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Concerned about "one faction" and only one main story line "outlander"


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The fact stands that they've said there will be one hour of cutscene content.


You want to not believe them?


But don't try and pass it off as the truth.

And definately don't try and pass off the one-hour statement as a lie just because you don't believe them.

ok awesome does that mean you'll stop passing it off as truth because you do believe them?
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Through all the smoke and mirrors its looks like a very shallow plan for this expansion. No class stories, no faction specific stories. Everyone is the "same". Having rivaling factions is ingrained into Star Wars. It is part of the foundation. All this "cooperation" lately just keeps detaching itself from Star Wars in my opinion.


Lets face reality, this game had two things going for it; it had Star Wars and it had great storytelling through 8 different class stories. Its moving away from some Star Wars foundation and its trimmed down the story telling into one all encompassing vanilla story. They encouraged and even sometimes outright shamed people that complained about the lack of depth at launch to make alts and play through the class stories. Now they have completely abandoned them.


Im just not buying the hype. I think its all cost cutting and this will be a meager expansion just like all the others so far.



Look at it this way, for now....


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


Two opposing parties can or should work together against a common enemy....

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Look at it this way, for now....


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


Two opposing parties can or should work together against a common enemy....


It is a hard thing to swallow. I mean the empire isn't just an enemy due to a territorial dispute, they are out to conquer the galaxy and enslave all the inferior races. Its akin to teaming up with the Nazi's because of a common enemy. I mean, sure, you are going to turn your focus on the more immediate threat, but teaming up with and coordinating with such a hated enemy because they are the enemy of your enemy? Luckily Im able to look past things like this and enjoy the game for what it is. I'm primarily an imperial player after all. I just run into a red flag when I try to rationalize the republics rational in teaming up with us evildoers.


Edit: When I play my Pub toons, none of them condone working with the empire. They are strongly against it. My empire toons are ok with it however.

Edited by Bobs_YourUncle
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Im just not buying the hype. I think its all cost cutting and this will be a meager expansion just like all the others so far.

I think you are wise. I hope for the best...but I'm of the same opinion you are. The biggest issue I have is, we've been continually getting story updates since launch...they just came WITH Ops, FPs or the rare WZ. This marks the end of the repeatable content, not the start of anything new.

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ok awesome does that mean you'll stop passing it off as truth because you do believe them?




If a company states that their product will contain X amount of something, then that is the fact until it can be disproven.

You don't get to go around claiming it's not a fact just because you don't trust them.


Do you go around testing the individual amount of sugar in your soda can as well, because you don't trust big corporations on their word?


They say there will be one hour of cutscene content in the chapters.

I have no reason not to believe them.

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It is a hard thing to swallow. I mean the empire isn't just an enemy due to a territorial dispute, they are out to conquer the galaxy and enslave all the inferior races. Its akin to teaming up with the Nazi's because of a common enemy. I mean, sure, you are going to turn your focus on the more immediate threat, but teaming up with and coordinating with such a hated enemy because they are the enemy of your enemy? Luckily Im able to look past things like this and enjoy the game for what it is. I'm primarily an imperial player after all. I just run into a red flag when I try to rationalize the republics rational in teaming up with us evildoers.


Edit: When I play my Pub toons, none of them condone working with the empire. They are strongly against it. My empire toons are ok with it however.


Interesting you bring up the Nazi's...


This is a quote from Wiki:

"The idea that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" functioned in various guises as foreign policy by Allied powers during the Second World War. In Europe, tension was common between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union. Despite their inherent differences, they recognized a need to work together to meet the threat of Nazi aggression, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. Both U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were wary of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Joseph Stalin. However, both developed policies with an understanding that Soviet cooperation was necessary for the Allied war effort to succeed."

Edited by Themanthatisi
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If a company states that their product will contain X amount of something, then that is the fact until it can be disproven.

You don't get to go around claiming it's not a fact just because you don't trust them.


