miracle that the eight class stories were ever made at all. When you think about it, the whole thing was really kind of a crazy idea and was probably never really financially viable.

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In other words, if what they're planning with the outlander story is viable, then it seems three class story planets per year would also be viable.


I get the feeling it's all dependant on funding, if KotFE will bring in more players and makes the old ones stay a bit longer EA will probably throw in even more money to it's development and only then, maybe we will get more screen time for our classes.

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If you're so annoyed by the game, why are you still playing? Wait, I know, because it's "cool" to complain about it and act like you have no choice because it's the only SW MMO.

Why do you do this? You know that just because someone is frustrated or annoyed or upset with the game atm, doesn't mean they dislike it as a whole. Ever have a GF bran? It's perfectly normal to be upset over something without the desire to leave it forever.

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i'd prefer a player that likes the game enough to complain about where its headed than to give up altogether and cancel their sub.


complaining, if that's what you want to call it, is someone expressing discontent or worry because they care.

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I get the feeling it's all dependant on funding, if KotFE will bring in more players and makes the old ones stay a bit longer EA will probably throw in even more money to it's development and only then, maybe we will get more screen time for our classes.

That would be cool. But my point is (as far as we're currently able to quantify), they don't need even more money. The budget they have now would work fine.

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1) There are two factions. The Eternal Empire vs everyone else that is left. The Outlander is supposed to help build that second faction.


2) What factions you choose to help are supposed to change the story. I'm not sure what you want from faction story that isn't enough.


I'm less concerned about the single story as I think they can do ok(sadly Karpyshyn doesn't write from BioWare currently), I'm more concerned with some story I can play through with friends(OPs and FP don't count for my group). It doesn't sound like we are getting anything new in that regard if the story is Outlander centric.

Edited by Sorwen
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Its akin to teaming up with the Nazi's because of a common enemy.


Well, Allies did make truce with Stalin, who was arguably as bad as Hitler, because they perceived Hitler to be the greater threat...


EDIT: And I see you guys debated it on a whole page already, so just never mind what I wrote...

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I do see your point, and based on your point, there are not that many instances where this took place, historically. I bring up the allies and USSR because that was big and needed, as well as being well known. On a lesser scale, we have the Chinese Civil War going on before the invasion by Japan, which cased the warring Chinese to pause to stop Japan's aggression. Was it perfect? No.. they stayed untrusting and eventually started to fight again with each other before Japan was defeated. They, did, however, take opportunities to team up and fight Japan when the situation would preset itself. It was a very uneasy alliance......


History disagrees with you..


The alliance of CPC and KMT was in name only.[37] Unlike the KMT troops, CPC shunned conventional warfare and instead engaged in guerrilla warfare against the Japanese. The level of actual cooperation and coordination between the CPC and KMT during World War II was at best minimal.[37] In the midst of the Second United Front, the CPC and the KMT were still vying for territorial advantage in "Free China" (i.e., areas not occupied by the Japanese or ruled by Japanese puppet governments such as Manchukuo and the Reorganized National Government of China).[37]


The situation came to a head in late 1940 and early 1941 when clashes between Communist and KMT forces intensified. In December 1940 Chiang demanded that the CPC’s New Fourth Army evacuate Anhui and Jiangsu Provinces due to its provocation and harassment of KMT forces in this area. Under intense pressure, the New Fourth Army commanders complied. In 1941 they were ambushed by KMT forces during their evacuation, which led to several thousand deaths.[38] It also ended the Second United Front, which had been formed earlier to fight the Japanese.[38]


Despite the intensified clashes between the CPC and KMT, countries such as the US and the Soviet Union attempted to prevent a disastrous civil war. After the New Fourth Army incident, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt sent special envoy Lauchlin Currie to talk with Chiang Kai-shek and KMT party leaders to express their concern regarding the hostility between the two parties, with Currie stating that the only ones to benefit from a civil war would be the Japanese. In 1941 the Soviet Union, with its closer alliance to the CPC, also sent an imperative telegram to Mao warning that the civil war would also make the situation easier for the Japanese military. Due to the international community's efforts, there was a temporary and superficial peace.


They would have never allied, and would have preferred Japanese occupation over the other side winning the Chinese Civil War, if the US and USSR did not step in and FORCE them.

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You know what?

I gave you a chance.


I was told, repeatedly, by several fellow forum-goers (even some of those on your side) that you were nothing but a Troll, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt.


But I can very clearly see now that you are not interested in actual discussion, you just want to drum up the drama.


I'm putting you on my ignore list.


Ah, darn it.


So sorry I missed my chance to change my opinion to agree with yours.


Interestingly enough, some other forum goers (presumably different ones, but you never know) said the same to me, that you are indeed the troll, finding your way into any thread that does not sing BW's praises and doing your best to make people believe your opinions are facts.


However, I do thank you, Mr Total Stranger, for giving me the benefit of the doubt. I am sure you do appreciate that I valued that chance very highly.


As for discussion with you, there is no point, there is no debate, you will never, ever see the wood for the trees when it comes to this game. You take personal insult when people disagree with your opinions.


Thanks for adding me to your ignore list, it comes as a relief to be honest.


Unfortunately it appears there are another two acolytes wandering the forums at the moment, I assume they got their glasses from the same Specsavers store that you did.

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