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Stats and Rotation for Corruption Sorcerer


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I play a Level 60 Sage Healer and the main stats are Willpower/Endurance. Do not mix match your gear that is not aligned with your attributes like Strength, Aim, etc. Unless you have no money, gear should be blue items or better. All slots should be filled. Gear can be augmented for the extra boost. Use Anodyne Stims to buff your two main attributes (best on market, last 7 hours and persist after death). Then work on the spell rotation to get those procs to light up (instant spell cast).
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Stack as much power as you can, you don't really need crit since having resolve augment (willpower) is gonna push you around 23% in optimized resurrected. Alacrity should be ~8-9%, surge ~67-70%. As for rotation, a healer has not really a rotation. His job is triage. You need to know what ability procs what indeed, but you don't have a set of abilities you'll use in a row every time. I'll suggest go to Dulfy to learn a bit more on the class.
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Well about dulfy i dont i just dont trust the dulfy guide


You should. You'll note that Dulfy didn't actually write any of the class guides, if that's what you're worried about. I certainly have my disagreements with Oderken, but I would trust all three of his healer guides.

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Well i trusted you combat guide 2.10 and so. But the healer guide is kinda difficult to read i dont understand the healer excel


I think this (the difficulty of reading) is stemming from the fact that healing is a highly situational and inherently difficult discipline to explain in any meaningful way. I think Oderken does a really good job here, but certainly it's not going to be an intuitive approach for everyone. If the guide isn't clear, that doesn't mean you're thinking about healing wrong! It just means you're thinking about it differently, which is completely valid.


What I would advise is using the stat budgets suggested by the guide, or using this excellent thread. That should be pretty unambiguous. When it comes to how to play the class, I would look at Oderken's writing to give you an idea of some things that work, some things that don't work, and some tradeoffs which do or don't make mathematical sense, but beyond that there's no substitute for experience.


So in short, it's a good guide, but it's best when it comes to the objective stats calculations.

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