Do you go around testing the individual amount of sugar in your soda can as well, because you don't trust big corporations on their word?


They say there will be one hour of cutscene content in the chapters.

I have no reason not to believe them.

One hour total...right? So that would include ALL possible choices. That would mean if there are 3 choices on the wheel, that would be 3 pre-recorded replies...correct? If each interaction was 5-min, that's 25% of the "hour" of cinematics already...right? It could turn out to simply be 15min of "cutscenes" per character.

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Interesting you bring up the Nazi's...


This is a quote from Wiki:

"The idea that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" functioned in various guises as foreign policy by Allied powers during the Second World War. In Europe, tension was common between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union. Despite their inherent differences, they recognized a need to work together to meet the threat of Nazi aggression, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. Both U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were wary of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Joseph Stalin. However, both developed policies with an understanding that Soviet cooperation was necessary for the Allied war effort to succeed."


So the allies teamed up with the Soviets to take on the Nazi's. Were the Allies and Soviets previously at war where the Soviets were threatening to take over all of Europe in order to enslave or exterminate inferior races? Was it really as tough a pill to swallow as teaming up with the Nazi's against another common enemy? Were the Soviets analogous to the Empire? I thought the Nazi's were, which is why I used that analogy.

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So the allies teamed up with the Soviets to take on the Nazi's. Were the Allies and Soviets previously at war where the Soviets were threatening to take over all of Europe in order to enslave or exterminate inferior races? Was it really as tough a pill to swallow as teaming up with the Nazi's against another common enemy? Were the Soviets analogous to the Empire? I thought the Nazi's were, which is why I used that analogy.


I do see your point, and based on your point, there are not that many instances where this took place, historically. I bring up the allies and USSR because that was big and needed, as well as being well known. On a lesser scale, we have the Chinese Civil War going on before the invasion by Japan, which cased the warring Chinese to pause to stop Japan's aggression. Was it perfect? No.. they stayed untrusting and eventually started to fight again with each other before Japan was defeated. They, did, however, take opportunities to team up and fight Japan when the situation would preset itself. It was a very uneasy alliance......


Maybe they will do that with FE? It does not look that way, but maybe it will also be an uneasy alliance....


As for the USSR and the western Allies, thank god that turned into a cold war and not a shooting war, but after Germany was defeated, some, mainly General Patton, wanted to immediately turn on the Russians and start that shooting war (by also rearming what was left of the Wehrmacht to join in).... It would have been ugly for sure.


Your point though yes, there is no historical "exact" situation where two armies already in a large scale war, all of a sudden joined up for the fight a more threatening army or invading force (compared to FE). China's civil war is the closest one I could think of where bullets were already flying when Japan attacked (the new enemy).

Edited by Themanthatisi
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If a company states that their product will contain X amount of something, then that is the fact until it can be disproven.

You don't get to go around claiming it's not a fact just because you don't trust them.


Do you go around testing the individual amount of sugar in your soda can as well, because you don't trust big corporations on their word?


They say there will be one hour of cutscene content in the chapters.

I have no reason not to believe them.

Bioware have a track record of lying. As do many major companies. Just look at the Banks, Mattel(for price fixing) - Bioware used their 'Soon' about removing restrictions for f2p from warzones...that was in patch 2..4


We had Queshball, we had the arena map........ and two years almost to the day, still no restrictions lifted.

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4.0 can't come soon enough... nobody knows how long it will actually take to play the new story... nobody in this thread is right...


Pesimists VS Optimists from now until October... that's the only fact here and all we've got to look forward to until October.

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I do see your point, and based on your point, there are not that many instances where this took place, historically. I bring up the allies and USSR because that was big and needed, as well as being well known. On a lesser scale, we have the Chinese Civil War going on before the invasion by Japan, which cased the warring Chinese to pause to stop Japan's aggression. Was it perfect? No.. they stayed untrusting and eventually started to fight again with each other before Japan was defeated. They, did, however, take opportunities to team up and fight Japan when the situation would preset itself. It was a very uneasy alliance......


