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Unrepentant Republic Guild. Make the jump to sexytime!


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No cantina will ever be as much fun (and possibly as drunken) as we are--not even if they play the same catchy tune non-stop. You will never find a more fetching hive of fun and silliness. Never tell us the odds, and yes, we DID in fact come in that thing. We're always able to pull out in time, no matter our speed.

We are Unrepentant Gaming, a sizable group of like-minded adults who tend to enjoy an after-work beverage and a before-bed force quake. We're a laid back, socially-driven, casual guild spanning multiple MMOGs and smaller online multiplayer games. Our focus is freedom--play the games you want to play, when you want to play them, how you want to play them. Play time quotas, mandatory events, and other game-related requirements you might find in some other guilds will never exist within our group. As long as you're not depriving others of their fun and you're not cheating, exploiting, or abusing game mechanics, we're all good.


We're not a guild but rather a community, meaning the people we game with are more important to us than anything that only exists in bits and bytes whether it's force sensitive or not. Once you're a member you're a member forever, allowing you to join us in our in-game guilds in every other game we play now or will ever play (and there are a lot of them). As a result we're a bit choosy in who we admit. We only want members we'd enjoy playing with.


We currently do ranked and/or unranked and/or low-level PVP on Friday evenings with the faction and bracket decided only at that point to get players together as most of us have characters across the spectrum. There's no specific start time but it typically begins as people filter in from work, around 6:00 PM Eastern (3:00 PM Pacific). Our Republic guild is more active and we run operations Sunday afternoon at roughly 4:30 PM Eastern (1:30 PM Pacific) and Wednesday evening at 9:30 PM Eastern (6:30 PM Pacific).


So if you're still reading and you're 18 or older, chances are this IS the community you're looking for. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid.



Edited by Honeybunny
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Friday night PvP is a blast. We hop on lowbies so everyone can be included and we just run warzones together while joking in Mumble. Win or lose, it is always just a hoot to run around together. And when we have 2 groups get matched against each other, the hilarity is increased.
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Yesterday we did Dread Palace and Dread Fortress, did a Hard Mode Flashpoint, and played in unranked PVP and Galactic Star Fighter (though we PVP and GSF every day).


All roles are welcome. We have enough people with geared alternates that everyone can play whatever they want. :D

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Friday Night PVP was tons of fun as always! We had 3 groups of people queuing up at the same time. We played from around 6 PM EST all the way to 3 AM EST - drinking and having a blast in mumble. We came, we saw - I don't remember if we conquered or not.. who cares? :D
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Friday Night PVP tonight was EPIC! We killed a few commanders and SAVED our commander from an enemy sith attack, destroying the enemy guild in world PVP. They came back with much greater numbers, so that didn't go as well, but it was fun! Then we played lowbie warzones for the rest of the night! :D
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