Maybe they will do that with FE? It does not look that way, but maybe it will also be an uneasy alliance....


As for the USSR and the western Allies, thank god that turned into a cold war and not a shooting war, but after Germany was defeated, some, mainly General Patton, wanted to immediately turn on the Russians and start that shooting war (by also rearming what was left of the Wehrmacht to join in).... It would have been ugly for sure.


Your point though yes, there is no historical "exact" situation where two armies already in a large scale war, all of a sudden joined up for the fight a more threatening army or invading force. China's civil war is the closest one I could think of where bullets were already flying when Japan attacked (the new enemy).


Its an interesting dynamic, and it comes out in the story some. Some republic and some imperials are staunchly against allying with their hated enemy. I hope it continues to and even moreso with the expansion, giving my goody good trooper the chance to flat out deny any cooperation with the empire. I guess with the Jedi you can rationalize it a bit in an absolutely no emotion, for the greater good kind of way, but even still lol. Its just an internal struggle for me because when I play republic I see the empire as the epitome of evil and we have no idea yet about the Eternal Empire. To really get my pub characters behind working with the Sith, they are going to have to be really bad. At least with the Revanites and Vitiate:



Not teaming up meant the destruction of the galaxy altogether.


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If a company states that their product will contain X amount of something, then that is the fact until it can be disproven.

You don't get to go around claiming it's not a fact just because you don't trust them.


Do you go around testing the individual amount of sugar in your soda can as well, because you don't trust big corporations on their word?


They say there will be one hour of cutscene content in the chapters.

I have no reason not to believe them.


Yeah man BW always delivers exactly what they say! Who needs experience-based assessments and common sense when we can be brain dead instead? lelel

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Oh look! And the thread turns into the typical cynical, pessimistic doom and gloom that persists on these forums for some reason.


Can people ever look on the bright side? Like I have said before. I'm sick of it and I'll call it out. Stop doing it. Teach yourself to be positive. Cmon people.

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Its an interesting dynamic, and it comes out in the story some. Some republic and some imperials are staunchly against allying with their hated enemy. I hope it continues to and even moreso with the expansion, giving my goody good trooper the chance to flat out deny any cooperation with the empire. I guess with the Jedi you can rationalize it a bit in an absolutely no emotion, for the greater good kind of way, but even still lol. Its just an internal struggle for me because when I play republic I see the empire as the epitome of evil and we have no idea yet about the Eternal Empire. To really get my pub characters behind working with the Sith, they are going to have to be really bad. At least with the Revanites and Vitiate:



Not teaming up meant the destruction of the galaxy altogether.


I see your reasoning again and I would venture to say, some RP'ers would also have strong feeling son this. I hope FE does have that uneasy alliance feel to it. If they blend it all together as if they are best buddies would be silly. But in order to save the galaxy from total destruction the alliance is needed, but necessarily desirable.

I do wonder how Yoda would have reacted if he had to play nice with Emperor Palpatine if a greater force came to destroy them both. As we already know, Palpatine was able to play nice while manipulating events before showing his hand.

They could do that with FE as well to some extent.... Once the Eternal empire is beaten, the Republic and Sith Empire get right back to killing each other again.

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One hour total...right? So that would include ALL possible choices. That would mean if there are 3 choices on the wheel, that would be 3 pre-recorded replies...correct? If each interaction was 5-min, that's 25% of the "hour" of cinematics already...right? It could turn out to simply be 15min of "cutscenes" per character.


Unknown at the moment, but this is the quote from lady insanity:


"Not 1 hour playtime per chapter. Like I emphasized, story content is at least 1 hour. That means FMV/cutscenes/dialogue wheel. Not gameplay. I should have been more specific in explaining that though."


Which was a clarification on the previous statement of:


" There's at least, let me reiterate, at least one hour of story content per Chapter, per month. Some of the chapters are shorter than others, some noticeably longer. How long you actually play each chapter will, of course, depend on your own playing style, but there's a lot of meat to fill you up."


So yes. It could be enterpreted as "depending on what choices you make, you can get an hour of storyline cutscenes", but it sounds alot more like "depending on your choices you will get a minimum of one hour of storyline cutscenes".


It doesn't sound like "all the combined choices and options amount to at least one hour of cutscenes" though. At least not to me.


So, to me it sounds like there's at least an hours worth of cutscenes in each playthrough of the chapter, but depending on your choices there might be more.

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Sure, BW has made promises in the past that they didn't hold.


But if you tally up the promises they've made that they've held and the ones they haven't held, you'll see that they've held far more promises than they've broken.


Logic dictates that you give them the benefit of the doubt. ;)

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Unknown at the moment, but this is the quote from lady insanity:


"Not 1 hour playtime per chapter. Like I emphasized, story content is at least 1 hour. That means FMV/cutscenes/dialogue wheel. Not gameplay. I should have been more specific in explaining that though."


Which was a clarification on the previous statement of:


" There's at least, let me reiterate, at least one hour of story content per Chapter, per month. Some of the chapters are shorter than others, some noticeably longer. How long you actually play each chapter will, of course, depend on your own playing style, but there's a lot of meat to fill you up."


So yes. It could be enterpreted as "depending on what choices you make, you can get an hour of storyline cutscenes", but it sounds alot more like "depending on your choices you will get a minimum of one hour of storyline cutscenes".


It doesn't sound like "all the combined choices and options amount to at least one hour of cutscenes" though. At least not to me.


So, to me it sounds like there's at least an hours worth of cutscenes in each playthrough of the chapter, but depending on your choices there might be more.

Yeah, that statement is rather ambiguous. I can see how you're reading it the way you are. I hope you're right Oddball. I don't think you are...but I very sincerely hope I'm wrong.

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Yeah, that statement is rather ambiguous. I can see how you're reading it the way you are. I hope you're right Oddball. I don't think you are...but I very sincerely hope I'm wrong.


I hope so too.

And I say that with the warmest intent.


Although, I fully expect that there will be like one chapter (probably the tutorial one) that's 58 minutes or something and I'll have to go back here and apologize and admit to being completely and utterly wrong because one chapter was 2 minutes shorter than a full hour. :rolleyes: (and it won't matter if 4 other chapters are 3 hours long, they'll focus on that one chapter)


Although, admittedly, I'm not expecting that from you. Just some others around here.

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Folks that are defending BW, do you not understand that you are killing the game? Every time you settle for their hype you are taking more and more money out of your pockets (and ours) and giving it to them for what is a sub-standard MMO at a standard subscription price.


15 dollars / euros a month for a few hours of story? When other subscription and even non-subscription models are turning out much deeper dungeons/raids/PVP content in expansions and updates for the same price? Hey if they want to focus on single-player story, it's their business, but then stop masquerading as an MMO on par with WoW or GW2 or whatever and drop the subscriptions. Charging a monthly fee for a very, VERY shallow RPG is sick.


Let's turn this into a question:


BW, what is supposed to motivate me to continue subscribing?

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Yeah, one generic story line doesn't sound appealing to me. The thing that gave the original content a real Star Wars feel was that your Bounty Hunter got to do Bounty Hunter stuff, and your smuggler got to do smuggler stuff, etc.


Nothing I've heard about any of the post launch content, from Makeb onwards, has made me particularly interested in playing it.


Once I finish the vanilla content with my first eight characters, my priority will be to...finish the vanilla content with my next eight. But I do hope the game does well, so it's around long enough for me to do that.

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Oh look! And the thread turns into the typical cynical, pessimistic doom and gloom that persists on these forums for some reason.


Can people ever look on the bright side? Like I have said before. I'm sick of it and I'll call it out. Stop doing it. Teach yourself to be positive. Cmon people.

so people need to change their opinions because....you want them to?
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